Jock Whitmey DRESSEO A DONKEY IM A PAIROF H0RW-RIMMED SPECS, 6REETED HER6UESTS BESIDE HIM: TME WHITNEVS ARE 6 LAD TO SEEYOU RlEALD NOTE IN THE DI6NIFED L0N6 ISLAND MAMSlOrj OF MOVIE; magnate Nicholas Scwiuck dUSPlDOfi IM HS BAR. Malt Continued from Preceding; Pate. ACCOUNTANT many year's expert ence In Credits. Office Manas ment, Taxei and Monthly State-menu open for position with ren ame mm. citrus 1-3340.
ACCOUNTANT, many rs. exn. credit on. msr. Ik.
corporations. Now employed, desires position reputable "jiu. mx D-B4. lime ACCOUNTANT, certified public, audits, tax service, monthly or nurr arrangement. yA-4h'j ACCT.
-Office 40, exp. Best rcfa. anywnere, box d-ito, Times ACCOUNTANT, tax expert, audits. wm seep dooks. neasonaoie.
va-hvj4 ACC'T. Ilk'kor. Full r.h ntfire mumt Yrs. of exp. Good man.
BL-7-2460. ADV. MAN. COPYWRITER. EXPERT correspondent.
Bales Ac collection letters, news exp. Desires permanent connection. LYNN. UN-6105. AIRBRUSH artist, wants home work 11205 Peach Grove.
N. Hollywood. AUTO mechanic experienced general repairs, tools. Refs, PL-9320, BAKER CAKE DECORATOR Birthdays, weddings. Old English writing.
superb rirsirn, BARTENDER, young, neat, Filipino with eood refs. MA-5634. urn. it) BOOK sales, inside, library, off. exp A Aee 25.
Box U-5B Times steuo. 15 yrs, exp. R. uoninierciai. iK-iai.
rtoom iun BOY, collese student, clean cut. hard worker will do any Kind part-time work, manual labor, chauffeur, typing. In school 2 days, 5 days WK. SB WK TK-H4H1. BRICKMASON, barbecues, incinerators.
bmoky flues repaired. AN-22419 BRICKLAYER, day work, chimneys, incinerators, bar-a-q s. KI-J5o8, ERUSHCOAT. on stucco, brick, tile Lead A- oil on all ext VE-0327. CABINET MAKER, carpenter.
A-l store, once, mkt. nxt. New or alter Guar. Reas, Will go out town. Fike, ih.i( e.
sh Maywooq. LA-aobo. CARETAKER, diversified exp. P.O. Box 170.
canoga Park. Ph. 4846. CARPENTER, A-l. layout, foreman.
years exper. CARPENTER, cabinet work, day or contract. A-l work, Keas. ri-ushu. CARPENTER, door Si windows.
High- ciws work. Ynunu. CARPENTER. EXPERT, FAST. to DAY OR CONTRACT UN-1412.
CARPENTER, finish or rough remod enng, caiunet. Reas. HI-20B4. CARPENTER, rough, finish, new, alter ations. Fast, reas.
Clayton, CA-6721 CARPENTER $4.50 DAY. EXPERT 'Krpair work a specialty.) FK-5606 CARPENTER. Store nxtures. Cabinet- making, Guar. Reas.
Katz. EX-7447 CARP. Expert, new or remod. Santa Monica 65884 Col. Box E-9.
Times. CARPENTERING Painting, paper- nangmg. no job too small, ex-sit CHAUFFEUR, butler, houseman. 12 years single, wnite, 35. good Personality Nice home aoDreciated where neatness At courtesy are es sential.
Have unuorms. Keas. salary Good loc. references. HO-1B56.
CHAUFFEUR, yrs. exp. A-l houseman. uepena. col.
Hisnest rcr. ko-0285 BUTLER. SINGLE. WHITE, Ai Kara. UNIFORM.
FA-77b2. CHAUF. A-l butler, valet, Canadian, inqiistrions. Local rcis. CK-a-8147 expert driver; other work Anywhere.
Loc, ref. UN-2333. CHAUF. Exp. Go anywhere, sal.
trust- worthy. Rets, colored. PA-6607. butler, young, white Palos veraes Bev. Mills rei.
Ki-8179 CHAUF. -Butler, wh. Elderly cpl prel. Sta. Monica 21952 or HI-1275, CLEAN homes, by dav.
White pest rer. ri-tiin. Apr 5 COLLEGE student. 21 yrs needs work to nnlsh education. Excellent driver service station exp.
Free every day at OL-nj07. COLORED clothes pressor, specialize woolens. Koterences. Kl-3061. cook, butler, thorouehly exp.
Wesy Side Domestic. PA-7798 35. janitor. fu or full time; dishwasher, kitchen help. CE-23893 QOL.
bodygd. Recently emp by den. accy. VA-4981. aot.
11. COMPANION, tutor to adults East. prep, teacher. Box D-4, Times. COMPOSITOR, ads.
make-up. 10 yrs. exp Laskey.FI-4866 Bnx E-59, Times COOK, butler, gen. hawk. Full chg.
West Indian. 6 yr. last pi. OL-3328 COOK. A-l.
college trained. 12 yrs. exp. Box c-270. Times DRAFTSMAN, willing work for contractor.
Lbr. yd. Like subdivision planning, sell lumber, hses. Know carp, trade. Ref.
TR-4751. R. 1014. Box Times. FILIPINO, cook, butler, house man, refined, intelligent.
well trained. Rets. Don, HE-4647. FILIPINO bartender, neat. Willi good exner EX-9972.
FILIPINO, cook. hswk. Relia-hie. Lor, refs. MU-9539.
Apt. 25. FILIPINO cook, houseboy. 10 yrs. in city.
Loc. ref. NO-22t'J2, Japanese wants work days. or mo. Expert on lawn Si flowers.
1149'n N. Virgil. OL-4427 GARDENER. EXPERT. $85 MONTH UP.
OL-0859. GARDENER, care places. Weekly, monthly rates. Reas. AD-6676.
GARDENER, white, married, cmploy- en wants chsnre. RI-BQ3t. 6ARDENER. rake up. seed, trimming, hauling.
NO-9383. Jack. GARDINER, Dutch Amer, A-l greennse. exp. pnv.
lam. OARD. Dutch, expert on lawns flow ers. Day, mo. or contract.
