THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (2024)

Table of Contents
So WHAT IS IT ABOUT then? this “Pride” phenomenon—and the “end” of Pride? It’s BABYLON…and CHAOS. It’s planned demolition masqueradin’ as some kinda equality-buildin’ project…I see it as the END of PRIDE (actual “pride”) on many levels… WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? (hint: you should!) Changing the MEANING of PRIDE (the movement & the word /concept) and then buildin’ up REPULSION for the entire PRIDE “industry” (done!) and then orchestratin’ the ERASURE OF PRIDE (by planned demand!) is one’a them totally twisted globalist PLOTS and, it’s succeeding! SO I WENT BACK IN TIME…I had to confirm they DID change the definition, FULLY—no surprise, just that shiver of wreck-cog-nition But in spite’a “her” crock-claimation:However you look at it, Pride aka PRIDE Inc., IS over. Herewith, is a LONG, COOL TAKE ON THIS VERY HOT MESS… BRAVO! Folks DO need ta see how it WAS. MANY do not know and should. “SEX FOR SALE” on Parade! PRIDE in SEX WORK ? SO MANY MEANINGS = NO MEANING (pride is now MEANINGLESS !!!) Back to a little MORE history… Moms, dads, grannies! THIS is the history they rewrote — they changed the optics! OLDSTERS OUT, GRANNIES ‘R GONE! Now, it’s for the YOUTH!, just like Hitler’s similarly groomed Deutsches Jungvolk… How ta in-doctrine-ATE yer JUNG!!! (an’ alien-ATE yer “olds”…) A 2-SEC. HISTORY LESSON - G-RATED (not G-Stringed!) It was by far and mostly a G-RATED event! THE THEFT an’ Co-OPting of the RAINBOW RAINBOW TANGENT TIME: Gotta look to our OWN rainbows! Our own bee-u-tee-ful rainbows! The End of Pride Part II Comin’ SOON! References
THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (1)
DO see my last postin’ if ya missed it; this was all scribed one year ago after we all SUFFERED thru not just a “month of PRIDE™ “ but many wince-wurthy months leadin’ to it.This is quite an epic multi-part stack-series on a topic that normally should not demand such de-tailed scrutiny. It rambles a bit, BUT I think there’s much “food” fer thought here—rainbow sprinkles on top! So take yer time perusin’ this mini series folks—from all I kin see, what seems to be just a bothersome “pain in the rear” (ha! couldn't resist!) "queer" event has become a far bigger talisman for the very downfall of society AND in a way, our formerly understood sense of humanity… so fasten yer seatbelts!

Mercy me-oh-my, oy vey, & one big NYET!
It’s OVER!, June “+”, that seemingly endless month of PRIDE (!?!) that leaves many’ve us goin’, “Yer proud of WHaaaAT?!”

PRIDE-the-Movement certainly is NOT about being GAY any more; “Gay is OUT” (not “in”) — when I say OUT I’m not just talkin’ about bein’ “out of the closet” (as in ho, hum yeah we know ALL about the lifestyles of the rich & gaymous…) but rather the fact that “just/only” bein’ GAY is now “SO yesterday” as the young’uns say. It’s so BORING! It’s so… WHITE BREAD (‘specially if yer white), so time ta sweep GAY under the rug from Bloomingdales.

For gays (just gay), the parade (they MADE!) passed them by!

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (2)

Today-”GAY” eats the DUST of the 72-gender folks, far ahead in the TRANShuman or ruther POST-HUMAN future…and all but the real-life gays are PROUD of it!

Here’s my PRIDE high-koo:

PRIDE is not fer run-of-the-wheat-mill wheat…
Not fer neat gay slices of white bread or even whole wheat
Yet PRIDE is what ya EAT!
The time is mete
(audible gulp may follow..)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (3)

Eat’in yer pride means effacin’ it, erasin’ it, goin’ “pride free” (but not just fer Lent).

So WHAT IS IT ABOUT then? this “Pride” phenomenon—
and the “end” of Pride?


Though this piece is a VERY long’un in multiple parts (an’ quite the ramble but not THE Ramble an’ thankfully not as long as Pride Month either!), in brief (in case yer short on time) I’d say that PRIDE Inc. is about exposing us all to a brain-numbing display of sexual aberration an’ trauma in “tempting fruity-flavored” happy rainbow colors, with all body parts (pierced an’ painted) ON DISPLAY like some gruesome, fleshy, never-ending Deli Counter Meat Exhibit of Lucien Freud’s Leigh Bowery. SEX + TRAUMA.

If “gay pride” simply wuz once about rights for people with a certain type of ATTRACTION (same-sex as it were), this full-out disorienting NAUSEATING, dizzyin’ “spin” of a movement also means the END of ATTRACTION —for men and women, gay or straight too (so pay attention!).

It’s also a spirit-numbing “show” to disconnect us from any honest human emotions (includin’ innate repulsion but also love, romance, modesty, intuitive distrust of creepy folks, an’ the dismissal of the “idear” of keepin’ private feelings private…) ALL in favor of a gross PUBLIC DISPLAY of indecency (i.e. REALLY “gross indecency!”)—of every gawd-awful genre / perversion known to human-kind ‘cept maybe snuff / murder. If ya ask me:

It’s BABYLON…and CHAOS. It’s planned demolition masqueradin’ as some kinda equality-buildin’ project
I see it as the END of PRIDE (actual “pride”) on many levels…

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (4)

The whole PRIDE INC. trajectory has gone FAR off the DEEP END of the UNIVERSE (like the Cap’Tin —or Tin-Capped Rainbow Space-Cadet in the illustration, above). It’s all headed on a fatal mission hurt’ling space-cadet-ward on a CCP-USSR-Critter-CULL-Theory path and it’s programmed flight is now so very FAR inta the galaxy of candy-color-blinded rainbow PROPAGANDA INC. (literally of Pride Propaganda which deserves a “proper gander” right here)that many’vs us just see it IMPLODING like an asteroid on an orbit (OBIT!) path of self-destruction—an’ fer damned sure we just want it TO BE OVER.
No more, please (please!).

