Appendices of the Final Screening Assessment Petroleum Sector Stream Approach (2024)

Acute health effects 64741-87-3 LC50 (inhalation; rat) greater than5000 mg/m3 for a 4-hour exposure (ATDAEI 1990; CONCAWE 1992). Acute health effects 8008-20-6 (straight-run kerosene) LC50 (inhalation; rat) greater than5000 mg/m3. No deaths occurred when rats were exposed for 4hours to test substance vapours (Vernot et al. 1990). Acute health effects 64742-80-1 (hydrodesulfurized kerosene) LC50 (inhalation; rat) greater than5200 mg/L (5.2 mg/L). Rats exposed to sample 81-07 (hydrodesulfurized kerosene) for 4 hours (API 1983). Acute health effects JP-8

LOAEC (inhalation; mouse) = 50 mg/m3. Male mice (C57BL/6 and B6.A.D.; 12/strain/concentration group) were nose-only exposed to 0, 5, 12, 28, 50 and 113 mg/m3 JP-8 aerosols/vapours (generated using a nebulizer) for 1 hour. At 24–30 hours post-exposure, measurements of respiratory function, permeability and cellular injury were taken. Significantly increased respiratory permeability, concentration-dependent alveolar macrophage hyperplasia and infiltration, and significant mild to moderate microscopic and ultrastructural injury to the terminal bronchioles were noted at 50 mg/m3. The authors hypothesize that these are reversible effects (Robledo and Whitten 1998).

Female C57Bl/6 mice were nose-only exposed to 1000 mg/m3 JP-8 aerosols for 1 hour. An immediate loss of immune function, accompanied by significant loss of viable immune cells and significant decreases in immune organ weights, were observed (Harris et al. 2002).

Acute health effects 64741-87-3 LD50 (dermal; rabbit) greater than2000 mg/kg-bw (API 1986a; ATDAEI 1990). Acute health effects 8008-20-6 (straight-run kerosene) LD50 (dermal; rabbit) greater than2000 mg/kg-bw. Undiluted test substance API 83-09 was applied occluded to abraded (1 rabbit/sex) and intact (1 rabbit/sex) skin for 24 hours. No deaths occurred, but hypoactivity and diarrhea were noted. Dermal irritation ranged from slight to marked (API 1985b). Acute health effects Jet-A LD50 (dermal; species not stated) greater than4000mg/kg-bw (API 1980a). Acute health effects 64741-87-3 LD50 (oral; rat) greater than5000 mg/kg-bw. Effects noted included GI tract hyper-motility and diarrhea (API 1986a; ATDAEI 1990). Acute health effects Straight-run kerosene LD50 (oral; rat) greater than5000 mg/kg-bw. Sample API 83-09 was administered to 5 male and 5female SD rats as a single dose of 5 g/kg-bw via oral gavage. No deaths occurred, but hypoactivity, ataxia, prostration, lacrymation and hair loss were noted (API 1985b). Acute health effects Jet-A LD50 (oral; rat) greater than20 000 mg/kg-bw (API 1980a). Acute health effects JP-5 LD50 (oral; rat) greater than60 mL/kg-bw (45 g/kg-bw)Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [b]. Male SD rats administered 24 mlLkg-bw (18g/kg-bw) exhibited moderately impaired renal and hepatic function in addition to fatty changes, and 1 mL/kg-bw (0.75 g/kg-bw) caused slight behavioural disturbances (Parker et al. 1981). Short-term repeated-exposure health effects 64741-87-3 NOEL (dermal; rat) = 678 mg/kg-bw. 0, 50, 250 or 1000 µL/kg (0, 34, 170 or 678 mg/kg-bw) of undiluted test substance was applied to the clipped back skin of male and female SD rats (10/sex/group) and occluded for 6 hours/day, 5days/week, for 4 weeks. Histologically confirmed, dose-dependent, slight to moderate skin irritation occurred. No changes in body or organ weights, hematology or clinical chemistry parameters were observed (UBTL 1994). Short-term repeated-exposure health effects 8008-20-6 (straight-run kerosene) LOAEL (dermal; rabbit) = 200 mg/kg-bw/day based on significantly increased absolute and relative spleen weights in females, decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit and significantly decreased red blood cells in males, and thinness, lethargy, wheezing and nasal and anal discharge in both sexes. Undiluted test substance API 83-09 was applied to the shorn dorsal skin at 200, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg-bw, 3 times/week, for 28 days. In the higher-dose groups, both sexes had increased relative heart weights, and one male and one female died in the highest-dose group. Also noted at the highest dose were proliferative inflammatory changes in the skin at the application site, as well as bone marrow granulopoiesis in animals of both sexes. Increases in adrenal weights and testicular tubular hypoplasia in high-dose males were considered to be due to stress and changes to the skin or body weight, respectively (API 1985a). Short-term repeated-exposure health effects Jet-A