RE-7h2b GOLF Young man. well qualified, de sires steady position to secure future In the same. Box D-181. Times. HANDY man.
gardening, etc. Ref. lin N. 2 Alhamhra. HANDYMAN, porter.
47, willing, re- liable. Anywhere. Box E-69. Times. HOUSEMAN, caretaker.
45. clean hskpr. Box n-217. Times. INVESTIGATOR.
4 languages fluently. Restauraut theatrical experience. '38 Ford. Box E-222. Tunes JAPANESE cook, houseman.
A-l exp. Loral refs. MA-61S6. rm. 219.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants work pnv. family. Yamagucht. VA-6204. JAPANESE Student anxious to work in Amer.
family. MA-4686. George. JAPANESE college student, work In home, exp. Drue.
RO-JJ55. JAPANESE sch. well trained house- boy. drive. Ref.
Box E-7H, Times. JAPANESE mech. student desires posi- (ton as houseboy. AN-21533. JAPANESE houseboy.
position pvt. family. Exp. Refs. WA-3185 JAPANESE schoolboy position in pri- vate lamny exp Mutual 04trj.
LAWNS, power raked. $2 Si $3. Also seed fz fertilise. Guar. HE-9597 LAWN renovating, seed Si fertilizing.
very reas. fcx--'570. LAWN gardening. A-l ref. 115 N.
2 Ainamnra. MAN, 35. 10 yrs. exo auto finance. inv.
as credit msr. At dealer, contact ast. Refs RE-9449, MAN. young, strong, ambitious, rcli- aiilc. outside worn.
Kel. uti-iaw. MGR. restaurant, familiar all rest. extensive exper.
CK-5UBh4. MINISTER of rare ability wants re- licious work, box limes. PAINTING, enameling, calcimln. Work guar. 5Qc hr.
DAY OH JOB. AU-13tiH3. PAINTING, papering, niasterinc A-l work. Heis. low prices, u-iwjn PAINTER, paperhaneer.
plaster patch- mc. stucco repairing, ri-3-inz PAPER 20c roll. Paint kitcii. baih 52: cell. nouse rA-jro.
PAPERHANGTNG. 1st class work guar. 25e roll. Go anywhere, an-15364 Paper 1 rm.TW-2959 PI ASTER PATCHING REPAIRING OP, WUKK. HKAHUNABLIS.
LA-IVZ5 POWER shovel operator exp. on cas A- steam. Ref. Go anywnere. tim A ve.
Long Beach. Ph 44682 RANCH foreman, alfalfa, grain A- cattle. Know men macninery, nest refs Box E-194. Times. RANCH worker, single.
35. Exp. trac tors trucks Diesel, gas. n-47f SALESMAN, liquor experience, college education, will consiaer any gooa opportunity. DR-8015.
Btkery dept. exec, 35, commercial. social educ. Wide exp. Seeks immediate eito.
Box 88. Times. asst. clerk. 12 yrs.
lo- cal rets. iKestricw lJKaa. STUDENT, mature. S.C.. desires part-time wnrK.
Box D-114. limes STUDENT, work. eve. A- week -ends on rrr, MA-475J. Km.
2 TILE WORK PL-44C0 YOUNG man needs work. Willing. ammtious. worx oeiore ann alter school and Saturday Sunday for room and board. RI-2I71.
YOUNG, married man, part time lob Eve, Sun. Filling store clerk, driving. Box C-178. Times. YOUNG man, colleee wantss worg.
Keis. i-ioites. YOUNG msn. new sedan, any work. salary.
rMiu, ttm wowianq YNG. man. sen. windows, walls. oors.
tic nr. wu-jmi. not, j. YOUNG mall, varied wants opportunity to work. Ref.
RI-6735. LADY, hishiy recommends her colored houseboy epinata ariver. uwc plain mo. WY-2260. DO YOU WANT GOOD WORK CHESr rai.M.
rsrt. u.i waterproof, text, P-erce. FT-1R9S a-l rhef. colored. Well versed in all brmches.
Fine pastry, entrees, toups rnes's. ki-h ANY outside work Trad? or 40, reas. rsox l--o. zimcs. STORE MANAGERS Openings for 3 store manager) with one of Los Anselea" faitest growing chain organisation.
Hollywood. Santa Monica fc Long Beach Previous experience not essential hut requires intelligence At ambition to succeed. Stale age. previous present emplovment. education As '-references Those who qualify will have an opportunity to share in this company a earnings At expansion This is a real opportunity for profitable employment.
Box C-251. Times THEATERS, exclusive liatlngs. local out ol town $2500 up Partnerships, outright Cash or terms. Klein. 1028 8.
Vermont. RO-3271. VARIETY 5c-10c store. $2500. Sat otuckly $1500.
Turner. 909 So. A VENDING mach. New, used. $2 up.
Es- a r. routes. 2QO up. iu.u a. uranq.
VENDING BARGAINS, all this wees. Will P. Canaan. 1347 w. wasmngtor VENDING 5c Mach.
Same owner 3 years. Money maker, sac, iota w. i yarn Hitnp well estab large clien tele. No competition, s-'ooo cor quici sale. Box C-235.
1226 W. GARLAND L.A. UNUSUAL oopor. building known as Joy inn or tea room, ior rem unfurnished. Just vacated.
432-B Mission So. Pasadena. A CHANCE of lifetime, need few thou- sand for exDan. Nat 1. campaign Fine returns guar.
Box B-105. Times BOOM-BOOM. 1940 to Nev. what 1925 Si was to Cal. Ac Fla.
10 to 1 tor $1000 on 1st synd. Box E-l. Times. WANT 2 men with $2500 each. Int ii bus.
Cal. EARN S' every 2 mo. on sec cash kept tn escrow. Bnx D-Z71, limes BUSINESSES, Investments 127 Wanted I HAVE money and seasoned business experience. You can nave irom iuuo to $10,000 and pari 01 my time or arrange a silent or active partner ship.
Bnx D-291. Times, COMPANY selling to Cal. dept. stores wants to secure additional staple product or novelty item that can be sold In notion, drug or houseware depts. Details.