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? (hint: you should!)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (5)

Now if ya aren’t in a profession where regular (vs Heinz 57 varieties of) gay folks abound, ya may think, “SO WHAT?” Who gives a hoot? But a LOTTA moula is bein’ spent on this GIGUNDA GAYGUNDA “AGENDA” (yessiree) AND two key things are at stake here, important to us ALL:

A. the abolishment of the concept of Pride—which certainly affects us all.

Pride is now so connected with this new shiny-empty an’ sexually “risky-frisky” incarnation of it’s meaning that we sane minds all CLAMOR for the DESTRUCTION of PRIDE. (Think about that… a world without ANY PRIDE…) Now, in this current debased form, that’s understandable! HOWEVER, if “THEY” (punditz who monkey with meaning) strip a word and idea of its original and important meaning, humans lose out.

Like Syme in Orwell’s 1984 editing the dictionary, removing words for the sake of void-worthy newspeak! THE same folks that made work ethics and right answers “racist” are making “pride”—formerly a healthy, fine thing (as long as it does not go too far into the 7 deadly sins-realm of being pride-ful!)a “CONCEPT” of the PAST. They wield this language battle of the mind, among other weapons-lexical, by association-permanent with a tawdry, “dirty” festival of depravity!)

PEOPLE without pride fast become downtrodden, ashamed even. They lose confidence in their own accomplishments past and future, lose their sense of individual meaning and the self-respect that comes with the ability to see clearly WHAT has been accomplished. Erase all that (like theyz erasing history!) and you have taken away some of their humanity (of course that’s the AIM in the trans-human / TRANShuman agenda…to DE-humanize us all!) and…

B. the erasure of GROUPS and their individual meaning—not unlike the erasure of NATIONS-Sovereign. Making we-humans the “pan-gender EU” all under one umbrella, no distinctions, is a purdy nefarious goal.

The aim (the erasure of pride as we understood it…) is indeed bein’ wrought to achieve some big global “pan-sexual uber-identity” (an infertile one too!*) vs embracing the longstanding reality which most of us born in the 20th Century have always known which is that ALL folks are men OR women (minus some super-rare hermaphrodites!), that most folks are “straight” but that a small (4% of men 2% of women, so 6% total) percentage of our population is hom*osexual and/or “bi-sexual” for whatever reasons (enviro, bio, frankly we don’t care) and ALL of us deserve ta be treated equally under the law and pursue freedom, success, & happiness (yup!) in the US of A. Full stop! (an’ “trans” is NOT a gender!)

* if “Zey” make everyone infertile with hormones & freaky surgeries, if “Zey” eliminate attraction (any type), there will be no bonds for parenting, no loving “couples,” an’ anyone who wants “permission” ta reproduce in a test tube (gestation in a plastic BAG I ain’t kiddin!) better git “Zir” social credit score purdy high ta qualify….

The Erasure /Re-Group. So GAYS, as we knew ‘em/ have known them, are a “group” not unlike many others; being part of that group requires some self-recognition and may also require societal recognition from others (for example, that of the profession of estate law according inheritance “rights”).

In theory given our robust Consty-tution, nobody should have had to carve out rights for GAYS or, for that matter, for WOMEN or CHILDREN (via child labor laws fer example) or even fer people belonging to a given RACE, CREED, or RELIGION — but it seemed the Consty-tution needed a little “interpretation” boost (Amend-Mints post Bill of Rights…) to make SURE folks got equal treatment, regardless of their “group.” Not sayin’ this should’ve gone down that way—but that’s how they dunnit. (With me still?)

But, in the name of maintainin’ this delicate balance, by carvin’ out “group rights” (a tricky matter of checks an’ balances too! possibly ill-advised from the git-go?) we gotta be mindful not ta shred that Holy (and now Hole-Y!) Constitution in order to provide for SO MANY tiny splinter groups such that the entire concept of affirming (major/long-recognized) groups becomes a meaningless pile ‘a wood shavings! YET, THAT is what the co-opted PRIDE movement is doing now! Forcing all institutions and entities to swallow such a giant bolus of a mish-mosh of identities, each with their/zir “rights,” such that (ironically) PRIDE, for those few “major” groups (like Gay People) who DO represent reasonably large swaths of our society and have for time-immemorial, gets ERASED! AND it’s at OUR peril (that of ALL of us human beans) that this is happenin’! (In brief, fer gawdsakes, save the damned lake, don’t try ta catch every little willy-nilly raindrop or ya lose!)

Changing the MEANING of PRIDE (the movement & the word /concept) and then buildin’ up REPULSION for the entire PRIDE “industry” (done!) and then orchestratin’ the ERASURE OF PRIDE (by planned demand!) is one’a them totally twisted globalist PLOTS and, it’s succeeding!

Tho’ hopefully, an inverse effect of this twisted “success” (on such a scale that PRIDE will be willingly erased by humans as an aspect of the “human condition” ) could also result in the ultimate DEMISE of this elaborate 5th Generation Warfare PRIDE agenda on us—through language and manipulation of “our formerly known reality” as the whole thing self destructs. (And should…)

That said, Pride & it’s Opposite SHAME are, today, joined at the hip in a parasitic death grip:
THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (6)

SO…WHAT is PRIDE actually? I spoke of the word and meaning being DESTROYED.

I also mean before all re-jiggered search engines shows us THIS and onlyTHIS?
(Note that the below-displayed/ diss-played! search is just for “PRIDE” not the movement… just pride as a noun… skerry, no?)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (7)

Lord help ya if ENGLISH ain’t yer first LANGUAGE!
Look up PRIDE an’ the above rainbow-coalition is actually what ya git. (Huh?)
Our world an’ language RE-DEFINED by a turn of the keyboard!
(this is why ya wanna keep yer paper dictionaries folks!)

PER NOAH WEBSTER EVEN in 2023 ‘fore they change it AGAIN, PRIDE is not just about bein’ rainbow-QUEER.

Even in the current much-mod-i-fied dick-shun-ary, pride still seems ta mean PRIDE in YOUR WORK, PRIDE IN YER ACCOMPLISHMENTS, quaint words like respect and honor yet appear….