A 28-day unoccluded dermal study was conducted in female SD rats (10/dose). Groups were exposed to 0, 165, 330 or 495mg/kg-bw/day of Jet A in mineral oil (positive control groups received cyclophosphamide and anti-asialo GM1). No immunotoxicity was identified in the test substance groups that included screening for spleen and thymus weights, IgM antibody-forming cell response to T-dependent antigen, splenic lymphocyte subpopulations and cell proliferative response to anti-CD3 antibody, natural killer cell activity and immune response to sheep red blood cells (Mann et al. 2008).

A 14-day dermal study was conducted using rabbits. Test substance was applied 5times/week at 6400 mg/kg-bw/day. Depression, weight loss and severe skin damage at the application site was noted. Considered secondary to the skin damage was liver necrosis and kidney and bladder hyperplasia (API 1985a, 1985c).

Short-term repeated-exposure health effects JP-8 LOAEL (dermal; mouse) = 1140 mg/kg-bwFootnote Appendix G Table G1 [e],Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [h]. Female C3H/HeNCr mice (3–5/group) were exposed via the dorsal skin to 50 µL (40 mg) JP-8 once/day for 1–5 days (a parallel study also exposed groups to 25, 100, 200 and 300µL for 5 days). Dose-dependent suppression of the immune system, as indicated by the impaired induction of contact hypersensitivity (p less than 0.05 at 4 and 5 days of exposure) and suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity (p less than 0.05) (examined at day 5) to a bacterial antigen was observed (Ullrich 1999). Short-term repeated-exposure health effects JP-8

LOAEC (inhalation; mouse) = 45 mg/m3. Male C57BL/6 mice (12/exposure level; 6/control group) were nose-only exposed to JP-8 aerosols (5–15% of total) and vapours (85-95% of total) at an average concentration of 45, 267 and 406 mg/m3 for 1 hour/day for 7days (daily exposures were within 10% of the listed averages). At all concentrations, generalized sloughing of the bronchiolar epithelium was seen, and various cellular changes were observed in alveolar type II epithelial cells, including increased number and size of surfactant-producing lamellar bodies; however, at the lower concentrations, lung function was not affected. At the highest concentration, a statistically significant 20% decrease in inspiratory dynamic lung compliance was observed (Herrin et al 2006).

Groups of male B6.A.D. mice (12/concentration level) were nose-only exposed to JP-8 aerosols (5–15% of total) and vapours (85–95% of total) (generated with a nebulizer) at average concentrations of 0, 7, 12, 26, 48 and 118 mg/m3 for 1 hour/day for 7days. Mice exposed to 48 mg/m3 exhibited increased respiratory permeability (as measured by the pulmonary clearance of intratracheally instilled 99mTc-labelled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), increased total protein in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and concentration-dependent morphological lung and alveolar injury (Robledo et al. 2000).

Male and female mice (C57BL/6 and B6.A.D.; 3–21/group) were nose-only exposed to 0, 100, 250, 500, 1000 and 2500 mg/m3 JP-8 vapours/aerosols (generated using a nebulizer) for 1 hour/day for 7 days. A concentration-dependent, significant loss of total viable cells from the thymus was seen for the group(s) exposed to 100 mg/m3. A statistically significant (p less than 0.05) suppressive effect on splenic immune cell proliferation was also seen at this concentration. A statistically significant, concentration-dependent decrease in spleen and thymus weights was noted at the three highest concentrations. The authors reported that male and female mice were equally affected by exposure to JP-8, but they did not provide gender- or strain-specific data (Harris et al. 1997).

Female C57B1/6 mice were exposed by nose-only inhalation to 0 or 1000 mg/m3 aerosolized JP-8 for 1 hour/day for 7 days. A significant change in thymus cell subpopulations was reported in the exposed mice, as was a suppression of splenic cell immune function (Harris et al. 2000).

C57Bl/6 mice exhibited significant immunosuppression after exposure to 1000mg/m3 JP-8 for 1 hour/day for 1 (Harris et al. 2002) to 7 days (Harris et al. 2008), and during gestation (Harris et al. 2007a). JP-8 exposure was shown to reduce the immune response to influenza viral infection, including decreased immune cell viability, and resulted in a greater than four-fold decrease in immune cell proliferative responses to mitogens and a loss of T cells from the lymph nodes (Harris et al. 2008). Immunotoxicity of JP-8 has been implicated as a mechanism for increasing the incidence and metastatsis of lung tumours, and decreased survival, in a melanoma B16 mouse tumour model (Harris et al. 2007b).