Box P-Hi, Times THEATER, will take 15-20 yr. lease new bldg. Will equip fully, and cash security. 8. Klein, 1928 Vermont RO-3271.
TRADE ac. beaut, ranch. 5-rm. Si 1-rm. home for good going busi ness.
Submit. BROWN. 903 So. Grand CASH for all kinds ol machy. equip, will sen at auction an- vauce money tor your acct.
VA-toio FOR BEST OFFER ON YOUR STOCK or FIXT. 415 S. L.A. TU-69'JO. CLIENT will invest cash Si services tr.
bus. or vending route. DR-9153 WILL BUY YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH. 120 E. 9th St.
TR-6593. WE pay more Ior mach f.xt. any amount. 1119 8. L.A.
FK-3363 $5000 or MORE for a uood deal. Whai have vou' s. Hill, suite 1 1 is EXECUTIVE will Invest $25,000 in est. mtgr. bus, box c-174.
Times. a.3000 Sm. going cigar stand variety. Prui. only.
Box D-121. Times CASH FOR YOUR BUSINFSS MER CHANDISE OR r'QlIPM T. M1-2V24 CLIENT will invest cash Ac services irJ huS; or vending route, ijk-dioj. NEED CAPITAL? Consult Nat Corp. Service.
Inc. Rm. 508. 412 W. 6th.
HAVE cash, young cple. want liq store, cafe, cigar stand. VA-5361. FINANCING, ETC. 128 Stocks, Bonds, for Sale, Wanted HAVE you a meritorious enterprise need capital? Consult us.
Nat 1 Corp Service. 412 W. 6th. Rm 508 INCOME Leases For Sale 130 Apartment Houisi ALL NEW ULTRA-MOD. Long lease, small down payment.
3871 WILSHIRE BLVD. FE-7625. 78 RMS. Wllshire district. Lease Furnished for 5 years.
Rent money only. No bonus to pay. Refrigeration. Lobby. 907 W.
8 St. I'M LOOKING FOR GOOD PARTY to buy my 110-rm. apt. or lease for a Itnost rent money. 616 S.
Figueroa 13 YR. LEA8IS 85 rm. modern few months rent deposit takes it $6000 yr inc. 616 S. Figueroa.
TU-552.) AUCTION price to cash buyer 38 apt 7'i yr. lse. no vac. 616 S. Figueroa 72 RM.
apt. Mod. Inc. $950 mo. Long lease.
S2o00 handles. 522 W. 9th 85 RMS. Rent $150. Lease 4 yrs.
Bi moneymaker, suw req. mil w. at 34-RM. $1000; 24-r. $1100; 16-r.
$500 35 r. $2200. 7QJ W. J. MA-3t-ia 30 APTS.
Clears $390. 9 yr. furn. Is Holly best loc. 914 S.
Flower st SAC. lease A- furn. of 12 unit court Mfg. dist. 3003 E.
Slauson Ave. 40 rms. Frig. Good lease Ac inc. Pr.
$3250 22 rms. Pr. S900. 1130 W. 7 34 modern units, Westlake.
Nets $350 Long lease. $3000 req. 1004 W. 9 st. 34 "APTS.
4'i-yr lease. low rent, good furn. MAKE OFFER. 410 W. 9th St NO BONUS Leases, 235-136-98-52-33 rms.
Donnelly 62d W. 9th St SELL furn. Ac lease In hi-class Holly.i wood apt. $3500 handles. FE-6628 MUST sell: 24 Rms.
12 apts. Beauty. Make Offer: 707 8. Bonnie Brae TO lease very fine Wil. 82-rm apt.
Rent money. TU-4576. 29 Rm. apt. Real bargain, $1850 756 S.
Figueroa. TU-4254. 6 UNIT furn. lse. Bung.
Court. Nets 5i'6 mo. soo nois, tiuti a. Aivaraan SPECIAL! 20 apts. $1500 rent.
8-yr lease. Donnelly Co. 625 9th St HOTELS Ul 50 RMS. lease, rent money only Near Wilsh. -Western.
914 S. Flower 40 RMS. 5-yr. lse. Clears over $200.
$1500 req. SETON. 840 8. Union. E.
W. CASON. Hotel Broker. MU-0020 512 Rowan Bldg. 5th Spring Stf.
40 RMS. Private baths. Gross $800 Rent $250. Make terms. 625 W.
9th. ROOMING HOUSES 132 MAKE offer 17 rm. home, all rented Beautiful furnishings for sale. 1635 S. Westmoreland ave.
10 Rentals. Gar. Beau. side home inc. i-'ao req.
-'u a. riower. $350. Redec. 7 hskpg.
full. $28 rent. Inc. $90. Lse.
1327 w. II PI. 14 RMS 1 bath, close In. Rent $41. Fun price $ooo.
1244 s. grand. 24 Rms. dwhtn. $950 Clears $92.
10 Rms. Pr. $575. 1926 W. 7 St.
$2750 down buys 5-story brick apt. Hlywd. A steal. Box Y-256. Times 25 RM.
Rt. $75. Long lse. Good Inc. $1100 hndls.
Humdinger. 622 W. 9th. 19 apts. rms.
Income $180 Snap. $400 req. 709 S. Westlake 14 rms. housekeeping.
Lease. Good furn. Offer. Golden State. 410 W.
9th 11 Rentals, lease, well furn. Real home Ac inc. Pr. $1100. 810 Beacon Av.
11 Rms. Westlake. Good furniture. Inc. $135 mo.
$400 req. 522 w. 9 st good 3-yr. lease at $75 3 ha. Nr.
park. DR-P413. 17 RMS. Good furn. Close in.
Rent $50 $450 handles. 903 S. Grand 9 lovely home, good income, $750. terms. car.
owner, 19 R.MS., hskpng. As apts. Clean. Low pr. lor quick sale.
1021 Venice Biv RMS. At cabin. Inc. $111. Rent $50 $400 handles.
cars. FE-2028 CHEAP. 8 rms. furnuur moving, must sac, pvt. pty.
PA-0614. 19 RMS. Close in Westside. Money maker. $350 handles.
907 West 8 St BARGAIN! 9-rm. Beauty. shire Price $350. Donnelly 625 W. 9 St 26 RMS.
Rent $75. Clears $150. side steal terms. 914 S. Flower 14 RMS.
on one floor. Income $200 Elec. refng. Terms. 840 S.
