The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)



ib- and Fotai lnamauai aiiiww I til-ill jL-r vaa-i .7 no nil- Motors, lot Melbourne and subuibau otk. ri(. no aiarlt time daMigln aaea. nft work. iw tuumei nai.1.

ij-oli jeais km, must Ue quiik. actie accmatej Wth change, and In nest, llouia, 7.3U a.iu. to 3.30 p.m.. Monday to Silday; 7 1-j a.m. to lit Batuidav: no Bunda- i ftMPOHAKY single women ana Mailed Wnmen (preference to aea ol men ir he Defence Sjtem).

Ealari, 150 a. Mtvnnl 21 Littla Collirj-lt. arages, Appiy io mhici nnnnti, by quallflfd Aecoutitant. -j BRADSHAW'6. Prinres-brldie, B.C.4S.

MX117S. ror uur Bhow rooms. Apply personally to liiu SANDERSON, hcura 30 in 35. AppJv alier 9 o'clock. .1 hf.1 Ttl I Micr or bfimi'tiM wanted iea -V2 i) a.

lor ouaitera and rat ion "10ACH1NO. Leav. Public AUG. 8, 1942. uoik.

wages, 10 with meals; give PHILLIPS ft BUt. riinoeiinr, iianstcn-aireet. .1 PKRMANF.NT Aimlicanti to be unman led COOUNIANT. We invite appllcationa for the Poel- ui gently, kp. wage and ronds.

App.j Mr. Andereon. Hatcher's Laundry Pty. 1'-24 Abbotsfoid. and between 2 and 41 yeara, Salarv.

150 sth rioor, 135 Hwanaton.jLreet. MELBOURNE. LMANV Boys' Home. Sale. rasp.

Course. TAYLORS. 3U6 Ut. Colllns-st. Km tion of Accountant at our Head umce, Kilmore.

UMAn cook, mr nom iubu im 1 show: also one to aisi: good wagea. SATURDAY MORNING. Bpee 111 CI IS la SHORTHAND and IYPEWRITTNO. EVEREIT'B BUSINESS COLLEGE. MltchaU I RIVER, (or lour horse, expern i.a.

to p. less ljz p. a. lor quar-era and rations. Aimlv iersonally til no per ee ano oam.

app' Box 71). Sale. SITUATIONS VACANT. iBi. vra.

successful DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND Leech. Vlctoila Dock, A null' Frankiton. wnsn riY'tiru Uiih niLiht atart ll applicants will'teceivg lrf tiainlng on Applicants must oe inorauginj rni in krenina Stock and Btation Agency House, cor. JUnaoetn ana boniaaia iinicj K'i MHO.

VOMAN. house duttea, light, good money HAlJur'AlJ OLnviiC. KUSBnFNCV IHAINlKfl COURSE No 4 sible) or in writing, to the Director. Mental Hygiene. Old Treasury.

Spring -street. Melbourne, or to the Medical Superintendent ol various office macMnt. inciuaing ih- ll.n; iori piei. niin ou, hom, exp wharf, Books, handling and collecting account and il'ENlOR AUDIT CLERK RIVERS. motor ni mit Jhd wool rati.

ILADT) FOR INDUSTRIAL WELFARE OFFICERS. Mciana- air. Dooming auciiuii i. writeil. For Interview, write to n.

Williams. Box 4016. P.O.. Melb. tiaia mrA ii Cnmn Calculator Ope- p.m..

tiatin uair. vnu. 1II-CHLN Maid: ti live in. 6 country Mental Hospital. A Co.

Lid cartage cnntrarioi, nnn DTD 1 CU1 RTVR VVOUAN, ftaaUit.g, mcinliigs. Appiicauona iw tuuiim "i witii testimonials, stating age and eal- AM advertisem*nt in column muting applications for the em-plnvment ol MALE LA BOH must include the NAM NATURE Or HLSINLSs and BUSINESS runoers-st. intension. VXV and I Jwaliing Electric weiaeri. jods u.

I -earn now a' the A-B Ei ralors: ind. tuition, day, evening: typ I Glen Si. Kllda. UViiW. 1MTCHEN Help mid Panliy Maid.

hi IV HI kjin' Hoinal. Lbtj i rilal rit.ers ana wecnim cn eernis Ilur. Br.uver e-M uarltoi. ing. Misses Small at nomas.

are invuea irura perauni willing io do a 6 monihs' lull-lime training course In industrial welfare, in order to oecome a welfare officer, and who have the following cu al mentions: Inter: in working end social conditions evidence of personal suitability for the work: rgent ACCOUNTANTS. ALSO JUNIOR CLERK. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Reply in both cues, giving qualiAcattonj ITCHES Maid; wage on pw. Apply S.

MflO,, capable, nouse oia, iui mnw, every conv. Apply, with rejerences, o. Gordon and Ootch, Melbourne. to mBiiage grocery gene IV Matron. Rojal Melbourne Hospital.

I Eaii. female Knitter. 4 CCOUNiTNa Machine Operator. lemaie, nr Colonial Gas, tu Mrs. caiian, ao ueeiuim.

ll'OMAN. for cleaning offiiea and ass la ral store. Neion oium, io Apply YORK. I uossitua. industrial ana trade un on ex- tn Piv iabelliim.

Eckerstev Ac Sons Pty. -MISS ALLPRESS. 340 Colllns-st Eootscray. previous exp. thlj macnin not gauge hand flat machine, exwlietu working condlnoiiK.

lull lime or part time I I oViniii rtn Modern Methods. THE A 1JAINTERS' Union. Nomina tinrj are called 1 lor Management Committee Vacancy. T.H.C. Delegate and B.T V.

Delegate; close Motidav, August 10. C. WHITFORD, Sec. IJAINTING. Re EMPLOYMENT of The attention jf Adver-'aera is diawn to irgulations goveri ing the Painting Industry, which prohibit 'he em-plojment of Improvers within the metro- wrience: evidence of ability to profit from he Koruml COOK, unman.

A. hot live in. ntv. essential: good salary. Apply wltti parties, t'3-103 B.

aieio. LADIES' TRAININQ COLLEGE. 6th ie Butter and OMAN, to look alter home, owu mU- uODK. plain, sweett, small he tel. ritj.

an intensive course of training; preferaolj under 35 years, though In special cases men U.fc-r.. Age umrr, Centreway. 259 Colllns-st. C-. 2TB7.

eeie Par'orv L'd. A Man with knou- i CCOUNTING Machine Oneiator Recmirea, in return gooa nom age and es Co Mercantile Exchame, 360 Collins-street. MELBOURNE. SHELL Spectacle Frame can Repalrad Corles MBcfarlane. 48 Bourk(-t.

SHOR I HAND. Learn Pitman's MODERN COURSE and have no regrets. Eas. kflective. Univeisal.

Complete or Refrtiner Ccurse. Day or Evening, at EVERETT statin Aimtv .1 Aiihtlli. KvnttOll. letter, i to vears or consiaered. This course begins in Melbourne In w.

appu oy lenge oi teirigeiaiion preierren. pernnneni niiii'lnn if tunable: award ra'es. Annlv al 1 1 lor leading city salon: good tob, Mondav. looraa-ra s. KNITIERS 6 and 7 gauge flat machine, exit lnlfintj' ear; good wage-s; peim.

j'-rk; Ideal cond. Alcon. Knitwear. 25fl Prahian. I KITTING.

Wanted urienily. an expert-V enred Female Winder, tor aooI r.m count rniinlrv oman. as geneia. ngiu auun, twu uenence. to in fannlv.

Rom near middle of November. Onlv a limited num of anpllcanu will be accepted Ior traimi Mercantile muuhi 1 JANTRY Maid, also Kitchen Maid, good once to 'he Manager. Box 3. Korutnburra I ENGINEER (or maintenance of plant. mn." be nm claw, tradesman: overtime.

winMtH MAID, daily, aft hospital, city. WAITRESSES i5. 3. leading hotel, cuy. A A MIES QUICK.

163 Colllns-st. C. 125. COOK, 4, sweet, hotel, city: COOK. 3, take child, G-.

Ssssalrai; GE.NERAL. 4ft take rhild. small hotfl; KIT MAID. 55 9 till 4. cafeteria.

cit. eol'PLE 5. H. Laundresi. Useful.

NEW. LIN LN MAID. 2 S. Houl TSahV Dresser, ladies', lull Hand, perm I position: good salary. Helen Bird.

SO Murrumheena-rd. UM2044. I AND WR1TINO Muscular-Mcvemen' RlIARY and ACCOUNTANT Hi r-TTwn ITT iff i Cathedral ll'OMAN. pan time, sanawicn anop. iu-i Anply Botany Knitting Milif.

Piv no lees win oe cnargea tor the course, and living allowance will be granted by ine denartmenl. ndav ex ner. coun uonoay 10 Diwo Mir. Corp. Mlg.

Automotive tiec Prts, 467 W. Melb. Turners and Fitters re By Company Engaged In Iaib'IHY COOK, lor old established In Rnerlna district; good 3H3 Elwabeth-t, Comnetenl. wages ni I INO wainen uiecnuy. me 5 ll.3'J to 7.30.

Selected applicants must agree to take up dutv as a weliare officer if and where ll'OMAN. COOK ASSETT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. aood PLAIN MACH1NISIS. lor defence BUSINESS tULWIt, bi, Eluabeth and Lonsdale CI. Ring L-hORl'HAND, Typiste.

1B-23 re-t) quired by lie. mlg. knowledge ct rlrileal work an advantage, opp. lor gul detinnf advancement. Write, giving full I a quired lor factory maintenance work; Bndport Cafe.

1U5 Al- nd conds; splendid chance lor marnea tcuple. Apply Barrett's Food 4tiS Swan. Rirhmond. Victoria. II PRAHRAN.

Typutea. Junior Mechanics, Pk. Appiv nniany rwiuiuiiK mum rtj 1 iH Pitrrov. 13 clean, 7 lAV 1 hnrel.

1ASTRY Cook, wan led. smart, expert, enccd man: ffned wages and cr.ndittnns. flat. 2-7 3 KNI'ITER Junior Girju. to learn: alao rxp.

Knltleif. McCiusUnd. 3 Ml Glen Cauineld H. LFl'i65. tram tea on completion ot training, mil AJi oner of employment is not guaranteed Applications must be made on a torm ob-talnable from The Deuariment of Labor and Nations Service.

Oth floor. Century Building. Swan-sion-itreet. HELBOurnk r. i Female reiepnonists Lximiiuni.

Special Classes Day and Evening. HASSETrS COLLEGE, PRAHRAN. A Jl INCOME TAX' RETURNS. sr. lnausTriai Lignuni.

National Work. Excellent Opportunity and Salary To Suitably Qualified Man. Benly in First Instance, with Corles ol Refs. Only, Chairman of Directors, KEON ELECTRIC SIGNS (Interior Lighting Division), 289 Coventry -st reel, SOUTH MELBOURNE. B.C.

5. 4 GENTS. Young man. exempt military, Bo Hill Cake Kitchen, White Box Hill. pmiNu, Linkers, ror mens nan nmr, ame irom our nn rurirrii.

nppiv aonally or bv le'ier to Employment Offlcrr, Brats Co. of Aust Ptj. ilamp.steid-rrl.. Maidstone. W.lfl.

I NGINfcERB. AIRCRAFT Filter, to train lor inspection on ancralt component Fitter Inr machine erection and maintenance; only flt'tl clajB men need apply. Huppert Co. Ply. Bouverle- 1 Save tax and trouble: 40 years exp.

nt mire. 177 E- Brunswick immediately, foi patties, ann cutn iHCW CARD WRITING PAYS WELL I Under Slott's New-style Svstem ANYONE can leem quite easily. Prospectus u-d Lit eratura mailed fiee. BIOTT B. 6 L-i' rr.V M5244 I WOMEN.

where further inlormatlon about lhe wor HUKfJHILL- ii aun, tun i-uuiiib-b; tmelnperina. electro olat. nht PM1 mod. 11 me'nl trades, Haw. 7 -n "luvrr 'o me course oi training will also be supplied.

Returns Overdue. Bring r- a live m. exempt; h. Maia-waiTeis. 50 live in; wntrees.

70', mtilt. Waitress. rf-. 4. met It; Gardener, short 3.

Other positions. Credit given. ALGAM ATED Society Carpenter and Joiners ol Ani'ralla Mordialloc BraRf-h fpecial Summoned Meeting on Aug 11. at 6 p.m.. Shire Hall.

Men 'on Vn'ing on Rules. Roll up. A. no Saturday work. Apply Bona.

1305 press, aic; Arendsen At IAROnATORY ASSISTANT AN TrD. A Youth. 15-17 years, is required lor our laboratnilea. Leaving certificate and or some chemical training desirable, but not necessary, must be prepared to continue Mudirn at night. Apply in writing to NICHOLAS PI Y.

LID Box 127 1L, G.P.O. uarncn Malvern. isorv. 281 Colllns-st. F6607.

