An Abundance of Photography Shows

Not long ago practically the only photography in Dallas was found at Skillern’s or the neighborhood book nook – shots of fiery sunsets and playful lion cubs tucked in among the toothbrushes and the gift wrap. The Dallas Museum had no print collection, Allen Street didn’t exist, and the local galleries generally took the attitude that photography was strictly for newspapers and the slicks. That’s all changed, of course, and a measure of just how much is the fact that in December there are no fewer than five photography exhibits in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

A good place to begin is the Target Collection of American Photography at the Fort Worth Art Museum (through Dec 31). Organized by the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, the show amounts to a crash course in modern photography, starting with the turn-of-the-century work of Stieglitz and Steichen and continuing through the documentary photographs of the Thirties and Forties to the experiments of Robert Frank, Bea Nettles, and Jerry Uelsmann. There is no particular theme or focus to the show other than quality. Each photographer is represented by a single print, and not always a typical one. There is an unusually mellow photograph of a man at a parade by Diane Arbus as well as a very straightforward portrait of Harper’s Bazaar editor Lillian Fisher by Man Ray. There’s also a delightfully whimsical piece by Mike Mandel called “The Baseball-Photographer Playing Cards” in which well-known photographers act out their fantasies of being Mickey Mantle. This is the kind of show that just about anybody can enjoy.

Across the street at the Amon Carter Museum are two exhibits of 19th-century American photographs. “Photography and the West” (through Dec 3) features the work of Jackson, O’Sullivan, Watkins, and other well-known photographers who accompanied the military and geological survey teams into the West after 1860. Although their purposes were mainly scientific and historical, they helped to awaken the country to the splendor of the regions beyond the Mississippi. It was Jackson’s photographs of Yellowstone that prompted the government to establish it as a national park. Without these men and their crude cameras, entire aspects of the western expansion might have been lost.

John Ward, who will have his first one-man show at the Afterimage Gallery (Nov 14-Dec 30), has captured the West of the Seventies in a series of exquisite landscape photographs. A lapsed physics professor, Ward has been working quietly in Colorado for a number of years, with occasional forays to the Smoky Mountains and the interior of Maine. While his work is clearly in the tradition of Ansel Adams and Minor White, it is also sufficiently fresh and original to make him more than just another minion. This is classic landscape photography without most of the cliches. And the quality of the prints is outstanding. Clearly a photographer to watch. As is Susan Walton, whose latest work will be on exhibit at 500 Exposition Gallery from Nov 18 to Dec 17. Her subject matter is mundane – roofs, corners of buildings, brick work, steps – but her compositions are far from commonplace. Single images have been arranged in quadrants so as to create photographs that are more complex and suggestive than any single frame. “I don’t really believe in decisive moments,” Walton says. “I believe in the cumulative effect of many small moments.” Most of the photographs were shot at night with an electronic flash, which gives what might otherwise be conventional architectural detail a rich, sumptuous quality. Geometry with spirit. – David Dillon

Theater Center Goes Back to Bradleyville

Preston Jones’s A Texas Trilogy was last performed here nearly four years ago; since then the three plays have been subjected to a kind of trial by combat in Washington and New York (among other places), and we’ve seen two further works by Jones here. When his gallery of Bradleyville characters again parade across the Dallas Theater Center’s stage, in a revival that opens this month, they may not win such unqualified praise as they did in their premiere performances, but thanks to the comments they’ve gotten elsewhere, we’ll have a clearer idea of their particular qualities.

It has been said, for instance, that Jones has a great fund of character and atmosphere at his disposal in these plays, but that his talky plots don’t measure up. To take the most obvious example: In Lu Ann Hampton Laverty Oberlander, Lu Ann spends most of Act I talking to her mother and two boyfriends! most of Act II talking to a couple of men in a bar, and most of Act III talking to an old flame. Between the acts she ages 20 years and marries and loses two husbands, while her brother succumbs to alcoholism and her mother falls to a stroke. With most of the action taking place offstage, what we see onstage, if it is dramatic at all in the usual sense, is so only in a subdued, Chekhovian manner (a problemthat recurs in Jones’s Santa Fe Sunshine). In fact, Jones sometimes seems to indulge in character and atmosphere! for their own sake – in The Last Meeting of the Knights of the White Magnolia, there’s a good deal of gruff horseplay among the lodge members that has the feel of padding – and it’s possible to read all three plays and come away with the impression that nothing much has happened, put that is not the impression they’re likely to create onstage. There, whatever sense we may get out of their plots, the most affecting thing will probably be their texture, the genial way they reproduce the rhythms of life (and patterns of speech) of a small Texas town: Colonel Kinkaid, ragingly senile, indulging in vivid remembrances of the first World War, Olin Potts and Rufe Phelps eternally arguing with each other over horseshoes and checkers, Floyd Kinkaid making complicated maneuvers in a land-development scheme, Lu Ann Hampton in the midst of accommodating herself to whatever befalls her. As Jack Kroll wrote in Newsweek, “Onstage we see the significant things, the reaction of human spirits to the violent banality of fate.”

This is, evidently, what Jones was trying to create, and the Theater Center will certainly lavish an equal amount of care on rendering it well. The DTC company is never more serious about its business than when presenting scripts by its own members, and these productions, which will be directed by Paul Baker (who originallystaged the trilogy), may well be theshowpiece of the DTC’s season. Theyopen Nov 28; for ticket information,call 526-8857. – John Branch

A Basketball Fan’s Road Trip

Even though December will likely find the local collective sports psyche obsessed with the Cowboys and the NFL playoffs, forget about football for a minute. Think basketball. Like many local sports fans, I start getting very depressed when the pro football season starts winding down and the NBA pro basketball season starts heating up – because, amazingly enough, we still have no professional basketball in Dallas. Last year, though, I found a partial remedy for my basketball starvation: the San Antonio Spurs and the Houston Rockets. By car or by plane (Southwest Airlines makes it reasonable), a weekend swing through San Antonio and Houston can provide a great Texas NBA tour. At certain schedule junctures, you can even catch three games in one weekend. The Spurs of San Antonio offer the phenomenal George “Iceman” Gervin, last year’s NBA scoring champion, together with high-scoring Larry Kenon. The Rockets are a legitimate contender this year with the addition of Rick Barry to the likes of budding superstar Moses Malone and the rejuvenated Rudy Tomjanovich. San Antonio is a fun town to kick around in and the Hemisfair Arena is a raucous place to watch a basketball game; Houston is the pits to kick around in, but The Summit is a basketball palace, a plush and wonderful place. In order to get decent tickets for games with quality opponents, the sooner you act, the better. For Spurs ticket and schedule information, call (512) 224-4611; for Rockets information, call (713) 627-0600.Meanwhile, if you’d rather get your basketball fix locally, try the SMU Mustangs vs. the NTSU Mean Green at Moody Coliseum on Dec 6, or NTSU vs. TCU at Daniel Meyer Coliseum on Dec 9 for a couple of regional rivalry clashes. And cross your fingers that Dallas gets an NBA team next year (but don’t hold your breath).

– David Bauer

The Dallas Opera Discovers America

Two works have their Dallas Civic Opera premieres as the company’s current season continues in December: Wagner’s Stormy The Flying Dutchman and Douglas Moore’s American original The Ballad of Baby Doe. Dutchman extends the DCO’s longstanding practice of performing the great showpieces of 19th-century grand opera, this year already represented by The Barber of Seville and A Masked Ball (whose loosely American setting perhaps prepares us . for Baby Doe). The theme of The Flying Dutchman’s overture, a familiar concert piece, tugs the whole opera forward like an undercurrent. There’s an eerie majesty in every note of this musical folktale about the Hollander who must sail forever until set free by woman’s truth. Not only is the DCO mounting a brand new production (designed for it by Paul Steinberg), but four of the principals are making their DCO debuts: Norman Bailey, one of the world’s leading bass-baritones, as the Dutchman; Josephine Barstow as Senta; Alberto Remedios as Erik; and William Wildermann as Daland. The conductor, Franz-Paul Decker, is a link to the immediate past: In 1975 he conducted the DCO’s stunning Tristan, which the opera world applauded as the best performance of the work in the last decade.

With The Ballad of Baby Doe the DCO leaps across a century and an ocean to American opera, and there’s probably no finer work with which the company could make the trip.

