Lex Sedet In Vertice: A Supervillain in the DCU CK2 quest Superhero (2024)

So I managed to finish this in just under a week. Hopefully people enjoy. I don't feel like there were any huge gamechangers but I enjoyed writing these a lot and there were some that were hopefully fun. There were even a few of these personal actions that I wanted to expand into a proper omake rather than leaving them as just a paragraph or so of text. I also messed around a little bit with stuff as beyond Fixit being in binary there's one other where I tried messing around with things. Hopefully it's enjoyable for people as a fun little easter egg to try and put together (it shouldn't be an impossible to crack code).

I'm not going to ramble on any longer, I hope you guys enjoy this latest update.

Turn 32 Results Part 2

Personal Actions

[ ] [Lex] Oversee the Cold Engine's completion
Roll 10

It's always important to try and stay on top of any innovations LexCorp pumps out. Your company regularly changes the world but when doing so, there is always the risk of something going wrong. As such when you have the free time you like to oversee the project to ensure that nothing goes wrong and everything goes according to plan. The Cold Engine has been something that has been in the works for a while. A theoretical source of near infinite energy that would allow you to change the world. Of course Caitlin's condition shows that there are consequences to if the project is not carefully managed. You don't have the time to see every little minutia of the Cold Engine's construction, too many revolutionary projects are at LexCorp for you to dedicate your time to overseeing any one of them, but you were able to see through the completion of the project and look on in satisfaction as you effectively broke thermodynamics and created a hypothetical source of infinite energy.

[ ] [Mercy] Brief security on known tactics of the Joker
Roll 16

The Joker was a fairly public figure for a criminal and as such Mercy was able to get quite the sense of what his tactics were. For all that the Joker liked to cultivate a reputation for being chaotic, the man had a fairly standard playbook for how he liked to approach things. As such Mercy was able to brief security on the most expected tactics. For all of the Joker's infamous reputation, he rarely directly struck at fortified or defended positions. Instead what was more common was for him to try and pick off an individual from within said position and then subvert them by targeting their family. It was a difficult strategy for individuals to cover since if they didn't live on location, they would be forced to pull away troops integral to defense away from the fortified position making it easier to get at. The Joker could then wait and respond appropriately. If enough forces were pulled away he could attempt to sneak in and launch his assault, and if there was a gap in the coverage he could subvert an individual by going after their loved ones. Of course Mercy could cover this by simply having as many of LexCorp's workers live on site and by instituting regular check-ins to ensure that no one ended up being coerced or subverted. It was a little draconian but it would ensure that he was unable to access things. Another tactic the Joker liked to use was to ready some kind of incident or catastrophe to get people to come to him in order to lure them onto grounds he'd prepared. For Mercy once again the solution was fairly simple as she just needed to brief security forces to stay fixed in place and to not investigate things unnecessarily so as to deny the Joker the ability to prepare the battlefield. The last bit of preparations were fairly simple. The Joker often made use of electrifying joy buzzers and "laughing gas" to take kill people on his own. By instituting a policy against handshakes and providing security with a simple gas mask, Mercy was able to ensure that the average security force member would be much more likely to survive an encounter with the Joker. All in all Mercy doubted the clown would be able to do much to LexCorp with the preparations she'd put into place

[ ] [Pam] Attempt to grow blue sunflowers
Roll 16

It began as a bit of idle curiosity. Pamela wore many hats over the years but she did have a degree in botany and while she often did different things for LexCorp nowadays, she was hired on as a botanist initially. Her babies didn't see too much use in Lex's plans, she appreciated him keeping them out of harms way for the most part, but every so often Pamela got the urge to experiment and see how far she could push things. Blue sunflowers ultimately were a rather small thing in the grand scheme of things and it was an interesting puzzle to see if she could figure out a way to cause a flower to bloom in a color it didn't naturally. It took many generations and a good amount of experimentation but eventually Pamela managed to figure out the secret and make blue sunflowers. It was relaxing all things considered and Pamela enjoyed seeing how far plants could go.

[ ] [Kane] Check in on Raven
Roll 1

Katherine had initially meant to check in on Raven to see how she was holding up. Katherine knew that Raven was new to a whole lot of aspects of being a teenager so she wanted to check in to see if Raven was holding up alright even as she got more involved with some potential superhero stuff. It was well intentioned but then something work related had come up and Katherine had to handle it. She figured she'd check in on Raven some time after training to see if she was holding up alright.

[ ] [Rebecca] Hang out with Roxy and Oswald
Roll 20

Rebecca wasn't sure what to expect when she'd met up with Roxy and Oswald. They were all nominally involved with film and television, though Rebecca was mostly out of that industry now, and they all got along but that didn't necessarily translate to having a good time while getting coffee. Still it was rather nice to be able to catch up with people and see how they were keeping up. Roxy apparently was having a blast in what LexCorp was working on and Oswald was still thinking of ways to integrate Krank Co. Toys into Lightyear Entertainment's television repertoire. It was a nice reprieve all things considered.