Confidential w.rA Ann nridce- flrat APPLICATIONS in own hand writing art required for: dreisid io perienred. Apply 38 I NCOME Returns i OMfcN or uin, witn or wnnoui ing to learn to operate auto aet Richmond." J2379: Haw. 5788. Est. 1 rd 101B 4 THE BECRETARY, Depirtment of Labor and National Service matic press: good wages and no Sat.

work ACE DRY CLEANERS, 157-161 Queensberry lb) Ward tn -taia aae. qua! flea tlons Lnd up and miike toolai; also Aral clas Fitter. Apply Ingeraoll Rand (Auat.t Ply. 4fl Melbourne, C.5. CLOSING TIME FOR PHONE ADVTS.

Regulations Restricting the Use of New sprint have di asi lc ally reduced the spare that can be devoted to News and Advertisem*nts and every endeavor Is being made to meet this difficult situation. Any adver memfnL omii'ed from "THE AGE" will be inserted in the first possible lMie. IAHUHf.rt. tor largp engineerintr gmd age and ronrfitlonn. no Saturdav ork Apply Mr.

Hill. Uifco Manufacturing INCOME Returns Prepared 4. N. (o lend id pro pec Derean, Am- experience. Salary of senior Bister at 10 you desire to take your place in the expanding aircraft industry and help to pi od uce modern atrcaft No doubt you do.

but you are untrained and unskilled, yet largt numbers of men are required with the ntcessary training, and you could quickly irach the required standard by completing a hnrt initiKit nrarllml rcurse ov dav Oi Xl'OMEN and Girls wanted for canning i vegetables for defence requirements. Corporafl'in. 4fi7 civ. train as engineers: Ideal working cm id. AN "1U1J OMM.9MWEALTH OP AUSTRALIA.

MIN' TRY OF MUNITIONS. lhe need la urgent. Apply at once, Henry IhUMtKB, inr in arm un in ciiinrri- i tug shop. Austral 0U Engineering South Melb. ApdIv Centenary Mills Ptv.

rrr PI N'n-nn a.nrl Rmpr Bentleiah mams eons, Aipniug1 V.ico Mfg. Corp m'g. Automoti-e Elecir' til Pir's. 47 King-t Meib. DAKER.

bread and imiKi nerm APPUCA.IONS are for th tni. LN8UTlleNpRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Requires the Services Of a Competent Senior FEMALE CLERK, Also JUNIOR FEMALE CLERK. Apply Personally.

ASSISTANT MANAGER. H. IADIEH, YOUNti. BOO GRADING, esperlenre not esseuiial; goofi nages and I EM ALE Labor, for light assemhly nrk. excellent conduions, good aKs.

Applj way' otherwise In' accoroance with lhe Nurm' est aVrobationary NURSES. Applications Bie required from young who wish to train lor the Nursing pun particulars on application. For GRIFFITH DISIRICf (Murrumbldgee Irrigation Area). JH. RICHARDS.

A. 1. 1. A. evening, at THE COLLEGE of CIVIL' AVIATION.

The College has achieved a Jj tradesman, day work, machine dough. food manufacturers, Heinz Co. Ply. iditions. J.

it tayior io mm-t-si. Alber' pir. tn person, A. P. Sutherland.

1 ft Melb. IK iticnmci I nnui PRODUCTION PLANNING a i tea Die record oi oucctn ui ini' urovlniia miHIrni'I. Over 11)111 DAKER. 6 H. Je-b.

roeitlon DMEN wanted in nag ana saca laciory, Inr Machinlna and Soruna: experience I AO. for poultry farm, excellent oppor-j turrltv for willing lad tn learn a pro Apply Rotiart At Sona. Cororooke, ii students have been placed in the Aircraft ladies' coal natural full or part time, off SSK Post Office-pi, Practical men, with imilattve and modem machine shou mmhi. nt Plan I.IMBHERS, liRht, Ratnloid Mai i 'iu' mil Tn LEARN I BA8TRY Cook, female or male, exempt not essential. Pull or part time.

C. GILES Factories aim ah way ompaineB. i.uiiinicui fitable buMnew. Aptl' Sttle Wal- Ilea. leather -goodj.

and nher. tor felt. Piera. ning advanced Engineering Projects. Salary 1 FITTING-TURNING.

WELDING. Enrol w. fr inr New Year at the AB. EN pnone Box 383 Orimth. N.S.W.

Phone, 68. Griffith. Cent 4771. jour training at once, anu inr 'iwumd soon want you Ior Aircraft productto Tlier ati mi ane limits or medical Sta WOMEN and Girl-s. for factory, day! 1 work: no work Sals.

Modern Printing vnertFtirMt frnclut. mats: I ANTH Ma id wanted. Ml. Martha leather CoMs. 3rd floor, 208 Little GINEERING BUREAU.

Call or writ for TWO 1XL AND GAUGE DESIGN PMniMC-FI) dards for the Aircraft Industry. AVIATION rn 4 canton. cnm rmmilnff Attnlv r.nx Works. Footwrav I Hfiise. phone -1.

ENSIONER. must be clean, assist care. book let Nln i ni.i I. ubj, I also smart Imorovers. contant, idal Keller.

21 Prahran. frocks, also Hfad constant. 76 ENGlNh-KitlNU. ine uonege oi civil avib OMEN, IS -10 years, to learn textile Fr.ACKf-MITH. for agricultural 0rk.

Ralms and asririilt'iral Imnlt. AU, npiwrrn in ana i. fii miiK UNIUlt linoiti I tHkinu. small dance hall, in return rade. Anuly to Fetter Mills Piy.

SISTER, lian nimee. uniforms provided. 14 div r.S Matron. Green Vale sanatorium. Broad.

Dr.C?ror"Obste.ric (2). itsfTW ri tnA night: 3. Koonara Private Bm. Vacanrv for a A AliK ftnlt.rri.. OaV rul.

tlon provides complete luii-ume or pari Mm nrurt iral mi tit no for the Common ment maker. 14 Coburg, i ADS (2), "ift, to learn mtrresting and JUNIOR TY PISTE (No Shorthand), 'OOD Cutlers, for firewood. Rinir Paken-1 IIPPT AID ATTENDANT required by large engineering workt, part time, relieving jtjjfiCHAPPiL-STREET, PRAHRAN. Wind, 1 well natri trade, must be Mionz. hea tn: wealth Department of Civil Aviation Ground Engineers' Licences.

TrBlnlna rovers all Practical men, with expuriencs In gauge making and capable of designing, drawing up and lolerancing. SALARY RANGE, 400-472 PER ANNUM. Applications, in writing, should be addressed to tlx ACTINO DIRECTOR OF ORDNANCE PRODUCTION. 414 COLLINS- steam hammer. Hobson'a Bay Dock Se ham Uooer li.

u. rreer, near uem- and with first rlass rrrerences: 45 3 weekly aeak ends, aenerai exo. rea i reo wages phases of the subject Aero Engines and 11EN5IONER, assist ladies, no wasning in ineir untia.u uihw' Apply Personally, Staff OfTlce, MANTON and SONS LIMITED, brook, art. Ann AUTOMATIC FIRE BPK1NK- ice orri nee ith evnei iencr. Aorlv in own theli overhaul, fitting, construction, instru oi A)ii'i.

miss i-ainn. Dwan ni- fi Hnwksbiirn. PIY. L.IU,, Mte prri'cnon r.ngincerB, WOOD Cutters. 8 green timoers.

sn-W nlv W. L. Walsh. White hand writing to CHARLES ruwolt piy S182R io wTekrnu' Apply Riviera Hospital, 80 Myers-streel. Geelor.g mono Writers.

Bsaaw ten for your Songa by expert; 1 pef i-r-ntntfi int r'j. snip repaircrt, P.irl-sf wtlltimMow-n. BOARDING School Housekeeper wanted, earllv September. Full Inlormatlon mav he ob'alned from the Bursar. Geelong Collet; e.

Glnr. mufc i -m tbnuuK Envelopes to oe and general. Foulls, ltd. Ergineers. 5J0 viciona-strcer, rich- ments, ic.

There are excellent iiiture prospects for Licensed Aero. Engineers. Prospectus supplied on request, and inspection well eoulnned training premises invited. Tin TUNIOR CLERK (Female). Application- city, DHuutara un uie posiuon apitiiea ior.

Salary will be paid within the range men. I tn .10 veara of aae. tn take charge ol I will be received by tne secretary. TORKINO OVERSEER, small sheep perty near Melbourne, active, not over i ierh. nrsi ase rwen urgenny laRtss Setter, metal stampings, for ope imill rlennrtjripnt in esuent al worx.

no Hai iiv Roads Board. ExniDltion tloned In accordance with experience and dtmand for our trained slidents far exceed' OOILbR Maker required, for urgent: I required. Apply 1NGERSOLL-RAND AUST. i PTY. 40 South ir, knowieage aueep oiaeasea eaenimi, I rat or, to learn.

Modem Handles Co 173 Burnlev.JA5:illl. urday work; salary, 4 per week. Our Carlton. N.3. until JO a.m.

on Monday. August tSo'loLst "and Leader). Prtsby. tevlan Church, Hn. thorn.

0 Pr nmim. Apicanons and niHiiiicniiuna. Applicants must state age. nationality, details of qualifications and ex- tne supply, ana tney are now quicxiy en miHr vrrMpnL ronritlion. For fill near nay MarKei, mp Mil nieinouri I fRESRSER, Girl, to operate automatic 10.

Applicants to state ae ana lo forward copies of teallmonlala. saia.y Fiija net street Ann ov letter or irson' Pichm'-nd. E.l. 'AHUMAn, exp. Biiiiimi ii'm 1 testimonials, with age.

to Efficiency. Ag 'OU Can Learn an Engineering Tiade at I press, one used to starciied coats pre' Irrrwl enrwi a at- nn uork finturdftv METHOPOLI TAN 1CK Bto- TECHNICAL infcrmatlon call personally or write to THE COLLEGE OF CIVIL AVIATION. Dept. 7. Manchester Unity Building, cor.

Collins and Shannon atreeta. Melbourne. Ouen dailf ford-strtel. NORTH MELBOURNE. yOUTH MELBOURNE icEitc.

mm iiHmr oi prtaeni empwyei C'OMMON WEALTH OP AUSTRALIA. M1NI3TRY OF MUNITIONS. ENGINEER. With Administrative and Office Experience, fi. Melh MX1107.

JD DRIVING by pct. Melbourne Technical lhe A-B Engineering Bureau, Bouverle- ACE DRY CLEANERS, 157 to 161 Queens-berry- N. Mrlb. ADY, assist, nouse. in eountn, for a fortr.leht during school vacation, 1 JITTERS.

ROBERT LILLE and Co. I Machinery M3 Klna-street. Alberl-road. SOUTH MELBOURNE, S.C.8. At IUNIOR MALE CLERK Required for office el work, age 15 or 16 years; good prospects.

Apply in writing, enclosing copiet of references, to THE COMMONWEALTH WOOL and PRODUCE CO. 499-501 r.Trn farnooi. isi Mem DOILER MAKER, first FOWLED until 5.30: Saturdays, till 12. 3U. Phone DiNtrP AKSnflTANT i.

lr, Carlton. OUTH wai.teo. 14-1S, for dairy good wflirs. Dairy. 19 I VM 40 required to Uke control of the Technical 1 Mew letterpresa Feeders, good conditions: factory dosed Saturday, Annlv Mondav.

The Specialty Press Ply. Cent. a4H, and cent. OUin. from August 29, every school chile taken: reference.

JAlOPtt. 1 FOREMAN MACHINIST, to charge of small munition ahtrp in Wwera Dis miormatlri Department of Ordnance Production Directorate. Knowledge of record APPLICATIONS, accompanied by eopief three recent lestimoniaU. are hwi-d the position ol Assistant JLM MAJMfcNAMCS poner-a' Meib. MX1107.

BOOT Tracls. Consol Operaror, for mill-iary work. Goodcluid'e Shoes, Cromwell- tvnlnz. shorthand. seneral Residential Club, 2 Oeelona- 171 Little Collins-st.

trict; eneellent conditions; applicants m'isi I ADY Help, cnllu. ill i mners, school help kert. g.iod cook, Footscra v. Kitchen Help, omce work, possibilities for advancement. UNlOR Lauy viera.

Lata htuKhinM mn ov nf seveial enrios 'npsw oi rereTenoes ano xpn- IHiMKKA. aii rouna nana, ior sua. light duties; 3, live In. Sleigh further particulars, such For a rd A ge enoe, also aalary Apply Maerun- I office, suit man from country, p. An Offlc ion Hotel, pnnas, MALiYni to AUSt.

Airjeri 1-rv hours and conditions, inquire isTj Age. riOOT Trade. Smart, Girl, for denning tjiede. Goodehild Shoe, 69 Cromwell- female clerks, requires servicea of bright, young lady, under 18 years; excellent opportunity for advancement; good conditions. ORINTINO.

Olrla wanted for carton de- the hool office. young iamllv, good conditions; no out Dreaslne College. part en beginners and experii LFlOflB. profitable, practical formulae. POWER SEWING, Tailoring.

Corneiy, Overlocklng. Machine Knitting Taught, NATIONAL COLLEGE. 146 Lonsdale-St, TM TURN INO fi. FITTING. Jobs waiting.

