Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2014-10-04 (2024)

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On Top Of The News Email:[emailprotected] website: www.arubatoday.com Tel:+297 582-7800 Saturday, October 4, 2014
Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell, joined by Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, right, and Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development Raj Shah, left, speaks in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room in White House in Washington, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014, about the U.S. Government’s response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
White House Urges Calm Over US Ebola Case
Obama administration urged calm over the single case of Ebola in the United States, seeking to reassure the American public that there was little chance of an outbreak of the disease in this country. At the same
time, the military said it had begun the long-awaited aid to disease-ravaged Liberia, with medical testing at two new labs and construction of treatment centers.
The administration has long contended that the best way to contain Ebola is to attack it at its source. The Pentagon's spokesman
said Friday that up to 4,000 troops could be deployed to West Africa, a number that has been slowly climbing as military leaders arrive and assess the need.
But in the U.S., “we need to get the information out because there is a lot of fear," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious diseases chief at the National Institutes of
“Our health care infrastructure in the United States is well-equipped to stop Ebola in its tracks.”
The unusual high-level briefing at the White House Friday reflected the administration's urgency in seeking to reassure the public that a wide-spread outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. was un likely.
Fauci was one of five senior administration officials who briefed reporters Friday, including Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell and Lisa Monaco, President Barack Obama's top homeland security advisers.
Continued on page 3
Hong Kong:
Protesters cancel talks after scuffles
JOANNA CHIU LOUISE WATT Associated Press HONG KONG (AP) — Prodemocracy protesters called off planned talks with the government on political reforms Friday after mobs tried to drive them from the streets where they have held a weeklong, largely peaceful demonstration.
The protesters urged resi dents to join their cause and demanded that the police protect their encampments. The Hong Kong Federation of Students, one of the groups leading the demonstrations that drew tens of thousands of people earlier this week, said they saw no choice but to cancel the dialogue. “The government is demanding the streets be cleared. We call upon all Hong Kong people to immediately come to protect our positions and fight to the end,” the group said in a statement.
They demanded the government hold someone responsible for the scuffles Friday, the worst disturbances since police used tear gas and pepper spray on protesters last weekend to try
to disperse them.
Hundreds of people remained in the streets early Saturday in Mong Kok, one of Hong Kong's busiest shopping areas, after the clashes.
“Of course I’m scared, but we have to stay and support everyone,” said Michael Yipu, 28, who works in a bank.
Well after midnight, the crowds stood peacefully.
occasionally chanting and shouting, while police looked on.
The standoff is the biggest challenge to Beijing’s authority since it took over the former British colony in 1997. Earlier Friday, the students had agreed to talks with the government proposed by Hong Kong's leader. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. But his attempt to defuse tensions fell flat as many protesters were unhappy with his refusal to yield their demands for his resignation.
The cancellation of the talks — prompted by clashes with men who tried to tear down the makeshift barricades and tents set up by the demonstrators — left the next steps in the crisis uncertain.
It was unclear if those scuffles were spontaneous or had been organized, although some of the attackers wore blue ribbons signaling support for the mainland Chinese government, while the protesters have yellow ribbons. At least some of them were residents fed up with the inconvenience of blocked streets and closed shops, and were perhaps encour aged to take matters into their own hands by police calls for protesters to clear the streets.
“It's not about whether I support their cause or not. It's about whether what they are doing is legal or not,” said Donald Chan, 45. “It is illegal. It has brought chaos to the city.”
The police appeared hardpressed to keep order, and some people emerged bloodied from the fracas. Occasional heavy rain did not noticeably thin the crowds Friday.
But the tide turned after hundreds of people assembled and shouted at police to protect the protesters. Police ended up escorting some of the opponents of the demonstration out of the area. □
Lightning is seen during a rally near government office in Hong Kong Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 in Hong Kong. Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters canceled planned talks with the government on electoral reforms Friday after mobs of people tried to drive them from streets they had occupied in one of the city’s main shopping areas.
(AP Photo/Apple Daily)
Video: Islamic State group beheads a British hostage
CAIRO (AP) — An Internet video released Friday purports to show an Islamic State group fighter beheading British hostage Alan Henning and threatening yet another American captive, the fourth such killing carried out by the extremist group now targeted in U.S.led airstrikes.
The video mirrored other beheading videos shot by the Islamic State group, which now holds territory along the border of Syria and Iraq. It ended with an Islamic State fighter threatening a man they identified as an American named Peter Kassig.
Two U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity out of concerns of not having permission to release the information, confirmed that Peter Kassig is being held by Islamic State militants. The officials declined to elaborate.
“Obama, you have started your aerial bombardment of Shams (Syria), which keeps on striking our people, so it is only right that we continue to strike the neck of your people,” the masked militant in the video said. The Associated Press could not immediately verify the video’s authenticity, though it was released in the same manner as other Islamic State group videos and the masked militant sounded similar to the one who carried out the other slayings.
In a statement, the British Foreign Office said it was working to verify the video.
“If true, this is a further disgusting murder,” the statement read. “We are offering the family every support possible; they ask to be left alone at this time.”
Britain has been supporting U.S. military efforts against the Islamic State group by using British forces to help with logistics and intelligence gathering, as well as recently taking part in airstrikes in Iraq.
This is the fourth such video released by the Islamic State group. The full beheadings are not shown in the videos, but the British-accented, English-speaking militant holds a long knife and appears to begin cutting the three men, American reporter James Foley, American-lsraeli journalist Steven Sotloff and British aid worker David Haines.
Henning, 47, nicknamed “Gadget,” had joined an aid convoy and was taken captive on Dec. 26, shortly after crossing the border between Turkey and Syria. Earlier this week, Henning's wife Barbara Henning asked the militants in a televised plea: “Please release him. We need him back home."
Dozens of Muslim leaders in Britain have urged the Islamic State group to release Henning. His wife had said she had been given hope by “the outcry across the world” over her husband’s imprisonment. Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, a Muslim charity, called Henning “a British hero.”
The Islamic State group has its roots in al-Qaida’s Iraqi affiliate but was expelled from the global terror network over its brutal tactics and refusal to obey orders to confine ifs acfivifies fo Iraq. If metamorphised amid the bloody 3-year civil war in neighboring Syria, growing stronger to the point of being able to launch a lightning offensive across much of northern Iraq, routing security forces there and shooting down an Iraqi helicopter on Friday. The group has become known for filming and releasing footage of mass shootings it conducts, as well as beheading opponents and targeting religious and ethnic minorities in the areas it attacks. □

U.S. NEWS I * 3
White House urges calm over US Ebola case
4 things Chase customers can watch out for
JOSEPH PISANI AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — JPMorgan Chase revealed this week that 76 million households were affected by a cyberattack against the bank this summer.
The nation’s largest bank said there is no evidence that hackers stole account numbers, passwords, birth dates or Social Security numbers. But the hackers were able to get access to customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Here are four things Chase customers need to watch out for:
1. DON’T CLICK ON EMAIL LINKS: After big data breaches, scammers start sending out emails. The emails may mention Chase, or past breaches. Never click on any links. Malware could be downloaded to your computer and steal account passwords and other information, Litan says.
2. WATCH THE MAILBOX TOO: Scammers could also send letters. Some might claim you’ve won a tablet, vacation or other prize and give you a phone number to call. Don’t do it. It’s probably a way to get more personal information from you.
3. HANG UP THE PHONE AND IGNORE TEXTS: Since phone numbers of Chase customers were stolen, be wary of calls asking for account numbers or other information. Crooks are sending texts now too, so don’t click any links from numbers you don't know. “You can’t trust any communications anymore,” Litan says.
CHARGES: Crooks will
charge smaller amounts to your credit card, usually under $10, to see if you notice, then charge a bigger amount later. It’s best to check online statements for suspicious activity once a week.
But if you don't have time for that, scan statements every month. Q
Continued from Front
Monaco said the U.S. was not considering a travel ban to prevent people from the hardest-hit West African countries from coming to the U.S. and
said efforts were instead focused on identify highrisk individuals before they leave the outbreak zone. Dozens and dozens of people have been stopped from getting on flights in the region, she said.
“The most effective way to go about controlling this is
ROB GILLIES Associated Press TORONTO (AP) — Canada plans to launch airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq following a U.S. request and may extend airstrikes into Syria if invifed by President Bashar Assad’s government, the prime minister announced Friday.
Stephen Harper said the motion authorizes air strikes in Iraq for up fo six months and explicitly states that no ground troops be used in combat operations.
“We will strike ISIL where, and only where, Canada
to prevent those individuals from getting on a plane in the first place,” she said. The first person diagnosed with Ebola in the nation went to a Dallas hospital last week but was mistakenly sent home, despite revealing he was visiting
from Liberia, before returning by ambulance days later. Texas officials now are monitoring 50 people, 10 of whom they consider at high risk, who came into the contact with the man. They’ve had to quarantine four of them, and even had problems getting rid of
has the clear support of the government of that country. At present, that is only true in Iraq,” Harper said, referring to the Islamic State by one of its acronyms. “If it were to become the case in Syria, then we would participate in airstrikes in that country also.”
The new combat mission includes up to six CF18 fighter jets, a refueling tanker aircraft, two surveillance planes and one airlift aircraft. About 600 airmen and airwomen will be involved.
Canada is among dozens of countries that have
the infectious waste left in the apartment where the patient stayed.
“There were things that did not go the way they should have in Dallas,” acknowledged Fauci, director of NIH’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Dis eases. “But there were a lot of things that went right and are going right."
The White House said Obama planned to meet with his national security advisers Monday to discuss the Ebola outbreak and the administration's response.
signed up for the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State militant group. Harper said Canada must do its part if it wants to keep its voice in the world. Being a “free rider means you are not taken seriously," he said. Canada has more than two dozen special forces advisers already in Iraq and has plans for up to 69 advisers as part of an effort to advise Kurdish forces against Islamic militants after a request from President Barack Obama. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes tweeted last month that
Back at the Pentagon, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said the military has begun medical testing for Ebola at two new labs in Liberia. Also, service members are starting to build two treatment centers there for victims of the deadly disease, he said, and a hospital for infected medical personnel should be finished by the end of the month.
Kirby said that the service members are not going to treat patients and are not expected to come in contact with anyone who is infected. But he said the military is training the troops about how to avoid getting Ebola, and also setting plans in place to deal with any service member who might get infected.
“We’re going to train them up on what Ebola looks like, feels like, does. While they’re there, they’re going to be constantly monitored on a regular, frequent basis," Kirby said. “There will be a screening process to make sure that once they're no longer there, that we’re able to stay in touch with them, make sure that they haven’t ... felt or experienced any symptoms.”
He added that troops will also have personal protection equipment if needed and will be trained in how to use it. He said he is unaware of any special staffing or other changes at military hospitals in the United States to prepare them for caring for Ebola patients.Q
the U.S. welcomed Harper's announcement that Canada would send military advisers to Iraq as part of the U.S. effort to support Kurdish forces. Canada also earlier contributed two military cargo planes that carried weapons to Kurdish fighters. Although the mission doesn’t need parliamentary approval, the government is submitting it to a vote to show consensus. The motion, expected to be voted on Monday, is expected to pass because Harper's Conservative Party has a majority in Parliament. □
A hazardous materials crew prepares to enter the unit at Ivy Apartments where Thomas Duncan, a Liberian man who fell ill with Ebola, was staying with relatives, in Dallas, Oct. 3, 2014. After much delay, cleanup began at the apartments Friday afternoon as workers scoured the property, taking any item that might harbor the virus. Health officials said Friday that they had identified 10 people who are most at risk of contracting Ebola after coming into contact with Duncan, now in isolation in a nearby hospital.
(Cooper Neill/The New York Times)
Canada plans to launch airstrikes in Iraq

Surge of hiring cuts US jobless rate to 5.9 percent
lois Department of Corrections
Gin leading fnw enfprcr=mgnt agency i'-qmtt Oijpurtuniiv Eiuplmer
Illinois Department of Corrections employment recruiter, Forrest Ashby, left, speaks to students attending The Foot in the Door Career Fair at the University of Illinois in Springfield, III. The Labor Department released employment data for September on Friday, Oct. 3, 2014.
(AP Photo/Seth Perlman)
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C. S. RUGABER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — A
surge in hiring last month helped drive the nation's unemployment rate down to a six-year low of 5.9 percent — within striking distance of what economists consider a healthy level. The encouraging numbers — contained in the last government report on unemployment before the midterm elections — pushed the Dow Jones average up 209 points to 17,010 and could give an important boost at the polls to Democrats and to incumbents in general.
U.S. employers added a robust 248,000 jobs in September and generated 69,000 more jobs in July and August than previously reported, the government said Friday. That helped bring unemployment down from 6.1 percent in August. The jobless rate now stands at the lowest level since July 2008, in the middle of the Great Recession, and is getting close to the roughly 5.5 percent that the Federal Reserve considers consistent with a healthy economy.
In a speech in Princeton, Indiana, President Barack Obama exulted over the numbers, noting that businesses have added jobs for 55 months in a row, the longest such stretch on record. He credited "the drive and determination of the American people,” and added: “It’s also got a little bit to do with some decisions we made pretty early on in my administration.” Nevertheless, other gauges of the job market still bear scars from the recession. Wages aren’t rising. And the number of people out of a job for more than six months or stuck in part-time jobs when they want full time ones remains elevated.
An Associated Press-GfK poll found that the economy is the top issue in voters' minds as the Nov. 4 elections near, and while most signs point toward improvement, 62 percent of likely voters still consider the economy "poor,” little changed from two years earlier.
Given the latest conditions, the Fed may not move up its timetable for raising interest rates to control inflation, economists say. Most expect the Fed won’t act until the middle of next year. Friday’s data "are generally consistent with the Fed's economic forecasts and therefore should not change their thinking,” Doug Handler, an economist at IHS Global Insight, said in a note to clients.