Union OIL MINING 137 FOR SALE, flotation mill together with lease on mine. $4000, Cala veras Co. $,5000 taken from 1 stope. mil! ready to go Write Charles R. Thomas.
2237 Cambridge LA $15,000. 'a interest. Join me in drilling well in Long Beach Harbor b-teen flowing veils. Inquire 845 Willow. Long Beach 422-M.
WANT investor to complete closed group, drilling proven tease. Not speculation. Box G. Times. Long HAVE Shsllow Eat Kansas oil Ac gs lease Want $6000 to develop.
Owa. er. Box Times, Long Beach 160 A Poti-ntial Oil t.n7T Tn Lake at farm land prices. Vawter. 213 S.
Alhambra. Monterey Pk. S-CtrW '-niff, 1 f. 2 "in: n-r in Machy Co. .1128 Santa use 10 Herman ball crusher, (on.
eentratina tahle. 2333 t. 37 far WIRE ROPE Sc PIPE. NLw-LSLD vt a. tt, 54 L.A WANT large mine rady lor fo sale or finance.
Box 40 A. Fee Kern Co. oil A Nr Btittonwillow I Oori. VA-t-MO BUY a unit in Well. loc.
L.A goe fp. procHc' VA-11!" AINSWOR'IH button tie 3301 Lot-j B-arh Ave LA Bi-LTING. hose, eel i-k etc Ppe Men TO fi Additional gris urTittr thi be fr.ind. en Nv IM; CAFE, little beauty, compl. eqpt busy sect.
$225 total. 903 Grand. CANDY Si. Popkorn rl. $30, same owner 10 will tearh candy bus.
Full price $350. Safe Buy. BOB S. Hope. CERTIFIED architect At contractor, exnert.
tnnais home huildina. seeks association with subdividers or home building concerns. VK-54ot. CHICKEN Koops, 7809 Melrose. $150 puts you in clean profitable bus.
New type eating place. Chicken specialties. NO COOKING. CHRIS I'M AS cards, 50.000. nfice.
Mr. Cohen, 421 8 Will sac-Main St. CIGAR stand, $I00O stock plus flxt. $1175. Turner.
909 8. LV C1R. library, gifts. Iiv. rl.
Make 1283 W. Adams. $20. CLEANING Si ldry. Nels $250 mo.
Low rl. Liv. qtrs. 4704 S. Vermont.
CLEANING, pressing. Tailoring. Same place 13 yrs. 605 8. Hope.
CLEANER Ac laund. liv. low sac. due to illness. CA-0248.
CLEAN. 3 stores. $135 weekly C. Sj C. 4633 W.
WASHINGTON BLVD co*ckTAIL. Cafe. Cabins. Gas Station Busy main highway. 50 mi.
A. 10 yr. lease; rent $75. Nets $600 month Partners disagree. 801 Venice Blvd co*ckTAIL Bur.
well equipped down-loan location doing good business. $3300 Ca.Mi full price, 2t07 W. 7. COFFEE Si mall shop. Bev.
Hills. At-tracuve. No competition, $600. See to appreciate. WE-6828.
COFFEE Ac dairy shop. Doing good bus. Nice equip. Liv. otrs.
Low rent. Books open. Sac. 2208 S. Grand.
COMMISSARY in High class Apt. Hse. rt. $36. Liquor.
Dellc. Ac Grocery Safe Buy. Bargain. 808 S. Hope.
COMMERCIAL bus. clrs. $250 Mo. pr, $150 plus stock. 1283 W.
Adttms CONFECT. store near 2 schools. Nels $45 wk. for $700. Turner.
909 So. L.A COOKIE route. 37 Chev. tr. Nets $40 wk.
$850. Terms. 1244 B. Grand DAIRY route, makes day Own. 111.
must sell. 903 S. Grand DISTRIBUTORS. $500 can make you independent. Non-competitive Inven tion.
Needed by millions, oee manu facturer 2326 W. 7 St. DISTBR for new self cleaning oil fil ter. (Guar, for life of car!) DAPCO CO. 1483 Elm, Long Beacn.
DOUGHNUT shop, cost $1400. Owner has other business interest. Will sacrifice for cash or trade. 1357'i Masselin. Sun.
or eves, alter DRESS shop. Mod. stock fixtures. Sac. $375.
Illness. Box C-197. Times DRIVE in, no meals. $20 rt. 5-yr.
I.e. Bldg. $2200. 2362 W. PICO.
DRUG store. Must sacrifice stock St nxt. 4400 3. Figueroa. can ih-ooj.
DRUGS, major cor. $100 day. $1000 fixt. Inv. stk.
Trms. 605 a. vermom DRUGSTORE, $1500 bal. EZ. J.
ortman. 4J84 aunset. aiu-iin FLORIST. MILLINER OR JEWELER. Beaut, store in new live district free adv.
Reas. rent. DR-4218. 9-5 FOUNT, lunch, 3 lurn. rms.
Rent $25 E-Z trms. 7124 Pacific tir FOUNT, liv. qtrs. Rent $40. Pr, $1200.
1244 urann RAH Ax main highway Fine esiao. box w-zjo. umcs GAR. 100 cars. Nets $325.
Must sell IRftn InVes tt 3871 Wilshire. GAR. 3 yr. lse. Sue.
pays exps. Net $325. Manor-Francis Co. 4io w. cm GARAGE, 200 cars.
Owner will lease WALLACE. 717 3 Figueroa HAS Kta. store, aulo court, 1 A Madera Co. near Frlant Dam. sell at once $4500.
Fine opp. Millview Sta. R. 2. Box 274.
Madera. GAS sta. 4 pump. Fully eqpt. 8500 gal mo.
Major blvd. cor. Price $1000 Rent $45, hired help. Own. HE-38B0 GAS sta for sale.
Doing Rood bus Splendid loc. wnsnire wesi Los Antteies. uan uAtoro wiua tta not-raiiir for new station loc Santa Monica area. Good deal for the right man. Call GAS supr.
Heart Hully. Big 4 pump paved cor. Gar. Wash rk. Tire shop.
4 yr. lse. Tins. 316 N. Vermont.