A NA'ITONAL COLLEGE. 146 Lonsdale-st. if WELDING. OXY At ARC: Jobs waiting. side dull Reply L.C..

Ajfa. 4 NNOUNCEJi. -2. Male or Female. I IAuy neip, over live eiaitnv no ewklng.

Appl. after 12, 4 ROOT -flickers, for military work 1J Gccdrrilid 68 Cromwelj.g;.. CM fB''f--od. t00T Trade. Maker, learn clot mak' -F iRg.

w. G. Plowman. 7 Coll- are I PRINTING. Hand or Genera! Hand, for country oftlce.

good conditions ing, nung and aistriDuiion oi arawings, opacifications and technical Information If essential. Applications, In writing, will be received bv the ACTING DIRECTOR OF ORDNANCE PRODUCTION. 414 COLL INS-STREET. 1 MELBOURNE. And should state full del Alls of qualifications and age, nationality and name ol present employer.

COMMONWEALTH OP AUSTRALIA. MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS. Wanted Urgently, for Directorate of Machine Tools and Oau ges a TBCHNICAI ASSISTANT, in twvuMAinn nf trade electrical me fl. Yarra. 2743, wireless.

B. Komhauser, 368 Bourke- V. ounii-n. Principal. ARNAUD DISTRICT HOSPITAL, ST.

ARNAUD. ihni' nu-ard rates: excel, conditions and city. automatic, all electrical. W. G.

Rolls, Gipps. opportunities, of promotion. MAYNE, Nlt-K. Applications are Invited for the posi'lmi rjOGT Trade BindT, full cr part time. fi NATIONAL COLLEGE.

146 Lonsdale-st, ZOOLOGICAL BOARD OF VICTORIA requires two strong Lads, 14-10 years Applv by letter, with references, to tin Secretary, Zoological Gardens, Parkville N.2. Lf.BS iu. o. I UUNb tAJLiUi? mc, ne Keiurnea of Theatre Sister at above Hospital, iun- oupprr oj narmeworui XI So era Lenaue has a vacancy ior a Exitenenceo. Required for Leading Melbourne Commercial Broadcasting Station.

35 Years of Age or Over. Apply, giving full particulars of experience and salary required, ANNOUNCER. C0 GORDON and GOTCH. MELBOURNE. VPPLICATIONS ARE INVITED For, Position of SISTER I 10 10 42.

Boys eligible born bet. Iaoy Help, laar. an auns, ar per week- 60 Caulneld. JADY Help, afternoons, X2212, I ADY give aup. mid.

-aged Man home re-! i turri light services. Garden, Age, IAUNDRY. Hand, female, start award rates. Apply Assist-1 ant Matron. Alfred Hosnt'al.

weexiy. piu uun mumm. -pw. in Vw acnmiianled bv reternre. srf.

nAM. RirPJiin 1 NTRNHkNT. in of Its Stat age, refs. Apply by letter. Olll i Searle.

.3 Melb. A DENE raretHker. house, Kal- list. Clendenncn. 105 ColllnJ-st.

3112 25 and 3112 27. Class tuition. lis in military camps. Salary fi SITUATIONS WANTED a unnorm innicer pat'ernj. uive in int enrol now with Taylor's.

308 Lit. Collins- Ilrtw dressed to Manager, and lodged bv Augus LTATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION Of VICTORIA. GENERAL, capable, good plafi cook, two camp. Fortnightly week-end leave. Duties chanic's licence, wlrli good knowledge ot iA' fi Queen-st.

MU ana lootcina ane BOOT Repairer, good tradesman wagM JO Apply Boot Repairs, Main Oldest estnb. Labor Olflce. electric motors, control gear, tec. saiar.v Prahran. velfa: nf trnons.

Annlv (Irsl In untlna tn, i. 2 VTf adults, r'rsonal relerenres, at trarr stop' 2 12 6. Esplanade. Btn. Beach X200fi.

sat, morning, or Sunday. ENTERAL, alt riu-iee. B'-jOd inme: Sat. ii-Ai. Wllliam-Sirrri, mrimiumr, APPi.mATioNS.

addressed to the Secre PBF.RBYTERIAN BABIES' HOME. range l-itt. witn commencing saiary acenrdtng lo qualifications and experience. I.r. Homier, josi use one aim, ut res suitable nosltion.

E. J. Morgan A manager, r.Tn jio.vmeni umce, K.b.L... Collins-street. Melbou'ne.

INFANT WELFARE and MOTHERCRAFT school preferred. Apply by letter only. AN SETT AIRWAYS Commonwealth Aerodrome. Essendon, W.5, VJT Sundaj afternoon and eeninga free; l'AW Bencii lor firewood cutti tary, are Invited Ior the following positions: tr ppucanis snow a not oe cngioie ior ininmu service. IALNUHY.

Bxp. Mangle Mann, anc aori-J or, Packer, no Saturday work. Prestigr Lnutidrr. Glenferrie. Phor.e WA2702.

TAUNDRY Olrls. age 16 to 20 years, gocd condJ'lons: wages 2 6, 8 per week. Rovgl Milbourne Hospital. AIIN11RY Manvln Hand, oonstant. Wlnd- aiiburhan work, award rates.

Apply 57 Osl S. Yarra. HAR MoitL excel, type, exp. city, sub. MU12WL I vARMAN, returned soldier, exempt mlli- Applications should be made in writing to aaw 2.

Derean 3't EN'ERAL, good plain cook, no washing. Exchange Hotel, Poit Melb. rciwu v.rnnmiriinn iieasury uaraens, mci TRAINING 19 Canterbury-road. CAMBERWELL. Infent Welfare Certificate Essential.

Salary, 156 per Annum. Award Hours. JN1UK Uin, Wlin wmt Minuniw, it for th head office of an en riOOT Trade Prahran. Machinist. 'i-', eff Charl-st.

BOOT Trade. Expertenced Otrla, loi cl.inlriB. Fklppwd. Fitzroy. BOY.

MESSENGER, cltv area oi-lv; 1 week. 10 uek go-yl conduct bonua, ftk a nee for extra wel: for night du'v. 11 m. to 6 a.m.: overtlnv Salary up to 4 per week, according to end experience.

n. Mvlbntirne. gineering company. Apply by letter, stating I tary. casual.

MoWih. 1 Tapestry Fireplaces. 94 (b) TEMPORARY JUNIOR FEMALE 1 OM MONW A LTH PUBUC SERVICE. FNTTTt.A Runri horsM and nc- larkeis. casv work: cood salaries: Appiy to MATRON.

age, experience, ana iciepnone numoci, any. to J.A.M.. Box 4100. G.P.O.. Melb.

Ij sor 46 I EARN Fitting and Turning, Mechanical F2S90. JT inc. 10 miles Melb. Bartram. 60'.

Lit. Saturdays. Piccadilly Leather Good.s. 3rd N. uariion, t-mpioymeni, rrooaoiy ior wnr uun- P-r-nn Imnlf and female) With ritillder.

Alterations. Bourke-M. city, Saleswoman, with i Drawing, Blue Prints, at the A-i EiiBlneerlnB Bureau. Oerlton wholesale music warehouse, ex. posi poor, zws wt ib txinsaaie-si pack Myer's.

week, according to qualifications and experience. it i fvneeted that the apoolntments nil niialieiPBtinn nr rvnr1piiri as Accountants. Houses Repaired. Price. ENERAL, small mod.

home, aauiu; uenence. preferred. Appiy ny letter, rale eiirtdavt, Unltoim provided. Beam Service 167 Meib. aoorl wages, splendid opp.

to learn irart'-. Ann'y Henderson Federal Spring 144 72 100 4tatlng age, experience and references. Clerks. Stenographers, TyplsL-i. Accounting Machine Operators, Ac.

also Boys and Girls tion for suit, applicant, appiy oy Columbia Oraphophone lAustraiiB) Pty. good U4.iJ. 36 St. Toorak.

Shahb uairyman wanted. Aug. ji cows. Mltta Hats and earlv round 1ARETAKER, young mai sxempt mill-1. caretaker, LEANER.

Female, nart time, award rates. daylight hite work, no slack 478. O.P.O. Mlbourne' ti of pi Apply W. O.

Paton, Tallangatta. Pl one NoorongoiiE, 2D. wants posiucn, Apply IUNIOR CLERK. Young Lady, about 19 last for the duration of thB war. Applications, giving full details relating to educational qualifications, experience and date of birth, and accompanied by copies of testimonials, should be submitted not v' Apply personally, Monday, Brunswick as Messengers, snouiq, appiy in v.

mum iu; Commonwealth Public Service Inspector. Second Floor. Common wealth Bank Build conditions; highest wages; 4 USTRALASIAN INSTITUTE OF TARIES (Incorporated I Saturday iply after 8 132 FUnders- iasl uairy, uiennarry, units piani. i pennies WJiooi, Brunswick. ENERAL.

2 adults, modern home. 2 mln, nm; nours o.u io o.oo. clock, H. A. Phillips As Son, ing, zzo Bourne-st.

Mem. iciepnone. r.ineo Tne 1 NTEH MFJJl A IE and FINAL. ItAA' eneral cmco am tea. Appiy, giviuit pom-'iilara and copies of references, to Construe- mm.

itf pigs, loaaer suppnea, hands. E. Carev. li) tram, train and bus. Ring U4162.

'OMMONWEA Lin I'YPiaiBO near Hwanston-st. ater man August, ii. MI NATIONS of the Institute will be held nv, L. a. t.

Mem. nr. FJfin I rigion -brlrtne. T.Oy. to commence a messenger, but ex-JJ tiilrnt (pportunitlea of promollon exist; 31 to start.

Cycle presided. MAVNE, NICKLE.S MT.LB. 0'i, 1ft, uKed farm work, warts Job, on mlxfd farm. BO mllw rndlus. D.

Grahnm. -13 Box Kill to learn poultry farm work, perm. STENOGRAPHER, ior general omre on- Dorsnra: the Arts Build Inn. Melbourne University, I ACHINTRT9 WE7LOH. MAROHTEON'H reoulr- exn.

Mschlnlsts for shirts, col- a ei cn.AiJ. ior coiuiirj properxy, Appiy Koraleeh. S22 Lit. Onllins-st. nrrrnRRR 24 1ARPENTER, alterations, repairs, house, JUNIOR Clerk, lady, age 16-17 years, xaiiohln lvnUt Ior office Of manufBCtUT- ties.

Appiy y.a.u., Age. (J SDCdal Classes at HASSETT'S COLLEGE. and at other centres throughout Australasia, on Monday, September 14. to Friday, Sep Eneral, good home, Kew district. Ring factory, by price, j.

fair, ju neiry iib company. South Melbourne, Clerk, Box PRAHRAN LA3444. 1941: 69 of 115 HARE Farmer, to milk 70 or 80 cows, srhfwl and E.L. on property, near main in in S. Glppsland.

Johns. Age OfTlce. HEARERS' tOln (if) Cook, good run. i mnn. jttartiiiu Snulrmlwr 1 PoHornl Urs and ties: also Juniors to learn.

Apph WPLCH. MARGBTSON'S, cor. Latrohf and Swnnston its. Meio. AnmTMTc-n RVinn Pit.ter.

House RenoV. 1KR9 MpIH passes, 1st position Bnd 11 of first 20 places. tember IK. both inclusive. ENTRIES for the Examinations close or fi ENERAL, 3 week.

4 adults, week end posltlon, large manufacturer. Mi'chell a Sandrlngham district, 1 Fences, prompt and a ofT enro a mth. Tcorak. 4fl(i win: nin cr 101 passes, ist posmtii anu AUHimsi aiso improve, usco tn newlns nn nowpr machines, clothlsnr Thursday. August 20.

Examination Svlla- JUNIOR Clerk, female, good handwriting and accuracy figures essential. Apply, I own handwiltlng. stating age, Aic. Perman- Shearing Co, IRS Melb. ENERAL.

eood wages, lieht 470 reasoname. un m-t i of the nrst 21) places. And nrst place evprv Tvnlstes' Examination since 1924. entrv rorms and nan.icuiars irom Vjr Brunswick. FW8P04.

uuPENTm Builder Shoo Fitter. Reno- or other trades; high wages, guar, permanent. KTiLINSON BROS. 723 Swanston-st. HtKl MflAli W'UltAtKS, 1SI C18SS iircentlv rennlrrd: ncnerlence with T.

Snack man. F.A.I.S.. Secretary. 11 vi n. meio.

1 1RL, 15 to 15. for manufacturing sta- Car! sanx-piace, Meinoume. for solicitor'! uo. riy, ti. wen fuu.ij STORY WRITING FOR PROnil READ THIS TRIBUTE.

STOTT'S "While studying I had sccep-S'iOTT'Stances which cleared the cost of s'iOTr'8 the Course." Send for rrea STOTT'S Literary Prospectus. STOTT'S, STOTT'S 98 Russell-st. lltrht alloys. to StnfT Officer, 15H CAHbl UN. tOLL ECTOR, eximpt mllltarj', manpower.

vj tionery. ine wora is ngnr. ana interest COMPOSERS I supply Bases and Ar-i range your Numbers: 1 per song. Satisfaction guaranteed. Harmony, Aae.

nvtPTOMCTirn nPRRATnit rjnnlnr). An- TOY. lmmedlitly, good opportunity, no li fni-neia. nan US PIN HUSPll ir.on.ra1 Tralnlntr Shnnl for NnrsPsl. near districts, expenses, commission.