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (8)

NOW as we LOOK CRITICALLY at the above from 2023, we see it’s true that daffy-nition number 2. does include GROUP pride but it’s not (yet) exclusively GAY or TRANS-specific (as ya find now in yer search engines)—give it time though!

Webster’s DID give both “Gay Pride” and “Black Pride” as examples however. I didn’t include all the examples in my snippet above cuz the definitions are my key point now—and it’s the actual DEFINITIONS reworded, vs just examples offered within ‘em, that has me derivin’ somethin’ quite ominous from what’s highlighted above, givin’ me a CHILL whut besides!

To wit: I ain’t sure when NWO BUZZWORDS “IDENTITY” and “MARGINALIZED” were added nor the “SOLIDARITY” (soviet-infused commie jargon) but there it is in baby blue, Newspeak 2.0.

SO I WENT BACK IN TIME…I had to confirm they DID change the definition, FULLY—no surprise, just that shiver of wreck-cog-nition

Though I cain’t say exactly WHEN the definition of PRIDE wuz “UPDATED” 1984 “new speak” style, I unscientifically when thru ALL our home dictionaries (hard copies) which date from about 1890 to 1990 (the most recent one we own, ha!) and as of 1990 not a single definition of pride includes group-solidarity, identity, marginalized, identities or ANY “pride movements.”

Dictionary “brand names” investy-gated by me included Websters (New World & Collegiate), Random House (x2, one about 5” thick!) and American College.

HECK just ownin’ dictionaries will (one day soon) be a crime! (callin’ Guy Montag!)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (9)

To quote liberally from ORWELL then, we find the entire mechanism of re-daffy-nition, of language, neatly packaged:

  1. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” (Do not remember what PRIDE was or meant, we shall erase that past…and thereby invent the future to our specifications…BECAUSE WE CAN)

  2. “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” (ergo changed language not only sculpts thought but CORRUPTS it in return…)

  3. Syme (excerpted): “You think … our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it! We’re destroying words—scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. (…) Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?” “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” (…)

    ”Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller… The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect…” “Even the literature of the Party will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like ‘freedom is slavery’ when the concept of freedom has been abolished? (PRIDE, the word, the concept, is being abolished before our very eyes—first they modify the meanin’ of “pride” over time—tweakin’ that definition…then, PRIDE will be fully vaporized…as if it never existed!)

    After Syme’s opines (proudly!) on his contributions to the 11th Newspeak Dictionary, our protagonist Winston Smith muses, “Syme will be vaporized. He is too intelligent. He sees too clearly and speaks too plainly. The Party does not like such people. One day he will disappear. It is written in his face.”

    MANY on “team-rewrite” today will be vaporized too…they might “remember” Pride and possibly their role in erasing it, however “proud” they might be of such accomplish”mint,” as was Syme. So they, too, will get erased!

  4. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” Keep this salient pernt in yer heads when ya read this Stack ‘bout what Pride (then known as Gay Liberation) WAS….“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

What used ta be yer “pride & joy” was your child/children, gran’kids…

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (10)

OR yer homemade(-like) bread cuz it was “nearly” as good as yer children! (a mite “dustier” mebbe?)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (11)

Pride wuz WHOLESOME (like the bread! like babies!) an’ like Charlie’s ol’ fashioned faith album here:

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (12)

Takin' it all back a spell, the PRIDE they’re now ERASING* used ta be, as per them photos above, in what ya DID or MADE — like pattin' herself on the back fer bakin' a dynamite sourdough from "scratch" or winnin' some honor fer serving yer country and/or helpin' others (like at a charity), 'er playin' that Mozart piece without mistakes 'er achievin' some kinda best battin' average in baseball that shows serious hard work 'er even stuff like drivin' on yer own fer the first time ta gran'maws without getting' lost! THEM kinda things were a source've pride! THAT wuz the kinda stuff ya could be PROUD of.

*don’t ‘cha just wonder about whose job it is to erase them innertubes of all vestiges of “pride” as it wuz? As we knew it? Not even talkin’ bout the “gay/quaint” Pride movement of yesteryear—I mean all them pride n’ joy greetin’ cards, baby books, adverts fer “wholesome” products—are GONE! even if they had “AI” do the deed—some fool had ta program it…

So, speakin’ of the newfangled re-definin’ of / re-inventin’ of PRIDE:

PRIDE, as most've us KNEW, had nothin' ta do with what ya looked like 'er whom ya wanted ta join ya in the sack!

Shucks, even if ya wuz a good lookin' human bean, that warn't a matter of pride —mebbe vanity, mebbe greater confidence, not pride.

PRIDE was always about an accomplish-mint, usually “yourn” (i.e. pride at yer OWN triumphs, not another’s) but it could be in something DONE by yer fambly such as, "I'm so proud've my daddy who keeps food on our table an' plays a mean banjo whut besides." Or “I'm so proud of my eldest daughter Jenny-Sue who won first prize fer her horsemanship!” Or even for a group yer part of—”I’m so proud our singin’ group wuz asked ta perform at that big pancake supper in Loo-Ville!”

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (13)

Friends, it's only by warpin' the meanin' of the sentiment (talk 'bout WARP SPEED!)—that ya kin even call it PRIDE DAY/WEEK/MONTH…soon ta be YEAR! Relatively speakin' PRIDE INC. the push/putsch happened real FAST—from a few hours in 1970, to a day (rest of the 20th C) to a week then to a month in relatively a few years…

And now (“REAR”-)Admiral Dokturd Rachel Levine’s callin’ for a WHOLE SUMMER of “PRIDE” June was not enuf (to bust out all over), nope per Dr Rachel, the one month of (army-)reserved” PRIDE INC. was too short so…. “she” wants ta give y’all a whole SUMMER OF PRIDE!
Land sakes, if “she” gits “her” way, look out fer a YEAR of Pride
(Gawd Save Us from that!).

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (14)

But in spite’a “her” crock-claimation:
However you look at it, Pride
aka PRIDE Inc., IS over.

Or as we say in New Yawk, ovuh! (Now this does not mean that Like Humpty Dumpty it cain’t be put back together again’ “proper-like” (peace x peace) an’ the original (erased) definition of Pride “re-stored” to it’s rightful place on the dictionary-throne of sanity, BUT for NOW “zey haf dun” a bang-up chob of squashing PRIDE like a leete bug they vant you to eat!, an’ the “squarshed” remains are an unrecognizable mess. PRIDE NO MORE.