[ ] [Roxy] Try fugu pufferfish
Roll 17

Roxy liked to live dangerously. That wasn't news to anyone who knew her but it still bore repeating for those who might not have gotten to know her quite yet. Roxy liked to live dangerously and while her job was necessarily thrill seeking, Roxy liked to try and get thrills in other ways as well. When she heard that there was a place in Metropolis that would serve fugu pufferfish, Roxy was excited to try it. It wasn't her usual sort of thrill seeking but it sounded interesting enough. Roxy went to try it and it was interesting. It tasted fine, not all that different from most other sashimi she'd had over the years, though Roxy hardly had a discerning palette in that matter. The anticipation and the tension before eating it was fun but once she'd finished her first piece a lot of the tension had left. Still it was a decent enough experience and Roxy definitely would bring others to try it. As fun as it was to try it herself, Roxy knew that watching someone else squirm as they tried to work up the nerve to eat the fish could be entertaining in its own right.

[ ] [Carol] Spend time getting to know Tora and Beatriz
Roll 6

Carol was busy all the time now. Being Ultraviolet and running Ferris Aerospace took up a massive amount of her time, especially as her superheroic career got bigger and bigger. Still considering that she was going to potentially be on a team with them soon, Carol wanted to try and get to know Tora and Beatriz a little better. She'd managed to say hello and speak to them a little bit but work had come up and Carol had been forced to cut things short for now. There would be other opportunities to do stuff like this later.

[ ] [Karl] Attempt to write a daily journal
Roll 10

Karl new that objectively journaling might not be the best thing for operational security, and he was quite confident that LexCorp would plunder these journals after he died, but as a way to help him process things, they weren't too bad of an option. Karl didn't put all that much important in his journals but it was a way to get little bits of catharsis, writing out some of the angers and frustrations and fears of his as time moved on. Karl wasn't quite at peace per se but he was getting better and the journal was an engaging way to try and get a sense of how he was doing and self-regulate a little better.

[ ] [Cass] Observe Raven and slowly bend her into being an ideal subordinate
Roll 10

Cassandra knew full well that Raven was a valuable person. She was powerful and intelligent enough and Cassandra could do with another subordinate like that. Cassandra already knew how to get people to do what she wanted and think it was their own idea, she just needed to get a better sense of who Raven was as a person. She could have asked Starfire and Jinx about it, both of them were friends with Raven and would do as Cassandra asked, but Cassandra preferred to do things herself is possible and she knew that Jinx would be made unhappy if Cassandra showed too overt an interest in Raven. It was stupid and Cassandra didn't get why Jinx felt threatened, nobody could replace Jinx, but she also didn't know how to get Jinx to work through said issue so for now Cassandra avoided it. She could still achieve her goals without upsetting Jinx. Cassandra had also learned that overtly staring at someone and observing them often tended to disturb them. That being said people paid a lot less mind as to what the cameras were recording for the most part, and nobody expected Cassandra to have access to the footage. That was stupid though, Cassandra spoke with Mercy pretty regularly as she was Father's second, and Mercy wouldn't prevent Cassandra from doing something harmless. As such Cassandra acquired the footage of Raven and began to study it. She'd figure out what made Raven tick soon enough and once she figured things out, Cassandra would have Raven happy to do whatever Cassandra wanted her to.

[ ] [Mari] Look into getting a degree in architecture
Roll 5

Mari had gotten involved in quite a number of building construction projects over the years. For the most part Mari managed money for these projects but recent endeavors in Alexandria and Metropolis had led to Mari dabbling a little bit in different architectural styles. Not enough that she was doing any real architecture herself but enough to get a sense of aesthetics. Mari knew that there was some overlap between her current skillset and architecture, the drawing skills, the choice of aesthetics and being able to manage budgets were all relevant, and so she looked into potentially getting a degree in architecture. However upon seeing what the time commitment to become an architect was, Mari ended up dropping the idea. She was good as is.

[ ] [Loomis] Speak with Siobhan
Roll 18

Over the years Oswald had gotten plenty of letters from children. It was part and parcel of creating a television show for children, much less a network, and considering the Uncle Ozzy show starred himself as the main character, it was only natural that there'd be some level of interaction between him and the children that watched his television shows. That being said it was certainly unusual to have a young woman explain that watching the Uncle Ozzy show helped her deal with her abusive childhood. That was a bombshell and a half. Oswald had suspected that Siobhan had watched his show and he knew at least in the abstract that Siobhan did not have a great childhood, but he'd never quite put two and two together. It certainly explained why Siobhan was so willing to help whenever he needed it. Speaking to Siobhan as she awkwardly poured her heart out about what the Uncle Ozzy show was both validating and a bit discomfiting. It was all too easy while working on television to get separated from your audience. In a lot of ways Siobhan's raw emotions were uncomfortable but they were also why Oswaldwas doing this kind of stuff in the first place.

Results: Siobhan and Oswald coop score +0.05

[ ] [Jinx] Invent Antichess
Roll 2

Jinx had created a monster. Antichess was initially meant to be a way for Jinx to win at chess. After all if she couldn't win in the normal game, flipping the objective into one where you tried to lose as many pieces as possible should be right up Jinx's ally right? Instead the game turned into a miserable slog where you were repeatedly forced to take pieces. At least in normal chess Jinx could choose how she lost, this was just miserable. Jinx regretted ever having created antichess, it was absolutely awful.