Rex Buttons. 913 High. UAiti Moys. unaer in, ior nirnt cuy 47 Queen-st. At Enerav.

Arc ing, tne surrounaingG neaiinv, ana tne nan refined. No Saturday work. VALENTINE'S, Publishers, 214 Queen-street. Melbourne. Immediate VACANCIES of TRAINEE 10 a.i plications will be received by the Ser- NURSES, aged 17 to 30 years.

Three-year Rnhsnn. 296 Collins-st aood trade. Australian Optical Co. 246 Little C.l. FOY.

for efflee work. Apply A. f. Atjierton fe 6n. manufacturing en- CIOOK, and House.

P. Maid, want position, together. P. residence preferred, good P. references.

O.K.. Age. (nnic u-nntn rtnv work, relieving: good I OOWEERUP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IV rtniihlB r-BrimrotiM NURSE. and cnndltions, no Saturday work. Apply Ir.

Jubber. Disc Manufacturinz Contora- 3S3 Melb, HAWTHORN. wtjtttkn applications are Invited BOARDING SCHOOL. Boys. Girls.

Box Hill Grammar School. WX1212 (Mr. rinnihu, tn reunions Avauaoie ior 1 voiinn Girls to be trained for worsted Building. Carlton N.3. until 10 a.m.

Mondav. August 10. Typewriting experience preferred. Applicants to state age and experience, and tn fnrwnrd conies of testimonials. as Deputy Sister In charge.

Salary. 160 V' refs. Anderson. Box 8. P.O., Armadale, i.

for dry cleaners; wages 1 15. 'u Star Dry Cleaners, 121 uun. itji cuy. Walker 1. Hawing, spinning and winding; full wane tlons.

Applv personally or by writing to the H. W. Gossard 67 Melb. A ACHIN1STS, for Singer's 2-needle ittLi. junior, city worKroom, weea.

tier annum. iiauiiiiiiwi.uuii, Prnliniimipr nnrs- mil rook emnloved. Ap mist train nir: Derm, nnsil on. ideal work- forihwlth for the position of PART-TIMS INSTRUCTOR In HEAT TREATMENT, Grades I. and on two evenings per week at a remuneration of 14 per evening.

Snlarv according to age. nana sewina interest ne traae. men driving bv nost. Melbourne Technical nc conditions. Annlv Emnlovment Officer.

plications to G. R. Burhop, secretary, Koo- itX felling machines: high wages, guar, nerm ELL1NSON 723 conditions, 5-day week, permanent. Apply r'nrrH 194 1 rnhRt C.l. ANU APPLJtJA- TION OF FACTORY COSTS.

A Rtwlnl Rlinrt Cnlirsp In this sublect. RS Centenary Woollen Mills, Point Nepean-roafl. Ra-fT FiMrov-itt fit Klida I UUrir.Bt.r'Crt. rcmnuc, CAR LTON 7--- ttcniieiRn or miK AU-'un or AUi.t:, I ABORATORY ASSISTANT WANTED Dry Rot Floors cured; written guar, annlied to industry, hns been ripslgned for1 nicnaay, v. jauor jii rnnaers-iane.

IRL. 16-17, for light house duties, live in, good home, week ends free. Rtl Rrlshtrm StIHirtS 1J For Large country General store, to Tolr riiaro- nt Ctmr WPiNNinu. urawers, novers, 47 Footscray. mw.isi isaira itockb, corn; wage.

APPly Cecil iTI (male or female): Doflers. Winders! also A Youin, 1 a- years, is requu en our Research Laboratories; leaving eerttn nil mid mm, rhm Ir-n 1 ralnins deslr AMP. peter Arnoia, jo Must be ThorouKhly Comietent and have had Prahran, op. Tred- I)A industrial Executives and Accountants, ine Course will commence on Monday. August and will extend over a period of 28 weeks.

Gins to jenrn. Apply 10 setter Mils rty. 1OY. learn sheet metal work; 2 10 and Apply Saturday, Sunday, J. Wilson, Essendon.

r'OY, full t.ime. great chance to learn mw. agency, local Jordan Agency, 403 Preston. S. Yarra.

"1IRL, senior shoe store: must be able, but not must be prepared country store experience. A Nice Position. Carrying GOOD SALARY. IT capable, well exp. Rogers, 64 Puckle-et.

Mpcnee onds. special attention win oe naia io F. W. UltttbN, uneciur. eiEACHER.

registered, has Vacancy (or 1 delicate backward child. Age: 'PELEPHONISTE desires position in prs I tecled war industry, can hadle hif switchboard, no night work Anne, Ags, TEMPORARY, Full or Part-time Emplor ment. requiring Intelligence, personality, desired by ex-factory manager, above military age; suggest coaling, store, time records. Write or ring, GRISTON. Punhi

Renovations, Webb's rttiMBN junior and benior; stroni willing: aood wncesi nrotccted nn i i io continue siuuies at nigiii. apui.y in Mining lo NICHOLAS PTY. Box 1271L, Windsor. Agenc Applications, with copies only of credentials, (Bl Measures oi raciory renormance. fb) Slmnllflratlnn and Standardisation, tel Standard Costs.

LOY or Girl, part time or Biter school IKJj. ior nosiery menaing; earn up JT 5. Shop No. 3, Howey House -arcade, rnat- ti.P.U. derlaklng.

Apply to W. K. BURN SIDE PTY. General Merchants, 29f Wilks, chemist. dnllv.

15. 10 St. Kllda Apr lv 1 ACHINISTS and Improvers, coats, Jae- frfl A Hneclal Feature Is the Amilicatlon BE Kew URL. learn dress making, good work, x- I RIVER, exempt, liuck or ngnt aenverj COUNTRY BTORE, Oo D. and W.

MURRAY LTD. Rn 2rtin G.P.O. WTORF.MAN, for bolls, Sc 18 years or to learn metal trade; good of Principles Under Actual Workshop In own handwriting, slating age. exper. 1 van.

86 Princes' m. ce lent r.nance. Anniv k. vvooa. mcno- Frieze 2 Hoddle- paddlng machine, ovtir, or noun, inensiuie mimnry; perm.

las-buildings, 37 Swanston-st. OOOKKBEPFR. STENOGRAPHER conditions. Intending students are Invited to inter- IO UAL.T1U SlMI'LiKA, al 475 Fllnders-tane. Melbourne.

I'ENCING OI All K.1I10S, gooa JOU write or nhone for quotations. 'ositmn, large manuiaciurer. Mitchell Ptv. on. West Foot sr ray station .1 nnlred for Drmriesslve warehouse, DOY or Youth, to learn engineering.

16 ikij, aooui jo, assist pantry worn. Bonlsl nriKltlnn: n.u'. Annlv HlirlS- f-w Mr s. j. siunnen.

neaa oi ine GILES. 6 Oakleigh. UM1786. Study Typewriting roucn sys jr ladies' skirts and iinr n(l(. NCR.

AUH 1 It ALiAol AN IINol llv lo IW COST ACCOUNTANTS (INCORPORATED), COST ACCOUNTING EXAMINA lericncen senior gin preierrca; kooo upi'i- OUPERVIBOR: 4: able type, city hotel Department nf Commerce. Building No. 2. i JLff N. Melb.

I ACHINISTS. '1 clacks, can ear Manufacturing Flinders-lone. Cent tlan Club. 230 10 a.m. Monday.

tem), indiv. Tuition, bet. and 9 P.m.; In in Snpplnl ClnrLxrnom for Adults ngrooms. Clarke. 177 Colllns-st.

FORMER Hc.usenoifl Hrigaae uiiarasmt-n arc available for employment as Watch UOY. 14-15. help in engineering. Hlgson-lane, otT 1211 ine ice is ior tne tjoursr. i to li.

ior rjacKinc ana aoorinv iniiiv nnn sniar ior rigni applicant. P. Rouike ItlR Melb. nn ic r.p 98 5. Melb.

101. men. Attendants, anv employment; nrst MELBOURNE TECHNIUAL, COLLfiUB, 124 T.ntrnh-slico( CI. 1 THE CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, th fli- Centrewnv rVfl Cnlllns-st. 27S7 Wardrop.

Swan- Trton, 10 Saturday; 30 Glivo Chemical Mlg. SftO Little Unurke-st. TIONS of the above Inslllute will on September 10. 11 and 14. 1042 Applications must be lodged with the Rwtrir Dresser, for ladles' II AUHINltjlH I Comnetenl Lad v.

for old eslabllshi'd nn-st. iOUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND frock: hnnna nald. Charles Rose Ptv ,11 lass musicians. unnenianiR recom. he assoclaUon committee.

W. Woodman, I E. Melb. IRL, senior, lor dry cleaners, pfflce men'a and ladies' suits Bradford House. 10 Flinders-lane.

3rd business, northern suburb: salary to 1. Annly Rowe A- chartered IOY. power prefs. urgent work. 323 John Abbotslord.

VJl cjrk: wages 3 to start. 121 Hlgh-st, wariow uo. Draftsman remitted l'or Council's Division tKNT rntlrM reoiilrrK llcht work. Chel- floor. Cfiitrrwav.

2nd flnnr. tan is Aust. ui riinaci not later man p.m. on nuuti ROBERTS, 'Registrar, 3fll Cellini-street. Melbourne, C.l.

of Industrial Chemistry, Fisherman's Bend. 1 A DIES' Hair Dresser required, must be goi-d all round qualified operator: salary! C5 wc-k. Apply HIM Caslle Pty. 277: Flinders-lane. TADIES' Hntr Dresser, fully qualified hand, Betty Dennis, 506 E.

Brunswick. FW1426. i sea rilKlrlcl pref. Reply A.D.C., co for city delivery ol weekly, hi weekW BOYS, as messengers, cablegrams; 1 10 igera. 1 10 AlIiOHESS.

Coal Hnnn. lor or- walkers News Agency, surrey mhib. must be exempt. W70, Applicants should have a knowledge oi drawinir. some nrnctlcal exuerlence aer in biock niso im nrovers: nerm Fidelity Wear.

94 city. Ennr.hine-rd.. near W. Footscray station Iads, mux, axe, sneep, leaniem. a .111 I.llllf" Crilllns-st.

Wimll WIup. P.O.-nl. Ex'ension Telegraph 360 Coi- 11 oi APPLICATIONS are Invited, return-hi ir. the undersigned, on or before iOOKKEEPER. Tvnlste.

smart. Junior. Annlv I ACHINISTS. for good frocks. 7ILOREfS.

Gnou coat Hand. Pnnne I ADY, elderly, capable, desires light du- with exp. State age, Box 16 B'wick n-iH years, tor aencatessen. ning Haw, 4770. IRL, for refreshment shop, basic po Perkins.

2nd Ltispiay-b ock, Collins-st. Phone In mechanlcnl. mining, chemical or metallurgical desist! Is desirable. Commencing salary In range 352 to 436 p. according to qualifications and experience.

Appllcationa, in writing only, statins; age and containing full particulars, accompanied by Little Colllns-st. 181. nspd In iu.e1tiMN. Column. Aae.

I ADIES' Hair Dresser. Girl or Boy wanted engagement: ri-EXTILE WORKERS. Olrls and Yoiinn to Ogden Industries Manufactur- a auy oners morning services; nome. August 10. 1942.

for the positions of full-time TOWN and BUILDINO SURVEYOR and SC A FOLDING INSPECTOR to the Town of Sale. Salary al award rates, tt present 417" p.a. Applicants must be to apprentice. win, nuu. 1 everlncs.

Ledger. Age. Windsor. Aae. wnmen roipnini.

uti ibo, vm.p i i pranran or. winnf Prahran or. BOOKKEEPER CLERK. mc engineers, 145 Nevie-st Middle Pk. DOYP, under 16 years, to learn trade.

BOOKKEEPER, Lady. Junior: 2 10 per o. uzd ana ADY like part time place Public Inetllution reo nl res the Ser- a wage. 83 ccourg. C1 IRL, Junior, to learn art work.

I E. Erunswlck. conk, from 5.30 p.m. 8 p.m., for city cafe. 16S Russell-st.

URL. Junior, 15-17. neckwear. ,1. VX Mukb.

6th flcor. 294 Lit, Collins-st. opies on iv oi reieiences in nnyi, auuiim forwarded to the Chief. Division of 161 CoiHngwood. exp.

Lecla, Age. i lcea of a Cc-mnetent Ladv Book keener and .9 Apply in writing, giving age, education A.T., to Modern Printing 34 Leicester- cor. Hanover and 9 wppk. Aiipiy jBiirau, bkc uuivc. HOOKKEEPING.

and Typewrltlnn (a Knt tn I'Ht, MF.1 KUI 1JL IAN LtAO UUMPANY- tnriiistrliil Chemlitrv. Bnx 4331 G.P.O.. I GOOD GENERAL HAND BOILER Clerk. Account ancy Student Intermedin or equivalent expeiience; also JUNIOR, 2i Spec I fie a lions may be obtained on to the Municipal Assoc. of 110 Carlton.

a I lei Melbourne, by Angiis 14. p.m. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEUB. Otn ACHINI8TB, experienced shirls; military and other work. C.