“They” want ya ta haf’ NO real pride, NO real self respect!

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (15)

THUS it’s DONE (over-done if ya asked me, like burnt toast) BUT if we are AWARE of whut they done did, we’ll have to throttle it back from “reverse,” put it back inta “drive” an’ reVIVE it (hence my writin’ ‘bout it to hopefully make those unaware aware!)

Again, when I say DONE, to be clear, it’s not just “done” cuz it’s July either (i.e. the month devoted ta Pride has passed). Nope, it’s not just done-for-now / see ya next year!

Truly, there is SUCH a level of degradation an’ humiliation that I think “done” means literally Pride-No-More.

SURE they may (pardon the pun) DRAG IT OUT a few more years, it bein’ a GIANT CASH COW, but the tolerance needle has been pushed too far (it’s peaked!), the DAMAGE DONE. ALL BY DESIGN:

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (16)

So that’s the end of the “short n’ sweet” part of this first postin’….
Weeds ahead!


Given the above “nutshell” view of Pride Inc. as a campaign hell-bent on destroyin’ any vestiges of “real” pride as we once knew it (pride in yer sourdough or yer gran’kids), here’s my cool take on this entire hot mess of a fiasco that once, purdy long ago, used ta be one lil’ home-grown, good spirited PARADE, now a CHARADE (a shameful one at that).


THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (17)

THIS (above, whatever IT is) was NOT the face of PRIDE, nor “THAT” below, no:

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (18)


THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (19)

THESE were the unfreaky faces of folks grounded in reality, unpainted, an’ mostly wearin’ sensible shoes (an’ TUBE SOCKS?!) ! (cuz who needs blisters, right?) From lookin’ in clothin’ catalogues (see example-sample below), it seems that even denim shorts like that were a thing, even non-gay fellers sported ‘em.

Reasonable people makin’ reasonable demands, no?

And the corner ya see (photo circa the 1980s—lower 5th Ave. ), THAT wuz my city, once a place I UNDERSTOOD and admired and was “proud of” (no mo’ tho).

Want proof this is “regular men folks fashion?” of the day—okey doodles, here ya go—a 1979 Adidas MENs advert geared towards STRAIGHT MEN wantin’ ta buy SHOES. This was the look—it’s NOT a gay look—the fellas in the Pride parade sported the same look they wuz promotin’ fer ALL men. Adidas wuz not GAY y’all. (yeah, it LOOKS purdy gay but it wuz NOT!)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (20)

Anyway, look carefully y’all at the photo of the Pride Parade marchers above, it’s also mostly normal-weight* white fellers in summer shorts an’ tube socks (must’a been a “trend”—funny!). The only thing they’re exposin’ is their KNEES!

*Nope, I ain’t makin’ fun of fat folks but today FAT has become a “movement” an’ it ain’t a purdy ‘er a healthy one…’nuther story fer another time but this newfangled FAT PRIDE is a FARCE!

Decent, law-abidin’, non-freakish citizens, mostly what y’ad call Caucasian (ain’t makin’ it up—no problem with folks of ANY color but when hist’ry is re-written it makes me wanna say NO! ‘tain’t right!).

ALSO, nobuddy’s lettin’ the fat (or freak flags) fly, no indecently exposed body parts.
No profanity on the signage either (unlike today… I’ll be sharin’ some o’ that later fer comparison).

It’s a dignified bunch’a “boys” (ok, men). Thus I write:


Ladies an’ gents of the 21st C.: Gay ‘er straight, do be aware that it’s these fine ‘n fey fellers an’ their fine female compatriots whom we all kin’ thank for behavin’ well in their persistent efforts to secure THEIR freedoms without tramplin’ yours, mine, or ours (unlike what goes on today).

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (21)

It’s important to note that all celebrated “gay rights” were achieved without violence, or destruction (naw, a few sym-bollock-ly tossed bricks at The Stonewall left a message but do NOT count as violence as absolutely NO VIOLENCE followed this outlier afternoon event: Stonewall was not a harbinger of burnin’ cities, there wuz no lootin’, no “kristalnacht” redux).

No one died at Stonewall. No one was significantly let alone critically injured on that first night of the Stonewall Riots. Yes, a few police officers reported injuries but nothing major considering the circ*mstances. This wuz about bein’ left to socialize in peace, to end harrassment, not ‘bout “gay power” or might.

Their fight was constructive, one of preservation and very unlike much’a what we see today at a time where folks make their demands known by urban conflagration, Molotov co*cktail’in cars, shootin’ down yer neighborhood store owners, executin’ cops at close range, an’ stealin’ from retail stores like you was at an all-you-kin-eat buffet—OH an’ punchin’ out women fer statin’ they are women!

  • NONE of this bad modern behavior accompanied the fight for gay rights!

  • GAY RIGHTS were achieved by law-abidin’ folks who navigated with nuance! (an’ no small amount’ve style too ;-)

So, first, to “wax” nostalgic, “How About a Little Hand For the “Boys in the Band” (an’ the gals “In the Band” too!)

More appropriately dressed “clean cut” peaceful participants in the “original” Pride Parade event:

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (22)

Those of the ORIGINAL Gay Rights movement worked (their mostly-lil’ butts off!—sorry couldn’t resist!) WITHIN the system, they did not try ta mow it down!


These folks were glad ta be yer neighbors, they did NOT engage in danger (or dangerous public* behaviors), they did NO underminin’ of the Constitution. They liked America just fine! Sure, they spoke up, they chanted, they persisted, but these true Gay Rights pioneers had reason to be PROUD! Once a year they got a little loud too—that was IT.