The Fed has kept its benchmark interest rate near zero for almost six years in an effort to encourage more borrowing, spending and growth.
When the Fed begins raising the rate, the effects will ripple throughout the economy and could have a profound impact onbusinesses and consumers. Rates for mortgages, auto loans and credit cards will probably rise. Businesses may cut back on borrowing. And stock markets frequently drop when rates rise.
Lower unemployment usually forces up wages as employers bid for a dwindling supply of job-hunters. Higher paychecks can also push up prices. Some Fed policymakers have already warned that unemployment is low enough to spur higher inflation.
But Fed Chair Janet Yellen has said the unemployment rate may exaggerate the strength of the job market.O
Some questioning latest round of Ferguson arrests
JIM SALTER Associated Press FERGUSON, Missouri (AP) —
A civil rights group and several clergy said Friday that police overreached when arresting 13 protesters outside the Ferguson station.
All 13 remained in jail Friday afternoon, more than 15 hours after they were arrested. The protesters face municipal charges for failure to comply with police, noise ordinance violations and resisting arrest, Ferguson city spokesman Devin James said.
Protesters have been a constant presence in the St. Louis suburb in the nearly two months since Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson. Protesters want Wilson, who is white, to be charged
Ferguson police officer Greg Casern has a Faraci Pizza patron open his box of pizza in Ferguson, Mo. There has been unrest in the St. Louis suburb since the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed, black 18-year-old, by a white police officer. (AP Photo/Robert Cohen)
in the killing of the unarmed, black 18-year-old. A grand jury considering the case isn’t expected to rule for at least another month.
Some who witnessed Thursday’s protest that led to the arrests said it was small but peaceful. They questioned why arrests were necessary. Just before midnight, officers began moving toward the chanting protesters, used plastic restraints on their wrists and put them in a van, according to Gabrielle Hanson, who was at the scene while her mother, freelance videographer Mary Moore, shot video. Moore was among those arrested; Hanson was not. Hanson said Moore was shooting video of the arrests when one of the protesters handed her a cellphone.Q
Fewer Texas abortion providers after court ruling
PAUL J. WEBER Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas (AP) —
Women seeking legal abortions in Texas starting Friday must drive for hours if they live near the Mexico border and have fewer options in big cities after a federal appeals court allowed the state to enforce tough Republican-backed clinic laws.
The ruling leaves Texas with as few as seven abortion providers in America's second-most populous state. Conservatives cheered Thursday’s decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court
in New Orleans that gave Texas permission to fully enforce a sweeping abortion law signed by Gov. Rick Perry last year. Abortions instantly became outlawed at more than a dozen clinics, including one in El Paso that said it would now refer women across state lines to New Mexico.
“This is a sad day for women in Texas. It is very unfortunate,” said Gloria Martinez, the administrative nurse at Hilltop Women's Reproductive Clinic.
Two years ago, Texas had more than 40 abortion facilities. Many clinics have
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already closed under a part of the law requiring doctors who perform abortions to obtain hospital admitting privileges, and now more than a dozen remaining clinics are set to shutter as well.
None of the remaining clinics are south or west of San Antonio, which is now the closest option for women living 300 miles (480 kilometers) away in the Rio Grande Valley.
The decision wipes out
what was a fleeting victory for abortion rights groups — a lower court in August blocking another portion of the law that says clinics must meet hospital-level operating standards to stay in business.^
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ms. NEWS
University of Chicago targets inequality
DAVID LEONHARDT © 2014 New York Times
The University of Chicago announced a significant new program this week to recruit more low-income students and to help them while on campus. The university said it would replace loans for needy students with grants and eliminate the application fee for lower-income students, among other measures. Given the announcement, it’s worth taking a look at where Chicago stands on economic diversity relative to its peers. The quick answer is that Chicago is behind.
Last month, we created an index to measure top colleges’ economic diversity. The index was based on the share of students who received Pell grants (meaning they come from roughly the bottom 40 percent of the income distribution) and on the net price of attendance for low- and middle-income students. We looked at all colleges with a four-year graduation rate of at least 75 percent, which made up about 100 colleges na tionwide.
Among those, Chicago is a fairly wealthy institution. Its endowment per student exceeds $400,000. Only 20 colleges fell into that category - and Chicago
was one of only five of the 20 with a below-average score on our index. Despite having substantial resources, it has not made as big a commitment to economic diversity as most top colleges.
In concrete terms, Chicago has similar resourc es - per student - as Smith College, but the share of Pell students at Chicago (about 11.5 percent in recent years) is only about half as large as the share at Smith. Chicago has more
resources than Vassar, Emory, Brown, Columbia, Penn, Wesleyan, Cornell or Johns Hopkins, but enrolls fewer Pell students than any of them. Among a group of 12 elite colleges the eight in the Ivy League, plus Chicago, Duke, MIT and Stanford - Chicago has enrolled the lowest share of Pell students in recent years.
For the lower-income students that Chicago does enroll, it is fairly generous. It charges roughly the same as similar colleges. The average net price of attendance for students from households making $30,000 to $48,000 was $8,400 in 2012-13. Given the value of a college education, that’s an excellent deal.
So perhaps the most significant parts of Chicago’s announcement are the steps intended to recruit and admit more low-income students. The elimination of the application fee could make a significant difference. Even modest application fees can keep lower-income students from applying. The university has also said it will simplify the process for applying for financial aid. And the university will hold “more than 100 free, nationwide information sessions on college application and financial aid process.”□

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Students on campus at the University of Chicago. The university announced a significant new program this week to recruit more low-income students and to help them while on campus. The university said it would replace loans for needy students with grants and eliminate the application fee for lower-income students, among other measures.
(Nathan Weber/The New York Times)
Colorado school board retreats on curriculum plan after uproar
JACK HEALY © 2014 New York Times
GOLDEN, Colo. - A battle over teaching American history that stirred student protests and kindled a debate about censorship in schools reached an emotional climax Thursday night, as hundreds of parents and students here in suburban Denver sparred with a conservative school board majority over a proposal to create a curriculum-review panel.
But after two weeks of demonstrations and a fierce backlash across Colorado and beyond, the Jefferson County school board scrapped a plan that sought to teach students the “benefits of the free-enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights” while avoiding lessons that condoned “civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.” Instead, the board voted 3-2 to adopt a compromise that would allow community members, students and teachers to join the experts who already conduct curriculum reviews for the school district.
The superintendent, Dan McMinimee, who suggested the compromise, said it represented the “middle ground" in a fevered debafe that pitted the board's three new conservative members against students, parents, the teachers union and other critics who opposed an effort to steer lessons toward the “positive aspects of the United States and its heritage.”
The measure passed over the objections of two board members who said that they liked the compromise but that they still had questions and needed more time to review it. As the board members cast their votes, audience members who packed into a meeting room here booed and shouted “Resign!” and “Recall!”
“You really feel powerless,” said Michele Patterson, who leads the parent-teacher association. “It's heartbreaking.” For two hours, dozens of parents, students and community members derided the idea of sanitizing history or of tilfing a curriculum to suit a particular political view. They also criticized board members for suggesting that the teachers union and other board critics had been using the students as pawns.
“We know what we stand for and what we want,” Ashlyn Maher, a senior, told the board. “We find it insulting that you and others would say we're pawns of anyone else. If is our education that is at stake.”
Outside the district offices, students and parents carried signs saying “Stop Censoring Our History” and “Bleep Censorship!” As the meeting got underway, they sat on the grass and listened to a live feed of the proceedings. The original proposal to create a panel to examine what students were learning in Advanced Placement U.S. history and elementary-school health classes crystallized months of tensions here in Colorado’s second-largest school district.
Since November, when voters elected a slate of conservatives over three union-backed candidates, the board and its critics have clashed over teachers’ pay, charter schools, expanding full-day kindergarten and the resignation of a long-serving superintendent. But after Julie Williams, one of the three new members, proposed the curriculum-review committee last month, hundreds of high-school students staged walkouts and teachers shut down schools by calling out sick en masse. Civil liberties groups and several prominent Democrats in Colorado cheered on the students. Sen. Mark Udall and Rep. Ed Perlmutter issued supportive statements and urged the board to hear out the students. Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat from Boulder, sent a few satirical Twitter messages under the hashtag #JeffCoSchoolBoardHistory, which offered humorously whitewashed versions of U.S. history,Q
U.S. NEWS I * 7
In death of student athlete, perils of football reverberate
A 16-year-old from Long Island died Wednesday after an on-field collision, becoming the third high school football player nationally to die in a week. Tom Cutinella died shortly after crashing into another player during a game that pitted his varsity team at Shoreham-Wading River
days after collapsing in a 2008 football game settled a lawsuit against the school and township's board of education for $2.8 million. Both the NFL and the NCAA have faced lawsuits regarding their handling of head injuries.
More than 1 million boys participate in football, according to a survey by the National Federation of State High School As
A student watches a vigil for Tom Cutinella, who died Wednesday after being injured during a football game, at ShorehamWading River High School in Shoreham, N.Y., Oct. 2,2014. Teammates ran a slow lap around the stadium as the scoreboard timer read :54 -- the jersey number of Cutinella, the third American high school footballer to die this week.
(Bryan Thomas/The New York Times)
High School against John H. Glenn High School of Elwood, New York.
On Thursday, school district officials pledged to investigate what happened. Cutinella’s death comes at a time when football has drawn increased scrutiny amid concerns about injuries and brain damage. Those concerns cover all levels of the sport, from youth leagues to professional teams. On Sunday, Demario Harris Jr., a 17-year-old cornerback in Troy, Alabama, was pronounced dead days after he collapsed after making a tackle. In Rolesville, North Carolina, Isaiah Langston, 17, collapsed during warmups before a recent game and died Monday, according to news reports.
In early September in New York, a 16-year-old player on Staten Island died after he collapsed during practice on a humid day. Last year, the family of a player for Montclair High School in New Jersey who died two
sociations. In 2013, 1.24 million children were seen in emergency rooms for sports injuries, according to Safe Kids, a nonprofit dedicated to child injury prevention.Many states and leagues have adopted rules tied to sitting out after taking a hard hit. They have also tried to provide newer helmets and thicker padding, and education for coaches. Still, some of the intense culture of professional and collegiate football is trickling down to the high school level, said Kate Carr, president and chief executive of Safe Kids Worldwide.
Cutinella died soon after being transported to a hospital, the Suffolk County police said. A medical examiner for the county said the cause of death would be released only to the family.
“It’s hard to speculate, because we don't always know the cause of that death,” Carr said. “Was it a heart condition? A brain
injury? A concussion and and underlying causes.” Shoreham-Wading River the kid returned to play too In Long Island, the news High, tucked behind trees soon? You can’t speculate, of Cutinella’s death dev- along a rural highway, was There are a lot of reasons astated the community, locked down Thursday.
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Businesses with name ‘Isis’ fight bad brand image
TOM MURPHY AP Business Writer
Aeran Brent is tired of visitors asking about her store’s name or snapping pictures of the sign outside. Unfortunately, that's life for a small-business owner
whose shop — Isis Bridal and Formal — shares a name with ISIS, the acronym of a notorious Islamic militant group that the United States is fighting in Iraq and Syria.
“I'm just like, ‘Come on!”’
she says. “I get what’s going on, but can you see it’s a store?”
Brent says she wants to rename her store, in southern California, to avoid any confusion with the group sometimes called Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria.
“Isis” is part of more than 270 product, service or business names among active federal trademarks, according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But businesses are not required to register their names, so it is difficult to say how many companies use “Isis,” which is also the name of an Egyptian and pagan goddess.
For those companies, the “Isis” name can be damaging. Branding experts say an unfortunate association with a name can scar a company’s reputation even if fhe connection is coincidental.
Take Isis Collections Inc., a New Jersey company that makes weaves, wigs and hair pieces. CEO Phillip Shin says stores have told him that customers will put his company’s products back on the shelf after noticing the Isis label. In the United Kingdom, he's heard that competitors have joked at trade shows about his business being tied to terrorists. “It’s so stressful,” Shin says, noting that he has spent 20 years building the company’s reputation. “I’ve lost all the benefit of fhe brand image.”
Shin, who named his company after the Egyptian goddess, started removing the Isis label from some packages. But he’s reluctant to give up on such an established brand. He says he wishes the U.S. and European media would stop referring to the militant group as ISIS.
Isis Collections has had no sales problems in South Korea, where the media only refers to the group as the Islamic State.
Another company, technology startup Isis Wallet, announced in September that it would change its name to Softcard. The joint venture involving AT&T, TMobile and Verizon Wireless launched late last year with an app that allows people to use their smartphones while checking out at a store to get discounts and use credit or loyalty cards. By June, company leaders were thinking about
rebranding to avoid confusion with the militant group, which had taken over large swaths of Iraq and later filmed the beheadings of some U.S. journalists and a British aid worker.
“However coincidental, we have no desire to share a name with this group, and our hearts go out to those affected by this violence,” CEO Michael Abbott said in a Sept. 3 blog post announcing the new name. Softcard, which also picked its original name to reflect the Egyptian goddess, partners with major companies like American Express. The startup's executives were worried about asking those partners to continue promoting a product named Isis.
Changing a brand or an established company name can be a costly and complex move. Just finding a memorable name can be hard because the best ideas are often taken or trademarked, says Allen Adamson, managing director of the branding firm Landor Associates.
“It’s not just have a pizza lunch and quickly come up with an alternative,” he says.
Softcard’s name change makes sense to Joseph Lewis, a partner with the law firm of Barnes & Thornburg who specializes in trademarks. He noted that the company is new and still building its image. With the old name, they would have had to take the extra step of explaining that they weren’t tied to the Islamic State group.
“Brands are owned by companies, but it's all in the public’s mind and you can only control so much," he says. “They can control how it is presented, but they can’t always control how it’s perceived.”