Brookes fi I ien TAii Attenaant, junior, reqmrra ini Queen-street. City, or the undersigned. IRL, Repairer, for dry cleaners; wages MAKERS WANTED. Applications will not be considered from any person engaged in production, icpair or overhaul of munitions 'Apply by writing to 10.30 a.m. I ADY Driver, capable, five years' city, suburbs, seeks position.

Transport. a city practice, centreway, db uoiuns-st. u. ihi I OOKKEEPINO, Shorlhand. Typing.

or Jin year, ior typing ana accounts, tss-sen! la 1 and Interesting work, Applications, s'ntlnii education, experience, aue and en l04 Flinders-lane. opp Hedley's Leather and Canvas Work 3. LA4IIL'6. 121 Bl. Kllda (IRL, dairy produce.

McConrKii a. 1S4 Alhert Pk. MX1S0O wnr or war sum) hps or cmunmcnt. Ann zyi b. Yari Age umce, li Lenin nt nome.

sion wa closing copy references, addressed to CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT. Pllz- 1 1 ACMINib r3. inr trousers, experienced ill military work. C. Brookes As 101 'IRL.

13-ltf. assist library. Apply, 50 OY, Just left school, wanted by leading HusiTiAi. Age umce, ADY. Assistant Llnenkeeper, educated.

nmirno suhnrhs Vie uncles due to war con roy works, corner oi smitn-stteet ana Quren's-parade, CLIFTON HILL. I ACHINISTS, men's narrow band trou- a I reliable woman, seeks town or Appl! 15-19 men's wages. 1 3 Advertising Agency, Bxcenent opportunity for an ambitious lad to secure employment with post-war future, Remunera- Town Clerk. TYPEWRITING, SHORTHAND. BOOS; KEEPING AND GENERAL CLERICAL TRAINING.

Help your country and yotirM.1i bf learning one or several of the abovj Subjects. Trained women are need-f, in W.A.A.A.F-, A.W.A.S., Munition Industries. Government Services, Essential Industries. BOYS, to learn trade; good wages E'art. Nicholson is Merrl.t 117 iia.

sers. p.w Fltzrnv. I UBS. bxp. un ts.

ior running ana nem-mlna: also Girls to learn, good country, write or nnone. miss urossmnn, dltlons; outdoor sale work of congenial, profitable nature; wide range of essential commodities. Apply, Mr. S. P.

Robinson. Exhibition-street. Melbourne. b. Yarra.

mon. ueiurai Mission, i any no. pnone i any IRLS. IS to 30 veara. reauired and highest wanes: nalri for all holidays: TACHINIST.

2-needle. experienced, shirts riant. no. i Apply CLAUDE MOONEY ADVERTISING ADY will mind baby daily. 00 St.

David marking department of leading tool and gauge mfss.i Girls also required to train ia.aro pyjamas, u. nrooKS Klinders-lane. I DRAFTSMAN, exp. in tool aesign ana 9 iirnHnctlnn nlnnnlna far Adelaide, mils jj Carlton. i Filnders-st.

I MBS. WELCH, MARGETSON'S require! exp. Runners, Pressers and Hand as machine operators, previous experience 352 Collins-street. Melbourne. C.l.

ACHINISTS, for drill berets; good I ADY Driver. 10 years' would like! be csuauie ni setting oui operational De Ac. to J.H.S.. Box 73SF, not essential, appiv wii.n to ijL wages. Appiy uecii Frahrn.

on. Treadwnv's. sign- for use In production, ttood prospects. nnv Is reoulrad for the City Dti' iters. Apply WELCH.

MARGETSON'S. Lstrobe and Sw-nnstnn st. 1 or shop, Kew ii position. Hi.i, Age. ADY, 9-3 p.m..

houi P'" Kew Agency, ouse TOOL and GAUGE MFG. High-street. NORTHCOTE. Aoniy in nrst instance io niusaii muc mm-. trlbulion Store of an Engineering Company, MACHINISTS, make A.I.F.

Jackets; good wages and conditions. S. Britain, Meib. mxdhiu. "ROYS, 15 to 17, 238 Flinders-lane.

ork. four consecutive ri1OOL Makers, skilled, urgently, for 1m-1 portent work, in modem factory; good wages and conditions. Apply first Instance, Mr. AIsop, Eclipse Radio, 11 S. nights.

I tit ftr i ocirifH lequiifu iui mipui iiiu ni-J strument work: must be of British par- WOMEN I Are you pulling your weight Short Easv Courses at BRADSHAW'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Princes-bridge. S.C.4. MXlliS. 'I TYPEWRITING (Tcuch System).

Phorf-X hand. Indiv. Tuition. 9 to p.m.; Sat. to 5 p.m.

Special Classroom for Adulti, THE CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. th Centreway, 259 Colllns-st. 2. 97, jiYPINO. Duplicating.

Miss A. Broughton, prnnrnn. op. ireanway s. IfACHINIST.

2-needle. experienced shirt a 1 irtijo, nana aewere-, leatner ana can-IJi vas." prev. ep. but not essen. tlal; no work Sat.

Hed ley's Leather ant Canvas Work 291 Vcrrn te Pty. 465 W. Melb. er, active, wisnes part-Arconnls. collwtlnp Xtr entaire: cood wanes and conds.

Annly Appiy in person io JOHN OODEN INDUSTRIES Manufacturing Engineers, 571 Little Bourke-sireet, MELBOURNE. ROY, interested In books, for publisher' u-arp)inii-i- yr-lpnt nnnnrtlinltV 104 ii ana nyjamns, u. iirooKS Cobu rg Age. 1IAN, capanie, miiKing macnines -L wa-hlnir tin. modetn shed: 70 wases and conds.

tetter or personally, to Mr. AIsop, Eclipse Radio Ptv. 11 S. Melb. Ptv T.M ini AhhntcfnrH.ct Molh POOL Makers, used to punch press, dies I and lis work: overt imp.

Dlwn Vita. nnH It-Bi. rturnt Arrimr.nn 10 I auy, in, trained teiepnontat, good wn i ter. family in servlrps eppIcr mnlnv, 1 irls, ror safety match lactory, 15-18 icars: smari. Girls can earn over 3 1 -VESIGN DRAFTSMEN.

Mechanical Annlv FnlH Hnr- learn Interesting profession: no Saturda: 11 AN, 11. aiscnariieti irom minmiy tJOYS. for despatch, able to ride bike' T. 4i H. Huhter PI) 23 .1 Draftsmen (workshop experience) re men I.

B.X.Y.. Aue 247 r.lun Hiintlv-rH Rlilnt-nulrk wkly. in brief time. Apply C. F.

Duncan As lieii. tnanig. automotive electrical parts, 467 W. Melb. MCBVVan Mouse, jnum-i work Apply Mondny.

9.30 a.m.. OEORG if I. vice. seek.s ior aeience wars. quired.

Apply to I ADY. young, experienced bookkeeper and ACHINISTS. for military shorts: aood pty. tiu ADDOtsiora, min. Coll Inn wood railway station.

I'inu ena uupiicnung qiif. mm Dobson, 434 Colllns-st. i wu niaifers usca to ate ana I in lues, (. unfiLHiii, appij- monnay, Stan unicer, ir.n Iti'lilplln-iu-nnnl. pairfield.

BOYR. Geo. PUiey Son tanners 17 Richmond. Miroiectea nrm. m.i.i., abc.

AN, elderlv, quick figures, scales, anything suitable; cheap. Rocke. 28 Vere- 1. work: irood wairp.i and renditions nn I ANGUAGES. EUROPEAN AND ORIFN.

iro.v. luti ho Hniiiswicn PYPISTB C1IRLS, 15 to 20, immediately, for metal I trades. enalneerlnD. electro nlntliiff. "DRICKLAYERS.

Builders' Laborers. I TAL, THE IHIRLITZ SCHOOL. Est. 1ACHINIST. for order frocks, must be 1 and STEN OCiiiarM nil, Senior Pup Gnr Mead Office.

oiu, worn. Apiiiy uisco Mig. uorporation, 167 Melb. n. Hicnnioun.


He sure ol lhe best 'lull ion, when press no Sat. work. Apply H. Arend- i(. limn uou.servnlloniil Method Branch Meeting.

Monday, August 10, Trades Hall. Melbourne, at 8 Busi MAN, wnr pensioner, educated, strong, 5 or 7 hours' work dally or nightly. i.Hlv Im used In on i' Hrtillnleii APPlluallans by letter, UOY. for re.

nbont in. Aiuuv person a. naiuweu biikb, iiu Nlcnoi' Footscray. MW1575. MACHINISTS, frocks, constant, modert factory.

Aoland 70 Flinders -I. me. 'ssitns ure nit nun nlven nv x. ness: Executive renorts. Election of wanes in 111- huols Miimmimul the world.

Private and I'UUL. Maker, press, tool dies. Modern Hiuidtes 473 Burnley. TRACTOR DRIVER, Ior log iiaulatte, neni good waves. ALEXANDRA I nil to Account nnt.

Caltex mnr kpii ftons, i.ur.i mnivern. (1 IRLS, to learn tailoring, making Air Force officers' work. Apply at once, Inr home use nr career. Course from riii. Age, If AN, young, wants work, evenings.

State horns, waaea. W.R.V.. Age. DAY. KVEN ING UlUl POSTAL I.

Kb' keters of Petroleum Products, ctllins-st Melb. board delegates. All members requested to attend. P. MA LONE, Branch Secretary.

TJRICKLAYER Laborer. R. L. Garrettl i ACHINISTS. Evan Evans, 680 Elliw OLYMPIC TYRE and RUBBER CO.

P.O. Bnx 52. POOTSCRAY. RONS. Cull, write or nhone PdT.IK for Fret i union, iir own nernta text ivulliiblf.

New Beglunern' Clares In Ilnllun, I 'emii nnd cumuiriicing. FOR SC V.KV.V. MTU I IKN'I'S TIMBER MILLS, 110 (J1K- ioy wanten. ii-iu veara. ior on MAN, useful, guest house, hotel.

Tocum- in.i inn. jwiivw. 1 I AOHIN1KTS nill'tJI Wilkin (fin nam. I good opportunity for Improvement nnd Hook. Mt'CA UK ACADEMY OF DRESS MAKING.

Mancliesler Unity-buildings. 220 al. Age Olilce. It I bom. 3 1 Hawthorn.

and conditions, no Saturday work. Annh Rnnld mid Been in In Irniitliill.m nsrmnn miniiiK in (intra niiiinic. utinn diiiilic 'PYPISTE. Stenographer Clerk, real estatl I. a ue nt's olftce, Southern suburb: previ AN seeks position oufside, exempt army.

11 Rlnte wanes. X.Y.Z.H0. Aue. Mr. Nash, Disco Manufacturing Corporation, Son Pty.

N. Melbourne. Pa liners ton Carlton. IiKEsa ijesiginng, cutting. Making.

9 fittings, theory or patterns, expert IOTOR Driver. lady, 30. 6 driving rpURNERS and FITTERS, experienced, icviinicni inuuer oy expert, witn explanations of scientific and mathematical SOLE ADDRESS: T. ft G. -BUILDINGS.

auY wan tea, ior cnemicni inooraiory city. Apply by letter, with copy re- some bake bon, Diuiaers, luff Brunswick. FW4700. BUTCHER wanted, full time or werh ends; award rates paid. M.

B. Smith Ringwood. gUTCHER: highest wages, smart shopman, E. Brunswick. UTCHER-S.

man (rtferencei. W. L. Pea-ler. 132 Wtnrirnr.

ous experience real estate preierrea, out nm pssentlal: must have personality and initim-tlvp. Rpnlv In nun handwriting, with COPiM win anve moior or I Inn frpp denis. Mow In School. Preaai NATIONAL COI.I.EflR 146 I.nnsrinln-xl. llrrws.

with coun- Prahran. or sub. 12 St. Edmond a-rd. buildings.

273 Little on. Coles. exn; AA hrs il-fl? nn nltrht. I.ATnrE. nf references, to REAL ESTATE, Her- "IO 14-15 yen len rn trade: cood hourly ot VTIIRRE.

tralnwl. Available. a required immraiaieiy; gooa men tan expect permanent Job; (or highly Important and urgently required Government woik. Apply Mr. Burns.

AUSTRAL OH3 ENGINEERING CO. 85 -w conins-street. Cent. 2138. OOK I World's smallest Pocket Radio Brookes fi 10( Flinders-lnne.

BIOCK-PLACE. dltlons: 30' to start. BUZOLICH'S. Nicholson's, half dav. Qualified.

I iKKHH rjll'I l'lNCl. MAK NCI. UKSIfiN- I i NO elecir te iiv viIvm AN, retired, or pensioner preferred, cnusenlnl ruiUlrio itnrli In small if INO Tuition, under leading manufac natters, mi swanston-st. (i IRLS and Boys urgently, no previous I exp.

necessary: best ronditims. Appl; Timekeeper. YARRA FALLS "CANTEEN Cooks, and emporlunis. clubs: )OV. learn cm-raving, aie sinning, mii; SOUTH MELBOURNE, turer.