[ ] [Carl] Visit Carla
Roll 17

Carl had previously intended to visit Carla but Carla had managed to talk him into not visiting her. This time around, Carl was determined to visit her during one of her breaks and so when he had the free time he notified the people at LexCorp and drove to visit his daughter. Carla was less than appreciative of his impromptu visit but he manage to see that she kept her skills sharp and she was close to getting her degrees. Carla mentioned that she was probably going to do government work and was looking into working with the DOMA. Carl's government work experience didn't translate onto it the best, the DEO was a very different animal than the DOMA, but there was enough overlap for it to be relevant. Carl would see how much tricks for metahuman containment he could covertly bring to Carla's attention without violating his secrecy agreements with the US government. Overall it was a very solid trip.

[ ] [Smoak] Spend time with Barbara before she leaves
Roll 2

Felicity had intended to spend some time with Barbara before the teenaged girl left LexCorp to pursue working with Wayne Enterprises but there never quite was a good time to do so. Barbara personally didn't want to make a big deal of her leaving and definitely didn't want any other interns to get jealous of her. Felicity didn't quite get it, but she wasn't going to go against Barbara's wishes. It was a shame that Barbara wasn't sticking with LexCorp, the girl certainly could have had a career at the company, but Felicity wouldn't begrudge her the opportunity to explore what she wanted to do and take up a potentially more prestigious position closer to home.

[ ] [Dahl] Try a Chicago style hotdog
Roll 7

Apparently Chicago style hot dogs were a thing. Marie figured if she was already in the Windy City she might as well try one. The vendor had pissed her off when he'd talked down to her like she was a child, but Marie held in her temper for now. Instead she tried to enjoy her hotdog. Apparently "Chicago style" meant slathered in relish and mustard. It wasn't the worst thing Marie had eaten but it wasn't exactly great either. She'd hold off on it for now.

[ ] [Nygma] Code a program to solve word searches
Roll 20

Edward was an ingenious interlocutor ideating and iterating on idealized innovations in intelligent interaction. His puzzles puzzled, his conundrums confounded and at the end of the day he always could adjure an applicable answer to any assignment asked of him. Still the primitive procephalic power present in the proletariat and plebians precipitated a pondering of precisely what program to prescribe as a panacea to their perpetually perplexed perception of presented puzzles. As such Edward coded a rather simple computer program called AlphabetEye to automatically scan strings of letters and detect any words designated in the command prompt as being relevant. Yes it was ultimately petty, word searches were hardly an intellectual game, but it was proof of concept that a computerized edge could be created to give the mundane masses a means of matching minds with a mastermind like himself, even if they ultimately couldn't win.

[ ] [Rose] Ɔouʇǝɯdlɐʇǝ ɥǝɹ ɯᴉssᴉuƃ ǝʎǝ
Roll ?????

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[ ] [Moon] Contemplate if zeta beams can be used to combine living creatures together
Roll 13

Zeta beams were a naturally intriguing potential bit of science. Dr. Moon was nowhere near an expert but he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you were to transpose two animals on top of one another in such a way that they came out of zeta beam transport a single entity. Dr. Dhawan had jokingly called it "the Seth Brundle conundrum" but it certainly was an interesting little puzzle. Dr. Moon wasn't going to be given the opportunity to test this any time soon and yet his mind kept whirring away at all the things he could do. A genuine rat king created not by the tying of tails but rather by the fusion of them was the barest hint of the potential this technology brought to the table.

[ ] [Lisa] Go ice skating
Roll 19

Lisa enjoyed ice skating. She was good at it and she looked good doing it. As such once the weather permitted, Lisa went to an ice skating rink and enjoyed herself. As she was good enough to do tricks and show off she'd managed to gather a solid crowd of onlookers. It was nice to have people cheering for her and considering she was already a bit of a celebrity, showing off her ice skating skills would likely only make her seem more talented and capable. Maybe Lisa could strike a deal with one of the ice skating rinks as a way to make money and spread her fame while boosting how many people showed up to the rink. It was an idea that might be worth trying.

[ ] [Leonard] Play poker with Mick
Roll 9

Leonard had spent the week working with construction crew types. It was a nice change of pace to be with some normal blue collar workers as opposed to what you regularly dealt with in LexCorp internally. These were Leonard's people at the end of the day. Of course they weren't his people in the same way Mick was, if push came to shove Leonard would help out Mick over any of those yahoos. Say what you will about the viability of bank robbery but a shared shady past was one hell of a thing to keep a bond strong. Leonard enjoyed playing poker against Mick and evidently Mick had been practicing or something because he practically cleaned Leonard out. Leonard folded after a few rounds but it was a good few rounds nonetheless.

[ ] [Sam] Attempt to write newspaper comic strips
Roll 3

The attack in Metropolis had inspired Sam. After all newspaper cartoons weren't exactly some kind of Einstein drawings, they were well within Sam's wheelhouse. Sam technically had access to a newspaper. All he had to do was draw a bunch of strips and as it got popular enough, Sam would get rich off of merchandising. Unfortunately drawing was hard. Sam spent about twenty minutes trying to fit all of the words he wanted said into the stupid word balloons in the panel. Eventually he gave up. Who needed newspaper comics anyways? The real money was in comic books.