More established brands that don’t deal directly with consumers may not take as much of a hit. Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc. has no plans to change a brand it has built over 25 years. The California company develops drugs and fhen partners with other companies to sell them. a
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This photo shows signage outside the headquarters building of Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Carlsbad, Calif. The pharmaceutical company, which shares its name with ISIS, a notorious Islamic militant group that the United States is fighting in Iraq and Syria, has no plans to change a brand it has built over 25 years.
(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)
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Heavy fighting hits Syrian border town of Kobani
Turkish soldiers position their vehicle a few hundreds meters from the border line as smokes rises after a mortar shell landed in the city center of Kobani in Syria as fighting intensified between Syrian Kurds and the militants of Islamic State, seen from Mursitpinar near Suruc, Turkey, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014. Turkey's parliament approved Thursday a motion that gives the government new powers to launch military incursions into Syria and Iraq and to allow foreign forces to use its territory for possible operations against the Islamic State group.
(AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
BASSEM MROUE SUZAN FRASER Associated Press BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants heavily shelled a Kurdish town on Syria’s border with Turkey on Friday as jihadi fighters prepared an all-out offensive for the strategic site, whose capture would provide a direct link between areas under their control in Aleppo and their stronghold in Raqqa to the east.
The fighting came as Turkey’s prime minister pledged his country would do what it could to prevent the fall of Kobani, although he did not spell out what assistance Turkey would provide. Turkey's parliament gave the government new powers Thursday to launch military incursions into Syria and Iraq, and to allow foreign forces to use its territory for possible operations against the Islamic State group.
Kurdish officials and activists said that Islamic State group fighters had so far not penetrated the frontier town as fighting raged on the eve of a major Muslim
“It looks like they are going to attack tonight and try to enter (Kobani) on the day of the feast,” said Nasser Haj Mansour, a defense official in Syria’s Kurdish region, referring to the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha that
begins on Saturday in most Muslim countries.
“Kurdish fighters are ready and prepared to repel any attack.”
Haj Mansour said shelling of Kobani on Friday afternoon killed three civilians.
Kobani and its surrounding
areas have been under attack since mid-September, with militants capturing dozens of nearby Kurdish villages. The assault, which has forced some 160,000 Syrians to flee, has left the Kurdish militiamen scrambling to repel the militants’
advance into the outskirts of the town, also known as Ayn Arab.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that some 3,000 Kurds were stuck on the Syria-Turkish border, prevented by Turkish authorities from crossing to safety. The Observatory, which monitors Syria’s civil war, reported intense fighting Friday to the east and southeast of Kobani, where it said seven Islamic State fighters and 13 Kurdish militiamen were killed.
The assault came despite renewed U.S.-led airstrikes in the area. The United States has been bombing the Islamic State group across Syria since last week and in neighboring Iraq since early August.
An Associated Press reporter monitoring the fighting from the Turkish border town of Suruc reported intense shelling of Kobani from the south and west. One tank moved on the edge of the town as shells landed just 500 yards (meters) from the Turkish border. □
Abbas to seek $4B for Gaza reconstruction
Associated Press
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)
— The Palestinian president will ask donor countries for $4 billion for Gaza reconstruction after a summer war between Israel and Hamas damaged or destroyed tens of thousands of homes and more than 5,000 businesses, according to a report Mahmoud Abbas is to present to a pledging conference this month.
During the 50-day war, Israel launched several thousand airstrikes and unleashed artillery barrages at what it said were Hamas-linked targets in Gaza, flattening entire neighborhoods. Hamas fired thousands of rockets and mortar shells at Israeli communities during the fighting.
According to the 72-page reconstruction report obtained by The Associated Press late Thursday, the Pal estinian government will request $4 billion in emergency relief and reconstruction funds. It will also ask donors to pledge an additional $4.5 billion in support for the Palestinian government's budget through 2017.
The Gaza pledging conference will be held in Cairo on Oct. 12.
Meanwhile, Israel’s army chief said in comments published Friday that it would serve Israeli security interests to allow construction materials to enter blockaded Gaza.
Israel and Egypt have sharply restricted movement and trade in and out of Gaza since the Islamic militant group Hamas seized the territory from Abbas in 2007.
Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz told the daily newspaper Haaretz that Hamas suffered military setbacks during the war, but that Israel can only secure long-term
quiet on its border with Gaza if “an economic anchor backs up what was achieved in the fighting.” “We need to permit the opening of the strip to goods," Gantz was quoted as saying. “In the end, there are 1.8 million people there, with Israel and Egypt surrounding them. These people need to live.”
The Israel-Hamas war that ended in late August killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, three-fourth of them civilians, according to U.N. figures. Israel lost 66 soldiers and six civilians.
Hamas had ruled Gaza with an iron grip since it seized the coastal strip. However, earlier this year, the militant movement found itself in a severe financial crisis, largely because Egypt tightened its closure, shutting virtually all smuggling tunnels into Gaza and cutting off a key source of Hamas revenues.Q
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Cameron meets Afghan president in unannounced trip
DECLAN WALSH © 2014 New York Times KABUL, Afghanistan - Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain became the first world leader to visit Afghanistan’s new president, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, on Friday, in an unannounced trip to mark the impending departure of British troops from the country while assuring the new unity government of continued financial and political support.
Noting the “heavy price” paid by Britain in Afghani stan, where 453 British service members have died in over a decade of fighting, Cameron said it was now time for the Afghan security forces to defend their own country.
“Now, 13 long years later, Afghanistan can - and must - deliver its own security," he said.
He also offered his blessing to the fledgling government led by Ghani Ahmadzai, a former technocrat who came to power through a contentious political deal, but who
has promised a sweeping agenda of overhauls and turned a friendlier face to Western allies than his predecessor, Hamid Karzai. “We are not leaving this country alone,” Cameron said. “In Britain you will always have a strong partner and a friend.”
After meeting Ghani Ahmadzai in Kabul, Cameron flew to the southern province of Helmand, where British troops are preparing to leave a major desert base by the end of the year.
Elsewhere, though, the British are escalating military action.
Cameron flew into Afghanistan from Cyprus, where he had visited British fighter pilots taking part in airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq.
“The work of defeating Islamist extremist terror goes on elsewhere," he said. “And because this threatens us at home, we must continue to play our part."
For Ghani Ahmadzai, the visit represented another
step toward resetting Afghanistan's relationship with important Western allies, while purging the rancor that had accumulated during the last years of Karzai’s tenure.
As the military operation winds down,
Afghanistan's immediate needs are financial. In November, Ghani Ahmadzai and Cameron will host an international donor conference in London that will determine the extent of international aid to Afghanistan in the coming years.Q
Fighting rages around airport in eastern Ukraine
An pro-Russian rebel tank rolls to take position near to airport in the town of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014. Pro-Russian rebels are pressing to seize a key airport in eastern Ukraine despite fierce resistance by government forces.
(AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)
MSTYSLAV CHERNOV Associated Press DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) —
Pro-Russian rebels pressed Friday to seize a key airport in eastern Ukraine despite fierce resistance by government forces.
An AP reporter on Friday saw three rebel tanks firing their cannons at the main terminal of Donetsk airport, where government forces have holed up. Sniper shots rang around the area. Rebels have made some gains in the area near the airport, seizing some buildings on its fringes and using them to target the main terminal.
Fighting for the airport has intensified this week, threatening to derail the truce declared Sept. 5. A follow-up deal which called for both parties to
MICHELLE INNIS © 2014 New York Times
SYDNEY - Australia will join the United States and its allies in launching airstrikes in Iraq against Islamic State militants in the coming days. Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Friday.
Abbott also said that special operations personnel would join their U.S., Canadian and British counterparts on the ground in Iraq to advise and assist the Iraqi military. He ruled out joining the U.S.-led coalition’s airstrikes in Syria for
pull back their artillery to create a buffer zone hasn’t been implemented.
the time being.
Speaking at a news conference in Canberra, Abbott said the deployment could be lengthy, “certainly months rather than weeks.” Abbott spoke after Australia’s National Security Committee and its full Cabinet met early Friday.
Abbott said Australia would join the airstrikes at the request of the Iraqi government but was still awaiting final agreements with Iraq covering the deployment of special operations personnel on the ground.
“Since the ceasefire was signed on September 5th, continued violence has
Those agreements were likely to be finalized within 24 hours, he said.
Abbott has been vocal about what he says is the need to fight the Islamic State in the Middle East and in Australia, where, he says, the militant group has ordered followers to commit murders in public.
Intelligence officials here say that about 70 Australians have joined the group in the Middle East.
On Wednesday, the country’s Parliament passed
killed well over 200 people, many of them innocent men, women and
legislation urged by Abbott that would expand telecommunications surveillance and the police's power to detain suspects, as well as subject journalists to possible prison terms for unauthorized reporting on intelligence matters.
Bill Shorten, leader of the opposition Labor Party, supported the deployment announced Friday, calling it “a sensible decision in a most difficult set of circ*mstances."
But a senator with the Greens party, Christine
children," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington. “We call on all parties to take all feasible precautions to prevent the loss of innocent life, comply with international humanitarian law, and respect the facilities of humanitarian organizations." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov early Friday, expressing his concern about the intensifying violence in eastern Ukraine, she added.
Kiev and the West have asserted that Moscow is fueling the separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine by providing arms and personnel, something Russia denies.
Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations. □
Milne, criticized what she called Abbott's “rush into another U.S.-led, multiyear war in Iraq.”
Australia has already sent several planes and hundreds of personnel to the Middle East in anticipation of joining the campaign against the Islamic State, and this week it said the air force had completed its first support mission over Iraq.
Australian forces have been stationed at Al Minhad Air Base in the United Arab Emirates. □
says it will join airstrikes against IS in Iraq
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Famed beach in Jamaica slowly vanishing to erosion
DAVID McFADDEN Associated Press NEGRIL, Jamaica (AP)
— Tourists from around the world are drawn to a stretch of palm-fringed
economic future. Now, the erosion is expected to worsen as a result of climate change, and a hint of panic is creeping through this laid back village, one
liers are pressing the government to refill the beach with dredged sand, a pricey step many experts say is a temporary fix at best. Jamaica is readying plans
variety of factors: shoreline development: surges from increasingly intense storms; coastal pollution that affects marine life; coral reefs crumbling in warmer waters. The changes are particularly worrisome for the Caribbean because of its dependence on seaand-sand tourism. In addition, roughly 70 percent of the Caribbean's people and much of its essential infrastructure are situated along coasts.
The region is facing an existential threat, said Ulrich Trotz, science adviser for the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center, which provides policy advice and guidelines to more than a dozen member nations and territories. “We don't have much time. Action now is impera tive if the Caribbean is to survive as we know it,” Trotz said in a phone interview from Antigua.
According to the World Bank, some areas of the island of St. Vincent have lost up to 30 meters (yards) of beach over the last nine years. A recent study by the bank forecasts that the Dominican Republic’s capital of Santo Domingo, where many residents live along the Ozama River and in its flood plain, will be one of five global cities most affected by climate change over the next 35 years.
Building seawalls to protect from an encroaching sea, an approach that has seen limited success in places like California, has been one response on the island of Barbados. □
Sunbathers walk along a badly eroding patch of resort-lined crescent beach in Negril in western Jamaica. Some sections of the beach are barely wide enough for a decent-sized beach towel and the Jamaican National Environment and Planning Agency says the sands are receding at a rate of more than a meter (a yard) per year. (AP Photo/David McFadden)
shoreline known as “Seven Mile Beach,” a crescent of white sand along the turquoise waters of Jamaica’s western coast. But the sands are slipping away and Jamaicans fear the beach, someday, will need a new nickname. Each morning, groundskeepers with metal rakes carefully tend Negril’s resort-lined shore. Some sections, however, are barely wide enough for a decentsized beach towel and the Jamaican National Environment and Planning Agency says sand is receding at a rate of more than a meter (yard) a year.
“The beach could be totally lost within 30 years,” said Anthony McKenzie, a senior director at the agency.
Shrinking coastline long has raised worry for the area’s environmental and
of the top destinations in a country where a quarter of all jobs depend on tourism. “If the water takes over this beach, well, that's the end of the tourists,” Lyn Dennison said as she tended to her beachside stand selling jewelry and wooden statues of roosters, horses and other animals.
For much of its history, Negril was an isolated fishing outpost. In the late 1960s, it began to draw American hippies lured by the scenery and cheap marijuana. As its fame grew, its charms were discovered by hardpartying spring breakers and more sober-minded visitors. Resorts such as Sandals and the Grand Lido went up and the number of annual visitors grew from about 40,000 in 1980 to more than 400,000 in 2012. Fearful of losing their main draw, some alarmed hote to build submerged breakwaters it hopes will absorb wave energy and slow loss of shoreline, using an initial $5.4 million in grants from a U.N. climate change convention.
The breakwater project in Negril, which one study says could cost as much as $77 million over the course of 80 years, offers a glimpse of what may lie ahead for other coastal towns. Caribbean islands, many already heavily in debt, will be faced with the choice of trying to armor shores with seawalls and breakwaters, or conducting a costly retreat from seas that the U.N.-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says could rise by nearly a meter (yard) by the end of the century.
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Brazil trash pickers worry about end of the dump
ERALDO PERES Associated Press BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) —
Against a distant skyline of high-rise buildings, huge vultures dive over the nearly 9 tons of rubbish that arrive daily at the enormous dump in Brazil’s capital as nearly 3,000 trash pickers set aside recyclable plastic, metal and paper to sell.
Known in Portuguese as “catadores," the people who find their livelihoods at the 430-acre (174-hectare) Estrutural landfill worry about how they’ll survive once the open-air dump closes. Lying just 9 miles (15 kilometers) west of Brazil’s ultramodern Planalto
Presidential Palace,
which was designed by the late architect Oscar Niemeyer, the dump is set to shut down on a still-unannounced date, the closure postponed because a replacement site is not ready.