HRADSHAW COLLEGE. Princes Lrv rnslrinntlal lintfl nn hnivv u-m lr AINTING, Papering, Plaster Re-nalis. flrsl class work. materials, it -o. uiarKe.

i i uoiiins-ct. I be good at drawing. E. L. Morton lequired.

Also Battery. Electric and Car Radios. We teach Radio also. RE-NU RADIO COLLEGE, op. Richmond Btn.

J4797 brlriue. Phone MX1173. cellenl home. Cominrtahle niinrtcrs A HHlJ 1RFOHD. nn Little Hourke-st Wl.illl.

leiences required. BAILEY, .147 Fltndrs- IBttbssBM Maae, lacKca. semi-compictea. Patterns to measure. McAdam Barr lft-17 to learn men's and! 1 bnvs' rlnthlna trade; 2S ti xlart nuri CARDBOARD Box Trade.

Girls. with some exp. of bending or stitching: or Juniors to learn. Lygon Box 131 A ions News Agency, ti-mpinn. 'PYPISTE and Stenographer.

We requin the Services nf an Efficient Typiste ini Stenographpr (female), some secretsrlsl experience also an advantage; good salary right type of girl. Apply by letter. AN8ETT AIRWAYS Commonwealth Aerodrome, Essendon, w.5, 'PYPISTE (ASBislftnll Wanted. I Age Under 20. Capable, Shorthand.

Knowledge Letter Filing. Salary Affording vn bp) flanrf rnnlu TothmfHUll. Engineers, AINT INO, Paperhaiigliig. Coloring. D.

Hnrvcv. 4f7 S. Yarra. U2H40 mm 27P Lit. Cnlllns-st.

FifllM). quirK aavencement; ronstant wotk. c. H. Brum wif.K-rtj..

Brunswick. N. for factory, on important must be nlivslcallv stronet wanes Hill. rpURNERS and Fitters, ior urgent work, JLECTRICAL Mechanic Required for plant )AINTINO. 3 drop 5.

r2 E'wlck. nen roue, ii coning wod. Commercial Corresp, Hand Wrll I. first class men required, day shift. 1 BURROUGHS ELECTRIC LISTING Annlv- Slanmnr Ilrv CM 243 Bav MAPERHANGER, Painter, House Repairer 47 Victoria- A3 MAUI11NB UI'SKAIUH.

itit Equip BHffhinn. mklm ui, seniors, c-rpatn aepanir.eni, coul wages and "mdlMon, no Saturday 'ork. Annlv Mr. rirtB. nisen Mdnnf AMur- A.

ti. MBA LINO LIMITED. A ECK ETT-STR EET. MELBOURNE. duties; wife no duties: 1 wkly.

and keen: ii Commercial Art. Show Card and Ticket Writing. EuRlneRiing, Drawing end Tracing. Mathematics, Physics. Concrete Engineering, Years- Bxnerience.

WAN or Girl, Interested in florist for Richmond. Required by Leading Hardware Company, VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. Vacancies EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR Ing Corporation. 467 city. nun nurserv.

no out lav. mi nrnnts. PORTERS nnd LADS for WORK LA rail a ay, Wahgunvah; refa. essential. Miss Banger, Mrs.

Chomley, Narandera. CARRIERS wanted, with own truck, to I MEN and WOMEN OF ALL AGES. 0 hrien's News Anencv. G. Vnle.

APERH ANGER, Painter. all Repairs, anywhere. 12 Richmond SHOPS (8th Grade standard). Apply NOW. i iiunHimnip, uoncr Aitenqance, tn- a iHuo, nun any exper.

printing, rar-T tons or cardboard box trade: no work Study Hume through Stott'a for Ring SUB-ACCOUNT ANT, Ti and fiHANni.Elt LTD. .141 4R. VI AN. with saw bench, to cut 1000 tons J2005. Welt-Paid Position.

Sat. Monern Printing 34 Leicester- BROKEN HILL ASSOCIATED SMELTER G.P.O. Box 12P1K. fliYPISTE, Stenographer reauired. iwlsl I pnrtmental manager well known rem pany farm machinery merchants: good con-dltlons; permanent position.

Apply, with references. F49, Age. "IAIjCULATOR Cnmninmotpr and Elep glue Driving, Arc. ELBOURNE TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Required for Correspondence School of wood.

Apply w. Li, Hnrsp-rd. Crovrtnn. apkh iNci. a drnn mat.

e.iuer peisoniiuy or uy leuer unaicHuiiH eim-cntionnl qualifications, date of birth, height and weight), to the Secretary for Railways. SI OTT'S Accouniaucv. Bnnkkeenlntr. Short cart nrawood a miles; Dig money. Apply W.

L. Walsh, White Croydon Phone Croydon 35. Book Machine. Personal Tuition Day and 6. 71 Albert Pk.

MX1402 ST OTT 'S hnnd, Short Story MAN, used to market garden; good wages; house if reonlred. W. Mnrrlott. Mnc Rotm 22,5. 4th floor.

Railway Administrative A PERH ANGERS. Painting, All Repairs auvwhere. 12 R'mond. J260I uariton. CIRLS.

15-17. light work, good ponrll-" tlons; no Saturday work. Australian Optical Co. 18-18 Prahran. jiASHIER, Junior, for licensed grocery flth Centrewav.

259 Collins-st. C. 2707 niuirs writing, neeiance journalism. STOTT'S Show Card and Ticket Writing Ofl'ces. Snenccr-street.

Melbourne. C.l. Bentlelirh. v. wir.

unnerfai oiore, i unapei v.mvasser end Clerk wanted, bicycle lTJAPERINO. a itrnn mat. 117AITRES8, immediately, permanent IiYPisris and stenograpner urgenuy req. for lmnnrtant w-ntk: sood waiei slid liartment). Experienced Clerk (Male or Female), accustomed to keeping accurate records, handling correspondence, Apply to The Principal, Melbourne Technical College.

124 Latrobe-street. Melbourne, r.1 winnsor. wnosi, uommerciai Ait, Biignsn, Arnn-STOTT'S metic. Nurses', Police, Shire advantage. MAN, must be reliable, milk 24 cows: cottage; 4 Tiillamaiinc.

William- condlt. Apply In first Instance, EcHph i piHiMion. uiir hailwai ncriicon MENT ROOMS. Uniforms provided: 4' HOURS: HALF FARE TRAVEL IS AL J. jl it.

i ucepaene, wruif. SLATING. Peter Arnold, 38 Carol S. Yarra. son.

Moonee Ponds. FUI187H, Radio. 11 S. Melb. CHARCOAL Steel Furnace Engineer ur- gently required, with experience de signing charcoal steel furnace; refugee con- IRLS, for metal factory, llitht work.

Trlon, 43A Windsor. 15-1S to learn good trade, I very good wages: no Saturday work. Fidelity Wear, 94 city. allRLS. 1ft to 16.

for llnht. clan mnrhln- 1 1 an, wun own turnout, at once, ti I ta'ifi RhPPn nrftT.ltiir Oafn 2rtR PI In. I'OLDIER. pensioner, active service, 1914- ll un mecnanicai engineering i.n.iKin. 1 CAPABLE YOUNG LADY (Senior), adapt- able, L.C.

wants position Interest, responsibility, city, Brighton line preferred. Begin September. Green-and-Tan. Aae X5730. I'VPisiE.

ateiiograpner iremaiei. i or for merchant's office. Appl', Ith details education, aue and in Hir- nujfrpci reia. unarcoai. Age, ion Clerks' university, Engineering, STOTT'S EIe-tilcnl.

Motor, Radio, Diesel. STOTT'S MechnnlcAl Draftsmanship. Dairy SICTT'S Supervisors', Testers', and Grad- STOTT'S ors. Ac. Parties, on application.

STOTT'S STOTT'S, 08 Russell-st. ders-lane. LOWED, 2 WEEKS' HOLIDAY ON FULL! PAY after 12 months' service; 2 16, tl ER WEEK and MEALS: refs. Apply Room 0, First Floor. Railway-build nils.

ii. smart appearance, or evening-, llaht tmulnvment. wanted for Inspection denartmenl of lmJ CtHEI, gocd, wanted, 'gcoa wages, by etter, H. G. Williamson.

1 1 an. renaoie. nairy larrm. nouse sup' portnnt industry. Apply in first Instance Piled.

Wllllama, Boronla. rreTClal rLsona. Ramsay Pty. Ltd. 1166 Bourke-si.

rpYPISTE, Junior. Required. Apply by letter to Nnui. Inir: good watrea and conds Gadsden Pty. 101 N.

Melh mi. wBiu, cciijfr nan id r-iy. 11 ings, runners-street, (1HANGE YOUR Always have extra money making '1 to FEMALE CLERK Of Good Appearance, ii'AITRESS, 5 days week; also Part Time, Waitress; good wages. Apply Monday, Phone XAinS7 fIRLS. Juniors, make soldiers' watch: AddIv evrnlnffK GLOVES by hand at home for us.

Frrc pensioner, look alter small fruit Manager. Regent, Theatre, S. Yarra. IT T. Ml Citte.

86 Reply Tooling' raps i Elwocd. Mercantile Mutual insurance uo, bta 1 C.l. I TYPIST, shorthand not necessary. fnerl work. PoIpb At.

Garrard, cntlclinl. TKing outnt Annul ed. mo coupons ior1 Plione, hnn Share 811 Uninn-st. R'wfrk. ViMPAMON, ior semi-invalid, several mntcrlals.) No experience necessary.

DIs-; Intelligent, And Used to Telephone, Is A I ARRIED Couple; man, milk and '1HL5. oood wages and conds. Apply hours dally, light duties. El wood dis- Re-covers Lounge and atI farm work: wife, milk: com tort a i 16-24 young, able to con waoes 70 aiii Age Office. ONSANTO (AUSTRALIA) PTY.

LTD. ANTED RO ENTLY CHEMICAL PROCESS WORKERS, Male or Female. sunes ov Ai irom it n. nome. an con k.l..; state age ana lei frpp ITVftft4n a

nlen Tris. REQUIRED FOR MOTOR BUS SERVICE. nn Sunday work. Ausirallan Hotel. 370 Bourke-at.

Melb. 'PYPISTES required urgently, must I touch typlates. Apply now to Generii Motors-Holden Port Melb. Lew's, unrnum. trici.

Hiintiy Age. CLEANER, for offices, female. Start Mondav morning and night, 30 3 5. Apply after 1 p.m.. Caretaker, 3id floor.

528 Cnlllns-it. learn clothing trade; high wages, quick advance, perm, positions. Ellin- Snencer-st. ITPHOLSTERERS. Suites Re-covered, rnnolaiiri 1Q Fltrov Rlvei'ina rlatlon Aniily, A.

Mm ro. ii k. Maivern. liAITRESS. days week; also Fart Time Wall i ess gctd wages Apply Snzy 's JA1741.

I'YPISTES. HUNDREDS Of WOMEN reauired for Oovernment and WAfl IN Please apply Plant orDce, Bomerville-road! Brook vn Pl'Mie. UL3022. uoing important worn. Taping an Advantage, but Not Essential.

Oocd Salary. And Excellent Prospects. A eed 16-10 Years. Ipiiolsterfrs. suites Re-covered, Whltclev.

142 Greville-st. LAI 127. ir.r.ce no onieci. we purcnase mis ppsrn-tlal work by GUARANTEE, nnd supply free; packing boxes. No more machine Klcves.

No more imported gloves. Help It-this new INDUSTRY, and help yourself to extra money, enjoy all the comforts of lift- Don't say, "I'll begin later." Wasted henra do not return. Act now. It's your rep.1 opportunity. More workers wanted everywhere.

Send now for FREE pnrtlcu-Inrt. LA PAULA INDUSTRY. Dept A. Culvvnlln-chRmbcrs. 67 Cflstlereagh-street.

SYDNEY; also nt Box 22B2U, G.P.O., L-aic, umnr.s-si., city, nnonc vent. iofin, 1 1TAITRESS nlirht shift. 5 til Rnnn Arrnmrarl nA I USICIANS Fist bar. small sub. hotel.

Ring FW1853. CiOAT Hands, Bkirt Hands and Trousers -Hands, for slacks, part time, working hours can he arranged to suit married wemen. Apply at once to Mcon 5th n.v, tin Ljii. Mem. SnnnllPd fnr I TANTED.

small share dairy. 35 to 40, A 1 Monday, DUSTRIES. Short, intensive VIClORY COURSES, for women, young or raaiuien, married or single. Get behind the men oe hind the Ouns. LEARN IN A FEW WEEK6, Typewriting, Office Machines and Clericu JIRLR, 15-25 years, lo learn hosiery tt cows, oy lamny.

Max. North Wllliamstown or Laverton District. NUMBERS Arranged and Basses ten for Songs; 1. Harmony, Age. Appiy io eiier mihs viy, iun n.

canton. 11.45: wages 2 12 and meals. Criterion Cafe, 23 Swanslon-st. WAITRESS, good wages and uniforms prov. Apply Cliveden Mansions.