Increase in cytokine levels and decrease in immune function in female C57BL/6 mice due to inhalation of 1000 mg/m3aerosolized JP-8 for 1 hour/day for 7 days (significant increase in IL-10, increase in PGE2 levels). A partial recovery of immune function returned after a Cox-2 inhibitor was administered. The increased PGE2 levels were considered by the authors to not be the sole cause of loss of immune function due to JP-8 exposure (Harris et al. 2007c).

There was a significant increase in inspiratory and expiratory lung resistance compared to controls in male C57BL/6 mice exposed via nose-only inhalation to vapour/aerosol at 0 and 53 mg/m3 JP-8 daily for 1 hour for 7 days. In addition, cell injury was noted in the Clara cells of the terminal bronchioles, and changes to type II epithelial cells were reported (Wong et al. 2008).

There was a significant difference compared with controls in the inflammatory response of young (3.5 month old) and adult (12 month old) male C57BL/6 mice from inhalation of 1000 mg/m3aerosolized JP-8 daily for 1 hour for 7 days. Broncho alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cell differential, tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), 8-isoPGF2 levels were different between young and adult mice, where increased lung compliance, respiratory permeability, MIP-2 levels, as well as decreased PGE2levels were reported similarities (Wang et al. 2001).

There was a significant increase in pulmonary vascular permeability, BALF SP levels in female C57BL/6 mice exposed via inhalation to 1023 mg/m3 aerosolized JP-8 for 1 hour for 7 days, compared to controls. Dilation of respiratory bronchioles and alveoli were also observed (Wong et al. 2004).

Male Long-Evans Rats were exposed via inhalation (nose-only) to 0, 500, 1000 or 2000mg/m3 aerosolized JP-8 for 4 hours/day for 5 days. Following exposure, groups were exposed to 1 hour of noise, or to no noise. No ototoxicity was noted in rats exposed to JP-8 without subsequent noise (Fechter et al. 2010).

Male Long-Evans rats were exposed through inhalation (nose-only) to 1000 mg/m3 aerosolized JP-8 for 4 hours/day for 1 or 5days. In addition, noise or no noise followed JP-8 treatment. No ototoxicity was noted after a single JP-8 exposure. Repeated exposure was reported to have an effect on outer hair cell function (decrease in distortion product otoacoustic emissions [DPOAE] amplitude); however, some recovery was noted 4 weeks after exposure. A significant decrease in liver glutathione levels was reported immediately after, and 1 hour following, exposure (Fechter et al. 2007).

Male F344 rats were exposed via inhalation (nose-only) to control or the mean aerosolized JP-8 level of 1236.8 mg/m3 for 1 hour/day, 5days/week for 28 days. Exposed mice were reported to have significant differences in spontaneous activity and central nervous system (CNS) excitability compared to controls, as well as more locomotive behaviour and faster swim speeds when conducting the functional observational battery (FOB) (Baldwin et al. 2001).

Male SD rats were exposed via whole-body inhalation to 0, 500 or 1000 mg/m3 JP-8 vapour for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for 6weeks. At the low concentration, treated rats exceeded control animals when learning and performing complex tasks. At the high-concentration level, deficits in learning and performance at moderate or difficult tasks were reported. Treated rats were also noted to have significantly higher neurotransmitter levels compared to control animals (Ritchie et al. 2001b).

SD rats were exposed to 1100 mg/m3 test substance vapours for 30days. Significant polydipsia was noted in the exposed group relative to the control group (Bogo et al 1984).

Short-term repeated-exposure health effects JP-5 / JP-8 SD rats were exposed to 0 or 1000 mg/m3 JP-8 vapour or 1200 mg/m3 JP-5 vapour for 6hours/day, 5 days/week for 6 weeks. Significant changes in neurobehavioural capacity were noted, including significant changes to neurotransmitter levels, and testing results (appetitive reinforcer approach sensitization [ARAS], forelimb grip strength) from the Neurobehavioural Toxicity Assessment Battery (NTAB) (Rossi et al. 2001). Subchronic repeated-exposure health effects Kerosene LOAEC (inhalation; rat) = 58 mg/m3 was identified based on decreased blood glucose in Wistar rats exposed to kerosene vapours for 6 hours/day, 6days/week for 14 weeks. At a higher exposure level (231 mg/m3), increased blood lactate and pyruvate levels, and decreased metabolism of phenacetin, was noted (Starek and Vojtisek 1986). Subchronic repeated-exposure health effects JP-5 Markedly increased hyaline droplets in kidney proximal tubular cells and dilated corticomedullary tubules (that were plugged with necrotic debris) were seen in almost all male Fischer 344 rats exposed to 150 or 750mg/m3 petroleum and shale-derived JP-5 vapours (generated by heating the fuels to 50-57oC) for 24 hours/day for 90 days. Other effects noted included decreased growth rate of male rats, and statistically significant increases in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine levels in high-concentration male and female rats. Animals were followed for 19 months post-exposure; exposure-related effects included concentration-dependent medullary intratubular mineralization, concentration-related focal hyperplasia of the renal pelvis, and increased severity of progressive renal nephropathy (tubule degeneration). The kidney effects may be mediated through a male rat-specific protein, α-2-microglobulin, and therefore the relevance of these effects to humans is questionable (Bruner 1984; Gaworski et al. 1984; MacNaughton and Uddin 1984). Subchronic repeated-exposure health effects JP-8