GAS sta, Ac auto court site 150x150. Major cor. Foothill Blvd. i.inse in Sac. $'-'500.
Owner. MO-18910. GAS sia. Ac repair gar. Lse.
$40. 457i N. Huntington Dr. NO-B618. owner GAS sells 22 000 gal.
mo. 7 hoist; paved. $1500. 2362 W. Pico r.lFT sIiod in suburb, school town, rt $35.
Sell less than cost of stock fixt Terms. Brown. 911:1 urana r.Ror KiiDpr mkt. SBOOO mo. bus Cio.
eves. At Sun. Inventory stock onlv, no bonus. $1200 mo. prof 1000 S.
Olive, GRO. dept. live mkt. Fine loc. good bus Sycamore 23006.
doing GROC. comp S'JOO. Good cash store. No $20, Rms. 962 3.
Vermont HAMBURGER lunch. 7 slool Rt. $15 Cash or terms. 5530 W. Washington HEALTH food product, wholesale At retail.
Profits big. books open for inspection. Estab. 4 years, unlimit ed possibility. $7000.
Trms. 1018 W. HEALTH food store. Juices, baker? department, excellent location Will sacrifice for quick sale. GL-Ti25.
HOSIERY Si corset shop. lncL eusiom- made corset clientele. fixtures. Splendid location. Reasonable.
Ill ness. Box D-224. Times. HOSIERY Ac children shoo on W. Pico nr.
schls. owner ill, wm-6o; eve. HOSPITAL. FULLY EQUIPPED. large, beauiiful grounds, best location In city.
Money maker. Price $50,000. Terms. Owner 111. Aeent, 4714 CRENSHAW BLVD.
VE-1000 JFHT.l RY store, gd. loc. low rent Stock A- fixt. $750. 2128 W.
Pico. r.AIIV mtMiHu.T. riental nfT. Exo. Un nec.
Good pay. $1000 req. Box D-89. Times. LADY with dress shop share esta.
millinery. Loc. Bev. Hills. CR-16363.
LIQUOR-delicatessen mn I Sir ness on It Doing $1800 Sickness only reason for sell- inv. Sacrifice. Cliff Holi, 227 E. 1st LONG BEACH. Ph.
620-32 LIWUOK stores, several good income. Srnnelder. 112 W. 9. Km.
410 LlUUOR store Ac license. Small slock ner. 1604 Wllshire Blvd. LITE delivery truck. Dodge '33 sedan.
$195. "Go in business for Ideal for Christmas rush. 2500 S. rig MAIL order whlse. bus.
Excl. franchise. $500 req. Box C-226. Times.
MALT Rt. $35. Nearby town, makes ice cream. Nr. Hi-scti.
Si i lneaters. Mills equipt. Sac. Tms. 1016 W.
7 MALT Shop, next theater, clrs. $240 mo. Terms. Turner, aira o. Ij.a.
MAN. manage Ac build dry cleaning Invest, req. Box D-167. Times MAN. mech.
ability. Norn. Invest. Sec a. r.
TT MEAT Dep t. Super market, $2200 mo Weber cases. Make owner of-fer. Must leave. 1283 W.
Adams MEAT market for rent. Established, well located. 7415 Melrose. MEAT market rent or lease Reas 2104 11, Owner. TU-4894 MEAT Ac delic.
Gd. bus. Low upkeep Terms. Mr. Weide.
4334 E. Olympic MEAT depl. for lease in market, es-t a Itshrd 10 yrs. MI-8471. MEN'S siore.
fixtures Ac lease Low rental. On mam blvd $1250 for quick buver. Box C-229. Times. MEN store, modern invoice stock, on major good bus Owner.
1236 American. Long Beach MOTEL Income $800 should increase to $1200 in short time, only a mo. old. 100 ft. frontage room for co*cktail bar.
Full pr. $36 000 cash. DeWITT, 3337 Sunset Blvd. NO-21131. NAT mfgr.
wants pty. org. ability operate own bus. No selling. $2500 sec.
Box C-2BJ. NEWSSTAND, small invest. See own-er, Thompson. 7180 Santa Monica Bl. ORANGE juice stand, downtown.
Do-ina $50 day. Turner. 909 So. L.A PAINT STORE paints brushes wall paner linoleums Old estab doing $1500 per mo. half profit Low-overhead.
Comer loc. Must sell immediately bargain. Have 3 store will sell one or ail. $3000 required. AddIv owner.
Mr Kamins. 1438 E. Siauson. Los Angeles. Phone JE-4171 PAINT mfg.
piant. well established umiii iHLiuij a. iriKii faun i i- lsts 'materials shop. Very cheap for immediate sale. 1359 So.
Flower st. PAINT FACTORY Completely equip ped. Old established business. Low rental. Must sacrifices will sell with or without retail stores.
Apply owner. Mr Kamins, 1438 E. Siauson. Los Angeles. Phone JE-4171.
PARTNER for cafe Ac co*cktail bar. A sound investment a going business. For appt. call CR-59600. PARTNER wanted Can make good living Taiior Si lurrler.
2614 '-a Brooklyn PENNY MUSIC Operate a few of the'e sensational new AUTOMATIC PENNY phonographs in your locality on EXCLUSIVE territory basis. Biggest money maKcr ever intro. into the coin-machine industry, vending "World Finest Music'' for a PENNY. Lowest initial cost Si record expense in history. Call at display rms.
1025 N. HIGHLAND AVE. Con so litia ted Distributor Co PICKWICK Hotel cafe, fully eqpt. Anaheim Highway 101 Low rent. PIE shop.
incl. furn. home. Nets $150 F. pr.
$500. 210 Central. Glendale. PLANING mill. sash, doors, cabinet" Ac gen I mill work 8000 ft.
fir. spaee. 1305 Valley. El Monte. BU-854S7.
PRINTING bin. est. 8 yrs. $10 000 equipt. Consider sale or partner with $2000 or more.