Those concerned about Estrutural’s eventual closure include 58-year-old Valter and Maria Viana, who left their small family farm in the state of Goias 25 years ago fo work at the dump, where Valter Viana says he can earn up to $850 a month
— well above Brazil’s $295 minimum salary.
Maria Viana quit working at the dump a few years ago
because of a bad knee and now cares for fhe couple’s three granddaughters in the family’s comfortable
three-story concrete house in Cidade Estrutural, a neighborhood of abouf 40,000 people next to the
landfill where most of the trash pickers live.
Valter Viana, two daughters and two sons still walk to
the dump at dawn each morning to look for treasure in the trash. They wear long pants and long-sleeve
shirts, along with caps and rubber gloves. Several also wrap an additional T-shirt around their heads for more
protection from the waste. Some trash pickers working after sundown wear headlamps to illuminate their way.
Along with the newspapers, bottles and cans they collect for cash, they also often find other interesting objects to take home, like a pair of ceramic animals that now adorn the family's living room.
“Me and my wife raised our children and built our house thanks to the money we made as trash pickers,” Valter Viana said after a day at the dump.
“Here, we made enough to sustain ourselves and our children and lead a decent life,” Maria Viana added.
Over the years, the couple saved their money and even built a smaller house on their plot of land that they rent out to another family of catadores.
The Vianas say they don’t know how they or the other trash pickers will sustain their way of life once the dump closes.
Since it opened in the 1960s, the landfill has accumulated some
30 million tons of frash, making it the largest in Latin America, according to the University of Brasilia and Brazil’s National Waste Pickers Movement. The Cidade Estrutural neighborhood alongside it grew over the years as more people arrived from around Brazil to make a living off the dump, and it was officially recognized as a satellite city of Brasilia in 2004.
But earlier this year, the city government announced it would shut the landfill and replace it with a new one in the district of Samambaia, 16 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of the presidential palace. It will use modern waste separation techniques that will require fewer human trash pickers.
“Just about everyone who lives in Estrutural depends on the dump for a living,” said Maria Viana. “If it closes we will have to leave and seek work elsewhere.
Panama winds down immigration program
JUAN ZAMORANO Associated Press
PANAMA CITY (AP) — A program that helped tens of thousands of foreigners get permission to live and work in Panama entered its final days on Friday with the opening of the last of the immigration fairs that have roused nationalist sentiment in the small Central American nation.
Long lines of people filed into a gymnasium in the capital where officials were processing applicafions under a program known as the “melting pot of the races." The fair runs through Oct. 12, and the government of new President Juan Carlos Varela says there will be no more. The program launched in 2010 temporarily eases requirements for those seeking to live and work for several years in a country of 3.5 million people with one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.
It eliminates normal, time-consuming immigration requirements and asks applicants only to show they’ve been in the country for a year and have no trouble with the law. They get a two or 10 year residence and work permit
Some U.S. and Canadian citizens have applied, but most of the 48,000 visas granted in earlier immigration fairs went to Colombians, Nicaraguans, Dominicans and Venezuelans, including hotel and restaurant
workers and some street vendors.
Backers say the measure boosts the economy and improves security by ensuring foreigners have clean records, noting that only a handful of those granted permits have been later arrested for crimes.
The fairs have roused increasing opposition, often based on fears of competition for jobs, and that has spawned professional and youth groups united under slogans such as “Panama for Panamanians" and “United for Panama.” The country’s main business groups have said attacks on it border on xenophobia, an allegation most critics reject.
“We have never been opposed to foreigners, nor are we xenophobic. That’s a lie,” said Mayra Avendano, a member of the Soy Panama coalition that has fought the program.
She said Panamanians have long lived in harmony with other nationalities, “but what has come with the fair from the start is total disorder. They are not taking account of public opinion, of the feelings of Panamanians.”
A national association of afforneys also has denounced the program.
“The truth is that foreigners are in all the jobs that are exclusively for Panamanians, and obviously that has to be regulated, said Irma Arauz, president of the immigration commission for the College of Lawyers.□
Members of the Viana family pose for a photo at the Estrutual landfill where they work searching for recyclable materials to sell in Brasilia, Brazil. From left, are Jose Viana, 28, Valter Viana, 58, Divina Viana, 27, Geralda Leonardo, 29, and Welington Leonardo, 16. Those concerned about landfill's eventual closure is the Valter family, who left their small family farm in the state of Goias 25 years ago to work at the dump where Valter says he can earn up to $850 a month, well above Brazil's $295 minimum salary.
(AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
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Aruba Marriott Celebrates Housekeeping Appreciation Week!
lunch with live entertainment. Associates of the Surf Club celebrated their special week with beach Olympic, movie night, bingo and family day at De Palm Island.
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PALM BEACH - Recently, the Aruba Marriott’s Resort, Ocean and Surf Club housekeeping departments celebrated the annual Housekeeping Appreciation Week filled with enjoyable events and activities.
As the heart of a hotel, it is a yearly tradition that Marriott International honors and celebrates Housekeeping Week in appreciation to all housekeeping associates worldwide.
To start of this special week, all the Housekeep ing associates were invited for a grand kick off breakfast in Marriott's Grand Ballroom. Throughout the week, all three Housekeeping departments had their individual schedules of celebrations at the hotels and off property. The Resort team participated in a fun training, family day at De Palm Island, BBQ at the beach and bowling night. The Ocean Club associates participated with bingo games, bus tour, day at the waterpark and special

With 200% rental increase , brand new website, and expanded services ;
Residential Community Gold Coast Delivers Wow Factor!
MALMOK - Gold Coast, Aruba’s newest resort-style residential community in Malmok, is on the move and making a positive mark with enhanced guest services, increased bookings of their rental homes and the recent launch of a brand new website.
Guests of Gold Coast now have the option to choose from a wide variety of special requests and services, in addition to housekeeping and laundry services. Prior to their arrival all Gold Coast guests canarrange for services that will definitely deliver a wow factor
and provide for an extraordinary stay in Aruba. These new services include pre arrival grocery shopping, the request for an In-house chef, server, bartender or butler, personal laundry,inhouse massage, a personal trainer, Spa treatments and babysitting services. Marketing efforts of the Gold Coast residential community were also enhanced with the recent launch of a brand new website: www.arubarentalsvacation.com. Functionalities of this new website include a chat room where guests can immediately
reach out with their questions to a Front Office staff member of Gold Coast. The website also features an easy-to-use booking engine for direct bookings of the Gold Coast condos, townhouses and spacious villas.
Lastly, Gold Coast shares its results of the third quarter of 2013. Compared to the same time last year results show a 200% increase in rental business of their
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Carl Testa performing at The Sopranos Piano Bar Aruba!
PALM BEACH - Piano bar entertainer Carl Testa is performing in Aruba through the end of October at The Sopranos Piano Bar at Arawak Gardens, J.E. Irausquin 368.
Carl is a graduate of Indiana University School of Music. He has been performing since the young age of 16, and has been playing piano and singing throughout the U. S. and Europe since 1991.
Carl has a riveting and energetic piano and vocal performance style. His musical style is heavily influenced by the Beatles, Elton John and Crosby Stills and Nash, and his musical diversity keeps an entire audience engaged throughout his performance. Whether it is rock and roll, jazz, blues, or popular music, Carl excels on piano and sings passionately with a strong, clear voice. One moment
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Loyal Guests Honored at Costa Linda Beach Resort

EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Ms. Marouska Heyliger honored William & Janice Worters, with the Distinguished Visitors certificate in the name of the Aruba Tourism Authority. The event which commemorates the
couple’s 13th consecutive visit to the island was held at the Costa Linda Beach Resort.
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Rafael Nadal of Spain reacts during rest time as he lost points to Martin Klizan of Slovakia during the China Open tennis tournament at the National Tennis Stadium in Beijing, China, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014. Klizan went on to win the match.
Associated Press
Nadal upset by qualifier in China Open quarters
JUSTIN BERGMAN Associated Press BEIJING (AP) — Rafael Nadal was knocked out of the China Open in his third match back from an extended injury layoff, falling to big-hitting qualifier Martin Klizan of Slovakia 6-7 (7), 6-4, 6-3 on Friday.
The second-seeded Spaniard struggled with Klizan’s power game and his own consistency in the quarterfinal, finishing with an uncharacteristic 37 unforced errors and just 21 winners. Nadal said an upset like this was natural “when one player plays bad, plays without rhythm, no confidence on the shots, having more mistakes than usual, being not confident how to play the points, and how to win the points."
Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray, meanwhile, set up a semifinal showdown with convincing wins over two young players enjoying breakthrough seasons.
Continued Next Page

Tigers in 8th again,
take 2-0 learn
Baltimore Orioles’ J.J. Hardy, left, and Steve Pearce celebrate after scoring on a double by Delmon Young during the eighth inning of Game 2 in baseball’s AL Division Series against the Detroit Tigers in Baltimore, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014. Baltimore won 7-6.
Page 21
China Open
Continued from Previous Page
The top-seeded Djokovic defeated Wimbledon semifinalist Grigor Dimitrov of Bulgaria 6-2, 6-4, while sixth-seeded Murray took out U.S. Open champion Marin Cilic 6-1,6-4.
On the women's side, defending champion Serena Williams withdrew before her quarterfinal against Samantha Stosur with a left knee injury that raised doubts about her ability to play the WTA Finals in Singapore this month.
In his first tournament since Wimbledon because of a wrist injury, Nadal looked sharp in his first two matches in Beijing and, against Klizan, he even led 7-6, 4-2 with a break point. But after the Slovak won that game, he turned around and broke Nadal twice to take the set.
“Forme, this victory was the best night in my life,” Klizan said. “I’m just very happy that I beat a legend."
Nadal said he knew it would be difficult to return to the tour during the hardcourt Asian swing, where the courts are quick and the draws loaded.
“I am going to work hard with the right attitude to play better than what I did today,” he said. “I will be happy if I finish the season and I am able to take a one-and-a-half-week holiday, then practice for one month in perfect conditions to try to start the next season with positive feelings.” Djokovic’s patience
and experience showed against the fifth-seeded Dimitrov, who broke the Serb twice in the second set but was unable to build on the momentum, making costly errors to give the breaks right back.
Djokovic said that while younger players like Cilic, Dimitrov, U.S. Open finalist Kei Nishikori and Wimbledon semifinalist Milos Ra
Andy Murray of Britain returns a shot to Marin Cilic of Croatia during the China Open tennis tournament at the National Tennis Stadium in Beijing, China, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014.
Associated Press
onic are improving quickly, he believes it will still be a while before there’s a changing of the guard in men’s tennis.
“It's logical to expect that in the sport, after so many years of dominance by three, four players, there are some others who are coming up," said the Serb, who improved to 22-0 at the China Open. “But on the other hand, it's still not
happening that they are the ones who are winning Grand Slams and being top three, four in the world. “It takes time. How long? I don’t know. I'll make sure that they don’t come any time soon.”
Murray is enjoying his best stretch since back surgery last autumn and missing several months of fhe season. He losf a close four-set match to Djokovic at the U.S. Open and captured his first title since his 2013 Wimbledon triumph last week in Shenzhen.
He’s hoping to carry that momentum into Saturday against Djokovic, who holds a 13-8 advantage in their series.
“He's never lost (in Beijing), which is impressive. I’m aware it’s going to be an extremely difficult match," Murray said. “If I play like I did at the U.S. Open, I'll definitely give myself an opportunity.”
Third-seeded Tomas
Berdych will play Klizan in the other semifinal after beating John Isner of fhe
U.S. 6-1,6-4.
On the women's side, Williams said the pain was so bad in her knee during her three-set win over Lucie Safarova on Thursday, she had no choice but to pull out.
“It throbs just sitting, standing,” she said. “I felt it mostly serving because I’m landing on my left knee. That was really killer for me." Williams said she will go fo Europe for a knee exam to determine the extent of the injury, and whether she can play the WTA Finals.
“If I feel fhis way for Singapore, I don’t think it’s smart for me to play,” she said. “I’m just going to see how it goes.”
Williams was joined on the sidelines by second-seeded Simona Halep, who withdrew before her quarterfinal againsf Ana Ivanovic with a hip injury. Ivanovic next faces Maria Sharapova, a 6-0, 6-4 winner over Svetlana Kuznetsova, while Stosur meets Petra Kvitova, who defeated Roberta Vinci 7-6 (2), 6-40
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NFL should wear less pink and more purple
In this Oct. 13, 2013, file photo, Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Joe Webb prays at the base of a goal post wrapped to promote breast cancer awareness before an NFL football game against the Carolina Panthers in Minneapolis.
Associated Press
AP Sports Columnist
The NFL’s idea of outreach to women was once described as “shrink it and pink it.” That is, taking the same stuff the league was already selling to men, scaling it to size and then splashing on a lot of pink dye.
That's not enough anymore.
Fans will see pinked-out fields this weekend for the start of the NFL’s version of “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” Keep in mind the league took in more than $9 billion last year from a U.S. audience in which women made up almost half (46 percent, or 93 million total viewers).
The NFL's fourth annual campaign, dubbed “A Crucial Catch,” is a good cause to be sure. Like any runway show_albeit one with violent collisions_the participants will be accessorized head to toe. Ac cording to the league's own inventory, that means pink “cleats, wristbands, gloves, sideline caps, helmet decals, captains' patches, chin straps, shoe laces, skull caps, sideline towels, eye shield decals, quarterback towels and mouth guards.”
(OK, maybe not mouth guards, since players who agreed to wear them to endorse Crest toothpaste were allowed to opt out after corporate parent Procter & Gamble pulled out of the campaign in response to the league’s colossal bungling of the Ray Rice affair.)