E. Melb. YrArTREaS, young; also Olrl, for salads IT 'ANTED, position for licensed drlv Showground Scr- -j unon, inuinercrait. miaaie or enn 11 gUSt. for 2-4 W'PPkN.

lh1ri 9fi mnn noor, iM city. 1 f*ck. for cafe, plain cooking only; ae between 45-50 years, hours, 7.30 a.m In 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday; 7.L a tn 1fi .10 a.m.. Saturday: nn Sunda' IRLS. 16 to 19.

for laundry, exn. nn worK, separate lacinties ior -auua. n-sonal. friendly tuilion. Call, write nhone MU67S9.

EVERETT'S BUS1NTE5B Apply personally, In Writing, W. E. SPENCER and Public AccountBnts. 408 LIT. COLLINS-STREET.

Phone Coburg. Jl no Sal. work. Waverley Laundry 22 Armadale. U9153.

Melbourne. ii'inmu, i gnt nosition. ov wiaow. ii COLLEGE, Mitchell House, cor. EllfiW's Uhsery Governess, 2 boys, age 9 and I 4.

supervise correspondence lessons, work; wages. 3 10, and meals: gocd Job Ci HEM 1ST. Pharmaceutical, 14 years' va- rierf exnerlence as manager of pharma unuinem. fIRL8, for preparing fruits and vege-I In Men for cnnnlnir Fnulnr' Vnrnlft orses. shlnhnard experience not nrces.

ann Loniaie c.l. lipni applicant; five iciepnone po.niidic It years. 8 years' 1 week, Bachelor. Clifford's N.A., S. Yarra.

WANTED, embroidery work. A B.99. Age! sary; essential occupation. Apply William cies, dispensaries and hospitals, desirous of CURK0. ana iigut cw.kihr.

mn'iy iwvics, Ilowey-coitrt. 10 a.m. Mondny. Vl'AITRESS. good hours; 3 a week, 1 with keep.

Apply Society Restaurant, 23 Melb. IfAITRESS. Chalet. Mt. I FEMALE JUNIOR CLERK, for Cost Office ot lame, urosresstve comnanv.

The Apjv rtgr. kpYPISTES AND FEMALE 257 Hawthorn, a. jonea i'iy. ins i iftftK noon PLAIN: also HOUSE MAID, Uraentlv reauired Offlre. NURSES' Board Exam.

Splendid Postal Course. RTOTT'R OR Annlv A I ILK carters, exp. not essential. Ill bv letter nr nersnnatlv to D. App! Hut position offers lhe opportunity to learn and advance in a modem system of standard ammunition Buffalo; 2 0 and keep.

Apply Room for Defence project. Apply to Staff Officer, 1AO UBlHilh-rnay( ATRPIVI.T). bard. 30 Hampton. Clean weii-ligmea omce- iciooe irara.

OFFICE Boy, good opp. to learn clerical work in large engineering works. Annlv Clifford's N.A..! FACTORY. DEER PARK. 1IRLS.

to learn blouse trade. Apply Enid o. tfanway-nuuaings, ruiiaers-st. 11 ILK Bar Attendant, part time; wages 31 30 n.w. Aunlv Matron.

Roval Mel cenerally useful: would suil mother and dsuarnfer, or friends. Apply Lady Byrne. Blvthswood. Kw. Haw.

jT-17 CiOOK, 2nd. Immediately, ineligible military service. Chalet, Mount Buffalo, 5 8' and keep; 44 hours, overtime extra, at penalty rates. Apply Room 6. Railway position, enpttme (iny icai'irnniuiiuy.

i-uni- makon, Age. (1 HEM IST, pharmaceutical. Ineligible mlll-) tarv service, experienced, retail, whole-ale manufacturing, open engagement. Sim- ('''HEMIST. Junior for Industrial labora- tnrv, gcod opportunity suitable lad.

Apply Gas Works. Footscray. Hmirr CHiinrH cathedral. train), with up-to-date equipment, modern rafelerla, morning and afternoon tea. Good salary to commence, but when applicant 1 1 aj iKbaa, nignt, start jl at 1 local oret.

Banff Cafe. Filzrov-St. narner. tn uien nuntiy-rn. cistern' very respectable oersonnlty to Mr.

Edwards, Austrnl-Otls Engineering S. Melb. bourne Hospital. te nwav for 2 wpplts. St.

Kllria. 'PYPISTES. We have vacancies Inr tte Junior Typlates, good prospects for if plirants with ambition; no work Stturdtt-. Apply personally, or write, to R. Willune, Mfrr.

I 1' 'c- junior imaiej, ior merchant's iilis. uarter. exp. nriver. Harrys uairy, iI Brunswick.

FW4647. proves aatisiactory mis win oe increased- ap- iillr-atlnna In nun hnnrt writ intf with Dal rrnn.lane nfT waitress; good wages: live in. Glen ll St. Kllda. LF3750.

had some experience In nursing, only unite, appiv, wnn aetaiis education, age and exp. (if any), to Harrisons. Ram- sa.V PIV. 6fltl hnnrlrP.l A I ILK Carler. exp.

Edwards, 17 Severn- tlculars of experience, II any, education, and ennips of references. to PRODUCTION HAIR Dresser, gent. 'a, experienced, excellent conditions. Barrv Blck. MW WAITRESS, wages 56 p.w.

Apply Yairaville. MW15 "ii in camp, itneiy, Age. VOMEN 121 want washing up, Mon, 1T I SI i Annllcatlons are invited for the position nf ORGANIST and CHOIR MASTER MANAGER. FREDERICK L. COOK AND! mm mpid, N'ICTORIAH BABY HEALTH CENTRIS ASSOCIATION.

TRAVELLING BABY HEALTH CENTRE, Paisley and Leeds sis. WILLIAMS PTY. 40-68 Molllson-Sl. 1PPORTUNIT1ES FOR WOMEN WHO CAN 9 WRITE EFFECTIVE BUSINESS Ne H- R- EFFECTIVF CORRESPONDENCE COURSE will teach AIR Dresser. Man, lor weeks; gtiod ti i ke,, casual, sunaay ancrnoon: good wages.

Tea House. Botanic Gar' Flinders-lnne. Abbotsford, n.u. i was ounnings, runnera-n. wnmn, must be thoroughly ex-' p'rlenced, entrees, Joints, 6 and all meils, per 44-hour week.

Commercial Travellers' Club. 318 city, CiOOK. personal refs. Mrs. It.

N. Wawn. 152 Prahran. itinK' naves F.I nar week: 3 adults. 2 Christ Church Cathedral.

Ballarat. Details ol the appointment, duties, salary offered. A-c. may be had upon application to the lew nours, irom p.m., k. Melb.

or city. Rose. 22 N. Rirhmond. WOMAN, refined, middle aged, seeks twsl- tlon.

companion help or housekeeper liens, s. Yarra, -The Services of FEMALE CLERK, for ofBoe of progressive AIlRESSES, city. 70; new cbI 1 1 ann easily. HBMINOWAY Girl, lust led itn rxtens ve rxneri of Slater in Charge. Travelling Baby HMUJi Ceiitie.

General Midwifery and Infant wel middnvs. Clarke. 177' Colllns-st. anc eiu-n in haudllnir motor snare nnrls nnrl ac scnooi, about 14 to i years oi age. ior tneir Inv and Inrinnr dames denartmenl.

flood N1KU YUUNU MAN. lil VCai'S. BOO Aircrait Engineering nrm, ciose io some typing exp. a recommendation. not essential, Apply personally to HUPPERT and CO.

PTY. 193 Vicarage. Ballarat. C1LERK, SENIOR CLERK. Capable Man, wllh Ability, essories, is required to lake charge of nncarance and health: Intermediate I maids keot.

comf. country home. APPly prospects of advancement. Apply uersonally Arma- ORGANIST wanted. Dcepdene Piesbv tcilan Chinch; aalary 52 year, Iwi manual pedal elertrically blown organ.

An. rvfrs. Calvert. 5 Colllns-st. Cen.

5653. dale. eaucnumi prricrrca, mccnanicatiy incunca and willing to study and learn adjustment Bouveiie-atrcet, CARLTON. 1 Apply by Idler or telephone, for appointment, first Inslanre. staff Manager.

AN- tarv. 270 Flinders-street. Melbourne. 1 OOK, Housekeeper, looratt; Ply, wllh rcfeiences, O. A.

MBlloch. 142 GOOD GENERAL CLERICAL IS NErESSAHV. VOMAN, cleaning. 3 mornings; 13 hr 1 110 E. Brunswick.

io precision mac nines. Appiy oy iciicr tt ntlRROUGHS Box R44.I. G.P.O. SETT'S AIRWAYS Com mnn wealth conn wasf nnutP. pni ior niam rnnrfiK imill hniisebnld Rlns 114681 (I KAD Waitress, good home and rontll 1 lions.

Redcourt, 6 Arma ncrnnrome. tssennnn, W.n. J'Uli-II 1 But Accountancy Quallflratlona, Whilst an slating age. height, weight, schooling and xnrrience not essential. "ioOK.

female, assistant; no Sunday work: date. U4341. miff uertincate essential, run n-iu garding training and experience, piriieulitir In connfcllnn with Mntherrraft and In ini Welfare work, to be forwarded lo th Sei-ietnry, Victorian Baby Health Central Association. 71 Collins-street, Melbourni, nr-t later than August 14, 1942. V10TOHIAN I VACANCIES for Junior Clerkl (U and under 17 yeara).

Must possea In n-rdiale certificate of Melbourne Unlve wj. Apply now by leiteu- (indicating QiihllflcatlonB. date of birth, height inJ Church. Particulars WV5RR7 -vpnino. Mr ini ft Englneciing previous employment, ii any.

salary, In 2 1(1 ner week frnm commencement good wajtes ana conas. Australian noiei, fipenecr-st. AlO'l'OR Mechanlca and Turners, em employment offered in large undertaking Apply personally or by writing, Mr. Carter. Ouren's-hrlrior Motor Rn.

a. ivieio. Anvnmagr, i Are Not Essential, BALAnVY, 7 10' per WEEK. Annllcatlons. giving details of age an StevEtison'a.

Albert Pk And advancement Assured to successful up- or write secretory, 6 Box Hill, 1JATENT Attorney or young Man, ex-I perlenced In patent work, required ur fOUTH. 20. desires position, not factory ay, Melb. 1. work, military exemption.

Field, 258 VT ANTED, by working mother, elderly glneerliig 35 South gently by Sydney electrical manufacturers Salman- Vacancies for oxnerlenccd Hoslerv 1 1 or pensioner, mina -t 2 school age; live In preferred; 15 a week. -RADIO Overhaul, Marconi Gradua- itepairers, to work either lull or part tune. ii'imcvira iiuaeriBKingt. excellent prospects. Submit experience and qu all flea tlons to Com- COOK (AsPistAnt), St.

George's Hospital. Kew. Haw. 1243. "100K.

1 guest, nice light Bel- CAN CO PTf Ferrars-streel, South Melbourne, CI K. FEMALE CLERK, FLORIST. Girl, learn, experienced Ring te. orlg. firm.

WM1814 fall hours). ilOTOR' MECHANICS. PRESTON MO-ill. TOPS require Mechanics for Melbourne and suburban garages; good wages and conditions Inr men with Chevrolet and appiv personally, oian umce. aianiun f.ONS I.IMITPn Hrntral LAllHii.

Monaay, weight), lo the Secreiary Room 225. 4th Floor. Railway AdrwniitM' tne Offices. Snencer-alreel, Melbourne. i i PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS I.REE Setting every week, with 58 ot 1 7.

6 Perm. Centreway Hair Dressing nun i net-ring rij. 00 uar- ter-strect, Cammeray. PHOTOGRAPHY. Receptionist.

Manager-I ess. Colllns-st. studio, commence 4 or Clovellv, Sassafrac 11. Buick repair experience. Apply Service1 HOUSEWIVES.

You can earn good monev at home In your own spare imp THE MYER EMPORIUM will buy home-made BISCUITS of all kinds. Bring College, fith 261 Colllns-st. O. 4724 C.l. R'Ia-- Age.

(iook, lemaie. ci ifion. live in. manager. 1 1 1 Melbourne.


JAPANESE. mir samples next wees: in Mrs, nirijeoa IM to Years oi With Some Knowledge ol Typing. Required For Accounts Department Ot Large City Office. Excellent Working Conditions. Apply.

To "PROGRESS," Age. VAUANUlt-O ior JUnium (iOOK. nn house work. 37 Alhert-rd. off St.

Kllda-rd. MX4466. snd under 17 years); musi pouf" Arc Conversational Method, without trans-; rioor, Lwciaie-streei store. St. Brighton.

'ANTED, Woman, mind recondhand stall in market, one day weekly. 419 Bruns- All advertisem*nts In this column inviting applications for the em- filoyment of MALE LABOR must nrluric the NAMK, NATURE OF BUSINF.SS and BUSINESS vw.m.i(nrii ornior or junior tie-ceptlonist, experience good Allan Studio. 318 C'wood. pHOTOaRAPHIC Lady would like te I learn portrBlf coloring. D.O..