* ok, ACT-UP that came later, though never “dangerous,” got obnoxious an’ I lost friends to this too-angry group that rallied around getting Big Pharma to give them AIDS drugs cheaper and faster (oy). THAT was the end of an era, where gay rights were nearly won but AIDS put a spanner in the works. ACT-UP’s famous founder, Larry Kramer,(an obnoxious man himself, tee hee) was well-meaning but very misguided; he fought the FDA to lower the price of AZT and get other AIDS (deadly) drugs to market faster WITHOUT TESTING! He went on to befriend former enemy Tony Fraudski Fauxchee (even put him in his play "The Destiny Of Me”). I would argue ACT UP fought the WRONG battle to get Big Pharma to cozy-up to them and they certainly, in embracin’ Fauxchee, made the worst possible mistake entering the viper’s den… but anyway, even Act-Up folks were NOT a public danger though they LACKED the GRACE and diplomacy of their more mature predecessors.

ALL wuz achieved in the GREAT American tradition of PEACEFUL protest!

So imo, they SHOULD get a lotta respect n’ grattytude for actin’ RIGHT PROPER even in the face of injustice. Settin’ a fine example.

All they wanted wuz what the rest’ve us got— rights to pick a mate of yer choosin’ an’ not git evicted for so-doin’, rights to get hired, join the marines, git helped by salespeople—nellie or not! (note: marriage was NOT on the ticket back then either!)

The marchers got us all a’ thinkin’ that Big Gubbamint should not be policin’ bedrooms** cuz if they limited yer rights if you were gay, what ELSE might officials do if they prowled inta folks “sex lives?” (MLK had HIS bedrooms policed too…that did NOT go well).

**Plus this also makes ya think of all them tech-happy fools welcomin’ “Alexa” right inta their bedrooms today

So it’s THESE mostly white guys in tube socks (an’ NOT some drug-addled “color-me-trippin’“ trannies who are fast n’ falsely bein’ re-written into narrative or EVEN black & brown folks that frankly were not a big part of the “beginnin’s” of Gay Pride nor even of Stonewall—an’ that includes Cross-Dressin’ Marsha P Johnson who wuz not even THERE )

These tubed-socked regular gay fellers are the ones that should be COMMENDED, applauded fer settin’ a GOOD example—’stead a’ bein’ erased from his’try an’ her’stry, as has happened OVER THE LAST TEN YEARS. Yup, regular white gay guys ERASED!

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (23)

That CRIME (erasin’ the original men that said NO an’ were the Stonewall Stalwarts from history) has been perp-e-trated (an’ perp-petchoo-ated myth-wise) by all the throngs of outlandish Thunder-Stealin’ Trick-Turners (in thongs!)

I know the TRUTH an’ rewritin’ history only goes as far as MEDIA b/c there are many livin’ folks that DO remember correctly, there’s photographic evidence, an’ some folks I know myself! (cuz in NYC ya meet people, ‘kay?)

Cuz, yeah, TRANNY HO’s*** are takin’ credit now’days for what these regular “mostly white” men and a few women did—an’ most sensible gay folks “ain’t too proud” of them (i.e. of them Tranny Ho’s or the Pup Players and team-weirdos that foller ‘em).

*** even tho’ Tranny Ho’ Marsha Pay-it-no-Mind Johnson admits ON CAMERA ta not bein’ at The Stonewall durin’ the riot (she arrived many hours later) she’s still known for throwin’ that first brick—an’ this in spite of others’ testimony to the contrary while fool writers like David Carter in his book “Stonewall” state authoritatively that, Marsha wuz “almost indubitably among the first to be violent.” Bullshart! “She” warn’t even there! Cluck cluck goes my tongue…
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Folks DO need ta see how it WAS.
MANY do not know and should.

Daisy-here may have arrived “late to the party” after spending some years studyin’ abroad, but what I DID witness with my own eyes an’ what I learned about from fun/ny “Old Queens” an’ their gal pals who literally WERE THERE back in the 1970’s—was important! That’s why ya always should listen-up to yer elders! So-

Y’all, “PRIDE” back in the day was not all tarted up like a technicolor yawn (yak!) and it certainly was not about iffy HUSTLERS or RENT BOYS or what they now euphemistically call “Sex Workers” sellin’ bootie and soul!
THIS is what it’s come to now tho’—an’ yup look at what this flag symbolizes:

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“SEX FOR SALE” on Parade!

HEY JOE, it didn’t used ta be so, Joe! No, Joe, it’s all Ho’s, Joe!
(Pride today, is what we called “Sellin’ It on the Streets” an’ now
it ain’t ice cream they’re a’ sellin’—ain’t even “clam rolls”…)

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (27)

Toot toot, hey, beep beep—BAD “GIRLS” are nothin’ but SAD GIRLS!
(you said it Donna!)

(with an adorable tongue-in-cheek cameo by the late great comedienne Debralee Scott!)


Say whut? Never used ta hear ‘bout be PROUD of havin’ ta sell yer keester.

Sure fer some it wuz a survival skill but most “proud” ta be gay boys ‘er even them “Old Queens” I used’ta know would’a been MORTIFIED at bein’ associated with booty-sellin’ HOs (aka, sorry ta say, “truly messed up individuals”). But now this is even bein’ promoted for TEENS, as a valid “profession” (?!) so of course sellin’ yer holes, “mellow rolls” n’ protrusions is a newfangled source of queer pride that used ta get yer fanny booted OUT.

The original movement, I’m tellin’ ya, was NOT about such scurrilous stuff— but given BERNAYS / BIG PROPAGANDA & BIG MONEY, LOOK (fer a sec, below) what they’ve done to PRIDE. This is one (of many) current PRIDE MENUs-du- jour an’ the re-dick-u-lust offerin’s “flown high!” (AND remember, the LGBTZ++!@#$ flag got FLOWN AT THE WHITE HOUSE in the most PROMINENT position—which some say wuz illegal but that ain’t sayin’ much fer our White House “show runners”…)

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(pride is now MEANINGLESS !!!)

again, “by design” (by slick, costly, well-funded design…)

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AND that’s where it is today… This ain’t BARNEY’s windas fer gawdsakes, it’s the frickin’ WHITE HOUSE. Are ya seein’ how BIG this thing is? (How “well placed” as in’—advertisin?!)

The Rainbow LGBTQ++!@@#$# Flag (with 2-spirit Furry salsa on the side) is not indicative of a visiting “nation” bein’ honored, it’s THEIR “illuminati Club of Rome Bohemian Grove-vile Global Vision of a pan-sexual an’ pedo Brave-New-World society for us all” flag.