5529 Bouner No Hollywood SU-2-1255. REAL estate bus fine Inc. Small inv. 3. Tunes.
Pai-adfna. SY-9-3136 REFINISH. upholstery bus. Sac rrt Santa Monica Phone 28301 ROOM board, 18 rms. $-70 mo.
rd rt. Sxo Sac 5915 9 Bdwy SANDWICH ni'et pr up. si75 Ne's $150. No i. T'irnr.
on go. A SHOE Store, it'srbv B.i..v snot eiiher Turrtr. PC-9 So. A. DESIGNER, exp.
fitter, copy, alter, re- style, visiting wardrooe serv, i-ori eiec. tiny, rij-uinj DRAPERIES. curtains, bedspreads uphol, Reas. My home FI-409B SMART Btvles A-l fitter dresses, hats port, joc iaie. HUDSON lurricr, remod.
$15. Boleros. chuobifs. 1259 N. June.
UL-tiu. riR F.s,HM AICTNf 1. fllt.erat.ions. remodel inn, reas FB-7746. 1049 S.
Magjiona DRESSMAKER. A-l fitter, suits, coals nowns Mrs Westhon. HU-1491 NURSES 104 TRAINED infant, child nurse, spe ciahzing diets, training, success In winning child commence, nu wk VA-8419 NURSES Don't worry about Stale exams. Learn pnysiotnerapy, ocq- tsh treat. 542 S.
Bdwy. Rm. 308. NURSES' Service Bureau. EX-8457 Orad orac.
EA-UU7B NURSE. D. ref. Swedish treatments 52 S. Union ave.
Not Dr. Apt. 30S MALE NURSE. 15 yrs. exp.
in all Dr. rets. FI-75Q7. SWED. treatments, rheumatic, nerv ens, paralytic.
1543 W. Olympic. PRAC. nurse. 15 yrs.
exn. 2 yrs. hosn training, In any case. COMP. to eld.
lady, prac. nurse, exp nervous cases. $15 wk OL-0748. PRACTICAL, efficient, any case. Cook drive.
Refs. EX-3195. Mrs. McDonald SWEDISH treatments, graduate of best schools. European methods.
KOBbH PRACTICAL nurse, very ellicient. Ex cel, refs. CL-63R72. a p.m. NURSE.
A-l. Prac. Refined. Day or nicnt. Best rei.
fk-Z7iu PRACT. nurse. Pleasant, capable. Go anywhere. MAd.
filOO. PRACTICAL nurse, efficient. Baby case excl. refs. HI-4945.
PRAC. nurse, gd. cook. Any case, verv enicient. hi-ijhj.
CAN DRIVE ANY CASE GOOD REFS RE-B1I7 MALE nurse, grad. Own cht. A-l refs. Handle any case, rnu-nm. EMPLOYMENT SWAPS 105 WILL take care of your lawn and garden by the month for a good used car.
Call at 1549 W. 29th St. VERSATILE yng. lady, swan hswk. for training for 7 L.A.
3nti7Z MALE nurse going to Philadelphia. exch. service lor exp. t.x-mm. WILL cue board room lor house work.
VE-5183, BUS. woman wants rm. exch. Stay eves. Refined Protes.
fam. REAL estate appraising for what? 2507 W. 54 St. EMPLOYMENT Agencies 107 For Women LEADING EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES offer today's best employment opportunities In this classification. READ THEM EVERY DAY STENO.
-Gen'l. Off. 21-25 $30 Steno. -uictapnone. 24-30 tail.) iHtc.
Park.) $8 Steno. -Typist, 20-28 (Sgl.) $85 Steno. -Real Est. Exp. 23-33 Elevator Girl iChinesei 20-30 Open Comptometer Oners.
-Typist. Htg. Pk $85 stenn -MJmencrann our rc.l atiu -Resort work. $80 Fanfolt! Biller PBX Keuei su Proof Reader, young: future $0 Prpriit Verifier Phone exo $80 I.eaal 8teno. 25-30 Local $90 Pacific Audit it System Co.
(Agy.i Rm. 712 Stor Bldg. 610 S. Bdwy. REGISTER now for openings with large Mfg.
Plants. United Service Bureau 6308 Fscific Blvd. DOMESTIC AGENCIES 108 PLAIN cooks, gen'l $55 Comb. Maid-w aitress. scni.
sjo maid-houseman, $50 $75, GREENES 220'-, SPRING WH. cook-gardener, $70. drive, white. $50 Oen'l assist cooking. $35.
441 N. Hev. ur COMPLETE DOMESTIC SERVICE. MRS FORCH'S Placement Bur. Agy Maids.
Cooks. Butlers, cpis. U5JJ Brighton way. BK-22743. U.X-1U37 COUPLES.
cos'ks. butlers SWEDISH EMP. 304 S. Bdwy HOLLYOOOD Empl. Agy.
Fee 10. 4357 Fotintaln. A car. OL-l'B7. COSMOPOLITAN AGENCY.
HO-2931 All tvpe -Help carefully selected prict. nurse $4(1. r.b. Nurse maid. $35.
Keystone Aay. w. Employment Preparation 109 Through Instruction tar Women SWEDISH TREATMENT COURSE. $25 WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 S.
Hill HELP WANTED, Female MO APARTMENT mgr. course. $25 day-eve Placement service. See adv. Class.
75 WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 S. Hill St APT. mers. trained.
Coilese, 729 S. Fig. MU-ZI84. See adv. Class.
75. BEAUTY operator. Personal maid. Gd, health. Rm.
td. $5 wk. EX-7745 CASHIERS' COURSE $10. Day or eve Placement service See adv. Class.
75, WEBSTER COLLEGE 405 Hill St CASHIERS trained. College. 729 S. Fie- ueroa. MU-2184.
Sre adv. Class. 75 CHRISTMAS Card Salespeople Earn money. Amaz. personal cards, stationery, assts.
SaniDies Free. Call. write W. Brown. 417 S.
Hill. Dent. CHRISTMAS CARDS. Sell bigtjest line. Large profits.
Boxes 21c up. Start at once. COLONIAL 124 W. 4th. COMPTOMETER course $3 50 weekly.
Placement service, adv. Class. 75. WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 S.
Hill St COMPTOM. opr. tram. See adv. Class.
7p. college, 723 s. tjSU MU-1H4. DEMONSTRATORS, steady work, more money. 502 HrorRman Bldg.
DOCTORS' and DENTISTS' office assts. Complete course $2o. Day or eve. Placement service See adv. Class.
Day or eve. Placement service. See adv. Class. 75.
WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 S. Hill St FOUNTAIN service course $10. FREE Placement service. See adv.
Class. 75. WEBSTER COLLEGE 405 S. Hill St. GIRL for publicity St model for designer, 20-25 yrs.
Must be over 5 ft 4 unincumbered, attractive per sonality Si good figure. Refs. re-auested furnished. information. Bnx c-241.
GIRLS lor Dr. office trained. College. 729 S. Figueroa.
See adv. Class. 75 GOVERNESS Prefer English. $90. Swedish Agy 304 S.
Bdwv. R. 210 HOSTESS COURSE $25. day or eve Placement service. See adv.
Class. 75, WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 S. Hill St HOSTESS trained. See adv.
Class. 75, Cal. College. 729 S. Fig, MU-2184.
KODAK printer, exper. No beginners liive details, box u-i n. limes. LADIES RED HOT XMAS deal Stores help you make big money. $1 70 dep.
ret. any time. See Mrs Miller. TODAY or eve. 244 So.
Olive. LADIES, part or full time to take orders by appt. only. Real Silk products. Training fc equip, free Apply Conrolioatcd 6th Si Hill.
MANAGER-tetiant for unfurn. 12-unit apt. Part, rent of 4-rm. mod. apt.
2714 Forrester Dr. CR-12911. MODELS' COURSE $25. day or eve. Placement service.
See adv. Class. 75. WEBSTER COLLEGE. 405 St MODELS trained.
Placement service See school adv Class. 75. EX-7713 OPERATORS, sinccr sitl. needle. Exp.
uniforms. K.W B. 722 E. Washington PBX TRAINING. All Boards, for $5.
Placement service. See adv. Class 75. COI.I.FGE. 405 S.
Hill St. PBX. training. College. 729 S.
Fuue-roa. MU-2184. See adv. Class. 75.
PLAYGROUND supervisor. Private. school. Full maintenance. Small salary.
:116 w. Washington. RADSO ANNOUNCING Persons with good speaking voices apply tor auditions to radio personnel director 8800 Wiltshire. 2nd fl. See Colleee Adv.
Class. 75. R.E. saleslady, exp Plenty leads for riant party. 40(10 Beverly Blvd.
SALESWOMEN exp. cosmetics nail polisn. straight comm. VA-4fiQ4. SALESLADIES Eitab Silver Girl Shops near-hy cities.
2329 w. wasn SECRETARIES trained. College. 729 S. Fie.
MU-2184, See adv. Class. 75 2 weeks brushup $5. FREE placement srrvice Se adv. Class.
75 TESTER COLLEGE. 405 S. Hill St. TEACHERS coaoh for L.A city huh A- eicm. scnool exams, tnroij row KURTZ FDUCATIONAL SERVICE 606 8: Hill.
See adv. Class. 73. TYPIST, loc. nat.
radio pro- TYPING Gregg teacher, nut be exp. At I've wire. B.x D-2l. WAITRESS COUF'SE $5 Free plac-mnt fervice Se adv Class 75 WEBSTER COLLEGE. I1 St SALESMAN to sell California potential oil land 111 fee to qualmed prospects Applicant must have, or be able to secure, real estate salesmen license.
"Hi" pressure men, advance artists or reminiscence men need not applv. The righfparty will find this an opportunity for a very profitable and nermannt connection, Annly 704 Guaranty Hollv-woik. between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. SALESMAN ESClUIRE MAGAZINE Has an unusual opemns lor an ambitious, energetic man or woman who wants to earn.
No experience or investment needed. We train you. Your territory still open. Earnings from $3 a day up. Liberal commissions plus valuable gifts.
This is our best season. Write at once for particulars to Art Brown. Esquire, 405-Palmolive Chicago. SALESMEN See ad Sunday The Holly- wood Cemetery. 6000 Sta.
Monica. SALESMEN. Good prop. Select dealers. i ar-oy ptates.
vt.iu w. wasn. SALESMAN. 30-40. exp.
Contact high executives. Natl. Co Box C-250. Times SALESMEN (2.1 $40 wk. Cash deposit $370 returnable.
Box D-1B. Times. SAI.FSMAN. i Cull Closer. LEADS STEADY.
Call A.M. 715 S. Pa kview SljBDIV. salesman, Lakewood Village. out Olympic-Telegraph-Lakewood Bl THEATER mgmt taught, actual exp.
Reas. rates. Salary while learning. not applied on tuition See School adv. Class.
75. 253 S. Bdwy. Rm. 213 YOUNG man.
21 to 25. with light car for delivery, for general drug store work. Kef. Si exp. B024 sunset Bivo iU.
U1UI1 UIKI, nut. aiS 411 Ul In fi-in mm YOUTH, nonsmoker, houseboy-com- panlon, good home. Box E-175. Times EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Unusual opportunity for 2 good salesmen.
Well established firm In fastest growing section of A. Mr. Bunles. Walter Leimert 4322 Crenshaw, Call WeJ. or Frl.
NATIONAL grocery Ac coffee concern needs 2 men over 30 for route work. Pays to $27 50 wk. Handle estab. consumers. Apply 9-12, 118 W.
Pico ATTENTION. College men Si graduates. Learn to sell. Earn while you learn. A very fine opportunity.
Call 8-10 a 750 S. La Brea. NTL. Inst, train for Physiotherapy Si Swed. Treat, for So.
Amer. See adv. Class. 75. 542 S.
Bdwy. R. 306. 90'i comm 9-yr. renewals attract, low cost fam.
group. Also H. Ss A best i contract. Suite 510 318 W. 9th.
SLAU- SON ARTIST. craftsman, makers of things, gifts, etc. 213 N. Grand AGENTS Distributors 121 ST Larkln-Smith Lab 2329 W. Wash.
BUSINESS Opportunities 125 Accuracy it tkt Iceytwt of all Timt Classified Advertising, fiust-; ntn broker tciose advertisem*nt appear in thin rftsstirafion are LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA offering a protection in both Timet redden and Htrt it presented t)i chnicett teleettOH of butinett opportuni tiet from and broken throughout Southern California. partwr'Tto ber yard. $1500 cash req. Invest, amply secured. Profits substantial.
Mr. Snow. 620 Rowan L.A, ANGLERS! Want $5000. expand sport fishing business. Box Z-203.