The story of Baby Doe seems tailor-made for opera, though, of course,it’s taken from real life. Horace Tabor, a suddenly wealthy Colorado silver-mine owner, throws over his earnest wife, Augusta, for the sexy opportunist from Oshkosh, Baby Doe. Society scorns Horace and Baby Doe when they marry, and the return to the gold standard topples their fortune, but Baby Doe fulfills her vow not to give up Horace’s Matchless Mine. She dies in rags, still singing nobly, and movingly, about eternal love and youth. It’s a rousing, tuneful, and affecting work that’s also thoroughly successful opera, probably the best America has produced. The DCO production, a remake of the first performance borrowed from the New York City Opera, will include two participants in the original 1956 show: Frances Bible singing her old role of Augusta Tabor, and conductor Emerson Buckley, who conducted the premiere and has been associated with The Ballad of Baby Doe ever since. Soprano Ruth Welting stars as Baby Doe, Julian Patrick as Horace, and Harry Dworchak as William Jennings Bryan.

The Flying Dutchman, Dec 1, 5 at 8; Dec 3 at 2. The Ballad of Baby Doe, Dec 13, 15 at 8; Dec 17 at 2. $3.50-23. Music Hall at Fair Park. 528-3200.

– Willem Brans

Five Years of “Texas Monthly”

Texas Monthly was started by Michael Levy, the publisher, and William Broyles, the editor, in January of 1973. By rights the magazine should have folded in, say, March. Levy and Broyles, both in their early twenties, brought to the job such curious credentials as Levy’s brand new law degree and Broyles’s recent Vietnam tour of duty with the Marines. Their journalism experience and literary connections were practically zilch; they had mostly intelligence, enthusiasm, and a belief that Texas is intrinsically interesting to Texans.

They were right. Now, five years later, each issue of Texas Monthly sells 230,000 copies and reaches several times that many readers. With the publication of a compendium from the first five years, The Best of Texas Monthly, 1973-1978 (Texas Monthly Press, $24.95), the phenomenon can be studied at leisure and the ingredients for success analyzed.

This collection, 379 pages long, exudes the Texas Monthly “look.” Led by design director Sybil Broyles, TM’s art staff “has stamped a relaxed, open, and brassy brand on the magazine’s graphics,” Bill Broyles says in his introduction. The anthology includes three dozen full-page illustrations, many in color. Subjects range from comic caricature to celebrations of the natural beauty of Texas, such as a gorgeous two-page color photograph of the Davis Mountains by Reagan Bradshaw.

The most important ingredient in Texas Monthly success is the generally competent, sometimes excellent, writing in the magazine. A number of pieces in the anthology should not be. Who, one wonders, decided to include Gregory Curtis’s unsavory and sensational “The Girl, the Con Man, and the Massage Parlor King”? But some of the state’s finest writers have long associations with the magazine, and are well represented here: GaryCartwright’s masterfully understatedaccount of “The Death of theMarlboro Man,” the sharply evocativepoetry of Bill Porterfield’s “Farewellto LBJ: A Hill Country Valediction,”the gentle observant humor ofPrudence Mackintosh in “Pacem inTerrors,” A.C. Greene’s comedy cumpathos in “The Highland ParkWoman,” and Shelby Hearon’s subtlesatire of beauty pageants in “TheSweet Smell of Success.” The Best of Texas Monthly has as much diversityas Texas weather.- Jo Brans

Christmas Music: More than Just Carols

The Christmas season is being celebrated musically in many churches and recital halls, but some schedule conflicts early in the month may make it hard to choose between equally appealing works and various excellent ensembles. To hear the best of this year’s Christmas music, you’ll want to mark Sunday, December 3, on your calendar. At four p.m. Lloyd Pfautsch conducts the SMU Christmas Choral Concert at Caruth Auditorium. As in years past, SMU’s invariably expert choirs sing a variety of secular and sacred Christmas music. Then at seven that evening the Highland Park Presbyterian Chancel Choir and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra will perform Shaw-Bennett’s “The Many Moods of Christmas” as well as Bach’s Magnificat; that’s at the church, 3821 University, and it’s free. Or you could choose to hear the Advent Vesper Service, which will follow the English Renaissance model, sung by the Chamber Singers at Highland Park Methodist Church, 3300 Mockingbird; child care will be provided for the very young at this free concert. Also on December 3, at eight, the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church choirs will present Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, at Northwest Highway and Inwood Road. There’s also Christmas music downtown, on December 5 at 12:15, when the El Centro Chorale Group sings old and new songs to celebrate the holiday season at the central library; later in the month, December 19, a duo named Los Favoriales will entertain with guitar and songs, again at the library. Highland Park Methodist Church will present an All Choir Carol Service, with congregation singalong, on December 17 at 7:30 – plan to be there early for a seat; Highland Park Methodist also presents the Christmas Cantata by Daniel Pinkham, a light festive work for double brass choir and vocal choir written by the American composer in 1957 (December 24 at 9:30 and 11 in the Music Hall at Fair Park). The DSO performs its annual Christmas concert this year on December 22 and 23 at 8:15. Conducted by Christian Tiemeyer and featuring violist Matitiahu Braun and the Dallas Symphony Chorus, theprogram will include Otto Nicolai’s “Christmas Overture,” Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Suite No. 1 for Viola and Orchestra, William H. Fry’s “Santa Claus ’Christmas Symphony,’ ” Bach’s Choral Variations, Bennett’s “Many Moods of Christmas,” an audience singalong of Christmas carols, and the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. – Willem Brans


Some of these films haven’t opened in Dallas yet, but they should sometime in December. Commentary and ratings are by Charles Schreger.

★ ★ ★ Must see.

★ ★ Good entertainment.

Not a total waste of time.

No stars – don’t bother.

Autumn Sonata. Ingmar Bergman has written and directed one of his most painful, claustrophobic, and relentless films. Also one of his best. Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullman are sublime as a mother and daughter discovering together that each has for years deeply resented the other.

The Big Fix. Mysteries and thrillers are returning to Hollywood. Some are conventional; others, like this one, have a contemporary twist. Richard Dreyfuss, in his first film since The Goodbye Girl, is Moses Wine, a gumshoe with a rathole for an apartment, a cynical disposition, a broken marriage, an oversupply of wisecracks, and a case so complicated Philip Marlowe couldn’t navigate all the detours. The twist here is that Dreyfuss’ cynicism began when he was a Berkeley radical. Roger Simon, who wrote the screenplay from his own novel, and director Jeremy Paul Kagan extend this comedy-thriller beyond escapism. ★ ★

Boys From Brazil. Nazis, clones, Laurence Olivier and Gregory Peck. At first an odd mixture, but director Franklin J. Schafner (Patton) blends them into a generally taut thriller based on Ira Levin’s bestseller. Peck, for once playing the villain, is Dr. Josef Mengele, a Nazi war criminal with a frightening plan. The performances should keep you engaged although the film needs trimming and the resolution is a disappointment. Also stars James Mason, Lilli Palmer, and Uta Hagen.★

Comes A Horseman. Jane Fonda, James Caan and Jason Robards get top billing in this lethargic western, but the real star is a stretch of pastureland in Colorado known as the Wet Mountain Velley. It’s artfully photographed by Gordon Willis and a wonder to look at. When director Alan Pakula (All the President’s Men) keeps the story close to the land this can be a moving film. Mostly, though, it’s a cliche-ridden bore about a crusty land baron and an independent rancher. The other versions haven’t been as well acted, but you’ve seen this picture before.★

Days of Heaven. Three nomads, Richard Gere, Brooke Adams, and Linda Manz, drift into the life of a wealthy wheat farmer at the turn of the century in Terrence Malick’s brilliant new work, his first since Badlands. The photography by Nestor Almendros and Haskell Wexler is breathtaking. And the acting – listen to the rhythm of Manz’s narration – appears effortless. This is an American art film of the highest order, poignant, funny, and wise. Don’t miss it.★★★

Death on the Nile. Old fashioned, well plotted, stylized movies are still alive: Here’s proof. Peter Ustinov is Agatha Christie’s witty and logical Belgian sleuth, Hercule Poirot, in Egypt on the trail of murder, intrigue, a wealthy heiress, and a stolen lover. Everyone on board a Nile steamer – including Bette Davis, Mia Farrow, Angela Lansbury, Jack Warden, George Kennedy, and Maggie Smith – is a suspect. Don’t tire yourself trying to outsmart Poirot. Sit back and enjoy the lovely settings, the wonderful characterizations, and the witty dialogue. This is the followup to Murder on the Orient Express, and at last Hollywood has made a sequel superior to the original.

A Dream Of Passion. A salon movie – stimulating to discuss, tedious to watch. Filmmaker Jules Dassin’s idea was to create a tale of two Medeas. Melina Mercouri, a temperamental actress rehearsing a stage production of the Greek classic, meets Ellen Burstyn, a jealous wife who took revenge on her husband by murdering their children. While the idea is intriguing and the performances accomplished, the film fails as engaging cinematic drama.