Thankfully the past is still out there (hard to find though, but not yet erased):

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (31)


Harkenin’ back to days non-dystopian, these denim-with-a-few-diamonds scenes look SO different from what’s presented today— NOT just because “styles and tastes changed” as some claim; the current freak show is NOT just a matter of style (it ain’t just about funny tube socks, folks!) but ruther it all looked so different as these scenes ya see all occurred BEFORE the event (i.e. parade day), the movement, and the very DEFINITION of Pride itself got co-OP-ted. Big Time. Emphasis on OP.

Back in the day, folks had RESPECT—for others, for themselves too! (aka, a true sense of PRIDE! was associated with RESPECT! just as the yet-unedited parts of the dictionary will tell ya).

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The participants had enough self-respect to march for deserved / equal rights—the original intent of Pride-the-Parade.

The RESPECT part’s lackin’ today too. (Sorely….ouchily!) To wit & egads:

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (34)

And I’m glad some (a smatterin’) of sane gays are now starting to object — TOO many remain quiet, afraid of being canceled (as SO many folks ARE today) but THIS (the sign, the objection) IS a “Good Sign:”

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (36)

Back to a little MORE history…

I’m a’ gonna bring in the KIDS and the OLDSTERS in this piece because
THE KIDS ARE NOT ALL RIGHT today (and the oldsters got forced out!)

Truly back in the 20th C in the heyday of “Pride,” ya could easily bring kids ta see THIS kind of all-ages parade which wuz not anythin’like the current “fright of fancy” that’s now in its place.

Participants were yer neighbors, yer Butch n’ Belinderz, yer bakers, yer candlestick makers, mebbe yer hairdressers too! (We kin joke here, right?!) You could IDENTIFY with these folks as regular PEOPLE, no? (diggin’ a little deeper here…)

Here’s more a’ them earlier parade pix, first one in front of Central Park:

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (38)
THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (39)

Moms, dads, grannies!

Look WELL before it disappears off them innertubes!

Look in the crowds. NO SCARY TRANNIES, rather MOMS and DADS, GRAMPIES an’ GRANNIES! (If a few trannies wuz there they did not figger prominently—no matter WHAT gets claimed today…. an’ I seriously DOUBT they were the indecent sights for sore eyes we see of ‘em today—I imagine if they were there, they looked more like Carol Channing in her Sunday best than like satanic reptilian slu*ts from the darkside!)

What ya see is regular folks, folks.
(Below, parade photo of 7th Ave, a “stones throw away” from The Stonewall !)

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THIS is the history they rewrote — they changed the optics!

(Stonewall’s optics too—mentioned a bit above an’ also see the other “parts’ of this essay as I’m a’ gonna mention this fact again…).

Now, it’s for the YOUTH!, just like Hitler’s similarly groomed Deutsches Jungvolk

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How ta in-doctrine-ATE yer JUNG!!!
(an’ alien-ATE yer “olds”…)

Blink (& augen-blink)! them elders went away quick! Ironically, the parade, The PRIDE PARADE, passed ‘em by… another important tangent I hereby take…

This is how a formerly MULTI-generational movement gits co-OP-ted an’ “remuddled” especially for indoctrinated YOUTH! (wull heck it worked for Hitler!)

As I mentioned, the ORIGINAL PRIDE Parade embraced ALL AGES, including oldster parents an’ gran’parents like I remember an’ herewith show’d in them pictures up yonder (an a few below! ). Sure lil’ kiddies and youth are still velly welcome as they kin be groomed and radicalized a‘fore puberty, it’s part of the plan, an’ ZEY too are “die future!” (die!, future), but ELDERS are mostly ELIMINATED! (an’ they took all their whizzdom with ‘em too! whizz—bang! *

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* as far as I know, apart from PFLAG mixed aged group below, there is just ONE yes ONE remaining “senior” organization, SAGE, shown above, that still marches annually vs days-past when MANY old family members not with any organization came ta’ show support


T’day anyone lookin’ at the “fambly friendly snapshots above and below would not recognize this as The Pride Parade! But there it was, even back in 1974. Lotsa “mature” faces.

Calling, Mrs. Manford

Back in 1972 (a couple years after the Gay Liberation Movment started to march annually, post-Stonewall), Morty Manford, the adult gay son of Queens, NYC Public School teacher Jeanne Mansford—got the holy crap beatin’ outta him just fer bein’ gay and handin’ out some gay rights flyers outside a city gubbamint meetin’ office. Ironically and shamefully, the police protected the bullies* an’ ARRESTED poor injured Morty.

* sounds sadly familiar at a time TODAY when you kin rob, steal, an’ harm others if you’re a “protected” group… an’ police look awayMorty’s mama JEAN MANFORD was not happy about the situation an’ thus found her callin’—she responded by forming PFLAG: Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays as both a means of actively protestin’ the harms (then-)done to their beloved children who happened to be gay, and as a way ta gather in numbers an’ march in Pride, together, ta celebrate their love for these, their gay adult children or friends an’ fambly thereof.

THIS, below, is what they looked like in 1994 on Pride Day
(founder Jeanne holdin’ a photo of son Morty, upper Left):

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SO like I was sayin’, within a couple years of the Pride Marches startin’ up, PFLAGs flew an’ oldsters an’ mature friends n’ fambly were comin’ out in good numbers.

TODAY, they’ve nearly all FLOWN that coop, by choice (likely fer their own SAFETY!).

Today’s crowd, unwrinkled-of-brow, looks and feels measurably different… EVEN among the smatterin’ of regular folks not showin’ skin or intentional “kink”
(End of that 2-second history lesson…)

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (45)

Out with the “OLDS” (yeah, kinda like what Mao did…)

Of course nobuddy said they weren’t “invited,” them elders (includin’ older parents), BUT given the storm-brewin’ conditions of the new atmosphere—WHY WOULD THEY COME? Ruther, they’d make tracks fast an’ wouldn’t look BACK (let alone git left holdin’ the salt!)

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Today’s Pride Parade ain’t celebratin’ one’s nice “gran’son the dentist” (a Morty or a Marvin…oy) who happens to be gay.