Fans won't be shortchanged, either. In addition to being handed pink rally towels in some stadiums, they’ll be treated to pink goal post padding, cheerleaders waving pink pompoms, special pink ribbon game balls, and pinkribboned caps for coaches, team personnel and
You might think all that pink would translate into a lot of money.
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on who you ask.
The NFL donates 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of pink merchandise and game-worn items through an auction on NFL.com. In 2009, the first year of the program, that meant a check to the American Cancer Society for $310,175; last year, it was for $1.86 million. It’s not a direct comparison, but the society's campaign with the Walgreen's chain — which offers customers a chance to add a donation when paying for their purchases — raises about $5 million annually.
The NFL has kicked in about $6.7 million total so far, and there's no question their partnership with ACS has been increasingly effective at getting out the word. This year, in every NFL mar ket, there will be free, on site-screenings and support staff to answer questions. The campaign has already provided 10,000 free screenings and educated another 72,000 women on its benefits. A survey last
season found that 70 percent of the women who watched games during October got the message as well, and the number has been steadily climbing.
Continued on Next Page
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Continued from Previous Page
But as far as tangible benefits, that's about it. Cancer society spokeswoman Tara Peters says there’s no easy way to calculate the real value of putting that message in front of the audience that NFL games offer, which should be well north of 150 million viewers by the end of the month. There are sponsorship analysts who measure the impact of similar campaigns, and a few say there are better and perhaps more impactful opportunities out there. October also happens to be “Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” though you'd be hard-pressed to find its symbolic purple ribbons amid the avalanche of pink. It’s also an effort that could benefit greatly from the NFL's outsized reach, and in turn, restore some of the luster to the league’s image.
“The fight against breast
cancer is a very well-supported cause," said Jim Andrews, senior vice president for the sponsorship firm IEG. “That makes the NFL just one of many corporations that are part of the effort. ... But domestic violence is a cause that needs help, both in terms of organization and financial backing.
“Given fhe recent issues the league’s been dealing with, in terms of enlightened self-interest, that’s a cause the NFL could get behind and actually make a differencejmagine PSAs (public-service announcements) by some wellknown players, a campaign to raise funds for local programs and shelters ... if the NFL is serious about broadening their appeal to women, it’s an opportunity well worth looking into."
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell seems to be doing just that. Two weeks ago, he named three outside consultants to help shape league policies on domestic violence and sexual
In this Oct. 6,2013, file photo, Tennessee Titans running back Chris Johnson (28) slaps hands with breast cancer survivors as he is introduced before an NFL football game between the Titans and the Kansas City Chiefs in Nashville, Tenn. The NFL's fourth annual “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” kicks off Thursday night, Oct. 2, 2014, with the Viking at the Packers and runs through
assault. Last weekend, he spent three hours at the headquarters of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, following up on fhe league's multiyear, multimillion-dollar pledge
of assistance.
Be wary, though, any time the words “NFL” and “enlightened self-interest” appear in the same sentence. This is the same league, after all, that’s plowed plenty
Associated Press
of money info a program designed to convince mothers, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, that there’s a way to tackle that makes American football safer for their kids. □
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Orioles rally past Tigers 7-6, take 2-0 ALDS lead
By DAVID GINSBURG AP Sports Writer BALTIMORE (AP) - Down by three runs in the eighth inning, the Baltimore Orioles had every reason to believe they could rally against the Tigers.
Not only because the Orioles are capable of scoring in bunches, but more importantly, they were going up against Detroit's leaky bullpen.
Delmon Young drove in three runs with a pinch-hit double, and Baltimore used a four-run eighth to pull out a 7-6 victory Friday for a 2-0 lead in the best-of-five AL Division Series.
Baltimore will try for a sweep in Game 3 Sunday at Detroit, when Miguel Gonzalez starts against the Tigers’ third straight Cy Young winner, David Price.
"It’s huge going into Detroit up 2-0,” said J.J. Hardy, who scored the go-ahead run with a sweeping slide. "We’ve got to go over there and do our job.”
A day after the Orioles battered Detroit relievers during an eight-run eighth that produced a 12-3 win, they pushed the Tigers to the brink of elimination with an uprising against the beleaguered duo of Joba Chamberlain and Joakim Soria - the primary victims on Thursday night.
It was 6-3 with one out in the eighth when Chamberlain hit Adam Jones with a pitch and gave up a single to Nelson Cruz. Steve Pearce singled in a run, and the towel-waving, orangeclad fans among the sellout crowd of 48,058 sensed another comeback win by a team that won 10 games during the regular season during its final at-bat.
Soria entered and walked Hardy to load the bases for Young, who lined the first pitch into the left-field corner.
"We did it yesterday, we’ve been doing it all year against teams in our own division,” Young said. "So any time we have an opportunity and get guys on, we think we can win.” Young went 10 for 20 as a pinch-hitter during the regular season. He also was the AL championship series MVP in 2012 - for the Tigers - when they swept the Yankees.
"It’s very hard to sit around and not know where the consistent at-bats are coming,” Orioles manager Buck Showalter said. "He has done the things that you need to do to give yourself a chance to be successful.”
Detroit Tigers catcher Alex Avila, left, reaches but can’t make the tag in time as Baltimore Ori...
In the top of the eighth, baserunning was a key point. Miguel Cabrera was thrown out at the plate when he tried to score right behind Torii Hunter on Victor Martinez’s double with no outs.
”1 was watching the play develop and hoping they both would make it,” Tigers manager Brad Ausmus said.
Zach Britton got three straight outs for the save. Soria wound up with the loss, but Chamberlain took the blame.
"This one is on me. There’s no getting around it,” he said. "Obviously, if I don’t put us in that situation, then we're having a different conversation.”
The defeat left Detroit's bid to reach the ALCS for a fourth straight year in serious jeopardy. The Tigers wasted home runs by J.D. Martinez and Nick Castellanos, along with a solid start by Justin Verlander.
"We’re 0-2. We understand it,” Ausmus said. "It doesn’t really affect us playing Game 3. If you win Game 3, you go on to Game 4.” Rooted on by girlfriend Kate Upton, Verlander left in the sixth with a 5-3 lead. Unless the Tigers stage a comeback, it was his last outing of the season.
"This is frustrating. This isn’t easy,” he said. ”1 don’t think anybody’s walking out of this clubhouse feeling great, but you've got to stay positive. We win two games and the pressure is squarely back on these guys.”
Brad Brach got the win, getting two outs in the eighth after Kevin Gausman allowed one run and three hits in 3 2-3 innings.
Detroit trailed 2-0 before peeling off five straight hits against Wei-Yin Chen. Hunter singled, Cabrera doubled and Victor Martinez delivered an RBI single. J.D. Martinez and Castella nos followed with consecutive home runs, the second day in a row that Detroit’s done it.
Chen lasted only three more batters in his shortest outing since June 28 and left down 5-2.
Baltimore got a run back in the bottom half with a twoout RBI single by Hardy, and the Orioles turned a 5-4-3 double play against Cabrera in the fifth that began with a diving stop by Ryan Flaherty.
Nelson Cruz led off the sixth with a single to chase Verlander, and Anibal Sanchez held the lead through the seventh.
After that, however, Detroit's bullpen crumbled. "Anytime you can go into the eighth inning winning by three like that, you have all the confidence in the world with Joba going out there,” J.D. Martinez said. "But unfortunately it just didn’t happen today.”
The game started shortly after noon, and the boisterous crowd had plenty of enthusiasm left from the night before.
The volume decreased, however, after Verlander began mowing down a potent lineup that one night earlier banged out 12 hits in a lopsided victory.
He retired the first eight batters before Jonathan Schoop bounced a single up the middle. Nick Markakis then hit a 3-2 pitch off the roof of the grounds crew enclosure in right field. A replay confirmed the drive as a home run, ending Verlander's 32-inning scoreless streak in the ALDS. Markakis’ first homer off the right-hander in 50 career at-bats came on Verlander's 50th pitch.
Peavy, Giants edge Strasburg, Nationals in NLDS opener
San Francisco Giants starting pitcher Jake Peavy (22) throws in the second inning of Game 1 of baseball's NL Division Series against the Washington Nationals, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014, in Washington.
Associated Press
By HOWARD FENDRICH AP Sports Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Never much of a postseason performer, Jake Peavy sure outpitched Stephen Strasburg in the former No. 1 pick’s playoff debut.
Guess that October aura the San Francisco Giants proudly own has rubbed off on Peavy.
The intense right-hander took a no-hitter into the fifth inning, San Francisco’s bullpen barely held onto a lead, and the wild-card Giants won their ninth con secutive postseason game by beating Strasburg’s Washington Nationals 3-2 on Friday in an NL Division Series opener.
Peavy won the 2007 Cy Young Award but was 0-3 with a 9.27 ERA in five previous starts beyond the regular season. This time, the 33-year-old right-hander threw 5 2-3 scoreless innings, allowing only two hits.
Buster Posey, Joe Panik and Brandon Belt drove in San Francisco’s runs.
Game 2 is Saturday, with
Washington’s Jordan Zimmermann - who threw a no-hitter in the regular-season finale - facing Tim Hudson.
Peavy was lifted after his third walk, then screamed and cursed as he stomped toward the dugout with two runners aboard in the sixth. Reliever Javier Lopez walked his only hitter, loading the bases.
Giants manager Bruce Bochy turned to Plunter Strickland, a rookie with all of seven innings on his major league resume. Calm as a 10-year veteran, Strickland took care of Ian Desmond - 8 for 12 with a grand slam and 17 RBIs with the bases full this season - on four pitches: 99 mph ball, 98 mph swing-and-miss, 99 mph called strike, 100 mph swing-and-miss.
But in the seventh, Strickland allowed Bryce Harper’s upper-deck homer to right on a 97 mph fastball and, one out later, Asdrubal Cabrera hit pretty much the same pitch over the wall in right, too, making it 3-2.
Reliever Jeremy Affeldt for the last out in the sev enth. The Nationals put runners on first and second with one out in the eighth against Sergio Romo, but he struck out Desmond and got Harper on a grounder. Santiago Casilla pitched a perfect ninth for the save. Strasburg, the No. 1 overall pick in the 2009 amateur draft, famously was held out of the 2012 playoffs because the Nationals wanted to protect his surgically repaired right elbow. Finally getting his chance on the big stage, he showed up with his best material, hitting 99 mph with his fastball and 91 mph with his changeup in the first inning.
He lasted five-plus innings, allowing eight hits - all singles, all to center or right field - and two runs, one earned. He tied for the NL lead this season with a career-high 242 strikeouts, but only managed two, in part because the Giants rarely missed when they swung. Peavy, meanwhile, did not top 92 mph, but that didn’t matter. He put pitches where he wanted them, often barely over the black edge of the plate.
The first hit he allowed
was by Harper in the fifth, a bouncing single off the glove of diving first baseman Belt. As Harper ran through the bag, he yelled, "Let's go!" and looked toward the dugout, pumping his arms. But any notion of a rally there was quickly silenced when Peavy got Wilson Ramos to ground into a first-pitch, 4-6-3 double play, followed by Cabrera’s inning-ending foul pop.
There were other examples of the 96-win NL East champion Nationals being jumpier than the wild-card Giants, who won two of the past four World Series titles. Remember, too, the Nationals hadn’t played since Sunday, while the Giants beat Pittsburgh in the wildcard game Wednesday.
In the third, for example, Ramos was charged with a passed ball, leading to an unearned run off Strasburg. First baseman Adam LaRoche also made a late throw to second that inning on a play in which the baserunner originally was called out; that was reversed to safe after a replay review.□
Peppers scores as Packers cruise past Vikings
Green Bay Packers’ Eddie Lacy gets past Minnesota Vikings' Robert Blanton (36) for a 10-yard touchdown run during the second half of an NFL football game Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, in Green Bay, Wis.
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (AP)
— Green Bay linebacker Julius Peppers celebrated with a touchdown as he made NFL history on Thursday as the Packers cruised past the Minnesota Vikings 42-10.
Peppers returned an interception 49 yards for a score and quarterback Aaron Rodgers threw for three TDs in a one-sided contest.
Eddie Lacy ran for a season-high 105 yards and two touchdowns and Jordy Nelson hauled in a 66-yard touchdown catch.
The hosts led 28-0 after the first half played in a light rain and 42-0 after three quarters.
In the second quarter. Peppers picked off a pass from Vikings quarterback Christian Ponder, who was hit
by tackle Luther Robinson as he released the throw. The 34-year-old Peppers veered left across the field and waited for blocks before chugging the final 10 yards along the sideline to
Associated Press
make it 21 -0 with 7:06 left in the second quarter. Peppers became the first player in NFL history with 100 sacks and 10 interceptions.
Things only got worse for
Ponder, who started at quarterback with rookie Teddy Bridgewater out with a sprained left ankle. Jamari Lattimore intercepted Ponder’s pass over the middle on Minnesota’s next drive, setting up Rodgers’ 11-yard touchdown pass to Davante Adams to give Green Bay a fourtouchdown lead with 4:55 left in the first half.
The rest of the game was a mere formality. Fans took delight in showering former Green Bay receiver Greg Jennings with boos whenever he touched the ball. Jennings finished with two catches for 31 yards. Rodgers was 12 of 17 for 156 yards.
On the long scoring strike, Rodgers found Nelson off play-action, and the NFL’s leading receiver hauled in
the pass at the 20. He easily outraced safety Harrison Smith into end zone for the Packers' second touchdown.
Rodgers also connected with Randall Cobb for an 8-yard touchdown pass set up by three straight long runs by Lacy. Cobb scored his league-leading sixth touchdown of the season. The Packers’ struggling running game also got back on track,
with Lacy running for touchdowns on back-toback drives in the third quarter. He barreled over an opponent into the end zone on his second score, from 10 yards out.
In contrast, Minnesota rarely advanced past midfield. Its only venture across the 50 in the first half ended with a fumble. □
NFL Preview
Bengals, Cardinals can prove their worth
Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald (11) celebrates a catch against the San Francisco 49ers during the second half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014, in Glendale, Ariz.