Male SD rats were whole-body exposed to heated JP-8 vapours at 0, 250, 500 and 1000mg/m3 for 6 hours/day for 91 days. At the lowest concentration, concentration-dependent effects included mild damage to kidney proximal convoluted tubules, a 10% reduction in bone marrow fat cells/globules, and a low level of cell proliferation in the bone marrow. At the two highest concentrations, these effects were enhanced, and histological changes to the liver, bone marrow and heart damage, as well as enlargement of lung capillaries were noted (Hanas et al. 2010).

Male and female Fischer 344 rats (7–15/sex/group) and C57BL/6 mice (100/sex/group) were exposed continuously to 0, 500 or 1000 mg/m3 JP-8 vapour for 90 days. In mice, no effects were observed apart from necrotizing dermatitis due to fighting, which caused increased mortality, especially in males. In male rats, a significant decrease in body weight, increased absolute and relative kidney weight and increased basophilic foci in livers were noted at both concentration levels. In addition, renal effects consistent with chronic progressive nephrosis due to α-2-microglobulin were observed in male rats. This is a mechanism that may not be relevant to humans.

LOAEC: 500 mg/m3 as identified by U.S. EPA (2011) for decreased body weight and increased absolute and relative kidney weight in male rats (Mattie et al. 1991).

Subchronic repeated-exposure health effects JP-8 NOAEL (oral; rat) = 3000 mg/kg-bw/day. Rats were administered test substance daily via oral gavage for 90 days. No deaths or histopathological changes were observed (Mattie et al. 1995). Subchronic repeated-exposure health effects Hydrodesulfurized kerosene (64742-80-1) Dose-dependent skin irritation was seen in male and female SD rats (12/sex/dose) dermally exposed to test substance at 165, 330 or 495 mg/kg-bw/day, 5 days/week for 13weeks. At the highest dose, females had increased absolute and relative spleen weights (U.S. EPA 2011). Reproductive and developmental health effects JP-8 Maternal and developmental effects, including immunotoxicity and decreased birth rate and survival of pups, were observed at 1000mg/m3 in a JP-8 inhalation study in mice. Pregnant C57Bl/6 mice were nose-only exposed to aerosols of JP-8 at 1000 mg/m3 for 1 hour/day, from gestational days (GD) 7 to birth or from GD 15 to birth. Maternal effects were noted in both groups, and included decreased thymus weights and viable immune cells, and depressed immune function, as measured at 6–8 weeks post-exposure. Developmental effects included decreased births and viability of male offspring. All newborn pups exhibited decreased immune organ weights, decreased viable immune cell numbers and reduced immune function, with male pups being affected to a greater extent (Harris et al. 2007a). Reproductive and developmental health effects Kerosene NOAEC (inhalation; rat) = 400 ppm (2780mg/m3).Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [c]Groups of 20 SD rat dams were exposed to 100 or 400 ppm (695 and 2780 mg/m3) test substance vapour for 6hours/day on gestation days 6–15. No reproductive or developmental toxicities were noted (API 1979a). Reproductive and developmental health effects Jet-A

NOAEC (inhalation; rat) = 400 ppm (2945mg/m3).Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [d]Charles River CD rat dams were exposed to 100 and 400 ppm (736 and 2945 mg/m3) Jet-A for 6 hours/day on days 6-15 of gestation. No embryotoxic, fetotoxic or teratogenic effects were observed (Beliles and Mecler 1982).

NOAEC (inhalation; rat) = 400 ppm (2945mg/m3).[d] Groups of 20 SD rat dams were exposed to 100 or 400 ppm (736 and 2945 mg/m3) of test substance vapour for 6hours/day on gestation days 6–15. There was a slight increase in fetuses with retarded bone ossification in the high-concentration group, but these effects were not considered by the authors to be adverse. No other effects were noted (API 1979b).

In a different study (dominant lethal assay), exposure of male mice to Jet-A vapours at 100 or 400 ppm (736 and 2945 mg/m3)[d] for 6hours/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks did not affect female reproductive parameters after mating, such as fertility index, number of implants and proportion of dead implantations (API 1980b).