Girlfriends. Melanie Mayron is natural and affecting as a young New York photographer struggling with professional insecurities and a disintegrating friendship. Full of wonderful touches and real people, this is Claudia Weil’s first feature. The script by Vicki Polon is a gem. With excellent, subtle performances by Anita Skinner, Eli Wallach, Bob Balaban, and Christopher Guest. ★ ★

Goin’ South. Whenever the credits show more than two screen writers for one movie, watch out. This is the oddest western since The Missouri Breaks, which also starred Jack Nicholson. Nicholson, doubling as director, does a pretty fair Gabby Hayes imitation for about 30 minutes. John Belushi made a wrong turn following a Saturday Night Live sketch and wound up as a Mexican sheriff. ★

Halloween. What’s impressive about this film is how the director, John Carpenter, took an ordinary and overtold storyline about a maniac on the loose and injected some thrills. Carpenter is widely touted as the next big Hollywood director and if he can find some maierial equal to his talents he may be. His latest effort will cause some screeches. Surely, though, he and co-writer and producer Debra Hill could have come up with something better than a psycho who breaks out of an asylum and slices up teenagers.

Magic. Anthony Hopkins is a magician-ventriloquist who splits from the pressures of New York City to visit his high school girlfriend (Ann-Margret) and proceeds to crack up, talk to his dummy, and kill a few people. Joseph Levine produced this adaptation of William Goldman’s thriller, which means it’s supposed to be a big deal. But it’s nothing more than an extended “Twilight Zone” episode, although not nearly as spooky, witty, or well-acted. Also stars Ed Lauter and Burgess Meredith.

Midnight Express. If ever a true story qualified as a nightmare, it is the story of Billy Hayes, a 20-year-old American busted in Turkey for smuggling hash and sentenced to life imprisonment. As directed by Alan Parker from Oliver Stone’s powerful screenplay, the picture is tough, gruesome, and unrelenting. Impressive performances by Brad Davis, John Hurt and Randy Quaid.★★

National Lampoon’s Animal House. John Belushi is a slob – a gross, belching, beer drinking animal named Bluto. He’s a fairly typical member of the Delta House fraternity. Co-produced by the chairman of the National Lampoon magazine, Matty Simmons, this comedy set at a college in 1962 will not win any awards for subtlety. But if you like your humor in broad strokes and aren’t easily offended, you’ll enjoy this one. ★★

Paradise Alley. This is Sylvester Stallone’s third Rocky. He began with the original Philadelphia schlub turned heavyweight contender, then Rocky as union organizer in F.I.S.T., and now the wrestling Rocky as if rewritten by Damon Runyon. It’s an old-fashioned rags to riches story with a plot begging to be forgiven. In a nice twist, Stallone, who also wrote and directed, gives the Rocky role to the hulking Lee Canalito; Sly plays the scheming brother. Stallone’s still a one-note actor, but in this movie he displays a charming comic presence. ★ ★

Pinocchio. The Walt Disney Studios periodically re-releases its animated films, and this 70-minute delight deserves to be called a classic. Only the second full-length cartoon from Disney, it never hits ftte imaginative heights of “Fantasia” or even “Bambi,” but it contains some of the finest and most complex color work ever produced. The story will charm the kids; the technique – remember this picture was made in 1940 – will enthrall adults. ★ ★

Secrets. If you’re anxious to see Jacqueline Bisset sans wet t-shirt, here’s your chance. However, to get to the five-minute nude scene you’ll have to sit through a sophom*oric film that looks like rejected footage from the 11 o’clock news. The story follows a husband, wife, and daughter, each of whom has a sexual encounter and keeps it a secret from the others.

Slow Dancing In The Big City. The role of a Jimmy Breslin-ish columnist was the chance of a lifetime, and Paul Sorvino proves how deeply he can penetrate a character. This is the movie that will make him a star. Director John Avildson (Joe, Rocky) and Anne Ditchburn, a dancer making her screen debut, make sizeable contributions, but it’s Sorvino’s picture. The plot is hokey and implausible. Bring at least two hankies for the final 15 minutes when Ditchburn dances her heart out for the columnist she loves. ★★

Watership Down. Certainly the only way to turn Richard Adams’s fable of a group of rabbits who abandon their doomed city for a new home and freedom was to animate it. Then again, there was no burning need to make a movie of Adams’s novel. Martin Rosen, who had never made an animated film, produced, wrote, and directed. Nice try, but no carrot. ★

A Wedding. Robert Altman is an innovative director who takes a chance. Sometimes he fails. That’s what happened with this film. As the title says, it’s about a wedding – with about four dozen characters and as many subplots. Supposedly it’s a comedy, but Altman’s sense of humor is strictly sixth grade. Carol Burnett is the mother of the bride, Mia Farrow is the bride’s sister, Geraldine Chaplin is chief of protocol, Lillian Gish plays the groom’s mother, Vittorio Gassman is the groom’s father. And so on. The complications mount as the minutes pass – slowly.

The Wild Geese. Is this tale of mercenaries in Africa an adventure story? A comedy? A Harold Robbins novel? A melodrama? A spy caper? A political tract about apartheid? Whatever it is, it’s awful (also excessively gory) and it stars Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Hardy Kruger and the usually slick Roger Moore.

The Wiz. Unleash the superlatives. Here is one big, lush, expensive, talent-packed Wow. This screen version of the long-running Broadway musical is perfect from start to finish. Just when you think the picture can’t possibly hit another peak, Lena Home as the good witch comes on to sing “Believe” and blows the whole film apart. Tony Walton’s costumes, Oswald Morris’ photography, Charlie Smalls’ music, Albert Whitlock’s special effects, Sidney Linnet’s direction, and the performances by Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, and Nipsey Russell can’t be praised enough.


Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Pompeii Film Program. Dec 2, 3. “Satyricon.” Fellini’s rendering of Petronius’ bawdy novel from the early Roman Empire. Dec 9, 10: “The Fall of the Roman Empire,” starring Stephen Boyd, Sophia Loren, Alec Guinness, and James Mason. Dec 16, 17: “Fabiola.” Sensitive film on the early Christians, with Michelle Morgan. Each Sat and Sun beginning at 1 pm in the museum auditorium, followed by discussions led by members of the museum staff or university professors. Fair Park. 421-4187.

Granada Theatre. Dec 1-2: “Rolling Thunder” and “Blue Collar.” Dec 3-4: “The Man Who Loved Women” and “The 400 Blows.” Dec 5: “Scenes from a Marriage.” Dec 6-7: “Hamlet” and “Richard III.” Dec 8-9: “High Anxiety” and “Little Murders.” Dec 10-11: “A Special Day” and “Caesar & Rosalie.” Dec 12: “Putney Swope” and “Greaser’s Palace.” Dec 13-14: “The Boys in the Band.” Dec 15-16: “Carnal Knowledge” and “An Unmarried Woman.” Dec 17-18: “The Man Who Skied Down Everest” and “People of the Wind.” Dec 19: “Vixen,” “Run, puss*cat, Kill Kill,” and “Cherry, Harry and Raquel.” Dec 20-21: “Mondo Cane” and “Jabberwalk.” Dec 22-23: “The LhxW Prince” and “Oliver.” Dec 24-26: “Treasure Island” and “Captains Courageous.” Dec 27-28: All Animation Night. “Yellow Submarine,” “Quasi at the Quackadero,” “Thank You, Masked Man,” and others. Dec 29-30: “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” and “The Maltese Falcon.” Dec 31-Jan 1: “Pumping Iron” and “Marjoe.” $2.50, $2.25 students, $1.50 children. 3524 Greenville. 823-9610.

Lake wood Theatre. Great dollar movies nightly. 1825 Abrams. 821-5706.

Madama Rosa. Dec 1-3 at 7 & 9. Dallas premiere. $2. Bob Hope Theatre. Cinematheque Series, SMU. 692-3511.

Richland College. Dec I: “Bonnie & Clyde.” 7:30 and 9:45. Dec 8: “High School.” 7:30 and 9. Dec 15: “King of Hearts.” 7:30 and 9:30. $1. Room B142. Richland College, 12800 Abrams. 746-4494.