Today (if they stayed ta “parade”) it’d be ta “clap for” their gran’son-the-“prevert” with the dental fetish in decadent drag wearin’ more makeup than a Ru “PALL”-Star in a cheap tutu, an’ sportin’ a rainbow butt plug up his chimney (!) while trailin’ some blazin’ red streamers. Smokin’!? (I.e. this ain’t Little Ricky makin’ mama Lucy “proud”…)

So, Granny n’ Grampy 2023, they’ze far better off makin’ the “Early Bird Special”:

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We know that in NWO NEW NORMAL SOCIETY (in general) them Satanic Globalist Weenies are killin’ off the OLD (via all manner’ve clot shots, nursin’ home protocols, meddy-cay-shuns, etc). An’ now EUTHANIZIN’ ‘em is popular too. They don’t wanna pay fer Medic-Aid or hand out Social Security—they wanna pocket it!

They’ze also dividin’ younger generations from all generations past, teachin’ ‘em JUNGENs ta disrespect an’ FINK / RAT on their elders (like them that use the wrong pronouns or vote fer Orange Man!) and to SEPARATE themselves by age / generation. Young folks are told to actually disown / SEPARATE from parents that misgender ‘em or won’t call them by their new-gender name (with schools in lock-step support)—imagine!

So like I said, this is All part’ve the NWO:

OLD PEOPLE were always an integral part of the Gay Rights Movement AND the Pride Parade; they have been ERASED. Too old ta indoctrinate* so let ‘em be so mortified by what passes fer “Pride” now that they don’t wanna come!

* yes there are, as exceptions, some hairy-old throwback BEARS (it’s a thing y’all) that came outta their DUNGEONS & Man Caves (glory holes unglorious) to waggle & whip their flaccid members an’ expose their over-sized orrifices to the light’ve “gay-day” because all the ol’ taboos are GONE. The elite Andrew Crispo’s of the world have become our John Q. Publics. They aren’t out there in NUMBERS though and the oldest ones’ll die soon enuf. So fer now the “Sausage Meisters” on high (whatever their “bent”) don’t mind this small smatterin’ of hairy old men in the crowds—what’s more, these few hardcore oldsters are like all-in-one groomers AND dinosaurs packed inta a smelly leather codpiece…(rhymes with OBESE too, many’ve ‘em ended up that way as well). They are old ‘nuff to die off and go extinct (they may be dark but they could give a shart about woke…) and SPRY enough — both meanins’!— to groom an’ traumatize the younger generations. ALL that said, these aged, wrinkled beasts of bondage are NOT showin’ up in large numbers NOR do they negate my assertion that “regular” folks from older generations—NICE PEOPLE OVER 60 includin’ parents an’ gran’parents—have indeed been ERASED from the parade…
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Makes ya think of “WHEN I’m 64”…. nope, no longer needed, no longer… “feeded”…

für die JUNGen… so yup, it’s a YOUTH movement…
(and everything old is NEW…again)

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (49)


In Brave New World adults never age visibly and are “humanely” ETHUANIZED (it’s mandatory) at 60! This is a major transhumanist goal too—famed futurist Ray Kurzweil & others speak about this goal openly. *

* They allow “useful eat-turds” as opposed to us “useless eaters” to live longer— lizard frog-men like Tsuris, Kiss’n’Gurr!, & even the late Burnin’Bush Sr. (not ta mention Kurzweil himself) don’t croak ‘til they’re past 100 but these elites / “ill-eats” are an exception to the rule of desired death at 60.

As elders (i.e. WISER folks) are eliminated from many movements, their “memories” relegated to the deep dresser drawers of soon-to-be-dumpster’ed dry leather pipe pouches an’ powder compacts… so is their VERY IMPORTANT presence in society as a whole.

Folks who don’t WATCH the CoOPting of “Pride” (including PRIDE) and don’t see what’s happening, miss an important view showing how all long-held social values (even “constructs”) like including yer elders are being rejiggered at our peril. (In Nazi Germany they took out the old and infirm after the mentally ill but before the Jews.)

👀 LOOK!👀 carefully now at the NEW crowds in the photos above and you’ll notice most’a them grannies an' gran'pies an’ parents cheerin' on their adult be-loved kids is GONE!

I ain’t seein’ “nice” oldsters in the crowds like it used ta be. Few. Did most’ve ‘em have enough? Do they politely, quietly decline? (Do they feel too dang disgusted ta appear let alone cheer?)

Thus, exeunt them oldsters with a whimper not a bang:


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One more photo below (1990s) from just about the time the parade was ALMOST “beyond it’s time.” (i.e. not needed, purpose served!)

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Whaddya see here, 25 years on from Stonewall?— STILL, nice gay boys (the kind you could bring home ta mother!) in polo shirts. (An’ don’t go hard on the shirtless dude thar; in the 1990s in NYC it was a “thing” an’ men even jogged an’ biked shirtless—straight fellers too).

So, ‘cept fer mebbe some bandanas hangin’ from back pockets here an’ there (a gay thing), all ya see “fer miles” (on upper 5th Ave here) is (still) normal peepul in pastels.* Bien sûr, it all looks casual, peaceful, not wild ‘er strident or remotely screamin’ neon-yellow zonkers in-yer-face ugly. Nobody’s humpin’ each other either. Today’s crowd wouldn’t recognize it!

* the entire erasure of ALL that is normal in the “whirled” is exemplified by this dang onslaught on all normative behavior to the point that folks are not supposed to tell normal from outlandish or even freakish (on every level)


The original incarnation of “The Pride Parade” (the one I knew m’self from seein’ it live in New Yawk City fer years), like in the pict-churs above, wuz FAMBLY FRIENDY an’ fun, where folks fer the most part all kept their duds on an’ put their “dance on” too, as we said.

Shucks, even them “leather men” (think’a the Village People / Glenn Hughes if ya need a reference) covered their hairy tushies in them chaps! REALLY not that much could be seen an’ nuttin’ wuz OBscene! So…not bein’ a prude, I’ll say with certainty, that whatever they did in the “Man Hole” they were NOT doin’ on 5th & 59th ;-)

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G-RATED (not G-Stringed!)