Chronic health effects (non-carcinogenicity studies) 64741-87-3 NOEL (dermal; mouse) = 970 mg/kg-bw. Male C3H mice (group of 47) were exposed to 50 μL (970 mg/kg-bw) [e],Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [f],Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [g] of undiluted test substance (sample API 81-08) twice/week for life. Body weights and clinical signs were normal. At the application site, mild to moderate desquamation with slight irritation and scabbing was noted (API 1989a). Chronic health effects (non-carcinogenicity studies) JP-5 navy fuel* / Kerosene

LOAEL (dermal; mouse): 250 mg/kg-bw/day. Male and female B6C3F1 mice (50/group) were exposed to JP-5 navy fuel* at 0, 250 or 500 mg/kg-bw/day in 0.1 mL acetone for 5days/week for 103 weeks (90 weeks for high-dose females). A marked increase in the incidence of dermal ulceration, inflammation and epithelial hyperplasia were observed. High-dose males and females exhibited multiple organ amyloidosis, and high-dose females had approximately 50% decreased survival to 90 weeks relative to low-dose females at 105 weeks (17/50 vs. 33/50, respectively) (NTP 1986).

*also referred to as CAS RN 8008-20-6 (kerosene) in the study

Chronic health effects (non-carcinogenicity studies) Straight-run kerosene (8008-20-6) 50 µL (1170 mg/kg-bw)[e],Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [i],Footnote Appendix G Table G1 [j] of undiluted test substance (straight-run kerosene; sample API 83-09) was applied twice weekly to mice for periods ranging from 3–24 months. Some animals showed skin ulceration and one squamous cell carcinoma was found at 12months. Also, chronic skin irritation, and increases in absolute and relative kidney, liver and lung weights, were reported (API 1986c). Chronic health effects (non-carcinogenicity studies) JP-5 and JP-8 LOAEL (dermal; mouse) = 50 µL (1070 mg/kg-bw)[b],[e]. C3Hf/Bdf mice developed renal lesions after exposure to test substances applied to clipped back skin thrice weekly for 60 weeks. Nephron atrophy and degeneration, and papillary necrosis, were also observed (Easley et al. 1982). Carcinogenicity 64741-87-3

Skin painting studies:

Undiluted test substance (API 81-08; 50 µL [970 mg/kg-bw])[e],[f],[g]was applied to the shaved intrascapular skin of male C3H/HeJ mice (group of 50) twice/week for life. A non statistically significant increase in the incidence of squamous cell papillomas (4%) and carcinomas (2%) was noted (3/50 mice in the test substance group developed tumours). The toluene-only-exposed group had 4 mice with tumours with a squamous cell carcinoma incidence of 6% and fibrosarcoma incidence of 2%, and all mice (49/49) in the positive control group (0.05% w/v benzo[a]pyrene in toluene) developed tumours. Mean latency to tumour formation was 113 weeks in the test group, 111 weeks in the toluene-exposed group and 49 weeks in the positive control group (Skisak et al. 1994).

Undiluted test substance (API 81-08; 50 µL [970 mg/kg-bw]) [e],[f],[g]was applied over at least 1cm2 to the clipped intrascapular region of the backs of male C3H/HeJ mice (50/group) twice per week for life. After 31 months, 4 mice in the test group each had a benign tumour, while the negative control mice had no tumours, and 33 mice in the positive control group had tumours (14 benign and 19malignant). Mean latency to tumour formation was 112 weeks for the test group and 84.5 weeks for the positive control group (API 1986b, 1986d).

C3H male mice (a group of 47) were exposed twice weekly for 139 weeks to 50 µL (970mg/kg-bw) [e],[f],[g]test substance API 81-08. Benign skin tumours developed in 4% of test group mice (0% incidence in both the negative and solvent control groups). Malignant skin tumours developed in 2% of test group mice (0% and 8% for the control groups as above, respectively). Regarding benign and malignant tumours at other sites, 2% of mice in the test substance group had benign tumours (0% and 2% for control groups, respectively) and 4% had malignant tumours (2% and 0% for control groups, respectively). Using a Chi square test, it was determined that the test substance did not cause a statistically significant increase in tumours above that seen in the negative and solvent control groups (API 1989a).

Initiation study:

Male CD-1 mice (30/group) were exposed to 50 µL (970 mg/kg-bw/day)[e],[f],[g]of undiluted test substance for 5 consecutive days. After a 2-week rest period, 50 µL of the tumour promoter phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) was administered twice/week for 25weeks. Both substances were applied to shaved dorsal intrascapular skin. There was no increased incidence of tumour formation in the test group (3/29 mice in the test group developed tumours (squamous cell papillomas) compared with 3/30 mice in the negative control group and 30/30 in the positive control group). Mean latency to tumour formation was 20 weeks (Skisak et al. 1994).