University of Texas at Dallas. Dec I: Woody Allen as “The Front.” 7:30 & 9:30. Dec 6: Claude Chabrol’s “Le Boucher.” 7:30 & 9:30. Dec 8: George Sidney’s “Three Musketeers.” 7:30&9:45. Dec 13: “Gone with the Wind.” 7:30. Dec I5: “Jesus Christ, Superstar.” 7:30 & 9:30. $1, 50e under 17 and over 65. Founders North Auditorium, Floyd and Lookout in Richardson. 690-2945.


Because of our early deadlines, our recommendations are based on what we know of the plays and the track records of the companies presenting them. Commentary is by John Branch. Cabaret. Through Dec 31. Weimar Germany decays once again, though not quiet so chillingly as in Bob Fosse’s film version; this one, however, has a number of unfamiliar songs that were left out of the movie. Chastity Fox is a clever iconographic choice for the part of beer-hall girl Sally Bowles. Wed-Sat at 8, Sun at 2:30. $5 Wed-Thurs, Sun; $6.50 Fri, Sat. New Arts Theatre Company, 2nd floor Bordeaux Bldg., 2829 W Northwest Hwy. 350-6979.

Celebration. Through Dec 2 at 8. Another musical by the Faniasiicks team, Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt. University Theatre, North Texas State University, Denton. (817) 788-2428.

Country Dinner Playhouse. Nov 26-Jan 7: “Best of Friends,” starring Dody Goodman. Sat, Sun at noon; Tues-Sun at 6. $7.95-11.95. 11829 Abrams. 231-9457.

Cristabel. Not 30-Dec 16. Charles Dee Mitchell, a Dallas playwright who (most recently) contributed to Dracula at the New Arts Theatre, conceived and directed this “erotic tragedy” based loosely on a Coleridge poem. It uses dance and expressive gesture more than dialogue, and it’s recommended for adults; music is composed and conducted by James Gaskill of UTD. $2.50. Thurs-Sat at 8:15. Manhattan Clearing House, 3420 Main. 651-1153.

A Christmas Carol. Nov 30-Dec 23 at 9. Johnny Simons’s adaptation of the Dickens story is bound to be at least slightly unconventional, and it will probably infuse new life into this over-familiar piece. $3-4. Hip Pocket Theatre, 9524 Highway 80 West, Fort Worth. (817) 244-9994.

A Disposable Woman. Dec 5-30. A new play by the Theater Center’s Frederic Hunter, about a middle-aged widow and her widower suitor. $4.50. Tues-Fri at 8, Sat at 8:30. Down Center Stage, Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

Flea Market. Dec 18 at 8. Jeff Kinghorn’s script is part of the Eugene McKinney New Play Reading Series. Free – reservations required. Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

The Glass Menagerie. Through Dec 17. Tennessee Williams’s first big success, and still one of his most appealing plays; Williams is the second specialty of this theater. $4.75, $3.75 students and over 65. Thurs-Sat at 8:15, Sun at 3. Dallas Repertory Theatre, NorthPark. 369-8966.

Granny’s Dinner Playhouse. Dinner shows nightly; late shows Fri and Sat; Sun co*cktail matinee. Through Dec 10: “Bottoms Up ’79.” Dec 12-30: “Don’t Drink the Water” with Shelley Berman. Dinner shows: Wed, Thurs, Sun, c11.5O. Fri & Sat, $13.50. Late Show Sat, $8.00. Tues special: $9.75. 12205 Coit. 239-0153.

Happy End. Nov 21-Dec 23. The script by Bertolt Brecht, about gangsters and Salvation Army lasses, is a bit silly (he repudiated it), but the songs (lyrics by Brecht and music by Kurt Weill) are as wonderful as anything else they did together; unfortunately, the instrumentation will probably be reduced. $5.50 Tues-Thurs at 8 and Sun at 2:30 & 7; $6:50 Fri & Sat at 8:30. Theatre Three, The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh. 748-5191.

Much Ado About Nothing. Through Dec 10. This Shakespeare comedy is in danger of becoming too well-known (both the Theater Center and the Shakespeare Festival have done it recently, and Joseph Papp’s version has been aired a few times on PBS). Still, SMU puts its distinctive touch on nearly everything it stages, and this show will have a guest director, actor Patrick Hines from New York. $4. Tues-Sat at 8, Sun at 2:15. Theatre SMU, Margo Jones Theatre, Southern Methodist University. 692-2573.

The Robber Bridegroom. Through Dec 2 at 8:15. A bluegrass musical (book and lyrics by Alfred Uhry, music by Robert Waldman) based on Eudora Welty’s story. University Theatre, North Texas State University, Denton. (817) 788-2583.

A Texas Trilogy. Through Dec. Preston Jones’s three plays about life in a small Texas (own will run in repertory. $4-7.50. Tues-Fri at 8, Sat at 5 & 8:30. Wed at 1. The entire trilogy will be performed each night Dec 27-30 at 7; $16 includes intermission buffets; reservations required. Kalita Humphreys Theatre, Dallas Theater Center. 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

White Christmas. Dec 16 at 9:30. A gala event with hoofers, singers, and so forth, somewhat in the style of a Forties musical revue. $25. Manhattan Clearing House. 3420 Main. 651-1153.


Aerosmith. Dec 16 at 8. Tarrant County Convention Center. No ticket information available at press time.

The Ballad of Baby Doe. Dec 13, 15 at 8; Dec 17 at 2. Opera by Douglas Moore, in English. Conductor: Emerson Buckley: Stage director: Rhoda Levine. Starring soprano Ruth Welting as Baby Doe, mezzo-soprano Frances Bible as August Tabor, Joseph Frank as the Old Miner, bass-baritone John Paul Bogart as the bouncer, baritone Julian Patrick as Horace Tabor, tenor Douglas Perry as Sam, baritone William Dansby as Barnie, and contralto Carolyn James as Mama McCourt. $3.50-23. Dallas Civic Opera, Fair Park Music Hall. 528-3200.

B’nai B’rith/SMU Scholarship Benefit. Dec 4 at 8:15. Beethoven, Symphony No. 9; Mendelssohn, Piano Concerto No. 1. Dallas Civic Symphony conducted by James Rives Jones, the Dallas Civic Chorus conducted by Lloyd Pfautsch, the Temple Emanu-El Choir led by Simon Sargon, and Dallas pianist William Black. Tickets $2-5. McFarlin Auditorium, SMU. 692-3342.

The Christmas Oratorio. Dec 3 at 8. Parts 1, II, and III of Bach’s oratorio, presented by Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. Free. Northwest Highway and lnwood Rd. 691-4721.

Civic Chorale. Dec 2 at 8. Directed by Stewart Clark. Free. University Theatre, University of Texas at Dallas. Floyd and Lookout, Richardson. 690-2982.

Collegium Musicum. Dec 8 at 8. Directed by Robert Xavier Rodriguez. Free. University Theatre, University of Texas at Dallas. Floyd and Lookout, Richardson. 690-2982.

Community Showcase. Dec 5 at 12:15: El Centro Chorale Group will sing old and new songs to celebrate the holiday season. Dec 19 at 12:15: Los Pavoriales, Juan and Juanita Al-vare? will entertain with guitar and songs. Brown bag lunches invited. Central Library. 1954 Commerce. 748-9071 ext 287.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Dec 22, 23 at 8:15. The Symphony’s Christmas performances, conducted by Christian Tiemeyer and featuring violist Matitiahu Braun and the Dallas Symphony Chorus, will include Otto Nico-lai’s Christmas Overture, Ralph Vaughan Wil-liams’s Suite No. 1 for Viola and Orchestra, William H. Fry’s Santa Claus Christinas Sym-phony, Bach’s Choral Variations, Bennett’s Many Mooch of Christmas, audience sing-along of Christmas carols, and Handel’s “Hallelujah” chorus from Messiah. $3.50-12. Music Hall at Fair Park. Tickets at Symphony Box Office, Tilches, NorthPark. 692-0203.

Dallas Symphony Chamber Music Series. Dec 16 at 8:30. Mozart, Oboe Quartet, K. 370 in F major; Debussy, Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp; Ravel, Introduction at Allegro; Beethoven, Septet (a wildly popular piece during the composer’s lifetime). Performed by various DSO firsl-chair string and wind players. $5. Caruth Auditorium, SMU. Symphony box office at Titche’s. 692-0203.

The Flying Dutchman. Dec 1, 5 at 8; Dec 3 at 2. Wagner’s opera, in German. Conductor; Fran/ Paul Decker. Stage director: Christopher Alden. Starring baritone Norman Bailey as the Dutchman, bass William Wilder-man as Daland, tenor Alberto Remedios as Erik, contralto Carolyn James as Mary, and soprano Josephine Barstow as Senta. $3.50-23. Dallas Civic Opera. Music Hall at Fair Park. 528-3200.