Associated Press
The Associated Press
If the Cincinnati Bengals and Arizona Cardinals, the NFL’s only remaining unbeaten teams, are true championship contenders, they can make a very loud statement on Sunday. The Cardinals are at Denver and the Bengals visit New England.
The Bengals have been abysmal in U.S. televised night games, including 3-12 on Sunday nights. They’ve been told about it as they head to Foxborough for the prime-time matchup with the struggling Patriots.
“It's a good chance for us to go out there and put it on tape and show the whole nation this Cincinnati team is real,” nose tackle Domata Peko says.
The Bengals are the only AFC team without a loss, have allowed an NFL-low 33 points, and have outscored opponents by an average of nearly 16. And they're listed as a slight favorite in the Patriots' stadium.
“This team is playing with a lot of confidence,” Cincinnati quarterback Andy Dalton says. “We feel like nothing can hold us back.”
Certainly not the offensive line of the Patriots, who come off a 41 -14 defeat at Kansas City.
The sacks tell the story: None against Dalton, nine against Tom Brady.
The lack of protection has made Brady appear skittish, getting rid of the ball early, and given his mediocre group of receivers little time to get open. Only three teams gained fewer yards than New England through the first four weeks of the season.
Are the problems correctable?
“I hope they're correctable,” says Brady, who needs 60 yards to reach 50,000 passing for his career. “I don't think we should feel sorry for ourselves. We’ve always found a way to kind of grind our way through tough times.” Arizona and Denver are rested and coming off byes, but the Cardinals have quarterback concerns with Carson Palmer’s shoulder issues. Then again. Drew Stanton has stepped in and won his two starts. The Cardinals’ defense must remain stingy — 45 points allowed thus far,
none in the fourth quarter — and that’s a prodigious challenge against Peyton Manning, who already has thrown for eight touchdowns. Fie needs one more for 500, a number only Brett Favre has reached.
“It's a big road game against a team that went to the Super Bowl this year, and is going to be a playoff team again,” Cardinals coach Bruce Arians says. “It’s a good barometer for us on the road.... We didn’t play any slouches so far. (Denver) is a really good
ballclub with an outstanding defense and kicking game, and a crowd. All the factors that go into playing at Denver are a huge advantage (for them).”
The Plouston Texans go to Dallas for the Lone Star state title, but more importantly, the winner solidifies its standing in its division. The Texans lead the AFC South and the Cowboys are tied atop the NFC East, both surprising developments, although it is early. Perhaps the two most valuable players through one
month will be on the field: Texans defensive end J.J. Watt, and Cowboys running back DeMarco Murray, the league’s leading rusher.
Also on Sunday, it's Kansas City at San Francisco, Baltimore at Indianapolis, Chicago at Carolina, St. Louis at Philadelphia, the New York Jets at San Diego, Pittsburgh at Jacksonville, Atlanta at the New York Giants, Buffalo at Detroit, Tampa Bay at New Orleans, and Cleveland at Tennessee.
U.S. women reach semis after 94-72 rout of France
DOUG FEINBERG AP Basketball Writer ISTANBUL (AP) — Geno Auriemma had a simple plan against France — pound the ball inside.
The coach’s strategy worked to near perfection, with the United States shooting a team-record 71 percent in a 94-72 rout at the women's world championship Friday night. Brittney Griner had 17 points and Tina Charles 15 for the U.S., which will face Australia in the semifinals Saturday.
“Coach said that we were just going to keep going inside,” the 6-foot-8 Griner said. “I knew it was my job to finish."
In other games Friday, Spain beat China 71-55 and Turkey defeated Ser bia 62-61. Spain and Turkey meet in the other semifinal Saturday.
Griner and Charles combined to make 14 of their 18 shots as the U.S. dominated the paint, outscoring France 62-24.
“That was the plan,” point guard Sue Bird said. “We wanted to get stops on the defensive end, run as fast as we could and then get the ball inside. We were able to generate really good shots and there are enough players on this team if you get them their looks that they’re probably going to make them. Everyone took their shot.”
France had handed the U.S. a rare exhibition loss on Sept. 21, rallying from an 18-point deficit for the fourpoint win. In that game
Maya Moore and Diana Taurasi combined to shoot 4-for-23, and Griner wasn't with the team.
“I knew what happened there, but honestly it wasn’t about revenge, it’s about the gold,” Griner said. Griner got the U.S. going early, scoring nine points in the opening quarter, displaying a nifty set of post moves that either produced baskets or drew fouls.
Fler one disappointment was missing six free throws. Charles was equally effective — when she wasn’t feeding Griner down low she was scoring from inside and out.
The U.S. led 29-14 after the first period and extended the lead in the second, its depth proving too much.
Angel McCoughtry scored six straight points, including a spectacular drive from the wing after coach Geno Auriemma yelled “take her, Angel.”
That made it 44-21.
France made a mini-run scoring, seven straight to close to 46-28 before Taurasi hit a 3-pointer — her first shot of the game to end the burst.
The Americans led 53-32 at the half, making 79 percent of their shots. That sent the team on its way to surpassing the previous team record of 69 percent set against Taiwan in 1986. France occasionally slowed the Americans' fast break in the second half. But on one play, Moore grabbed a rebound, dribbled up court going behind her
back and fired a no-look pass to Charles for a layup that made it 68-42.
“We’re such an unselfish team and it’s always great to reward the big players when they run the floor," Moore said smiling.
France drew within 17 in the fourth quarter, but no closer.
“They came out very great tonight and we just couldn’t stop them,” said Sandrine Gruda, who led France with 18 points.
The U.S. has won 30 straight games at the world championship and Olympics since falling to Russia in the semifinals of the 2006 worlds. The Americans also improved to 7-1 against France in the worlds. The lone loss came in 1971.

Dow jumps 208 on job gains; Gold, bonds fall
Fairmount Santrol founder William Conway, second from right, CEO and President Jenniffer Deckard, right, and company director Charles Fowler, third from left, celebrate as they ring the New York Stock Exchange opening bell to mark their company’s IPO, Friday, Oct. 3, 2014.
(AP Photo/Richard Drew)
BERNARD CONDON AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Investors think the U.S. economy is at a perfect temperature for stocks: not too hot, not too cold.
The latest evidence came Friday in a jobs report that showed a pickup in hiring last month that could mean more people with paychecks, more spending and higher corporate profits. But the report also showed that wages were stagnant, which cheered investors worried anything pushing up inflation could prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates soon and kill the rally.
All major stock indexes rose sharply. The Dow Jones in dustrial average closed 208 points higher. The rally started from the open and swept up nearly every kind of stock, small and large, and in almost every industry. All 10 sectors in the Standard and Poor's 500 index rose.
“The solid payroll report is great for economic growth and stock prices," said Anastasia Amoroso, global market strategist at J.P. Morgan Funds.
The good news pushed up the value of the dollar against other major currencies to the highest level in more than four years. U.S. bonds and gold fell as investors fled traditional “safe haven" assets.
U.S. employers added
248,000 jobs in September, beating market expectations of a 215,000, the Labor Department reported. The hiring helped drive down the unemployment rate to 5.9 percent, the lowest since July 2008. Hiring in July and August was also stronger than initially estimated.
Still, average hourly wages fell a penny last month, the Labor Department reported. Wages are now up just 2 percent in the past year. “Wage inflation essentially came in zero, and that tells you that the Fed won’t be in any rush to raise interest rates,” said James Abate, managing director of Centre Asset Management.
The Dow rose 208.64, or
1.2 percent, to 17,009.69. It was the third 200-point move in a little over a week as markets turn more volatile.
The S&P 500 index climbed 21.73 points, or 1.1 percent, to 1,967.90. The Nasdaq composite rose 45.43 points, or 1 percent, to 4,447.62.
Earlier in the week, investors were rattled by a sharp drop in small-company stocks, pro-democracy protests in Flong Kong, and falling oil prices that hurt energy companies, big components in stock indexes.
Even with the gains on Friday, all three indexes ended more than half a percent lower for the week, adding to losses last week. Many economists predict the Fed will wait until mid2015 to start raising rates, then proceed with further hikes slowly.
The central bank’s low-rate polices have helped keep borrowing rates low for consumers and businesses. The good news in the U.S. contrasts with troubling signs in Europe. The Chinese economy is slowing, and 18-country eurozone is teetering on another recession. On Thursday, the European Central Bank disappointed investors by not announcing details of more stimulus measures. All major European indexes ended the week sharply lower. The prospect of a two-speed global economy drove up the value of the U.S. dollar on Friday. The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollaragainst six other major currencies, surged 1.3 percent. Q
Service firms grew at healthy clip in September
MARTIN CRUTSINGER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. service firms expanded at a healthy pace in September although it was slightly below the record pace set in August.
The Institute for Supply Management reported Friday that its service index dipped to 58.6 last month, down from a reading of
59.6 in August which had been the strongest level recorded since the measure was introduced in January 2008.
Hiring at service firms, where most Americans work, rose for a seventh straight month.
The service sector index covers about 80 percent of the private sector economy. The index tracks new
orders, businessactivity, employment and supplier delivery delays.
The hiring gains were led by increases in construction and retail trade. Among the comments was one which said that the “previous conservative staffing model is relaxing due to increased demand for services.”
A total of 12 service indus tries reported growth in September. Five reported contraction.
On Wednesday, the purchasing managers group reported that its index of manufacturing activity slipped slightly in September to a reading of 56.6, down from 59 in August.
For both indexes, any reading above 50 signals growth.Q
Push by Allergan to acquire Salix losing its steam
DAVID GELLES © 2014 New York Times
Allergan’s attempt to acquire Salix Pharmaceuticals in an all-cash deal has stalled, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
Allergan, the maker of Bofox, wanted a deal for Salix for more fhan $10 billion without using stock, a move that would not have required shareholder approval. Such a move would have probably made Allergan too large to be acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals and Pershing Square Capital Management, which are waging a $53 billion takeover effort for the drugmaker.
But in recent days, talks between Allergan and Salix ceased. The full set of reasons for the end of talks was not immediately clear, but it now appears unlikely that the two companies will agree on a deal. Allergan has faced calls from shareholders and proxy advisory firms to not do anything that would derail the Valeant offer. In particular, Allergan shareholders do not want any new deal before a special meeting, scheduled for Dec. 18, when investors will have a chance to vote out a majority of the Allergan board. But Allergan’s board says the offer from Valeant and Pershing Square is so inadequate that shareholders would be better served by seeing the company expand through acquisitions. Allergan’s discussions with Salix began last fall, according to a person with knowledge of the matter, even before Valeant and Pershing Square began trying to buy Allergan. In recent weeks, those talks intensified as Allergan sought alternatives that would block a sale to Valeant. Salix is one of a number of companies that is in the process of striking an inversion deal that would lower its taxes. It has agreed to acquire a unit of Cosmo Pharmaceuticals and reincorporate abroad.Q
The Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, left, and the Showboat casino Hotel are seen in Atlantic City N.J. A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Friday, Oct. 3, 2014, denied a request by Trump Entertainment Resorts to be relieved of its pension obligations under a collective bargaining agreement with union workers at the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City.
(AP Photo/Wayne Parry)
Judge: Trump Entertainment pensions motion is rejected
Salix Pharma scuttles Cosmo merger
RANDALL CHASE AP Business Writer DOVER, Del. (AP) — A Delaware bankruptcy judge denied on Friday a request by Trump Entertainment Resorts to be relieved of its pension obligations under a collective bargaining agreement with union workers at the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
After hearing arguments and testimony from company witnesses a day earlier, Judge Kevin Gross said Friday in a teleconference with attorneys that the company had not shown that it would suffer irreparable harm if the judge did not grant the request.
Gross noted that he will hold a hearing on Oct. 14 on Trump Entertainment's request for permission fo terminate the labor agreement entirely, indicating that the pension issue can be decided then.
“The hearing on October 14th will not be time wasted,” said Gross, adding that there is no provision in the bankruptcy code authorizing him to allow a debtor to permanently terminate a collective bargaining agreement except in its entirety. While the bankruptcy code does allow a court to modify provisions of a labor agreement such changes can be done only on an interim basis.
Gross did not rule on arguments by attorneys for the union and its national retirement fund that he has no jurisdiction to rule on Trump Entertainment’s request to terminate the bargaining agreement because it technically doesn't exist. The union attorneys note that the agreement expired Sept. 14 and its terms remain in effect pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act pending negotiations on a new contract. That gives the National Labor Relations Board authority over the issue, they argue.
Struggling with cash-flow problems amid competition from new casinos in neighboring states. Trump Entertainment sought bankruptcy protection last month, threatening to close the Taj Mahal in mid-November and lay off almost 3,000 workers, including more than 1,100 covered by the union, if it didn’t win labor concessions.
Billionaire Carl Icahn, the company’s senior secured lender, has tentatively agreed to Trump Entertainment’s request to convert his $288 million secured debt into a 100 percent ownership stake in a reorganized company, and to inject $100 million in equity to keep the company going, □
TOM MURPHY AP Business Writer
Salix Pharmaceuticals is scrapping its merger with the subsidiary of an Italian drugmaker after the U.S. created new limitations on the tax benefits of incorporating overseas.
Shares of the Raleigh, North Carolina, drugmaker jumped almost 6 percent Friday morning before markets opened and after Salix said that a transformed political environment has created more uncertainty about the benefits they had expected to achieve from the deal, first announced in July.
Salix would have combined with Cosmo Technologies Ltd., a subsidiary of Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, in an all-stock deal. That could have lowered its long-term tax rate from the 30 percent range, to a low 20 percent span.
Salix executives would have run the combined company, and its shareholders would have held a majority stake.
Last month, the U.S. Treasury
U.S. trade deficit shrank for the fourth straight month in August, falling to the lowest level since January as exports rose to an all-time high.
