Luigi And Daisy Fanfiction Novels & Books (2024)

  • Transformers In Marvel/DC (FANFICTION)


    NOVEL SUMMARY:Downey was a cargo driver until he crossed to Marvel. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Hulk and Abomination enthusiastically carrying out the demolition work on the streets of New York. He suddenly turned black and awakened in shock.With the variant ability of “, he began to modify his minivan, which he named “Optimus Prime” step by step.Magneto: “So, Downey’s ability is to control metal? Is it?”Iron Man: “So, in the future, my suit is temporarily broken, and Downey will be responsible for putting me a layer of mecha.”I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I’m just bringing it from MTLNOVELAlternate Title:美漫里的变形金刚Author:Great DemonGenre: Action, Adventure, Fan-Fiction, Sci-fiTags: Antihero Protagonist, Artificial Intelligence, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Male Protagonist, Marvel.I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I’m just bringing it from MTLNOVELLINK:

  • Daisy Chain



    Daisy Aurellia putri AdhiwijayaGadis remaja blasteran Jerman-Indo yang memiliki trauma yang sangat berat dan membahayakan dirinya ini.Namun Tuhan sedang berbaik hati pada Daisy. Tuhan menyelamatkan Daisy dari kecelakaan naas itu dan memberikan kesempatan kedua untuk menikmati indahnya dunia. Tapi Daisy tidak tahu siapa dirinya sebenarnya, seperti apa masa lalu baik atau buruk yang ada di dalam ingatan nya. Karena Daisy mengalami Amnesia yang membuat dirinya tidak mengingat apapun yang terjadi di masa lalu nya. Tapi itu tidak masalah bagi Daisy. Karena Daisy memiliki kedua orang tua dan kakak yang sangat menyayanginya dan Daisy juga memiliki sahabat saat pertama masuk sekolah di SMA Harapan Bangsa. Terutama Rian Allveno Aldinata. Seorang ketua OSIS yang selalu mengganggu Daisy namun juga melindungi Daisy. Terkadang saat Rian menjadi pahlawan di hidup Daisy, Daisy sangat bahagia dan merasa terlindungi. Saat Rian menjadi sosok yang menyebalkan, itu membuat Daisy kesal tapi juga merasa senang. Tapi semua kebahagiaan itu tidak berlangsung lama di dalam hidup Daisy.

  • Love And Revenge (Evelyn And Samuel)

    Urban ROMANCE R18

    Evelyn Carla, a young woman with a beautiful face, and eyes that can hypnotize the opposite sex, would never thought that one day she has to deal with a president director from a well-known company, named Samuel Grahem, a Cassanova who doesn't want to be attached with anyone and has power and charming that can always attract many women. On the recommendation of her friend, Evelyn applied for a job at a well-known company. She was accepted as a president director's personal assistant in that company.How Evelyn's life will be if she has to work with a Boss who has a irresistible charisma and likes to have sex with many women? Will Evelyn fall into his charm, or will she even be able to conquer the Cassanova? And what if the President Director turns out to have a fiance? Can she accept her as his fiance meanwhile she has a grudge against the president director's fiance? Seeing that the President Director has a weakness, and could take benefit of it, which would Evelyn finally choose, Love or Revenge?Find out the story here ...


    Arshaka Gabriel Madava WiragunaSiapa yang tak mengenal lelaki tampan satu itu, Visualnya yang menjadi Tempat wajib halu para kaum hawa, Aksinya yang di tunggu oleh kaum nya, dan Solidaritas nya yang menjadi teladan para AnggotanyArshaka tak pernah gagal dalam menjalankan tugasnya, baik sebagai ketua atau pun memberantas kejahatan bagi warga negaraia tak pernah berbicara dalam melakukan tindakan nya, langsung bergerak tanpa suara, menghakimi dan mengadili, begitu yang mereka tau tentang ArshakaSiapapun tau sesempurna apa hidup Arshaka, tampan, kaya, pintar, cerdas, dan menguasai empat cabang ilmu bela dirihanya satu kekurangan nya yang membuat para gadis bergerak mundur jika berada di dekat Arshakalelaki itu kejam, bengis, tak pandang wanita ataupun pria, dewasa ataupun anak anak, lawan atau pun temanjika mereka melewati batas yang Arshaka jaga, tak ada kata maaf dari ArshakaHingga di pagi itu, satu gadis datang mengubah segalanya, melewati batas yang seharusnya tak siapapun berani datang mengusik.Kita lihat apa yang si Tampan itu bisa lakukan