Fort Worth Symphony. Dec 3 at 3, Dec 5 at 8. Jose Serebrier will conduct the orchestra in his own Fantasia, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 1 in G minor, and Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major, with violinist Kenneth Schanewerk. Tarrant County Convention Center Theater, 1111 Houston, Fort Worth. (817)921-2676.

Grateful Dead. Dec 22 at 8. Dallas County Convention Center. Rainbow Tickets. 521-3670 for ticket prices.

Highland Park Methodist Church. Dec 3 at 7:30: Advent Vesper Service. Dec 17 at 7:30: All Choir Carol Service. Dec 24 at 9:30 & 11: Christmas Cantata by Daniel Pinkham, with choirs and orchestra. 3300 Mockingbird, 521 -3111.

Highlander Concert Series. Dec 3 at 7. Highland Park Presbyterian Chancel Choir and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra performing Shaw-Bennett’s The Many Moods of Christmas and the Bach Magnificat. Conductor: Roger C. McMurrin. Highland Park Presbyterian Church, 3821 University. Free. 526-7457.

Living Christmas Tree. Dec 10-15. Christmas music by the Chapel Choir (Dec 11, 13) and Sanctuary Choir (Dec 10, 12, 14, 15) in the main auditorium. First Baptist Church. Ervay at San Jacinto. 742-3111, ext 244.

Jack Ossewaarde. Dec 13 at 7:30. The organist of St. Bartholomew’s in New York City in recital. St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. 8011 Douglas. 363-5471.

Moody Blues. Dec 6 at 8. Tarrant County Convention Center. Rainbow Tickets. 526-5400 for ticket prices.

Linda Ronstadt/Livingston Taylor. Dec 16 at 8. Dallas County Convention Center. Tickets $8.85 by mail only from Central Tickets, P.O. Box 17150, Fort Worth, TX 76102. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. 429-1181.

A Salute to Bob Wills. Dec 8 at 8. Western swing band “Asleep at the Wheel” will play a concert benefiting the American Cancer Society. $5 advance, $7 at the door. Cowtown Coliseum, Fort Worth Stockyards. 123 E. Exchange Ave. Advance tickets at Amusem*nt Tickets, 1111 W. Lancaster, or Central Ticket Office in the Sheraton Hotel. 429-4682.

SMU Christmas Choral Concert. Dec 3 at 4. Conducted by Lloyd Pfautsch. Free. Caruth Auditorium, SMU. 692-3342.

Bruce Springsteen. Dec 9 at S. $8. Dallas County Convention Center. Rainbow Tickets. 521-3670 for ticket prices.

Twilight Musicale Concert. Dec 10 at 7. Sponsored by UTD and Sigma Alpha Iota. Free. Jonsson Center Performance Hall. University of Texas at Dallas. Floyd and Lookout, Richardson. 690-2982.

Vocal Majority Chorus and Folkel Minority Quartet. Dec 1 at 8. $7. Golden Palace Theater. Inn of the Six Flags, Arlington.


An Evening in Motion. Dec 7-9 at 8, Dec 10 at 2:15. SMU’s Dance Division. $2, $1 children. Bob Hope Theatre, SMU. 692-3511.

Dallas Ballet. Dec 28-30 at 8; Dec 30,31 at 2.“The Nutcracker,” Music Hall at Fair Park.526-1370 for ticket price.

Fort Worth Ballet. Dec 12. 13 at 7:30. “TheNutcracker.” Music by the Fort Worth Symphony. $2-14. Tarrant County ConventionCenter Theatre. 731-0879.

The Night Before Christmas. Dec 16. 17 at 2L30. Dallas Metropolitan Ballet’s holidayspectacular, choreographed by Ann Etgen andBill Atkinson and featuring guest artistsEleanor D’Antuono, principal dancer withAmerican Ballet Theatre, and Woytek Lowski,principal dancer with the Boston Ballet.$2.50-6, $15 patrons. McFarlin Auditorium,SMU. 363-9311.


Andrew’s. One of Dallas’s better bars, impeccably crafted with paneled walls, hardwood floors, and antique furniture. Best features are the outdoor courtyard and the bargain drinks, its worst the occasional folk music. Happy Hour, daily until 7. Mon-Fri, 11-2; Sat and Sun, noon-2. AE. MC, V. 3301 McKinney. 526-9501.

Bagatelle. One of the best places for jazz listening, it’s also a comfortable, dimly-lighted bar with low couches and music that doesn’t prevent conversation. Thurs-Sat, Paul Guerrero’s jazz combo; Sun and Mon, vocalist Nancy Paris and guitarist Chris DeRose; lues and Wed, vocalist Jeanne Maxwell and pianist Charles Prawdzick. Entertainment Thurs, 9-1; Fri and Sal, 9-1:30; Sun and Mon, 8:30-11:30; Tues and Wed, 8:30-12:30. Bar hours: Thurs, noon-1; Fri and Sat, noon-2; Sun-Wed, noon-12. All credit cards. Reservations Fri and Sat. 4925 Greenville. 692-8224.

Cardinal Puff’s. A favorite of the quieter SMU set, it’s a bright, friendly place wiih no pretensions. In warm weather, enjoy the decked beer garden; in colder months, the greenhouse with fireplace. Excellent sandwiches and munchies; beer and wine only. 4615 Greenville. 369-1969.

Chelsea Corner. A little over-ferned and antiqued, but well-designed enough to permit you to find a quiet corner and escape from both the collegiate clientele and the folk singers, if you wish. Excellent drinks – they serve Johnny Walker Red off the bar, and Happy Hour lasts from 11:3O-8 every day. Mon-Fri, 11:30-2; Sat, 12-2; Sun, 1-2. AE, MC, V. 4830 McKinney. 526-9327.

The Embers Lounge. Forget that the bar is stocked like your Uncle Ed’s, that it’s only a waiting place for tables for the Southern Kitchen restaurant which houses it: On Saturday nights, the Embers becomes one of the best jazz bars in Dallas; pianist / vocalist Al Dupree could give lessons to Bobby Short. Saturday, 7:30-10:30. All credit cards. Southern Kitchen East, 6615 E. Northwest Hwy. 368-1063.

The Enclave. Attracting mainly an over-30, well-heeled crowd, the Enclave tries to be a class joint, and it succeeds in terms of drinks, attentive service, and low lighting. It and pianist-vocalist Gene Albert suffer, however, from the over-size sound system that makes the live music sound just like Muzak. Albert performs solo during Happy Hour, 6-8:30 Mon-Sat; two sidemen join him from 8:30 till 12:30 on weeknights and until 1:30 on weekends. Mon-Thurs, 11:30a.m.-2:30 p.m., and 5-12:30 on weeknights; weekends until 1:30. All credit cards. 8325 Walnut Hill. 363-7487.

Faces. Dallas’s showcase club for “progressive country,” the “Austin sound,” or whatever you want to call it. Lots of Austin-based regulars mixed with an occasional national name that’s not in the country mold (like Elvis Costello), some rock, and a few blues and jazz performers. A beer-drinking, good-time crowd in a mock-rustic, nouveau honky-tonk setting. Dec 26-31. Bees Knees. $l0 cover New Year’s Eve. Dancing. Daily, 8-2. No credit cards. 4001 Cedar Springs. 522-7430.

Greenville Bar & Grill. Billed as Dallas’s oldest bar, brought back to life as a neighborhood gathering spot for Lakewood/East Dallas. A comfortable place to drink, talk, and munch burgers. Lunch Mon-Fri: Francis Reele, Pianist and singer. Tues, & Sat: pianist Alex Moore, blues and jazz. Thurs & Sun: Hal Baker and the Gloom Chasers play Dixieland. Food served II a.m.-midnight. $1 cover Thurs & Sun. 2821 Greenville. 823-6619.

The Hop. This small but friendly pub has the best munchies in Fort Worth – fried okra and eggplant, for example; pitchers are $1 every Wednesday after 2. The crowd is a happy amalgamation of college students and families. Mon-Sat, 11 a.m.-2 a.m.; Sun, 4 p.m.-1 a.m. MC, V. 2905 W. Berry, Fort Worth. (817) 923-7281.

Ichabod’s. The best of the Greenville Avenue bar/disco/restaurants, a long, elliptical place with tiered seating all around. Good drinks and service; always crowded. Daily, 5-2. All credit cards. Old Town in the Village. 691-2646.