[ ] [Mick] Talk to Nathan Warbow
Roll 7

Mick didn't really know all that much about Nathan. He saw the guy every so often and recognized him as "that guy Leonard argues politics with occasionally" but that didn't exactly give him much of a sense of who Nathan was as a person. And so Mick tried his hand at talking to Nathan and getting to know him. It went alright, Nathan was apparently busy mapping stuff so it wasn't like they could really talk all that well but from what Mick did get Nathan seemed nice enough if a little boring. Mick had no idea how Leonard got the guy so angry and argumentative at times but that was a mystery Mick was going to let stay a mystery.

[ ] [Lucy] Try to talk with her sister
Roll 16

Lucy's feelings on Lois were complicated. Lois annoyed her. A lifetime of being second best and watching her sister flout rules and regulations and come out on top had left Lucy with quite a few bugbears related to Lois but at the end of the day, Lois was still her sister and Lucy still cared about her. When Lucy had heard the news that Lois was potentially getting involved with Bruce Wayne, Lucy was understandably concerned. Billionaire playboys didn't exactly make for stable partners and with her sister's headstrong nature, things could get ugly if they took a wrong turn. As such Lucy tried to get in contact with Lois, ostensibly to catch up but more realistically to check in with her. Lois ended up picking up the phone and agreeing to meet Lucy at a restaurant for lunch. Lucy learned that so far Lois was happy with the relationship and that things seemed to be working out so far. Lucy was happy for her sister but still offered her a business card for a good lawyer specializing in domestic violence cases in case things did turn ugly. Lois seemed to take it all in stride. Lois was understandably annoyed when Lucy also brought up that dating Bruce Wayne meant investigating LexCorp could result in corporate espionage charges, especially if Lois tried to press Lucy for the details, but at the end of the day Lois did seem to accept it. Lucy wasn't quite sure what to make of the relationship but at least the talk with Lois hadn't been too bad.

[ ] [Meena] See the effects Gingo fruit extract has on mice
Roll 20

Meena was a scientist at heart. She wanted to learn everything and anything and understand the world. Naturally Meena needed to conduct tests in order to prove her theories. Granted theoretical physics was very much a thing that was more self-contained but the principle of the matter still stood, a scientist ought to test their conclusions and see if they held up. The Gingo fruit extract had interesting effects and while Meena couldn't test it on humans, while it would be interesting it wasn't worth the hassle, she could test it on mice. Meena initially began with micro-doses as the average mouse only had about 78.5 microliters of blood per gram and so she had to keep the dosages low. The mice very quickly began to show effects of being increasingly flexible. Not so much that they were outside of the realms of possibility but enough so that they were approaching the upper tenth percentile of mouse flexibility. Some of the mice did appear to have issues with balance after the does but for the most part they seemed to be adapting. Meena upped the dosage. The mice began to die off but those that survived did seem to be in the top percentile of mouse flexibility. A few even managed to demonstrate feats typically impossible for a mouse, though those often came with the side effects of flesh distending and warping. It was interesting to note. Meena upped the dosage even more, just to the point of lethal. The mice all died and their flesh was unusually rubbery and pliable compared to how it normally was and it appeared that gingo fruit extract had turned toxic as it prevented the lungs from properly picking up oxygen via warping the alveoli such that gas could no longer be exchanged. In a sense it was only technically poisonous, though it would definitely still kill you. Neat. Meena then dosed a mouse with well over the lethal dosage just to see what would happen. The mouse tried to squirm away but it swiftly died. As Meena picked up the mouse's corpse the body practically warped under her grip. It was like grabbing a gelatinous sac of sorts and Meena was curious what would happen if she went and smashed the corpse against a countertop. Would it behave like a typical corpse or would its new rubbery properties result in something unusual? Regardless Meena had a dissection to attend to. She cut open the mouse and saw how almost all of the internal tissues had started warping to the point where it almost seemed like it was in a mesomorphic state. It was fascinating. Meena was going to spend the rest of her evening killing lab mice to see exactly what was going on here.

[ ] [Snow] Check on the Cold Engine
Roll 19

It had taken years but finally the Cold Engine was complete. This was a project that had changed Caitlin's life. She'd initially joined onto the project as Dr. Lincoln's protege and had completed graduate school by the time it had completed. Almost all of her time out in the workforce had in some way revolved around the project. The Cold Engine was the machine that had ended up causing her powers to develop and forever changed her world. It felt surreal to have this years long project finally come to an end. Caitlin wasn't a graduate student anymore, she wasn't on good terms with Dr. Lincoln anymore, and her metahuman nature and abilities had come to light. Caitlin could hardly wrap her head around the fact that it was all over now. She had a career ahead of her and Caitlin had no doubt that she would continue to push things forwards but at the same time it was bizarre to now know that something she'd worked on for so long was finished. Caitlin finished checking over the various components and readings of the Cold Engine to make sure everything was in order. Caitlin had changed and soon the world would change once again. It was a touch nerve-wracking but Caitlin was confident she could deal with whatever came her way.