Promotion study:

Male CD-1 mice (30/group) were exposed once to 50 µL of tumour initiator 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). After 2weeks, 50 µL (970 mg/kg-bw per day)[e],[f],[g]of undiluted test substance was applied twice/week for 25 weeks. Both DMBA and test substance were applied to shaved dorsal intrascapular skin. No tumours formed in the test and negative control groups, whereas 30/30 mice in the positive control group developed tumours (Skisak et al. 1994).

Carcinogenicity Straight-run kerosene (8008-20-6)

Skin painting studies:

Male C3H/HeJ mice (50/group) were exposed to 50 mg test substance (1430 mg/kg-bw)[e],[h]twice weekly for 80 weeks or until a papilloma larger than 1 mm3 appeared. Test substance was applied to the shaved interscapular region. In 2 test substance groups, 9 of 30 and 4 of 27 mice developed tumours with average latency periods of 70 and 62 weeks, respectively. The negative control groups consisted of shaved-only (four groups) or toluene-treated (7 groups) and, combined, 0 and 3 mice developed tumours within these groups, respectively (Blackburn et al. 1986).

Male C3H/HeJ mice (50/group) were exposed to 100% test substance (1170 mg-kg/bw)[e],[i],[j]MD-3 twice/week, or 50% (580 mg-kg/bw) 4times/week, or 28.5% (330 mg-kg/bw) 7times/week (in 50 mL) for 104 weeks. A negative control group received 35 mL mineral oil 7 times/week. Substances were applied to the shorn dorsal skin. Skin tumours did not form in the groups receiving 0%, 28.5% or 50% test substance. However, 12 of 50 mice developed skin tumours (squamous cell carcinomas, papillomas, fibrosarcomas) in the group exposed to 100% test substance. Dermal irritation was highest in this group and was suspected of playing a role in tumour development (CONCAWE 1991).

Exposure of 50 mice twice weekly for life (greater than2years) to 50 mL test substance (1170mg-kg/bw)[e],[i],[j]API 83-09 resulted in 1benign and 19 malignant skin tumours. Mean latency to tumour development was 76weeks (API 1989b).

Carcinogenicity JP-5

Skin painting study:

Male and female B6C3F1 mice (50/group) were exposed to JP-5 navy fuel at 0, 250 or 500 mg/kg-bw per day in 0.1 mL acetone for 5days/week for 103 weeks (90 weeks for high-dose females). Skin neoplasms at the application site did not occur, but inguinal carcinomas were observed in 1 high-dose male and female, and in 1 low-dose male. Additionally, the incidence of malignant lymphomas was increased in low-dose females (control: 7/48; low dose: 19/49; high dose: 5/47). High-dose females exhibited approximately 50% decreased survival to 90weeks relative to low-dose females at 105weeks (17/50 vs. 33/50, respectively), as well as severe skin ulcerations that necessitated sacrifice of the remaining 17high-dose females 15 weeks earlier than the other groups. The significantly decreased survival rate and early sacrifice likely precluded the determination of the actual number of high-dose females with malignant lymphomas. However, the high number seen in the low-dose group (19/49) was within range for historical untreated control mice from the same laboratory (NTP 1986).

Carcinogenicity Jet-A

Skin painting study:

Male and female C3H/HeN mice (25/sex/group) were exposed to 25 mg test substance (710 mg/kg-bw)[e],[h], 3 times/week for 105 weeks. Skin tumours (squamous cell carcinomas and fibrosarcomas) formed in 11 of 43 mice after exposure to petroleum-derived Jet-A, with a mean latency to tumour development of 79 weeks (Clark et al. 1988).

In another study, the role of dermal irritation in skin tumourigenicity was investigated. One group of mice received test substance thrice weekly, whereas another group received test substance intermittently, and only when signs of dermal irritation were diminished. In the former group, 44% of the mice had skin tumours whereas in the latter only 2% had tumours. The authors concluded that chronic skin irritation may play a role in skin tumourigenicity of this substance (Freeman et al. 1993).

Genotoxicity: in vivo 64741-87-3

Chromosomal aberration:

Male and female SD rats (10/sex/group) were whole-body exposed to 0, 65, 300 or 2050ppm (173, 796 or 5442 mg/m3) of test substance (API 81-08) 6 hours/day for 5 days. A positive control group received an intraperitoneal injection of 0.8 mg/kg triethylenemelamine. Tibia bone marrow was harvested 6 hours after the final exposure of the test and negative control groups. No induction of chromosomal aberrations occurred in the test or negative control groups, and no systemic toxicity was observed (API 1986e).