J. Alfred’s. A good spot for an afternoon beer, but the mixed drinks are mediocre. Usually no place to sit during Happy Hour, when it’s packed with surly-looking regulars. No credit cards. Mon-Sat, 11-2; Sun, 12-2. 4217 Oak Lawn. 521-3741.

Jason’s. The decor is obnoxiously funky-chic and the service cavalier, but the diverse and excellent entertainment – usually jazz – more than compensates. Mon 11-1, Tues-Sat 11-2, Sun 5-1. AE, MC, V. 2916 N Hall. 528-0100.

Joe Miller’s. The media people bar, and probably not much fun for non-regulars. The smallness and plainness of the bar are offset by Miller’s personality as well as by his two-ounce, well-iced drinks. Mon-Fri, noon-2 am. AE, MC, V. 3531 McKinney. 521-2261.

Knox Street Pub. An apparent favorite of young professionals, the nostalgic pub – tin ceiling, ceiling fans, etc. – features excellent food and a jukebox that rivals the Stoneleigh P’s. Daily, 11-2. No credit cards. 3230 Knox. 526-9476.

Lakewood Yacht Club. In East Dallas’s latest, scores of press photos decorate the walls from eye level all the way up to the incredibly high ceiling; there’s also (inexplicably but interestingly) a UPI teletype machine. Home-cooked potato chips, really comfortable chairs, a well-stocked jukebox, and an interesting neighborhood clientele serve to offset the skimpy mixed drinks. Daily, 11-2. AE, MC, V. 2009 Abrams. 824-1390.

The Library. This new bar/restaurant in the spruced-up old Melrose Hotel achieves the understated tastefulness for which most motif bars strive. The small bar area is richly ap-po.nted in brass, leather, and, of course, books; it’s comfortable, blessedly quiet; the drinks are excellent, and the service is unobtrusive. Daily, noon-l am. All credit cards. 3015 Oak Lawn. 521-5151.

Old Plantation. A predominantly gay disco, but also a place where straights can mingle unhassled. The sound system is incredible; (he music, non-stop mainline disco. No credit cards. $2 cover Fri and Sat, $1 Sun-Thurs. Sun-Thurs, 8-2; Fri and Sat, 8-4. 1807 N Har-wood. 651-1988.

Overlake Bellringer. The best straight disco in town, usually jammed with serious dancers and hustlers in their late 20s and early 30s. The help is a little surly, liable to make up dress restrictions on the spot when the place is too crowded; there’s usually not much seating, so go only if you just want to boogie. The Beg-ger, across the street, attracts Saturday Night Fever types, but it’s often less crowded. Daily, 11-2. AE, MC, V. 9525 Overlake. 350-5541.

Papillon. An over-rated restaurant with an under-rated bar, an attractive place raised slightly above the dance floor. Big enough to let you ignore the Beautiful People if you wish; usually quiet; with touch-dancing music late in the evening. Mon-Fri, 11:30-2; Sat and Sun, 6-2. All credit cards. 7940 N Central. 691-7455.

The Quiet Man. One of the few surviving Sixties quiet places, the small beer garden is a great place to talk over a beer – except during rush hour on Knox Street when the nearby Highland Park Cafeteria opens its serving line. Lacking some but not much of the place’s charm is the other Quiet Man at 5629 Yale. Sun-Thurs, noon-midnight; Fri and Sat until 2. 3120 Knox. 526-6180.

Recovery Room. Tucked away in a seedy shopping center, this club makes up for its lack of atmosphere with the jazz of Marchel Ivory and Robert Sanders. A place for serious listening and technique-observing by both would-be and accomplished musicians. The likes of Buddy Rich and Woody Herman’s band have been known to drop in when in town. 4036 Cedar Springs. 526-1601.

San Francisco Rose. A bright, laid-back place, adorned with a lot of greenery, a few couches, and wingback chairs. Salads, sandwiches, and soups are all pretty ordinary, but as a bar, it’s an appealing place, particularly on a dreary day. Mon-Sat, 11:30-2; Sun, noon-2. AE, MC, V. 3024 Greenville. 826-2020.

Stoneleigh P. A made-over drugstore with terrific burgers, featuring dark rye buns and provolone. There’s a jukebox with everything from classical to country, and a browsing-encouraged magazine rack. Mon-Thurs 11:15 am-midnight, Fri and Sat till 1 am, Sun 12-12. 2926 Maple. 741-0824.

Strictly Ta-Bu. The Forties are alive and well in this neighborhood bar and restaurant, from the pink flamingo mural to Benny Goodman on the tape system. A comfortable, dimly-lighted club with separate dining and listening areas, it attracts an eclectic clientele of all garbs and predilections to hear mainstream jazz standards. Fri, Sat at 9:30 p.m.: Rich Matteson & Jack Peterson band. Tues-Thurs at 9:30: Ed Hagan & Friends. No cover. MC, V. Mon-Thurs, 5-1; Fri, 5-2; Sat, Sun, 6-2. 4111 Lomo Alto. 526-9325.

Texas Tea House. A get-down country place, with dancing in the beer garden outside. Cover varies. They serve only Longnecks, Spanada, and Old Milwaukee on tap. No credit cards. Tues-Sat, 8-2. 3042 Kings Rd. 526-9171.

Top of the Dome. The only bar in town with several views of the Dallas skyline. Daily, 11-2. All credit cards. $1.50 for the trip up. Reunion Tower, 301 Reunion. 651-1234.

Vagabond Club. Surely the only bar in Dallas with a swimming pool. Service is friendly, and general amicability extends to closing hours as well. A must for all with a sense of humor or an interest in sociology. Daily, 10 a.m.-2 a.m. (usually). All credit cards. 3619 Greenville. 824-4390.

Venetian Room. A fancy and expensive mock-up of the Doge’s Palace, this supper club attracts those couples who appreciate the semi-formal dress requirements and who like to foxtrot to an orchestra before the show. The cover is usually $10 and up a head, and worth it only when you know the performer gives a dynamite show. The service reminds one of Bren-nan’s – friendly and attentive at its best, lackadaisical and downright surly at its worst. 2 shows nightly except Sunday; $6-18. AE, DC, MC, V. Fairmont Hotel, Ross & Akard. 748-5454.

The White Elephant. Located in the recently revived Stockyards District in Fort Worth, this place looks like what all non-Texans think real Texas bars should be – lots of rough wood, a long bar, and a clientele occasionally decked out in western attire. Entertainment provided by singer-guitarist Don Edwards. Mon-Sat, 11-2. Closed Sun. MC. 106 E. Exchange, Fort Worth. (817) 624-0271.

Whiskey River. Decorated in rustic western style and resembling a corral, it usually features – what else? – progressive country acts. Cover varies. Daily, 8 p.m.-2. AE, MC, V. 5421 Greenville. 369-9221.



Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. The galleries will be closed Dec 1-Jan 2 to prepare for the Pompeii exhibit; see appropriate sections of “Previews” for film series and lectures at DMFA.

Fort Worth Art Museum. Through Dec: Target Collection of American Photography: American photography 1907-1976. Through Jan 14: Contemporary paintings and sculptures on loan from the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. The works date from 1961 and trace recent developments in modern art such as abstract expressionism, pop art, and minimalism. Artists include Tom Wesselmann, Jim Dine, James Rosenquist, Robert Morris, Joel Shapiro, Ann McCoy, William Allen, and Arthur Cohen. Tues-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. 1309 Montgomery. (817) 738-9215.

Kimbell Art Museum. Through Dec 17. Major prints by William Hogarth. Tues-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Will Rogers Rd West, Fort Worth. (817) 332-8451.

University Art Gallery. Through Dec 14. “Pictures of a Floating World.” Japanese Ukiyo-e prints of the Edo Period from the Sue Kirksen Collection, Los Angeles. Mon-Fri 9-4, Sun 1-4 Fine Arts Building, University of Texas at Arlington. 273-2963.

Fall Student Art Show. Through Dec 13. Mon-Thurs 8-10, Fri 8-5, Sal 8:30-2. Mountain View College. 4849 W. Illinois. 746-4180.


Adelle M. Fine Art. Through Dec. Landscapes by Margaret Letzkus. Mon-Fri 9-5, Sun 1-5. 3317 McKinney Ave. 526-0800.

The Afterimage. Through Dec 30. Photographs by John Ward. The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh, 748-2521.

Alterman. Through Dec. Group showing of western, wildlife, and Americana art. Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat by appointment. 2504 Cedar Springs. 745-1266.

Atelier Chapman Kelley. Through Dec. Gallery group show and wildflowers exhibit. Mon-Sat 10:30-5. 2526 Fairmount. 747-9971.