[ ] [Louise] Attempt to keep her head down in Bialya
Roll 20

Bialya was a frightening country. Louise had done government work in the past and she was more than familiar with the need for secrecy and the subsequent punishment for those who spilled secrets. However bad the US might've been Bialya was worse. Louise had initially suspected that forced trip was a punishment from Lex Luthor, a way to move her out of the picture so that she wouldn't disrupt any claims regarding who was responsible for the Cold Engine's creation. She quickly realized that it actually was a threat. Bialya was discomfiting. She never met with the queen in person, instead being put in touch with various high ranking ministers. Throughout the entire process men and women with guns constantly followed and kept an eye on everyone. Everyone Louise spoke to was inflexible at best, the queen's orders were absolute and couldn't be deviated from. It was eerie but Louise couldn't quite put her finger on why. The entire environment felt artificial and cultivated and Louise knew not to mess around with things. A small country that locked down information this well, that had an absolute monarch who seemed to control everyone's day to day to an insane degree was not something Louise wanted to get on the wrong side of. If she angered and annoyed Lex Luthor or worse still the queen of Bialya, there was a chance that she'd disappear never to be heard from again. And so Louise put up with the ignominy and the sweltering heat and the perpetually hanging sword of Damocles and did her job. She mostly worked on making the farms more efficient and did a bit of work in improving the palace's temperature regulation systems as a bit of piece of mind for herself so she wasn't constantly dying of heat. Louise got her work finished and left without comment. She never wanted to go back to Bialya ever again.

[ ] [Vivian] Read up on pharmaceutical journals
Roll 7

Vivian was upset. She considered herself fairly even tempered but the situation with Wayne Enterprises was upsetting. The idea that she could be too successful for a market had never occurred to her but now the bastards at Wayne Enterprises had done their level best to cut them out of the market and Deux D'Aramis was dead in the water. If she wasn't under the LexCorp aegis, maybe Vivian would have been able to negotiate something but for now all of the budget was being redirected to research and development as LexCorp was going to wait out Wayne Enterprises retaliation for now. It frustrated Vivian to no end. Worse still was that Vivian couldn't even throw herself into her work to get away from what was upsetting her, because every time she was catching up on scientific literature, she kept getting reminded of what Wayne Enterprises had done and getting frustrated and annoyed all over again

[ ] [Constance] Look for a farmer's market
Roll 13

Constance wasn't big on cooking but farmer's markets were a nice way to get fresh ingredients. Sure the supermarkets carried pretty much everything she could have wanted but there was something exciting about getting fresh food straight from the source. Besides looking for a farmer's market was less about succeeding and more about enjoying looking around Metropolis. Constance spent most of the morning wandering around searching but eventually she got wind of a farmer's market and made it right as it was being closed. Admittedly parsnips and pumpkins weren't the most exciting things to buy but at least it was something.

[ ] [Frost] Read up on Japanese customs
Roll 9

As someone on the oversight board for Japan's metahuman endeavors, Mr. Frost attempted to educate himself on what the culture and customs might be like. It wasn't too difficult to find a manual explaining the basics but the problem was that too much of it was contextual for Mr. Frost to truly understand it in its entirety. As such that just meant he had to do a bit more research on the subject matter before he was satisfied with the results.

[ ] [Warbow] Study Roman architecture
Roll 10

Rome was littered with architectural marvels. More than almost any other city in the world, Rome had buildings with history and as such given Nathan was already in Rome to oversee a building being constructed on the outskirts of the city, he might as well take a look around to see what was there. Admittedly the Villa Borghese was probably not what people first thought of when Roman architecture came to mind but it was a beautiful place and Nathan had plenty of time in the early mornings, before construction began, to go and look at them and make note of what had been done. It didn't leave him much time for other things besides his work but it was still something.

[ ] [Paige] Attempt to visit a private spa
Roll 12

Paige wasn't confident about going to visit a private spa. Yes the fact that it was private meant that less people were likely to observe it but at the same time she hesitated to show herself openly. Every time she looked at her features she couldn't help but fixate on how everything had gone wrong and the voice in the back of her head kept whispering that others would see it too. Still she'd managed to make it to the private spa in the end. An out of the way place outside the bounds of either Metropolis or Gotham. The service people didn't comment on anything but Paige's nervousness kept acting up. Eventually Paige's nervousness caught up with her and she cut the trip short but for the most part it had worked out. Maybe Paige would come back again.

[ ] [Lana] Spend some time near Christmas in Centennial Park
Roll 9

Christmas time in Metropolis was always interesting. The big city made a much bigger production out of the holiday than Smallville did but in doing so some of the intimacy of the holiday was lost. It wasn't bad, it was just different. Sometimes Lana liked to wander into Centennial Park to see what people were doing. The park had slowly begun to recover from Brainiac's attack and apparently the city had imported a big Christmas tree as a way to celebrate. With the way the snow had fallen, it was rather picturesque. It wasn't a super productive morning but it was nice to check out regardless.

[ ] [Rene] Go get her yearly eye doctor check in
Roll 14

Rene couldn't help but find it a little funny that she took a serum to give her unique abilities that a normal person could only dream of, and yet she still had to go to the eye doctor to do check ups to see if her vision was going. It was hardly fun but the reality of things was that Rene needed glasses and so it was just good sense to check up every so often to try and make sure that everything was working out alright. And so Rene awkwardly sat in the waiting room till her name was called and she took the necessary tests. Her eyes remained about as solid as they'd been previously and it didn't seem like she needed a new prescription. It was enough for Rene to feel fairly finished with the eye doctor for the year as she headed back home.