Genotoxicity: in vivo Straight-run kerosene

Chromosomal aberration:

Bone marrow cytogenetic tests in SD rats were negative with four samples of kerosene (API 1977, 1979c, 1984, 1985c). One study administered test substance API 83-09 via intraperitoneal injection at 300, 1000 and 3000mg/kg-bw.

Sister chromatid exchange (SCE):

A positive result was seen in male mice and a negative result in female mice in a sister chromatid exchange assay (API 1988).

Genotoxicity: in vivo Hydrodesulfurized kerosene

Chromosomal aberration:

Hydrodesulfurized kerosene in corn oil was applied intraperitoneally to B6C3F1 mice (5/sex/dose) at levels of 0, 400, 2000 or 4000mg/kg-bw (U.S. EPA 2011). Significant increases in chromosomal aberrations were induced in male mice at all doses.

No structural/chromosomal aberrations were observed after intraperitoneal administration of 0, 0.3, 1 or 3 g/kg hydrodesulfurized kerosene to male and female SD rats (15/sex/dose) (U.S. EPA 2011; API 1984).

Genotoxicity: in vivo JP-8

Micronuclei induction:

There was a significant difference in micronuclei incidence in peripheral blood of female mice 72 hours after dermal exposure to JP-8 (240 mg/mouse or 300 µL) compared to negative controls (Vijayalaxmi et al. 2004).

Female C3H/H3NCR mice were dermally exposed to 50, 100 or 300 µL of undiluted JP-8 for 3 consecutive days. Application weekly for 3 weeks or a single exposure did not increase micronuclei incidence in bone marrow and peripheral blood (Vijayalaxmi et al. 2006).

Genotoxicity: in vivo Jet-A

Chromosomal aberration:

Test substance induced chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow of male and female SD rats exposed via inhalation for 20days to 100 ppm (736 mg/m3)[d] or 5 days to 400 ppm (2945 mg/m3)[d] (API 1979c; Conaway et al. 1984). Nasal irritation, sneezing and respiratory distress were noted in the animals.


Test substance was negative in a dominant lethal assay after administration to male CD-1 mice at 100 and 400 ppm via inhalation for 6hours/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks (API 1973, 1980b).

Micronuclei induction:

There was a significant difference for micronuclei incidence in peripheral blood of female mice 72 hours after dermal exposure to Jet-A (240 mg/mouse or 300 µL) compared to negative controls (Vijayalaxmi et al. 2004).

Female mice were dermally exposed to 50, 100 or 300 µL of undiluted Jet-A for 3 consecutive days. Application weekly for 3weeks or a single exposure did not increase micronuclei incidence in bone marrow and peripheral blood (Vijayalaxmi et al. 2006).

Genotoxicity: in vitro 64741-87-3


L5178Y TK+/- mouse lymphoma cells were exposed to test substance (API 81-08) for 4hours at concentrations of 0.005-0.08 μL/mL without S9 activation and 0.00004-0.8 μL/mL with Aroclor-induced rat liver S9 activation. Five trials were performed to verify the absence of genotoxicity due to a fluctuating range of toxicity and sporadic increases in mutant frequencies (API 1985c).

Genotoxicity: in vitro Straight-run kerosene


Test substance gave negative and positive results at 50 mL/plate in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 using the modified Ames assay, with activation by Aroclor-induced rat liver S9. In other trials, mutagenicity indices of 0 and 2.9 were assigned, and no 3–7 ring PAHs were measured in the sample (API 1977, 1978, 1979; Blackburn et al. 1986; CONCAWE 1991).

Mouse lymphoma:

In a mouse lymphoma assay conducted according to good laboratory practices, kerosene was positive without metabolic activation and equivocal with activation (API 1985d as cited in API 2003a). In another study, kerosene produced negative results (API 1977).

Genotoxicity: in vitro Hydrodesulfurized kerosene

Mouse lymphoma:

No increase in mutation frequency with or without activation in mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells. Cells were exposed to 0, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 37.5 nL/mL hydrodesulfurized kerosene (API sample 81-07) in ethanol for 4 hours with or without metabolic activation (U.S. EPA 2011; API 1984).

Sister chromatid exchange:

No increased incidence of sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells with and without activation. Cells were exposed to 0.007–0.05 µL/mL hydrodesulfurized kerosene (sample API 81-07) in acetone (U.S. EPA 2011; API 1988).

Genotoxicity: in vitro JP-8

DNA damage:

Increase in strand breaks and DNA lesions with increasing concentration of JP-8 (3-20µg/mL) in rat hepatoma (H4IIE) cells compared to ethanol controls, where the cell strain is noted to be metabolically active (Grant et al. 2001).