Clifford. Dec 9-Jan 13. Color intaglio prints by Diane Marks and soft sculpture portraits by Pamela Nelson. Mon-Sat 10-5:30. 6610 Snyder Plaza. 363.8223.

Contemporary. Through Dec. New works by Bruno Bruni. Mon-Sat, 10:30-5. 2425 Cedar Springs. 352-7432.

Cushing. Through Dec 5. Paintings by Harold Noyes. Through Dec. Gallery group show featuring Ann Cushing, De Forrest Judd, Betty Winn, Harold Noyes, and Altman prints. Mon-Sat 10:30-4:30. 2723 Fairmount. 747-0497.

Delahunty. Through Dec. Clay works by Arneson, Gilhooly, Voulkas, Eldredge, and McNamara. Also gallery group showing. Tues-Sat 11-5. 2611 Cedar Springs. 744-1346.

D.W. Co-op. Dec 3-24. “Trees,” a yuletide competition. Tues-Sat 11-5. 3305 McKinney at Hall. 526-3240.

500 Exposition. Through Dec 17. Photographic work by Susan Walton. Tues-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. 500 Exposition. 828-1111.

Florence. Through Dec 15. Collage, oils, and bronze sculpture by Rodelle Karpman of California. Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat & Sun by appointment. 2500 Cedar Springs. 748-6463.

Gallery One. Through Dec 8. First U.S. Exhibition of Australian artist Sandra Leveson. Screen prints, paintings, gouaches, and serigraphs. Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-2. 4715 Camp Bowie Blvd. Fort Worth. (817)737-9566.

Gallery 13. Through Dec 29. Wall-hung sculpture by local artists. Balsa wood structures, assemblages of found objects, and ceramic, metal, and cold cast acrylic sculpture. Mon-Fri 8-5. Channel 13, 3000 Harry Hines. 744-1300.

Gibson-Bryant Fine Prints. Nov 27 through Dec. 16th-19th-century maps of the world, the Americas, the Southwest, Texas. Wed-Sat 11-5. 2723 Routh. 744-3474.

Phillips. Through Dec. Small paintings for Christmas, from “The Primitives” and other gallery artists. Mon-Sat 10-5. 2517 Fairmount. 748-7888.

Quadrangle. Through Dec 15. Watercolors by Henry Gasser. Mon-Sat 10-5:30. The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh. 748-9488.

2719. Dec 10-13. Joint exhibition of recent paintings by Martha Gilbert of Puerto Vallarta and Richard Maitland of Sante Fe. Tues-Sat 11-5, Sun 2-5. 2719 Routh. 748-2094.

Valley House. Through Dec. Recent works by Valton Tyler. Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3, Sun by appointment. 6616 Spring Valley. 239-2441.



Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Pompeii Lectures. Dec 6, 11 am: “Literature and Theater at Pompeii.” Dec 13, 11 am: “The Influence of Pompeii on Later Art.” Saturdays, 11 am: “An Introduction to Pompeii.” All lectures will be 45-60 minute slide presentations followed by public discussion. Evening lectures: Dec 2: “The Image of Pompeii in Romantic Art.” Robert Rosenblum of the New York University Institute of Fine Arts. Dec 7: “Daily Life in Ancient Rome.” Dorothy Hill of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. Dec 14: “The Rediscovery of Pompeii.” Laurance Richardson, Duke University, excavator at Pompeii. The lectures will be at 7:30; the museum will be open and dinner will be served at the Gallery Buffet at 6. Reservations required for dinner. Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Fair Park. 421-4188.

Jean-Michel Cousteau. Dec 7 at 12:15. “Man and the Living Sea.” Free. Performance Hall, Richland College. 12800 Abrams. 746-4494.


Age of Steam. Several retired trains and a Dallas streetcar are parked on a siding at Fair Park for a walk-through trip into a sadlyn departed era of transportation. $1. Tours offered Sun only, 11-5. Fair Park. 823-9931.

Fair Park Aquarium. This Fair Park institution is showing its age badly, but the kids will probably be captivated by the variety of underwater creatures on show. Free. Mon-Sat 8-5; Sun, holidays 1-5. Fair Park. 428-3587.

Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Planetarium: Sat at 11, 2:30, 3:30; Sun at 2:30, 3:30. Museum: Mon -Sat 9-5, Sun 2-5. 150 Montgomery, Fort Worth. (817)732-1631.

Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. 3,300 acres, great place for families. Free tours. Mon-Fri 8-5; Sat, Sun 9-5. Lake Worth. (817) 237-1111.

Garden Center. The attractive solarium is one of Dallas’s most interesting places for a retreat on either a very hot or very cold day, when you can think green thoughts in the green shade of tropical flora. The outdoor garden paths change with the seasons, of course. Free. Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat, Sun 2-5. Fair Park. 428-7476.

Health and Science Museum. Through Dec. Planetarium show: “Star of Bethlehem.” $1.25, 751 children. Sat, Sun 2:30 & 3:30. Dec 2, 9. 16, 18. 19: “Santa’s Science Workshop.”Children 3-8 can learn about Christmas plants and animals, visit with Santa and see the planetarium show. $5 museum members, $7 non-members. 10 am-2 pm Fair Park. 428-8351.

Marsalis Park Zoo. Literally for the birds. Although the mammals are the usual restless zoo creatures in cages that seem loo small for them, the bird collection is one of the country’s best and certainly the most colorful attraction at this pleasantly laid-oul zoo. The reptile house is not for people who get squeamish at the sight of a garter snake, but it’s one of the most interesting sections of the zoo. 75C; children under 12 free if accompanied by adult. 9-6 daily. 621 E Clarendon. 946-5154.

Museum of Natural History. Although the displays are unimaginative for the most part, and the dioramas of animals of this region are in need of refurbishing, the fossilized remains of prehistoric creatures continue to awe the crowds. Free. Mon-Sat 8-5; Sun, holidays 12-6. Fair Park. 421-2169.


Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival. Dec 30, 31 at 3 & 5. Re-creation of a 14th-century British Christmas festival. University Christian Church, 2720 S University Drive, Fort Worth. (817)926-6631.

Christmas Bazaar. Dec 2-9. Irving Art Association Center for the Arts. Bradford at Airport Freeway, Irving. 253-2488.

Christmas Books. Nov 30-Jan 6. Forty books about Christmas and books printed as Christmas gifts, donated to the library by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marcus, will be on display in the fourth level Terrace Room. Central Libary, 1954 Commerce. 748-9071.

Christmas Fair. Dec 2, 10 am-2 pm. Crafts fair with strolling minstrels, workshops, performances, puppets, and original crafts for sale. Free. North Lake College. 2000 Walnut Hill, Irving. 255-5241.

Civic Auction. Dec 7 at 6. Silent auction until 7:30; live auction at 8. Items include trips, furs, jewelry, art, appliances, services, and many special items. The auction will have a circus theme and guests are encouraged to come in costume. Fried chicken dinner at 7. Sponsored by the Dallas Chamber of Commerce to benefit the East Dallas Chamber of Commerce Growth & Development Fund. $10. Women’s Building, Fair Park. 321-6446.

Dallas PhotoShow International. Nov 30-Dec 3. Sponsored by International Photo Optical Show Association. Displays and demonstrations of cameras and photographic accessories. Photographic experts, a photo gallery, film workshops, lectures, modeling and fashion shows by John Robert Powers Models of Houston. $3.50. Nov 30-Dec 1 5-10; Dec 2 12-9; Dec 3 12-6. Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons. 747-6290.

Feast of Carols. Nov 30-Dec 2, 6:30-9. 16th century Madrigal dinner with wassail ceremony, buffet, and entertainment. Students and faculty serve and perform in costumes from King Henry’s court. Puppet shows, brass choir, a cappella choir, Renaissance harp, Henry and his jester. $7.50 UTA students, $9 general public. University Center, University of Texas at Arlington. West & 2nd, Arlington. (817) 273-2963.

Madrigal Dinner. Dec 1-3 at 6:30. Strolling costumed waiters and waitresses and a concert by the NTSU Madrigal Singers. Tickets $10 by mail from NTSU Union, NT Box 13705, Den-ton, TX 76203. Silver Eagle Suite, NTSU Union, Denton. (817) 787-2583.

Magic Show. Dec 14 m 12:15. Harry Anderson prestidigitates in the mezzanine of the Richland College Performance Hall. At 7 he presents “The Final Concert Seance,” a magical play. Richland College, 12800 Abrams. 748-4494.