[ ] [Vic] Try to buy a genuine ivory gun
Roll 3

Elaine enjoyed the finer things in life. As such when she heard of a bid on a genuine elephant ivory gun, Elaine couldn't help but want to bid on it in an underground auction. The auction itself was conducted through proxies who didn't know what was being bid on but it was entertaining nonetheless. Elaine had plenty of money to spend and acquiring art was well worth the money she was spending on it. It wasn't wasteful at all in her eyes. Unfortunately Elaine was ultimately out bid on the gun and it went to someone else. Elaine ended up leaving the auction empty handed.

[ ] [Banshee] Take final exams
Roll 14

f*ck finals. Whatever sad*stic prick decided that more than half of a course should be decided by a single test deserved to burn in Siobhan's opinion. Siobhan really hated them. LexCorp had sprung for academic accommodations for her and thank god for that because if Siobhan was forced to do that in the normal amount of time without someone explaining to her how some of this sh*t worked, she was dead in the water. Siobhan hadn't ever taken tests like this before she'd enrolled in community college so it was new and it sucked. Siobhan put in the work regardless, she wasn't some kind of super genius which meant she had to put in the time and effort to figure things out, but man did trying to not panic when taking a test suck. Siobhan was a little tempted to tally how often she picked each option for the multiple choice sections but in the end she couldn't afford to waste time doing so. Finals sucked but they were finally over and now Siobhan could rest for a little bit.

[ ] [Helena] Buy a nice wine
Roll 11

Helena hummed to herself as she perused a selection of wines from the nearby winery. She wanted something fancy but not too fancy, Helena wasn't having dinner with a VIP anytime soon. She contemplated things quietly. A red wine would be better than a white wine, the color worked better and it was what people generally thought of when talking about wine. Eventually Helena settled on a nice Barolo wine aged about ten years. It would do for now. Helena was satisfied with her purchase as she put away the wine. The bottle was going to be saved for when Mandragora was dead. Then Helena would toast to a vengeance finally satisfied.

[ ] [Raven] Go biking
Roll 4

Raven had wanted to go biking. Exercise sucked but it was a decent way to see the city and at least keep somewhat in shape. Raven had then gotten distracted by Jinx who ended up chatting with Jinx for a while. Things got derailed and Raven kept on spending time with her friend and before she knew it, it was starting to get dark out. Raven could theoretically take a short bike ride but she didn't want to be out after dark on a bike and so she ended up not going. She could always bike later.

[ ] [Fixit] 01000011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00100000 01001101 01101111 01100100 01100101 01101100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100011 01101111 01111001 00100000 01000100 01110010 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110011 00001010 00001010
Roll 10

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[ ] [Wire] sh*t talk the Survivalists on Air
Roll 11

Leslie enjoyed her job. Getting to air out her thoughts and provide people with an only slightly semi-filtered peek into her thoughts on the state of the world was fun. Naturally slamming some moron and blasting them over the airwaves was a lot of fun as well. Idiots often made headlines so Leslie got to call it like she saw it. Normally the role of "village idiot" was played by Metropolis's favorite alien in blue pajamas but this week Leslie got to report on a special kind of stupid. The people of Metropolis were not especially fond of terrorists. Obviously no one liked terrorists, that's why they were terrorists and not freedom fighters, but people who'd been in Metropolis since the Intergang attack had a particular bone to pick with organized nutjobs who were intent on wrecking the place. The Survivalists were the answer to the question nobody had wanted to ask "what if Intergang didn't have alien tech and was run by suicidal morons who wanted to drag the rest of the planet with them?" Frankly the bar was so low the Atlanteans could probably see it from the bottom of the ocean but the Survivalists managed to underachieve even on that. Apparently the plan was to blow up Metropolis's kryptonite power plant, convince the US government that the Russians did it, and then kickstart World War three. A f*cking eight year old could come up with a more consistent plan than that, hell Leslie was tempted to bring an actual eight year old onto the show to poke holes in the joke of a plan, but nobody ever accused the individuals who joined a terrorist organization of being incredibly smart. Leslie didn't think it would be an incredibly popular broadcast, as much fun as she was going to have lambasting the morons, Ultraviolet had captured the Survivalists before they could set their plan in motion, meaning they weren't exactly the most newsworthy. Still Leslie was always happy to kick a terrorist while he's down and so now people could hear her do so on the air.

[ ] [Cory] Attempt to teach Cassandra about Tamaranean culture
Roll 15

Starfire had wanted to teach Cassandra about Tamaranean culture. Her friend was very smart and it would be nice to be able to spend some time with someone who knew what Klorthog was. Starfire had made peace with being on earth but it was still lonely being so far away from her home planet with no other Tamaraneans around her. As such Starfire began to try and pass on information about Tamaran and its people to Cassandra. It wasn't perfect but Cassandra did seem to take an interest in certain aspects of Tamaranean culture. She didn't quite seem to understand the prevalence of emotion and its role in society, it was difficult for Starfire to impart just how important joy was when it was linked to flight and other such phenomena that seeped into a lot of aspects of Tamaranean life. Tamaraneans were meant to feel everything fully and freely. That being said Cassandra did seem quite interested in Tamarans warrior customs and how its culture encouraged people to be capable at fighting off invaders at any given moment. Cassandra didn't seem to get everything but it was fine, Starfire was just happy that Cassandra had inulged her thus far on this venture.