  • The daisy


    Bonnie is an animatronic robot, who was build in a worn fabric, where he will grow up physically and mentally until he gets to his best job, which is in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where he will know not just himself, but also someone who could change his life, Freddy Fazbear. Bonnie will have to accept who he really is, face the new feeling found into himself and overcome his catastrophic past Warning: This story might contain violence scene or inappropriate vocabulary, sexual scenes, etc. Another warning: The story contains "ships", "Fronnie's" in particular, therefore, Fronnie's scenes will take a while to show up, but they are there.

  • My hero academia Fanfiction


  • Unexpected Love ( BTS Fanfiction )


    Luna who doesn't have any interest in anything about kpop....her friend mochi invited and bought her a ticket to a BTS concert...even though she doesn't want to go she still attend because she's just the only friend mochi has...but a problem came in and Luna heard a conversation accidentally which is the conversation that's so important...

  • Aunt Daisy's Funeral

    Danny Foley is about to attend his Aunt Daisy’s funeral alone and with a heavy heart. He’s lost his rock and protector, the only member of his dysfunctional family who’d believed he was destined to find the love of a good man.<br><br>Danny is so starved for male affection, he fantasizes about being with a muscular young man in a rest stop bathroom, his niece’s handsome fiancé, the brawny waiter at a restaurant, the stud lawyer reading Aunt Daisy’s will. But they remain only fantasies.<br><br>But even though she’s passed on, Aunt Daisy just may be able to turn fantasy into reality for her favorite nephew.

  • The First Supernatural (Twilight Fanfiction)



    Gi'kali, a normal guy who lived a normal life, yet he loved to fight and sought a world where he can find worthy adversaries. Now follow him as he is reincarnated into the world of Twilight as he starts his amazing journey.However, there were two good things about this and one horrible thing.The two good things were that he was a Unique Werebear, and the other one was that he had three wishes that he used so he could become an ultimate being in this cruel world.But whether it was a bad thing or not, he was accidentally thrown too far into the past as he's now stuck in the year 10,000 BC.Follow Gi'kali as he meets ancient beings and fights them to become stronger until the main storyline begins.(Hello, just wanted to say this is my first time writing a story/fanfiction, so I'm pretty excited but nervous as well. And just a fair warning, this will be my twist to Twilight. It will contain many elements that you wouldn't see in the book or series. Like kingdom building and stuff. Since I"m back from my long absence, I've decided to change this a bit just so some people don't get confused later on. This story will be a slightly slower pace type of story, but sometimes it will either have big or small-time jumps. You have been warned.During his time, he's set upon a journey to find new places, ancient civilizations, legendary beasts, undiscovered races, and more. All the while passing through the various time periods such as the Iron Age, Golden Age, and more.If you guys don't have anything to read, do give my story a try but don't expect it to have good story development and stuff because I'm new, and also because I'm writing this for fun.For the cover, if the owner wishes I put it down, please just message me and I'll do so,URL for cover:, please expect some grammar errors because English isn't my first language. And last but not least, I do not own any characters of Twilight or its main story n stuff, but I do own my characters and plot. Anyway, hopefully, you will like my story and happy reading! Peace!)

  • Daisy and Her Three Dates

    Daisy Neems, an attractive and smart young officer in New York City, starts working for the powerful Ricci mafia family, catching the eye of Marco, the charming Ricci's will-be leader, and the Obnizov twins, declared enemies of the Ricci family. Having to balance her professionalism, her growing feelings for Marco, and the flirtation of the twins, Daisy risks triggering an anticipated and explosive mafia war in the city. **“I should be honest, I really do, but it should be the right time,” the maid replied. “Often we will suffer from the stress of work and routine, and we will not be in the right mood for that. But we will know when the right moment comes when our minds are calmer.”“How will we know?” Marco inquired.“We’ll both know, we’ll feel like it, then we will know,” Daisy replied with a sweet smile.**Daisy and Her Three Dates is created by Matheus A.M., an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  • --- narutoverse fanfiction ---


    MC reincarnates as Sasuke Uchiha and decides to go to hell with canon after recalling what he remembers of the narutoverse some characters are different as in personalities and some other things . cover image isn't mine if you're the owner and wish it to be removed let me know

  • Naruto Fanfictions


    Smutty fanfictions about all of the Naruto character ships. !!!! WARNING: CONTAINS 18+ CONTENT !!!!P.s If you don’t ship it don’t read it!!