The deficit dropped 0.5 percent in August to $40.1 billion, compared to a revised $40.3 billion in July, the Commerce Department reported Friday. Exports increased 0.2 percent to a record $198.5 billion, aided by increased sales of petroleum, telecommunications equipment and industrial engines. Imports also rose by a smaller 0.1 percent to $238.6 billion.
Even with the falling deficit the past four months, the imbalance so far this year is running 4.2 percent higher than the same period in 2013. A larger deficit acts as a drag on the economy because it means more
Department announced new regulations designed to limit the benefits of these corporate maneuvers, known as inversions. That included barring certain techniques that companies use to lower their tax bill and tightening ownership requirements that must be met for such deals to occur.The U.S. government took action after a spate of companies pursued inversions, some of them quite large. In June, U.S. medical device maker Medtronic Inc. said that it would buy its Irish rival Covidien for $42.9 billion in cash and stock. The pharmaceutical company AbbVie, based in North Chicago, Illinois, reached an agreement in July to buy Shire, based in Dublin, for roughly $55 billion.
The growing number of corporate inversions led to a public and political backlash, with critics saying that U.S. companies were creating a larger tax burden for everyone else by incorporating overseas, while still benefiting from the massive
money going to foreign companies.
The politically sensitive trade deficit with China edged down 2.2 percent to $30.2 billion, only slightly below the all-time high of $30.9 billion set in July. The deficit with China is on track to set another record for the entire year, putting more pressure on Congress and the Obama administration to take steps to curb
U.S. market.
In August, the nation’s largest drugstore chain, Walgreen Co., said it would not pursue an overseas reorganization with European health and beauty retailer Alliance Boots. Walgreen said it wasn’t sure the deal would pass IRS scrutiny, and it also acknowledged feeling pressure to not pursue the move.
Salix, which specializes in gastrointestinal disorder treatments, will pay Cosmo $25 million to get out of its deal. Shares of Salix Pharmaceutical Ltd. climbed $8.92, to $160.01 Friday in premarket trading. Investors also had sent the stock on a temporary plunge in July after the Cosmo combination was announced. The collapse of the Cosmo deal revives for Salix shareholders the prospect that another drugmaker could pay a premium for their company, WBB Securities President Steve Brozak said. Salix stock had soared 68 percent so far this year, as of Thursday’s market close.
(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
what China’s critics see as unfair trade practices.
U.S. manufacturers say that China is manipulating its currency to gain trade advantages over U.S. companies.
They say China undervalues the yuan to make the goods it manufactures cheaper when they are exported, and American products more expensive in China. □
August US trade deficit drops to $40.1 B
Assembly line workers build a 2015 Chrysler 200 automobile at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in Sterling Heights, Mich. The Commerce Department reported on the U.S. trade deficit for August on Friday, Oct. 3, 2014.


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Mother Goose & Grimm
Baby Blues

Conceptis Sudoku





Difficulty Level ★ ★ ★ ★ 10/04
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 10/4/14
Friday’s Puzzle Solved
(c) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.
1 Tavern 4 _ oneself;
worked steadily 9 Wander about 13 Runs up a tab
15 Proverb
16 Disassemble
17 _ away; departed
18 Ladder steps
19 Celebrity
20 Certainly
22 Partial amount
23 Blockhead
24 Actor Wallach 26 Very smart
29 Yelled in horror
34 Publicized
35 Snapshot
36 _ tight leash; very restrained
37 _ reflux; heartburn
38 Precious ones
39 Throw
40 _ out a living; get by
41 Listened to
42 Trial setting
43 Devoted follower
45 Felt; perceived
46 Spring month: abbr.
47 Isn’t able to
48 Messy person 51 Exciting
56 Hired vehicle
57 _ box; larynx
58 Deteriorates
60 Microwave, e.g.
61 Mr. Presley
62 “That meal sounds awful!”
63 Skillets
64 Worked at a blackjack table
65 Your, biblically
1 _ and arrow; Cupid’s items
2 Floored
3 City in Nevada
4 To some degree
5 Grown-up
6 Walking stick
7 _ Benedict; fancy breakfast
8 Baked Alaska and apple pie
9 Largest nation
10 Climb _; mount
11 Eve’s mate
12 Additional amount
14 Pored over
21 James yj 007
25 Name for 13 popes
26 Cried like a sheep
27 Actress and TV host _ Lake
28 Zodiac sign
29 Be generous
30 Drape puller
31 Complains
32 Follow as a result of
33 Passe
35 Ring out
38 Very evil
39 100 years
41 Joint nearest the waist
42 Express pentup frustration
44 Log homes
45 Least wild
47 _B. DeMille
48 Go no further
49 Molten rock
50 Plow animals
52 Mete out
53 Paper towel brand
54 Overwhelming defeat
55 Engrave
59 Heaven above
San Francisco seeks solution on housing cost
© 2014 New York Times SAN FRANCISCO - Every day, Richard Silver sifts through his mail in fear, worried he will find an eviction notice. After 35 years in the increasingly chic North Beach district here. Silver has watched as one neighbor has been pushed out. Now, his rent-controlled building has been sold to a developer, who is trying to clear out all the tenants. “What am I going to do,” said Silver, 68,
real estate speculation and keep renters in their homes.
But even tenant activists are unsure how much difference the various measures - or, really, almost anything the city does could make in a housing market where the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment has rocketed above $3,000 per month. The dearth of inexpensive housing has even forced the city to pay to relocate homeless families well out
Property owners argue that the ballot measure would do little if anything to solve the city's housing problem and could even be counterproductive.
“Putting such an onerous tax on housing in San Francisco is only going to raise housing and rental prices even further,” said Jay Cheng, deputy director of government and community relations for the San Francisco Association of Realtors, adding that the steeper tax would simply be passed along in the sale price.
The city has tried any number of measures to keep its small geographic footprint from becoming a kind of country club, open only to the wealthy. In the past year, San Francisco has approved nearly a dozen changes to housing laws, cracked down on vacation rentals in residential properties (which are illegal here) and - in a largely symbolic move - started charging technology companies for the use of city bus stops to pick up workers in shuttle vans.
It has also mandated huge cash payouts to tenants evicted under the Ellis Act, a provision of state law that allows landlords to clear all tenants from their property if they take all units in the building off the rental market for at least five years. The properties are often then redeveloped and the units sold off for huge sums.Q
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How to K@€ich us!
The North Beach area of San Francisco. With real estate prices in the Bay Area soaring to unseen heights, voters will decide on an aggressive anti-eviction tax on property owners who resell residential buildings within five years of buying them.
(Jim Wilson/The New York Times)
a semiretired entrepreneur who pays $832 a month for his one-bedroom apartment, “just throw my stuff out the window onto the sidewalk?” With real estate prices in the Bay Area soaring to unseen heights, evictions across San Francisco have hit their highest levels in more than a decade. The convulsion of anger from tenants has taken any number of forms - including protests outside the homes of Google employees and at bus stops where technology workers board commuter vans but the latest battle will be waged at the ballot box. Next month, voters here will decide on one of the most aggressive anti-eviction efforts ever attempted here: a withering tax on property owners who resell residential buildings within five years of buying them. The ballot initiative, officially known as Proposition G but called the anti-speculation tax by its supporters, follows a year in which the city’s Board of Supervisors has approved a string of measures designed to slow
side San Francisco. Proposition G would raise the tax on the sale of many multiunit residential properties to as high as 24 percent of the sale price, up from a maximum of just 2.5 percent now, in order to discourage developers from clearing out tenants and reselling, or “flipping,” the units for a profit.
“This is about stopping the crazy, insane housing crisis and rent increases in our city and making sure we protect neighborhoods that are being changed before our eyes every day," Eric Mar, the city supervisor who sponsored the ballot measure, declared at a rally with tenants’ rights activists. “It won’t stop the flipping or the speculation, but it will be a strong message that displacement is wrong and we will fight for our communities.”
In the 12 months ending in February, there were 1,977 evictions, up 55 percent from 2010, according to city statistics. Many more tenants have accepted buyouts from owners eager to get them out.
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App teaches kindergartners basic computer coding
In this Thursday, Sept. 18,2014 photo Aiden Crott, 7, works with his Scratch Jr program on an iPad at the Eliot-Pearson Children’s School in Medford, Mass. Researchers created the app that teaches basic computer programming to kindergartners.
Associated Press
RODRIQUE NGOWI Associated Press CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (AP) — This computer programming app is so easy to use that even a kindergartener can do it. Researchers in Massachusetts have created a basic computer coding app that they say is the first designed specifically for children as young as 5. Kids who haven't yet learned to read can use the app to craft their own interactive stories and games.
With ScratchJr, children can snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters and other elements in their project move, jump, talk and change size. Users can modify various elements in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, and even insert their own photos.
“When many people think of computer programming, they think of something very sophisticated,” says co-developer Michel Resnick of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “But we don’t think it has to be that way."
Marina Umaschi Bers, his co-developer from Tufts University, cites research
that shows children start to form convictions by fourth grade about how good or bad they are in math, science and technology.
“So most programs that introduce coding in fourth grade and up, it's great, but they are coming kind of late to the party,” she says.
The project was funded by a $1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to help children learn to think creatively and reason systematically.
The free app is already being used in kindergarten classrooms at the EliotPearson Children's School
in Medford.
“I learned to concentrate and use the imagination a lot,” 7-year-old Talia Levitt says. “You can do, like, almost anything on it.”
Her classmate, 7-year-old Aiden Crott, adds, “I like making the background and then making the pro gram and make the guy move around everywhere." ScratchJr was inspired by the popular Scratch programming language for older kids. Developers say they redesigned the interface and programming language to make it appropriate for younger children.
The app was launched in July on the iPad platform, and developers are working on versions for the Web and Android devices.
“We don't want necessarily every young child to become a computer scientist or to work as an engineer, but we want every young child to be exposed to these new ways of thinking that coding makes possible,” Bers said.
Claire Caine, a teacher at the Jewish Community Day School in Watertown, said she likes the app because it encourages kids to explore and figure out solutions to problems.
“Give it to them young enough, and they start doing it, and it just becomes like brushing teeth,” Caine said. “Nobody says they are not good at brushing teeth or they can't brush their teeth.”q
Lamborghini tests out hybrid supercar
A hostess poses next to a Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4 AT during the press day at the Motor Show in Paris, France, Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014.
Associated Press
PARIS (AP) — Lamborghini’s Asterion LPI 910-4 concept was one of the most hotly anticpated unveilings of the Paris Motor Show, and the Italian supercar maker didn’t disappoint.
The electric blue Asterion on display in Paris has been surrounded by cameras and curious onlookers since its unveiling Thursday. Lam borghini boss Stephan Winkelmann says the low-slung speedster is the first ever plug-in gas-elecric hybrid in Lamborghini's history. INSIDE: Ivory leather, aluminum, forged carbon and titanium create a luxurious cabin. Storage space has been increased compared with other Lamborghinis, although no one is calling it
roomy. A removable tablet controls audio, air conditioning and mapping features.
OUTSIDE: The Asterion, named after the mythical Minotaur in a nod to Lamborghini’s tradition of naming all its cars after bulls, features more curves and almost none of the sharp angles that have been the hallmark of most recent Lamborghini designs. While its looks are different than the Aventador or Huracan, the Asterion remains unmistakably a Lamborghini. UNDER THE HOOD: The plug-in hybrid is set up with a VI0 aspirated engine and three electric motors, with a lithium battery under the center console. It boasts zero-to-100 km acceleration of 3 seconds
and a top speed of 320 kilometers an hour.
GAS MILEAGE: Lamborghini says that the Asterion has a range of 50 km (30 miles) using the electric battery alone.
CHEERS: The curvy good looks. Lamborghini power and styling for those who don't like their cars to look like aggressive enemy spacecraft.
JEERS: It's only a concept.q

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Carol Burnett to get Jimmy Stewart Museum award
JOE MANDAK Associated Press INDIANA, Pennsylvania (AP) — Actress and comedian Carol Burnett is set to be honored by a Pennsylvania museum dedicated to actor Jimmy Stewart. Burnett will receive the museum’s Harvey Award at a Friday night fundraiser for the James M. Steward Museum Foundation.
The foundation and museum are based in Stewart's Pennsylvania hometown of Indiana, about 45 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. The
banquet is in nearby Blairsville.
Past winners include Janet Leigh, Shirley Jones, Ernest Borgnine and Rich Little. The award is named for the 1950 film in which Stewart befriends an invisible rabbit. It is typically given to someone with connections to Stewart.
Burnett has called Stewart her “idol.” He appeared on the final episode of “The Carol Burnett Show” as a surprise guest, ending its 11year run in 1978. He died in 19970
In this Sept. 19, 2014 file photo, Taylor Swift arrives at the iHeart Radio Music Festival in Las Vegas.
Associated Press
Taylor Swift to coach on ‘The Voice’
Steve Martin to receive AFI Life Achievement Award
In this June 23, 2014 file photo, Steve Martin poses during “The Un-Private Collection: Eric Fischl and Steve Martin," an art talk presented by The Broad museum in Santa Monica, Calif.
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Steve Martin is being saluted with this year's Life Achievement Award from the American Film Institute.
The AFI announced Friday that Martin would be getting its highest honor for a career in film.
The award will be given at a tribute in Los Angeles next June. The gala ceremony will be aired for a third year on the TNT network and by its sister channel, Turner Classic Movies. The 69-year-old Martin followed initial stardom as a standup and TV performer with his debut feature film, “The Jerk," in 1979.
His many other films include “Pennies from Heaven,” "Three Amigos!,” "Lit tle Shop of Horrors,” "All of Me,” "Roxanne” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” Previous award recipients
include Al Pacino, Warren Beatty, Mel Brooks and Jane Fonda. □
Springsteen, Metallica, Rihanna booked for ‘Valor’ concert
In this June 28, 2014 file photo, James Hetfield of Metallica performs at Glastonbury festival, in Pilton, England.