[ ] [Talia] Practice sword skills
Roll 4

Talia had intended to practice her sword skills. Some might believe that martial talent was something static, but the edge constantly needed to be honed and maintained in order to remain in the peak of one's own capabilities. That being said something had come up. Superman had started to move and as such Talia had to cut her practice short. It wasn't ideal but if she wanted to prevent Superman and Batman from meeting, Talia needed to put the work in to ensure that they couldn't. As such her plans were temporarily put on hold as she headed out into Metropolis proper.

[ ] [Costa] Talk to Mari about getting used to living in Metropolis
Roll 5

Beatriz wanted to talk to Mari about moving to Metropolis and getting used to thing but when the publicity kicked in, it really kicked in. Beatriz didn't mind having eyes on her, and it was for the good cause of the world's first and potentially premier superhero organization, but Beatriz barely had time to settle down as she got the campaign ball rolling. Beatriz was a big believer in "work hard, play hard" which meant that now was the time to work hard. She could deal with some of the smaller rigors of being in Metropolis some other time and Mari was at least easy enough to contact.

[ ] [Tora] Hang out with Beatriz
Roll 2

Tora and Beatriz were both so busy as of late that there wasn't all that much time to just hang out as of late. Tora definitely liked spending time with Beatriz and she had fun working with her, there just wasn't as much time to hang out with her "off the clock" as it were. Still Tora couldn't complain too much, this was the big leagues and that meant you had to make some small sacrifices here and there to live up to what was expected of you.

[ ] [Eve] Ask Carl Draper for learning material about traps
Roll 1

When Eve had finally worked up the nerve to ask Carl Draper for learning material about traps, she'd learned that he was out of town and was visiting his daughter for a little bit. Eve could have gone and asked Nygma, but asking Nygma for help with an intellectual matter was going to be like pulling teeth with razor wire, painful and messy. As such Eve had decided to just wait a bit for Carl to get back into town.

[ ] [Villain] Look into buying an antique pocket watch
Roll 4

Arthur did not often take strolls into neighborhoods of ill repute but every so often he stumbled across something that piqued his interest. An antique pocket watch, found in some crumbling old pawn shop certainly had been one such item. Arthur intended to have the item verified to see if it was a genuine 19th century pocket watch but by the time he'd gotten his ducks lined up to buy it, someone else had already purchased it. Irritating. Arthur couldn't hold a grudge against someone who beat him to the punch but it still annoyed him that his own rationality had resulted in someone far less intelligent and with less caution getting the reward.

[ ] [Devereux] Familiarize herself with the LexCorp labs
Roll 6

LexCorp was huge. Catherine wasn't exactly unused to big buildings, any half decent university was going to have a fairly large campus and lab, but at the same time there was a big difference between LexCorp and a university. The labs layout was completely unfamiliar and while there was some degree of mapping out of things, the labs themselves were often specialized and compartmentalized enough that she had to learn each one's layout and materials from scratch. Then as Catherine had continued to learn about the various labs at LexCorp, some kind of plant had started screaming at her and Catherine immediately bolted. She had no idea what was going on but she wasn't sticking around to find out. She could familiarize herself with other labs later, for now she was going to head back to safety.

[ ] [Brown] Ask Lana for assistance in getting used to the big city
Roll 20

Enoch wasn't too used to city living. It came with the job but he'd been born on a farm and he'd lived on a farm for years on end. It wasn't exactly familiar territory for him either. There was also a lot that people took for granted about how to navigate the big city and were to find information. It was difficult to talk to people because they all tended to make assumptions about Enoch once he started talking and his accent came out. That being said Enoch had learned enough to know that Lana was country-folk as well so he'd asked her about a few bits of advice on how to get himself and his daughter situated to living in the big city. Lana's assistance had been immensely helpful. She'd shown him where to go to get the schedules for public transportation, the basics on which areas of the city were less safe for a young girl of Emmylou's age, and more. It was mighty kind of her and it made Enoch's life a whole hell of a lot easier knowing that if he wanted to find something, he could just ask Lana and she'd generally get back to him with an answer within a few hours. Even better, Lana was good at giving ways to find the information himself in the future so he wasn't stuck relying on anyone. Enoch could complain about plenty of things in Metropolis but at the very least his transition to living there had been made about as easy as it ever could be.

[ ] [Meld] Try to covertly help Paige Monroe on a bad day
Roll 3

Brittney wanted to maintain an image of being aloof and unhindered by emotional attachments. It was fairly ridiculous in her opinion but in a lot of large organizations, people high up often saw empathy rather than resource optimization and maximization as a weakness. As such Brittney tried to maintain the image of an unflapped professional who didn't care about anything other than her job. It made things easier and it prevented coworkers from transposing too many problematic assumptions onto her. Of course Brittney had her limits at the end of the day. When she heard Paige let out a high pitched keening wail, Brittney moved to disengage with her current conversation and instead headed to check on the other woman. It was clear that Paige suffered from some fairly intense body image issues, and for all that LexCorp did its best to try and keep its staff functional, if not necessarily healthy, Paige's problems stemming from her time in the modeling industry often went insufficiently addressed. Brittney quietly moved to Paige's side where she could see her quietly crying and struggling to get herself together. Brittney briefly scanned the area to see what might have set her off when she noticed some idiot had left a magazine out and apparently Paige had not reacted well to seeing a model doing what she once did. Paige's own perceived imperfections were likely highlighted by this and that triggered the breakdown. Brittney thought about how to approach this for a moment and then came to a decision. She gently took Paige by the shoulders and moved her towards a private office, so that Paige could let out her emotions in private. It wouldn't solve the root issue, but getting Paige away from the magazine and getting her some space to vent in private would be ideal. Too many people saw Brittney help Paige for the act to be any kind of covert, but Brittney couldn't bring herself to regret helping Paige while she was suffering. If people had a problem with empathy they could go bite her.