    Found by the road, the lovely couple took her home. Unknown to herself, she has a whole new world to explore. The rebellious little girl who may be the last hope to stop the disaster from occuring. But can she accept who she is?? would she understand the need?? Is she the one who's meant to be the one?? How far can she go, for the ones she loves??


    MPREG || Menjadi pewaris perusahaan besar, Apo menyembunyikan identitas sebagai Omega karena suatu hal. Dia menggunakan suppressant kemana pun akan pergi, dan melatih kemampuan bertarung agar tidak diserang oleh Alpha mana pun. Namun, usahanya tidak cukup bagus di depan Mile Phakphum Romsaithong, seorang Alpha dominan yang baru pulang dari Australia untuk menggantikan posisi CEO kakaknya yang baru kecelakaan mobil. Mile dan Apo bersaing dalam bidang real estate, produk, dan lain sebagainya. Mereka saling haus akan kemenangan dan tidak ada yang mau mengalah. Bagaimana takdir mereka berlanjut? Apakah akan menjadi musuh selamanya? Atau kisahnya menjadi berbeda?

  • Naruto Fanfiction CopyWrite

  • Draco Malfoy Fanfiction

    This is a Draco Malfoy fanfiction

  • Little Daisy


    It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him.Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love.Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!!Will they end up happily or not?Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..


    Dr. Isaac Nasution Sp.An-KAKV, salah satu dokter bedah jantung terbaik di Jakarta. Sejak perpisahannya dengan istrinya Tiur Sinaga 5 tahun lalu, ia mengalami trauma dalam menjalin hubungan. Isaac tidak pernah mau membina sebuah hubungan yang serius lagi dan itu menjadi sebuah PRINSIP hidupnya. Neti Sophia seorang gadis berusia 21 tahun,merupakan perawat Junior di RS tempat isaac praktek. Kehadiran neti di RS memberikan warna baru di RS. Seluruh staff dan dokter di RS tersihir dengan kecantikannya. Neti sering ceroboh dalam melakukan pekerjaannya,tapi semua kecerobohanya itu terjadi hanya bila ia bertemu dengan isaac. Isaac sudah tertarik pada neti sejak pertama mereka bertemu,ia berniat menjadikan neti salah satu dari partner f*ckbuddy-nya. Tapi isaac tidak akan pernah menduga bahwa neti akan menancapkan duri di jantungnya yang akan menghancurkan PRINSIP hidupnya.

  • Luigi's Mansion 4

  • HIS OBSESSION Boy x BoyA Jikook Fanfiction


    Seoul is famous for been the richest city in South Korea. The rich dominated the town, if by chance you come across the poor ones there, they're either squatters, maids or servants who live in impecunious neighborhood. Jimin is an extremely beautiful boy, no, he's an angel. He's well endowed with good curves and Milky white skin that suits him perfectly, even the girls are quite jealous sometimes. This makes him feminine but he actually has some kinda crazy attitude. Yes, he might be feminine and poor, but that doesn't mean he can be taken advantage of or stepped on. Jimin engages himself in menial jobs just to make ends meet. His last stop was at a gay bar where he works currently, although he doesn't like the job, but he needs the money as they pay a lot. That's when he met Him. Jeon Jungkook, a devilishly handsome billionaire, one of the top richest billionaires in the country. He's incredibly good looking and every man and woman's fantasy. He believes in only three things; Money, Power and sex. Those three forces drove his world. His first encounter with Jimin got him craving for Jimin, his beautifully endowed body which haunts him daily. Jimin's craziness was definitely out of this world. As much as Jungkook craved to have Jimin on his bed, he kept getting away from his grip, refusing to be a rich man's prey. What happens when fate decided to play a trick on Jimin?What happens when he finally gets a job which has been his everyday prayers, a secretary to the CEO of JEON INVESTMENT who's no other than Jeon Jungkook? What will be Jimin's fate?Will he give in to the job or not?And when he finally accepted the job, will he give in to Jungkook's desires?We're about to find out....

  • Luigi And Daisy Fanfiction Novels & Books (2024)


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    Author: Catherine Tremblay

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    Name: Catherine Tremblay

    Birthday: 1999-09-23

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    Job: International Administration Supervisor

    Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

    Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.