Associated Press
Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Taylor Swift has plenty of her own hits, and now she'll be advising young singers on “The Voice” how to do it themselves.
The NBC competition show said Friday that the “Shake It Off” singer is serving as a mentor to competitors later this month. She'll make her first appearance on Oct.
27, giving her some primetime exposure on the day that her new album is scheduled to be released. On three shows. Swift will advise contestants on vocal technique, stage presence and picking the right songs to fit their strengths.
There’s no word on whether Swift will appear after the Nov. 3 show. □
Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Eminem, Bruce Springsteen, Metallica and Rihanna are among the artists booked for a televised live concert from the National Mall in Washington next month to raise awareness of issues concerning veterans.
“The Concert for Valor” is planned for 7 p.m. EDT on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11. It will be televised by HBO,
which will provide its signal free to non-subscribers. Jamie Foxx, Dave Grohl, comic John Oliver, Carrie Underwood and the Zac Brown Band also are scheduled to perform, with appearances by Meryl Streep,
Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. Other participants will be announced in the coming weeks. Starbucks chairman How ard Schultz is spearheading the event. The concert is free, but sponsors hope to direct fans to ways they can volunteer or donate money to causes helping war veterans.
“They've stepped up," Schultz said. “Now it’s our turn.”
The concert will feature stories from a book Schultz has written about veterans’ experiences-^
Netflix signs Adam Sandler to four-film deal
In this Sept. 6, 2014 file photo, actor Adam Sander smiles during a press conference for “Men, Women, and Children” at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto. Sandler has signed a deal with Netflix to star in and produce four films for the streaming service.
Associated Press
JAKE COYLE AP Film Writer NEW YORK (AP) — In its bid
to upend the movie business the way it has television, Netflix has secured one of the big screen’s biggest box-office draws and mosf irreverent comedic talents. Adam Sandler has signed a four-film deal with Netflix, the streaming service announced early Thursday. The actor will star in and produce each feature, all of which will premiere exclusively on Netflix. “When these fine people came to me with an offer to make four movies for them, I immediately said yes for one reason and one reason only: Netflix rhymes with wet chicks,” Sandler said in a statement. “Let the streaming begin!” Netflix declined to say how much it was paying Sandler. But the streaming giant has a history of reaching deep into its pocket to lure big-name talent. To land “House of Cards,” with director David Fincher and star Kevin Spacey, Netflix reportedly spent $100 million for the show’s first two seasons.
On Tuesday, Netflix signaled ifs long-planned entry into original movies, announcing that it will stream a sequel to 2000's Oscar
winning “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" — one of fhe most lucrative foreign language releases ever. The sequel, produced by the Weinstein Co., will open in August 2015 simultaneously in Imax theaters and on Netflix.
Sandler is one of Hollywood's mosf reliable draws, wifh films fhaf have collectively grossed more than $2.4 billion domestically. But his track record has recently been rocky. His last
film, the romantic comedy “Blended,” with Drew Barrymore, sputtered with a meager haul just $46.3 million for Warner Bros.
Ted Sarandos, chief content officer for Netflix, said Sandler’s films are regularly among the most-viewed by Netflix members. “People love Adam's films on Netflix and often watch them again and again,” Sarandos said. “His appeal spans across viewers of all ages. Everybody has a fa vorite movie, everyone has a favorite line, not just in the US but all over the world.” Sandler's international appeal fits Netflix’s global aspirations. The company has been rapidly expanding overseas, most recently in Europe, and is now available in nearly 50 countries. The four features, which are currently planned without any theatrical release component, are expected to be comedies. Those are the kind of movies Sandler
starring that rate highly on Netflix. Among Netflix’s Sandler titles available for streaming are “Happy Gilmore" and “Click.”
The first movie in the deal, to be jointly developed between Netflix and Sandler's Happy Madison Productions, could come as early as late 2015.
Netflix’s plans with “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend” have already upset the movie industry's traditional patterns. The nation’s three largest exhibitors — AMC, Regal and Cinemark — quickly refused to carry it on their screens.
“We will not participate in an experiment where you can see the same product on screens varying from three stories tall to 3 inches wide on a smartphone,” Regal spokesman Russ Nunley said.
But many analysts see the disruption caused by Netflix's entry into original movies, in an era of everproliferating screens, as an overdue challenge to Hollywood's carefully controlled theatrical model. “This is just the start of what Netflix is going to do,” said Rich Greenfield, media analyst for BTIG Research. “Stay tuned. This is the beginning."□
Holocaust theater catalog established in Miami
This undated image released by Polk & Co. shows Michelle Williams, center, during a performance in “Cabaret,” at Studio 54 in New York.
Associated Press
MARK KENNEDY AP Drama Writer NEW YORK (AP) — The first comprehensive archive of theater materials related
to the Holocaust has been established at the University of Miami, allowing researchers and students worldwide access to such
plays as Arthur Millers' “Broken Glass,”
the stage adaptation of “The Diary of Anne Frank” and the musical “Cabaret.”
The digital Holocaust Theater Archive includes more than 550 titles and will continue to grow, including details like synopses, country of origin, casts and rights holders. Study guides and educational programs will be built around the archive.
The archive is the work of the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies and
the George Feldenkreis Program in Judaic Studies — both at the University of Miami — and the National Jewish Theater Foundation. The official launch is set for Tuesday.
“Although theater has played an extraordinary role from fhe 1930s fo today in Holocaust awareness and education, there has not been until now a comprehensive theater initiative that has sought to make understood that body of work to Holocaust educators, officials, theatrical companies and the general public,”
Arnold Mittelman, the president of the National Jewish Theater Foundation and project director of the archive, said in a statement. The archive includes “The Substance of Fire” by Jon Robin Baitz, several plays by Berfolt Brecht including “The Resistible Rise of Arfuro Ui,” Jeff Cohen’s “The Soap Myth" and “The Sound of Music.”
The site organizes the works by title and authors, as well as categories, including such common subjects as the ghettos, the extermination camps and Holocaust deniers. □
Our Invisible Rich
The Hole in Holder’s Legacy
PAUL KRUGMAN © 2014 New York Times
Half a century ago, a classic essay in The New Yorker titled “Our Invisible Poor” took on the then-prevalent myth that America was an affluent society with only a few “pockets of poverty.” For many, the facts about poverty came as a revelation, and Dwight Macdonald’s article arguably did more than any other piece of advocacy to prepare the ground for Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.
I don’t think the poor are invisible today, even though you sometimes hear assertions that they aren’t really living in poverty hey, some of them have Xboxes! Instead, these days it’s the rich who are invisible.
But wait - isn’t half our TV programming devoted to breathless portrayal of the real or imagined lifestyles of the rich and fatuous? Yes, but that’s celebrity culture, and it doesn’t mean that the public has a good sense either of who the rich are or of how much money they make. In fact, most Americans have no idea just how unequal our society has become.
The latest piece of evidence to that effect is a survey asking people in various countries how much they thought top executives of major companies make relative to unskilled workers. In the United States the median respondent believed that chief executives make about 30 times as much as their employees, which was roughly true in the 1960s - but since then the gap has soared, so that today chief executives earn something like 300 times as much as ordinary workers.
So Americans have no idea how much the Masters of the Universe are paid, a finding very much in line with evidence that Americans vastly underestimate the concentration of wealth at the top.
Is this just a reflection of the innumeracy of hoi polloi? No - the supposedly well informed often seem comparably out of touch. Until the Occupy movement turned the “1 percent” into a catchphrase, it was all too common to hear prominent pundits and politicians speak about inequality as if it were mainly about college graduates versus the less educated, or the top fifth of the population versus the bottom 80 percent.
And even the 1 percent is too broad a category; the really big gains have gone to an even ti nier elite. For example, recent estimates indicate not only that the wealth of the top percent has surged relative to everyone else - rising from 25 percent of total wealth in 1973 to 40 percent now - but that the great bulk of that rise has taken place among the top 0.1 percent, the richest one-thousandth of Americans.
So how can people be unaware of this development, or at least unaware of its scale? The main answer, I’d suggest, is that the truly rich are so removed from ordinary people’s lives that we never see what they have. We may notice, and feel aggrieved about, college kids driving luxury cars; but we don’t see private equity managers commuting by helicopter to their immense mansions in the Hamptons. The commanding heights of our economy are invisible because they’re lost in the clouds.
The exceptions are celebrities, who live their lives in public. And defenses of extreme inequality almost always invoke the examples of movie and sports stars. But celebrities make up only a tiny fraction of the wealthy, and even the biggest stars earn far less than the financial barons who really dominate the upper strata. For example, according to Forbes, Robert Downey Jr. is the highest-paid actor in America, making $75 million last year. According to the same publication, in 2013 the top 25 hedge fund managers took home, on average, almost a billion dollars each.
Does the invisibility of the very rich matter? Politically, it matters a lot. Pundits sometimes wonder why American voters don’t care more about inequality; part of the answer is that they don’t realize how extreme it is. And defenders of the superrich take advantage of that ignorance. When the Heritage Foundation tells us that the top 10 percent of filers are cruelly burdened, because they pay 68 percent of income taxes, it’s hoping that you won’t notice that word “income” - other taxes, such as the payroll tax, are far less progressive. But it’s also hoping you don’t know that the top 10 percent receive almost half of all income and own 75 percent of the nation’s wealth, which makes their burden seem a lot less disproportionate.
Most Americans say, if asked, that inequality is too high, and something should be done about it - there is overwhelming support for higher minimum wages, and a majority favors higher taxes at the top. But at least so far confronting extreme inequality hasn’t been an election-winning issue. Maybe that would be true even if Americans knew the facts about our new Gilded Age. But we don’t know that. Today’s political balance rests on a foundation of ignorance, in which the public has no idea what our society is really likeQ
JOE NOCERA © 2014 New York Times
A few weeks ago, Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. gave a speech at the New York University School of Law on the subject of whitecollar prosecutions. In it, he offered a full-throated defense of his department’s efforts in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.
With his resignation announcement coming eight days later, one can’t help but view his speech as a kind of valedictory. The Justice Department, he said, had stood vigilant against financial fraud “wherever it is uncovered” - and prosecuted “criminal conduct to the fullest extent of the law.”
He took credit for negotiating huge fines against financial firms, and for forcing several big banks - Credit Suisse and BNP Paribas to accept guilty pleas.
As for the prosecution of individuals involved in the financial crisis, he claimed that the Justice Department had “taken aggressive action, nearly doubling the number of mortgage fraud indictments and criminal convictions between 2009 and 2010, then increasing them even further the following year.”
Actually, Holder’s Justice Department has been notoriously laggard in prosecuting crimes that stemmed from the financial crisis, and much of what it has done amounts to an exercise in public relations.
Take, for instance, those guilty pleas extracted from Credit Su isse and BNP Paribas. Last March, Holder said that he feared that prosecuting large financial institutions could hurt the economy. This became known as his “too big to jail” remark - which he quickly disavowed.
No wonder he was eager to have some firms plead guilty! Yet, as Peter Henning notes in a New York Times DealBook article, the Justice Department made sure those guilty pleas didn’t inflict too much pain. In the case of BNP Paribas, prosecutors secured agreements from state banking regulators that they wouldn’t pull the bank’s license to do business. Or take the claim that the Justice Department has been rigorously rooting out mortgage fraud. In fact, after a grand announcement that the department was putting together a mortgage fraud task force, U.S. attorneys around the country began aiming their fire at easy prey: smalltime mortgage brokers, or homeowners who had lied on “liar loans.”
None of the top executives from any of the major firms were indicted. Indeed, according to an article in The New York Times Magazine in May, only one executive of any kind - a midlevel executive with Credit Suisse - has gone to prison as a result of his actions during the financial crisis. The notion that he’s the only one who committed a crime in the mortgage-crazed run-up to the financial crisis is, quite simply, implausible.
As for those big fines against Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, not only did they come very late, but their terms were such that it was impossible to know for sure the extent of their wrongdoing. And, of course, despite fines that went into the billions, no actual human was prosecuted for any wrongdoing. So the question worth asking, as Holder plans to step down, is not what his department did but why it did so little.
Why was it so reluctant to pursue the financial crimes connected to the 2008 crisis? One answer is
that these are hard cases to prosecute - harder than negotiating a financial settlement with a big bank. Early on, the Justice Department tried two Bear Stearns portfolio managers whose hedge fund - stuffed with mortgagebacked securities - collapsed. The two men were found innocent. That verdict seems to have sent a chill through prosecutors, making them reluctant to go after others.
Jesse Eisinger, the author of that Times Magazine article, wrote that, over the years, the Justice Department saw “an erosion of the department’s actual trial skills,” as well as a drop in resources. In the Southern District of New York, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara focused - with great success - on insider-trading cases, where he had wiretaps that made prosecutions relatively easy, instead of difficult-to-try financial crisis cases.
Adam Levitin, a professor at Georgetown Law School, had his own list of reasons, which he emailed me. They included fear that the Obama administration would be accused of an antibusiness witch hunt if it went after Wall Street; “deep personal, cultural, financial and political ties” between the administration and Wall Street; and a lack of understanding of the products and markets involved. “What it all boils down to,” Levitin concluded, “is that we didn’t have prosecutions because no one ever really wanted to prosecute.” Holder’s legacy is a mixed bag. As The Times’ Matt Apuzzo wrote last week, he “succeeded in reducing lengthy prison sentences, opened civil rights investigations against police departments in record numbers and challenged identification requirements for voters.”
On the negative side, he subpoenaed journalists and went after their sources.
No matter how he tries to spin it, Holder’s inability - or unwillingness - to prosecute financial crimes is on the negative side of the ledger.Q
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Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2014-10-04 (2024)


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