[ ] [Crock] Spend time with key employees
Roll 16

Jade had never run a business before but Jade figured the most important thing was people. If the people were good and they supported her, then any incompetence on her end could be covered by others. It wasn't perfect but it was as good as Jade was going to get on short notice. As such she began meeting people in earnest. Jade prioritized key employees who she'd work with day to day. Paying for an expensive meal and an evening of entertainment was a cheap way to buy loyalty and information quickly. Jade knew the general profile of the people she'd hired, young, competent, attractive people, preferably with some kind of history or proficiency in dealing with violence and criminals. The Wonderland Races were meant to be a civilized affair but Jade would rather have her employees be capable of defending themselves if something did go wrong. It took a while but eventually people started warming up and there was a sense of camaraderie forming. It was all Jade could ask for in this short period of time. Jade felt hopeful as she generally liked her staff and from what she could tell, they liked her. Now she just needed to get things off the ground and the Wonderland Races would be ready to go.

[ ] [EB] Try and convince her dad to let her get light-up sneakers
Roll 4

Emmylou wanted light-up sneakers. They were the coolest thing ever! Emmylou was still getting used to being in a big classroom nowadays. She'd previously been homeschooled by her dad, but now she just went to school in a building near where her dad worked. Going to school was new and she so much stuff she hadn't even thought were things before. So when she noticed Claire's new sneakers which lit up whenever she took a step, Emmylou couldn't help but be amazed. She wanted those. She didn't ask her dad for much, she knew he wasn't going to get a TV or let her have an L-Phone or anything like that, but light-up sneakers were way easier to get. As such Emmylou presented her case to her dad. He should totally let her get them since they'd make her cooler and she'd be happier with them, and they were cheap and wouldn't do anything to her brain. Her dad flatly said no. Emmylou begged and begged and begged and begged but her dad continued to refuse to let her get light-up sneakers. Well fine then Emmylou was mad at him then for being no fun. Maybe then he'd let her get the sneakers once he realized how serious she was about them.

[ ] [Cub] Deign to engage in games with the ice person
Roll 17

The Ice Person was not the worst of the new people. She understood the pecking order and would regularly pay tribute to Janus with treats. Oftentimes Janus would demand a bigger largesse as tribute and often the Ice Person would accede to said demand. It was a wonderful system and personally Janus hoped she got more chewy meat sticks for him, those were good. Today Ice Person came with a rope for him to prove his mettle with. Very well then Janus could engage in play for now. It wasn't as good as the giraffe simulacrum but he could make due with the rope. First Janus began demonstrating his prowess by batting the end of the rope, showing off the might of his powerful swiping claws. Every so often the Ice Person would wiggle the rope and Janus would adjust, knocking the rope around. Once she'd been suitably impressed with his skills, Janus decided that he would engage in tug of war. He grabbed the rope with both his left and right mouth and began to pull. Ice Person wised up to what he was doing and began to pull back. Time passed and the Ice Person still hadn't given despite Janus's clear superiority. Such impudence! Just for that when Janus won, he was taking the rope away. It was going to be his rope now. Eventually Ice Person let go and Janus couldn't help but feel happy. He'd won. He dropped the rope to let out a roar of triumph. Once again he'd demonstrated his superiority. Janus was so caught up in celebrating his victory that he didn't notice the Ice Person take the rope away. No, bad Ice Person, that was Janus's rope now! Still as the Ice Person took away the rope she opened up a box and got out a meat stick for Janus. This was an acceptable tribute for now. Janus would allow her impudence for a little longer, both because she was nice and gave food and also because Janus didn't want cold paws.

[ ] [Monkey] Approach the old person and the blonde young human
Roll 2

Snowy didn't like new people. New people were dangerous and frightening. Snowy didn't know what they wanted from him and if Safe Person wasn't around that meant Snowy would be much more at risk. Of course not all new people were bad. One of them gave orange slices if Snowy got close and let the little blonde human touch him for a bit. Snowy didn't mind being touched by the little blonde human, she was generally gentle and Snowy found that if he sat still and let her groom him, the older one would give him orange slices for the duration of that time. Snowy wasn't sure why the little blonde human liked grooming him so much, she wasn't eating any fleas and Snowy kept himself very clean. Today though there were no orange slices so Snowy didn't stick around for long. He was going to go find something else to do for the next few bits. Maybe he'd go and take a swim? That sounded nice.

Lex Sedet In Vertice: A Supervillain in the DCU CK2 quest Superhero (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.