There was a significant difference for 1:300 to 1:75 JP-8 dilutions compared to control for mean tail moment and mean percent DNA when JP-8 (dilutions from 1:500 to 1:75) was added to peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes from whole peripheral blood of human volunteers (Jackman et al. 2002).

Genotoxicity: in vitro JP-8+100

DNA damage:

Significant difference for 1:500 to 1:75 JP-8+100 dilutions compared to control for mean tail moment and mean percent DNA when JP-8+100 (dilutions from 1:500 to 1:75) was added to peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes from whole peripheral blood of human volunteers (Jackman et al. 2002).

Genotoxicity: in vitro JP-5


Test substance was not mutagenic in the Ames assay at 0.1–10 mg per plate with or without Aroclor 1254-induced rat or hamster liver S9. Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA1535 were used (NTP 1986).

Test substance was negative in the mouse lymphoma assay at 10 mg/plate, with and without activation. L5178 TK+/- cells were used (NTP 1986).

DNA damage:

There was a significant difference for 1:300 to 1:75 JP-5 dilutions compared to control for mean tail moment and mean percent DNA when JP-5 (dilutions from 1:500 to 1:75) was added to peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes from whole peripheral blood of human volunteers (Jackman et al. 2002).

Genotoxicity: in vitro Jet-A


Test substance was positive for mutagenicity in a mouse lymphoma assay with activation by mouse or rat liver S9. L5178 TK+/- cells were used (Conaway et al. 1984). Substance was negative without activation.

Human studies Case-control study A study examining 20 different cancer sites among 3726 affected men was conducted to determine potential excess risk of a particular cancer due to occupational exposure to petroleum-derived liquids. Men with substantial exposure to aviation gasoline or jet fuel (kerosene-type and wide-cut) had an excess risk for kidney cancer (adjusted odds ratios [OR] = 3.9 and 3.4; 90% confidence intervals [CIs] = 1.7–8.8 and 1.5–7.6, respectively). Controls were composed of men with non-kidney cancers (Siemiatycki et al. 1987). Human studies Cross-sectional study A study of 63 female United States Air Force employees found that individuals with high breath concentrations of JP-8 aliphatic hydrocarbons (mean = 280 ppb for hexane to undecane) exhibited significantly (p = 0.007) reduced urinary luteinizing hormone. Additionally, a trend to decreased urinary luteinizing hormone (p = 0.1) and decreased urinary midluteal pregnanediol 3-glucuronide (Pd3G) (p = 0.08) was noted in the group with high breath concentrations of BTEX (mean = 74 ppb) (Reutman et al. 2002). Human studies Cross-sectional study A higher prevalence of psychiatric symptoms, poorer performance in some psychological tests and reduced sensorimotor speed were reported among 30 workers exposed to jet fuel vapour (average 300 mg/m3, mean employment: 17 years) compared to a group of 30 or 60 unexposed controls (Knave et al. 1978, 1979). Human studies Cohort study A cohort of 2182 men in the Swedish armed forces exposed to aviation kerosene, jet fuel, isopropyl nitrate (a starter fuel) and aviation gasoline (for piston engines) was followed for 9–10 years. Exposure levels in some workplaces exceeded 350 mg/m3. There was significantly lower mortality for air force personnel (due to low cardiovascular deaths) compared to national rates, and 25 malignant neoplasms compared to 29 expected (Selden and Ahlborg 1987). Human studies Case study During a flight, two military pilots were exposed to JP-5 vapours in the co*ckpit. The pilots experienced nausea, fatigue, burning eyes, impaired hand-eye coordination, euphoria and memory defects (Porter 1990). Human studies Cross-sectional study U.S. military personnel were evaluated for medical and neurobehavioural effects from JP-8 exposures after at least 4 months in “high-exposure” occupations (fuel tank maintenance and cleaning) and were compared to non-exposed controls. Significantly impaired associated hearing was found among exposed workers (Ritchie et al. 2001a). Human studies Cross-sectional study Eight jet mechanics chronically exposed (mean = 25 years) to jet fuel were examined for effects on audiological and vestibulo-oculomotor function. The findings suggest that chronic exposure to jet fuel may result in subtle deficits in the higher-level inhibition (cerebellar, cortical, etc.) of brainstem functions (Odkvist et al. 1987). Human studies Cross-sectional study A blinded, occupational JP-8 inhalation exposure study was conducted on National Guard personnel. Exposures at less than 50mg/m3 resulted in immune system effects, including increased plasma prostaglandin E2 levels, immediately increased neutrophils and eosinophils, and decreased total leukocytes in the peripheral blood (Harris 2011).
Appendices of the Final Screening Assessment Petroleum Sector Stream Approach (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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