Thus, this point ‘bout youth n’ age is separate and in addition to the one I’m makin’ about those who started the parade bein’ just regular gay neighbors, “boys n’ gals,” be it in tube socks or later Izod shirts or denim ‘n flannel an’ some sturdy “Timberlands” fer the “hikin’ dykes.” Back in the day the event was not unlike a mini-STATE FAIR with oldsters, kids, and entire famblies there in “support,” joinin’ the fun, music, floats, balloons, dancin’.

It was by far and mostly a G-RATED event!

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Certainly it was not the TRIPLEXXX-PERVY-POLE-DANCE down the avenue we see today (look’it that photo montage I’m a’ sharin’ BELOW). Not ta git too yucky, but I READ accounts that all manner of “rubbers” an’ “lubricants” are tossed inta the crowd like so much confetti! An’ all them blinged-out fanny-shakin’ MissThangs ain’t payin’ it no mind if a young’un makes the “catch” thinkin’ themz toys bein’ tossed. Gosh, that’s just FOUL.

And again’ I ain’t no prude—I’ve seen “ahrtiste” Karen Finley stuff yams up her hiney an’ call it performance “Ahrt” fer hecks-sake! (long story, I’ll spare y’all)—but at this event, ya’d call YAMS “quaint” (an’ there’s far LESS meanin’ in parade-land than in high-Ahrt-Land, whatever the eye-poppin’ optics…)

I apologize for the follerin’ imagery—but if ya don’t LOOK ta see how it SO radically differs from the (near-erased) past imagery ya won’t know how it’s bein MANipulated!

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Instead of the PROUD MATURE PARENTS of yesteryear, we git “Programmed” PARENTO-PATSYS primed to PIMP their own children!

Cindy-Lou Who wuz right when she wondered why the seasonal symbols of joy an’ plenty (holiday food, decorations, xmas trees!) had been STOLEN, not knowin’ she herself was TRUSTING an IMPOSTER, the very thief-in-green! Here, they’ve traded one Klaus fer anuvver, also an imposter, sometimes in green too!

THE THEFT an’ Co-OPting of the RAINBOW

And THEY’ve also stolen the lovely rainbow, traditionally a symbol of beauty, hope, light and childhood magic while we’re talkin’ bout theft….).

No adults “in the room” (i.e. on the march) remembering this quaint lovely symbol any more?

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (56)


Now that the once innocent rainbow has been co-opted (fully) by “GloboGay” (which is less about bein’ “gay” and more ‘bout bein” “trans” as in trans-gender, trans-human, ultimately NOT human!), the Demonic UN Globalists (zey of the sexualizin’ of them kinder) have taken on the color-revolution rainbow for upcoming Agenda-30. In this newfangled “rainbow revolution” their “sustainable development goals” to KILL US ALL (except those in their elite bloodlines) are depicted as a literal 360-degree rainbow, not just the “arc in the skies” (they control ‘em skies already, their “angels” are playin’ their weather HAARPs), but also on/under the earth—the lands lush or barren, the waters, the frackin’ shale rocks from whence come the oil reserves n’ earthquakes, the raw mineral mines—they control all these domains too: a rainbow “circle”.

THEIR “sustainable” rainbow logo shows their domain, their rule, all around the world! They are so anal (ha! all meanin’s intended…) they even control which colors on the rainbow “spectrum” can be used in promoting the UN goals—as in Pantone specific!

Check it out! (those are the Pantone numbers ya see)

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THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (58)
THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (59)

Now look up, like Yertle the Turtle (who rules over all he kin see), these UN Mudder-WEFfers tell ya with their rainbow “Zey” control (and’ll “fix”, broken or not…) all they kin see…includin’ you and me AND all their chosen domains:
PEOPLE (“we” human beans), FOOD & NATURE, CLIMATE & ENERGY (weather, fuels, the frickin’ SUN in the sky!—oh an’ them nano-dotted skies too…) and the “Circular” ECONOMY (money money money!).

In case you don’t capeesh what falls under each domain of their One-World (Pedo-) Pangea they kindly spell out, via their Sustainable WHEEL of PROGRESS (which means de-development for us!), how them wheels roll for them (and over us!).

Blasted rainbow hubcap malarkey if ya ask me!

“Zo” we left off talkin’ bout how them “Rulers” acted all Grinchy-like an’ took away our beloved symbols, like the rainbow—and did a bang up job on our “traditions”—our holidays (includin’ “Pride” day that never was “sick & twisted”), our sense of family, our sense of ourselves (as men, as women), our lexicon (Pride don’t mean “pride” as a noun no mo’) an’ SO much more…. while TOO FEW, even now, question or even SEE the theft—they trust Grinchy Klaus who sends ‘em off with a “vaterly” pat on the rump… here we go!

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At the END OF THE RAINBOW there’s no pot’a gold fer YOU!

THIS ends PART I of the “END OF PRIDE” Series—next install-mint comin’ soon!


Gotta look to our OWN rainbows!
Our own bee-u-tee-ful rainbows!

from Finnian’s Rainbow…enjoy! an’ keep “true” PRIDE in our very own
(Lyrics by Yip Harbug an’ Fred Saidy, music by Burton Lane—ALL three ”chews”—I’m gen-u-inely sorry ta have ta mention such things today—but at a time when every’buddy an’ his brother say “chews” have RUINED ALL WESTERN CULTURE—that we’ze “destroyers” of all that’s good— I have ta disagree—ain’t a darned thing shameful ‘bout moosicals like this folks—an’ it honors the “oyrish” too!)

The End of Pride Part II Comin’ SOON!

Meanwhile…. my kinda pride:

Like my dear “cousin” Minnie Pearl, I’m proud in the “old way”—indeed, I’m sooo proud ta be here with you all! Sharin’ whut I know an’ larnin’ all along with y’all—a $1 dollar dimestore hat or an’ equally silly half-dollar crackpot on my noggin’!

“Tiptoe’in” thru these tryin’ times (an’ tulips) with YOU!

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (61)

NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!

bonus beats with Tiny—my kinda FUN! (yup, I’m a fan!)

The Heterodox Cheering Section of Daisy Moses Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

THE END OF PRIDE… Part 1 (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.