Aae. x.u. or uenerai. mediate certificate of 'Melbourne Apply now by letter (indicating ilOOK. General, dailv.

Apply, first In at ion in English. All grammatical arua-DPrv ntlmlnntPft A aluriv an absorblnfilv In mod. home: 2. Annlv Fit gray. Alma-rd Caulfleld.

ni" rina U7022. ill MOTORS have vacancies for Pnarei Parts Storeman In Melbourne and suburban garages: gnod wages and conditions for! mrn with experience. Apply Spare Parts Mttiiagpr, 114 Melbourne. AlOTOR Driver, experienced, for light city delivery, start immed. Denman, Robin- snn, 170 Melb.

IOTOR Meelinnlc, first class man only; piANO. modern, style, quick method. fjuaTncl*tiona. dale of height jWj weight) to the Becrelary tor 225. 4tn Floor, Railway AriminUtntiii ll oubEKbtrtK.

nomeiy. gooo nome and stance, to 35 canton. OOK, 2 10 house, parlor maid kept V' 1 Evans Toorak. U4640. COOK.

2 adults. house maid kept. 3' Prr-vnei-t Cambemell. WF2083 CLERK, Female, With two or three yean experience, in monin. Master.

Aae. a wanes, rieriv conn terestlng that many of our students art Ifarning two or three languages At the same lime, PRIVATE AND CLASS TUITION for absolute beginners and advanced students. Day and evening. New classca commencing C.l. I JY Secretary to chart, accminlanll 1 Anal.

fimhl, Miacunu Offices. Spencer-street, Meioourn. BRAINY YOUNQ MAN CREATES HIS A f*ck; P. maid kept; good wage. Ring bookkeeping renuired.

Applications In OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH STUDY ANTED, Millinery Improver. Applj Monday. 410 Plteroy. TS have Vacancies Ior Married Women IT over 45 for part time work on military gloves. Apply GLOVERS INDUSTRIES PTY 3t WangnrAt la-street, RICHMOND (near Richmond station, icar EitRUfth), stan excellent conas.

iiryiaw I U1516, nrifiKS reniilrM the servlrea nf Y.M.C.A. -7iwt ivirRnope, ii (juecn-st. Lane soft goods Warehouse. Apply by Letter To SAROOOD GARDINER PTY. 81-73 Flinders-lane, MELBOURNE.

2n now, nn lasting over one nuiir mm nnn, to enable conversation. Our Imported books, when necessary, Bre sold nt coat price: none more than 07. Over twelve experienced native tenrlipr UnlveraUv vmrinatea. In I Die Cnrnmltl nf i.i.n,. exp.

drill' and Vegetable Cook, no night MPlhminiP. Bisn courses now in; ACCOUNTANCY all Bubjecta, HAND WRITINO. PUBLIC SPEAKING. RNflMHH and ARITHMETTfl "Pl'llfntlona from legally qualified Medical or Bimrjay nuty; salary id io siaii, Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A.

Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. I I OUSEKEEPER, for also assist In CONTRACTS AND AcfcOUNTfl DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION WORE. Age, Experience and References, A.D.B..

tt O0 Box toil. O.P.O, MELBOURNE WANTED. Manager, for Canteen, Irtipi dialed returned soldier pniirr stall salary required. Application rw Ihursday, Aug. 13.

O. Wright, isffftir Motors Eii7.nrtn-st. c. fiso. OULDER, for foundry, specialising In light aircraft alloys, specialised exp.

nnt necessary, but first class moulding ext-essential. Apply C. Huppert As Co. Pty. 103 Carlton.

fOTHERCRAFT Nurse or young Olrl, exp, 11 nilh crilldrn 1 chllrl. 18 mnnthsi ll tihUKH, isi Class Man urgently re 1 quired lor oxy and electric welding ii louowing nonorary structing In congenial nnd quiet surround simp, iiiii vJariinn. I IOUSE Maids, start fmmcdlatrlv aw (Special coaching Air Training Hariris fLERK.AppltCBtlona, slating miell-i flcallons and ttxperlencc, will be received ii ii a i A') fnr the nosltlnn of 11 rates. Annlv Assistant Alfred Y.M.C.A. with increase satisiactory.

Appiy uiooy 218 Colllns-st, flUTTER, Designer, female, for ladW underwear, previous exp, and refs. e.irfnt. good wages and conds. Apply 402 tlAn.H flnrtr ing-. I ME BUIt MUNI-IK fitnuuu UI LANGUAGES, Borbnnne House, 120 Collins-Ureet, 3747.

ACCOUNTANCY REVISION any tio'iii'si. rrancan Y.M.C.A, Y.M.C.A. AHfiiBTANT ANERTHFTIBT 1 VteancV ASISTANT ORTHOPEDIST 7 Vtcsncj ASSISTANT TO MEDICAL OT- FICER FOR VENERAL DISEASES 1 1 Main-waitress. itcyston, ror. good conditions- 2 10.

Flat 2, 7 Clerk (tempoiiry). Preference given returned soldiers. Addiess, War Service Homes i-)7t. Me bourne. GARDNER Prnfesslnnal Benlces, Victoria subject, JUNIOR COMMERCIAL rrMTitin U.A.

i i uatinennng.ra. ann mi i.asrei!P-av,, TOorak, "1YOLB Mechanic, full or part lime. 833 's nuiiqings. positions arranged, Y.M U.A 3707. rOMA 12.H een, uas worm.

n. ANTED. Accountant or Comrtmt keeper, for iiictioneen Infiu'lriea Without Obligation, Y.M.C.A, 1305-fl. CLINICAIl ASSISTANT TO I OITSF. Malr Hlgn-st i nornnnry.

write, can NURSE, for children, or nursery House Maid, other help, good home; near C'lLKRk. female. Junior or Senior, lor work with W. Footscray engineering rVTie JWlt52 r-x ri irnnti Hostel, 54 The Aveniie, Windsor. Wind, snr 4niR.

rn'ntiNTANnv rkcrkt'aRIAL. Per- good salary. to JMcJmJ Ac concern, Apply, Stating saiary 1 closing to Cactlng, Box 34, Foots- iram: temporary or permanent, iting NURSE. Children's, refs. essential, 2 children.

2 and 4 years: 50. Sun- inoiviniiai i union. Bxaminauon I IOU3E Maid. Waitress and Kitchen MEDICAL OFFICER FOR DI8EASFS OF EAR, NOSE and THROAT 1 Vicancf CLINICAL ASSISTANT TO OPHTHALMOLOGisr Vacancy MEDICAL CLINICAL ARATRT. In (inrv.Kt Melh Resulls Guaranteed.

Printed Lessons. No a Main, live in. uarey Grammar School. H. Marx, Newbury P.O., Via Trentham.

llRRfl. exnerlaneed. 2 children, kinder. (1IRL WANTED FOR MAIL DESK Also GIRL FOR FILING DEPT. Experience Not Necessary.

Apply HENRY BERRY and 580 Collins-street, Melbourne. "URL REQUIRED, look after office, an-a awer telephone, knowledge of typing easy position. Apply at once, 37 Hardware- AILY Htlp. P-5, 2 adults, easy posr ticn. Ring U1843.

1.111 I Books to Buy. One Fixed Fee dv Easy in--lalmpnts New Free Handbook. Obtain T0IP ffArlen ase. all modem conveniences: riLERK. adult.

Ineligible army for cost-j Ing. smart at figures, good position, large mannfacinrer. Age. references. Mitchell it Co.

Pty. Bog 20. Footscray, ronV 7(1' Me h. 3 rfrlcerB. Wanted.

Youth, for twining ow; tor high-speed telegraph Intermediate certificate. Apply. wIIBW; Box 1674N. P.O.. Melbourne.

TJ, UMNTED for Important wort, TTPi some office npa.ntmUtl. Plala rn. Piv. Ltd 853 1.M Ht. Kllria.

LA1441 copy to-day. lighthand ana uunalu. 11 UMAN, ngni auiiea; l. p.w. ana teu.

G. Thomiwwiti. Wantirna, Rlngwocd 274. given good home, return llgi. service.

3RZ Preston. llInMAN. home work, mornlnaa onlf. ANT VaeanelM SURGICAL CLINICAL AS- .1.1 to 8. Mrpherson, 57 Bwanston-st.

salary iu Pr week, xeiepnone uiflBT. VTURSE. 1 child, 4 yrs. 12 others school I OUSEKEEPER. maisonette.

2 iidultA, no AILY loorax, fd. a ny, mu eisiANT 0 TacanelH UN tu. nnnitY tnunim, ri inciunir 371 Ut, Melb. Tel. 5186.

4 CCOUNTANCY EXAMINATIONS. If vnn fAii.P.n AT last Exams, make rer. -MLERK. lady, about 18. capable, large.

i wasning. gooo conditions: 2 5'. In-lervlew Sunday or Monday morning, Flat 2, eity, nonnaj, inoraa, on tram; do. Ring U8O20. ursb seml-tretned: 47 weekly.

Matron IRL, about 1 TYPING and Mon. lo El wood dlst. LF4193, WOMAN, pensioner, working, 1 ladv, good home, small wages. King LF6220 Vl'OMAN, 3 half days weekly, light house OUSEKEEPER. frr' Wldcmer and daunh shorthand, knowledge of hookkeen-i at her Inn Banalorlnm.

Chelt. 21ft. ApplicBllniw iPcrmitMnled bt tewtl-ninnials and hm goon salary ann 'i'-flBts. off. Personally or letter.

Mltchel A Co5 Piv. op. W. Footscray station. jtLF.RK, young man, unfit, well niftnn Hill.

Anarone. win. (n. C4H.V Help. Tuesday to Salur- rtv: pers.

30. Haw. 1796. SMLY. 130 lo 8 30, cook evening meal.

Brighton district. LF'23HfS. 'AILY House Maid. 8 30 to 12.30. cmf Bundav: rets.

U2B32. iflar 6 p.m. 11 ter, refined home, own mistress. Full tain of a pass at your next attempt. Enrol now for our special course.

Free particulars Irom HFM1NOWAY ROBERTSON, tMIB Umin rtink.ntare Melhnilrne. tnr. hi to he lodged with the iinrterslgned not' later progressive. APPly nn. nae.

IRL renulrsd, immed, for Remington acponntina; machine. Reply. slating r.rtrloR.' A b. L. Lll.

WOMAN, 3 half days weetly, llaht 'hoitie UHAP. seml.lralnrr1 small nrl A. 'r. TWrTRDnt. HOUSEKEEPER for old pensioner, 6t 70 r.v Wauled, neit -or-nt.

Cliel-e, OUSEKEEPER. 8 adullJ. isiindn ioa.h.h., Aae omce. renuired. to A.B.S., Age Ornce.

WANTED, 0'in Olrl, tt work. 1" B. M-m, country pretf capable, small VIA' Help, light till 5. WF4771. Plial.

day duty, sleep out. UL34HO, V'tinsERY Maid wanted. V.nrak IM4R2. tL, junior. 15 to if) years, for nftlc Paif, Arthur J.

Veall Ply. 490 Ell-abelh-lt, l3 innumti Appiv Mr. na ipnly Mr. CCOUNTANCY. NEW POSITIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO QUALITY.

Train NOW with At R. Obtain fre tfpy of "OuldP If Careers in Buflness," HToM-1NOWAY At ROBERTSON. 60S Bank House, Hank-nlsee Melbourne a a run mwiin SALF-RGlRt, mp. not nr-cBWBry. Apply Tim the Tftrmtn, Reglmt- nly cafe, kit.

Apply 5T Peter. Aie. WOMAN, gBnaral. every day. 11 Mac- eduraled, wAnta position.

Capable, Age Office. 1 fi LER KB (female), mon Bnd SENIOR. Renuired Leirtlng Australian Pire, Arrt-denl ne Marine Insurance tompinv, Apply. Fisllng age, and with copies retarincfl, lo COMPENSATION, C8 arcs nt III Lxchanifl, 30 Coliln-t. Mi-Tole.

SM Lit. Col ft.Bnr.v, Ma VlTAPrrED, Dr.P,r, o.r mtlitwr 11? qui Dr. 'i" hral oftir Teeirk, tngineer's I Mn RrMvB.rrl ti IrliMnxA ue reor-r 'nfilll ti light hmif work After 2 p.m.. -itOV PrnHnr. hathreom IT LinlKhie-t lt in Am-tE.

N. carirrai I Cirl. high vages. 68 Swamton-st required, for important worlt tn modern trvd tgt- anrl cendl'IPru. ppl'.

in tlrti inilaneg lo Mr. Eclipse rilRLS. to ern nffli typing in, ihnrihand not nertMary. Cnl Si Oar- ds loorax-ro uv.iini. 'anted, "wSTloV Mrmmm2t in.

U'OMAN Cleaner! S-f: n3ther ings, evenings. Clarke, 177 Ci Atiply Arnica, A.D.. 378 chapel-st, n.MRY P-fidire. Ojrl. tr.n.

377 raru, wuii'nt, OIU CUT MB1D. and good ialarr. Ring Mlu Vancl. t9011.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.