New & Used Toy Sale. Dec 2, 9 am-6 pm. Sale of new and used children’s toys, furniture, and clothing. Sponsored by the Dallas Auxiliary of the Edna Gladney Home in Fort Worth, proceeds to benefit the Home. East Dallas Christian Church, Peak & Junius.

Old City Park. Dec 7-10, 5:30-9. These four nights of Candlelight Tours are the only times the park is open at night, as community groups work to recreate the holiday festivities of the turn of the century. The walkways of the park will be lined with candles and building interiors will be illuminated and decorated as they might have been when originally occupied. There will be popcorn and berry stringing, taffy pulling, games, period craftsmen, and ethnic folk groups. Period plays in the school, homemade baked goods and unusual holiday gifts at Mc-Call’s Store, and refreshments at Brent Place Restaurant. $2, $1 children. Old City Park, 1717 Gano. 421-5141.

Posada. Dec 15 at 8. A Celebration of Christmas in Mexico sponsored by the Alianza Cultural de Artes y Letras de Mexico. Traditional candlelight procession, singing of Mexican Christmas songs, the breaking of pinatas, dancing to the music of the Tropicana Orchestra, and a midnight buffet. $20. Fairmont Hotel Gold Room, Ross & Akard. 231-0518.


Basketball – SMU Mustangs. Moody Coliseum. 7:30 p.m. Tickets $4. 692-2901.

Dec 2 vs. Kansas State

Dec 6 vs. North Texas State

Dec 11 vs. Vanderbilt

Dec 27 vs. U.C. San Diego

Dec 30 vs. Texas Wesleyan

Basketball-TCU Horned Frogs. Daniel Meyer Coliseum, Fort Worth. 7:30 p.m. Tickets $4. (817)921-7967.

Dec 7 vs. Wayland Baptist

Dec 9 vs. North Texas State

Dec 29 vs. U.C. San Diego

Dec 30 vs. Robert Morris

Basketball-NTSU Eagles. The Coliseum, Denton. 7:30. Tickets $3. (817) 788-2662.

Dec 16 vs. Lamar Dec 18 vs. Louisiana Tech

Basketball-UTA Mavericks. Texas Hall, Arlington. 7:30 (except Dec 9 at 6:30). Tickets $2; $1 high school age and under. (817) 273-2261.

Dec 4 vs. St. Edwards

Dec 9 vs. Oklahoma City U.

Dec 11 vs. Hardin Simmons

Football-Dallas Cowboys. Texas Stadium. (Sold out.)

Dec 3 vs. New England Patriots, 3 p.m. (The NFL playoffs begin Sunday December 24 with the Wild Card playoffs; the Divisional playoffs will be held Dec 30 & 31; the Conference Championships on Jan 7; and the Super Bowl on Jan 21. Call 369-3211 for applicable ticket information.)

Hockey-Dallas Black Hawks. Fair Park Coliseum. 7:30 p.m. $3-$6. 823-6362.

Dec 2 vs. Salt Lake City

Dec 8 vs. Oklahoma City

Dec 9 vs. Fort Worth

Dec 16 vs. Forth Worth

Dec 20 vs. Tulsa

Dec 30 vs. Oklahoma City

Hockey-Fort Worth Texans. Will Rogers Coliseum. 7:30 p.m. $3.50-$5.50. (817) 332-1585.

Dec 1 vs. Dallas

Dec 2 vs. Kansas City

Dec 15 vs. Dallas

Dec 22 vs. Tulsa

Dec 23 vs. Dallas

Dec 27 vs. Kansas City

Dec 29 vs. Oklahoma City

Racquetball-AMF Voit/Perrier Racquetball Classic. Dec 8, 9, & 10. Racquet ball Club of Fort Worth. 3900 Ben Brook Hwy. (817) 244-0076. 400 entrants; $10,000 in prize merchandise. Spectators welcome, free.

Skiing – DFW-USA. Dec 1-5: Wolf Creek. Sleeper bus. $99. Dec 8-11: Red River and Powder Puff, New Mexico. Sleeper bus. $79.Dec 15-19: Taos. New Mexico. Sleeper bus. $99. Dec 16-23: Vail, Colorado. Air-Braniff. $259. Dec 23-30. Quebec City and Mt. St. Anne, Canada. Air Canada. $389. Dec 25-Jan I. Sunlight/Aspen, and Snowmass, Colorado. Sleeper bus. $219. Dec 26-Jan 2. Lake Tahoe and Heavenly Valley. Air–Braniff, Delta. $359. Membership fee $5. Box 61166 DFW, Texas 75261. 221-1000 or (817) 461-4000.

Skiing-Mountain People Ski Club. Dec 15-19: Denver. Air-Frontier. $234. Dec 23-30: Denver. Air-Frontier. $314. Membership fee $15single, $25 family. P.O. Box 51. Dallas, Tx 75221. 692-7693.

Skiing-Sno-Mad Ski Club. Dec 15-9: Vail $269. Dec 15-23: Vail, $379. Dec 19-23: Vail, $269. Dec 26-Jan 2: Aspen, from $349. Prices include air to Denver and bus to ski area. Membership fees $10 singles, $20 couples and families. 5633 W. Lovers Lane. 350-9026.


Kathy Burks Marionettes. Through Dec 2: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Through Dec 23: “Not a Creature Was Stirring.” Dec 28-Jan: “The House at Pooh Corner.” $1.25. Thurs-Sat at 10:30, 1, & 4. Haymarket Theatre, 12215 Coit. 233-1958.

A Christmas Carol. Nov 30-Dec 2 at 10 am & 1 pm. Mountain View College Children’s Theatre adapts the story for the young audience, using narration, mime, and dance. Free. Mountain View College, 4849 W Illinois. 746-4132.

Frosty the Snowman. Dec 8 & 15 at 7; Dec 9 & 16 at 2. Adults $3, children $2. Casa Manana Theatre, 3101 W Lancaster, Fort Worth. (817) 332-6221.

Heidi. Dec 16, 23, 30 at 10:30 am. Adapted by Lucille Miller from Johanna Spyri’s novel. $2.50. Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

Holiday Fun. During school Christmas holidays, 7 am-6 pm. Enrichment programs for boys and girls age 5-12. Arts and crafts, sports and games, creative drama, music and field trips. Fees vary. All seven YWCA branches.

Lunch With Santa. Dec 2, 10:30 am-12pm or 12:30-2 pm. Children age 2-7 will have a hamburger lunch and receive a Polaroid photo of themselves with Santa. Entertainment will include St. Michael’s Handbell Choir, the Talent Workshop Dancers, Jo Jo Jingles the Clown, Santa and Mrs. Claus, and Christmas music. Proceeds go to the Caruth Memorial Rehabilitation Center. Sponsored by Pi Beta Phi. $4.50. Granny’s Dinner Playhouse, 12215 Coit. 363-5129.

New Holiday Games. Dec 9 & 16, 9:30 am-I2:30 pm. Special Christmas games for children age 3-8. $5 non-members, $3 members. Park North YWCA, 4434 W Northwest Hwy. 357-6575.

Peter Pan. Dec 3, 10, 17 at 2. A musical version of Sir James Barrie’s fantasy-adventure. $2.50. Junior Players Guild, Haymarket Theatre, 12215 Coit. 241-4619.

Santa’s Helpers Workshops. Dec 2 & 9 10 am-noon, Dec 16 10 am-2 pm. Parents can shop while their children, age 3-10, make Christmas cookies, gifts, and bread dough ornaments. Fees vary. Central YWCA, 4621 Ross. 827-5600.

Santa’s House. Dec 8, 3-7pm; Dec 9. 10am-6 pm.Dec 10, 2-6 pm. Puppet shows, ornament factories, Mrs.Claus’s kitchen, and a personal visit with Santa designed especially for preschool and first grade children. Proceeds to Camp Hope, which works with mentally retarded children. Sponsored by Fort Worth Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae organization. 1509 Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Worth. (817) 731-6884.

Santa’s Science Workshop. Dec 2, 9, 16, 18, 19, 10 am-2 pm. Children 3-8 can learn about Christmas plants and animals, visit with Santa and see the planetarium show, “Star of Bethlehem.” $5 museum members, $7 non-members. Fair Park. 428-8351.

Santa Is Kidnapped. Dec 4-17. Christmas musical by Gary Johnson and Drenda Lewis. Special performances for groups. Granbury Opera House. South on 377, 25 miles from Fort Worth’s Weatherford Traffic Circle. (817) 572-0881.

The Snow Queen. Through Dec 17. $1.75 Fri at 7:30, Sat at 10 & 2, Sun at 2. Theatre Onstage, Trinity Center, 2120 McKinney at Pearl. 651-9766.



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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.