Times. ASST. help handle distribution of motion picture films to estab. trade. No selling.
$35 wk. At Small Inv. 100', sec. 2711 W.Ave. 34 ASST.
opening for man with car. A-l refs. 5-day wk. Teach man accepted. $3b5 req.
SECURED Open to Investigate. 4575 Melrose ASSIST, with car. Shin and pack Teach steady worker. $40 week Ac Small inv. req.
sec. 1915 S. Grand help owner put up orders, mlg bus. Teach good worker. Make $35 wk.
Small inv. Sec. 112 W. 9. Rm.42 manage branch.
Make $40 v-K up. No exp. nec. Real future. $200 req.
secured, owner, 2711 w. tt ft ASST. younr man. drive Ac answer phone. $35 wk.
Si Replace hired help. Sm. inv. Trial. 713 W.
Pico ASST helDer in gus station. Need young man replace help $5 day Si ti p. small my. Trim, us w. pico ASST.
dr. truck, 1 offc. 1 gas 1 plant. $38 wk. Small inv.
1641 7, ASSOC Company now placing 200 small DRIVE-IN sandwich shops in most Calif, cities can use managers to operate one or more units. Re- tiini $2(iu tq handle, uood earn- nigs. ini5 w. of. successful business.
Trial period. $3000 secured. Best of references. Box D-49, limes. ASSOC.
with $10,000. Fortune awaits world most needed discovery. Going bus. Secure. Box D-109.
Times ASSOCIATE for Alaskan Co. Must have transport pilot license. Salary Ar Investment $2500. Box C-223. Times ASSOCIATE make $300 before Xmas St year round work.
Salary. No exp $nu req. 121 itm. i ASSOC. with $1000, desiring Inv.
for 90 days In operating mine. GL-2818. ASSOC. Would you Inv. $150 tor chance to niaKe pox t-po, unit-.
ASSOC. for rest home. Earn $50 wk Invest $3500. Box D-51. Times.
ASSOC. for whsle. chemical mfg. $1000 investment nec. Box D-249.
Tunes ASSOC wuh stock or promotion ex-per. Small invest. 112 W. 9. Rm 923 ASSOCIATE store fixture manufac- luring.
BR-22615. AUTO camp. 10 mod. stucco units. 5 rm.
home. Full pr. $7500. 2419 E. Foothill.
Duarte. U.S. 66. AUTO camp, 9 units, cafe, fully eqpt. Fruit trees.
Hiway 99. $1500 hdls Trade. 309 W. Broadway. Glendale.
AUTO camp. Lease with opt. to buy. $750 hdls. 5218 Hollywood Blvd.
Auto Ct. 16 Units $6750 Down $600 mo. Income can increase to $900 mo NEW AND MODERN nothing like it in City; money making location, close in. on Siate hiway. Full Pr.
$18,250. Sickness makes sale desirable. DeWITT, 3337 Sunset Blvd. NO-21I31. AUTO Court.
Combination aulo court Si cafe. Hiway 101. Makes $400 mo. net. Pr.
lse. Jc furn. $5500. J. D.
Minster. 510 W. 6. TR-2501. AUTO court, resort in Redwoods on Eel River.
Swimming, fishing, hunting. For information. PA-3810. AUTO ct gas station, home. Blvd close in.
Barg. for quick sale 39 8. Garfield. Alhamhra. AT-26462 AUTO slue, 10 Hiway 66 $7500.
404 E. Huntington. Arcadia. AUTO equip, mfgr. wants agents in 6 So.
Calif, counties. $200 req lor lnl-tial stock. 1613 S. A. St.
AUTO Laundry. Nets $400 mo Fully equipped. Barg. Turner. 909 8.
L.A. AUT(5 PARK, paved. 200 car lot. Complete service, lub. A as.
Gd. Lse. Ideal spot. 808 S. Hope AUTO Park At repair No trouble to net $8500 yr.
Turner, 909 So. L.A. AWNING furniture $000. Estab. Owner called north.
Sycamore 9-313H BAR Ac cafe. Doing nice business. 1300 N. Mission Rd. CA-9389.
BARBER, beamy eqpt. We Install mod smart shops. Lowest pr Trms a I. Stip. Co.
1021 S. Grand. BEAUTY Parlor excellent equipt. fine neighborhood No competition. Nominal invest, required 2607 W.
7. BEAUTY parlor, well loc. Good bus. lease, low rent. New equipt.
Sacrifice. $500 handles. 1022 W. 7 st BEAUTY shop. Net $200 mo.
Only $650 Tms. 5218 Hollywood Bivd BEAUTY shop. 6 booth, est. 10 yr. Liv.
otr Rent $46. Own, sac. FI-0993. BOTTLING. Building with or without muchinery.
Will lease. NE-PUS1 CAFE. $195. Complete equipment for cafe, counter, stools, back bar. siove, tables, chairs, steam table, dishes, pots, silverware, grid-rile.
$65 down. 12 mo on balance Davis Store Fixture Exchange. 1349 3 Mam. CAFE, ind. dist.
Seating 68. Short hrs no Sun. A money maker No strings. St lo be convinced. Other bus.
Own. MA-5980 until 4 m. CAKE $18 Rt. 12 Ac 6 B. Per.
loc Fully equipt. Owner must sell. Op-port. of Life Time. 8.
Vermont. CAFE $00 to $125 day. Too prices. Very modern. 38 stool counter; best buv in A.
MACK. 1018 W. Pico CAl-E. beer center dwnt'n. Does ao- P'ox.
$100 da. Lease ah counter. Real buy. Terms. 128 W.
8. CAKE, fully eouu Close in. Doing $650 mo. Rent only $22. Best buy in town Inquire 2208 a.
Grand CAFE. SEATS 50. gnm business, in dustrial district, nne lor iwo. run price $1500. CAFE, seats 14.
Indiv. bldg. Smatl psvm't handle Owner. 3229 Stinse CAFE, 21. ldonl ior col.
$75 hdis. owner, w. Venice, si-jsn CAFE, seats 75. $70 day. Today's best $KO0 tin.
5CO' N. Brand. Glendale CAFE. $1200. Fine fVxis Best downtown tv V.
707 S. H3WT. orter Can net $7 ov InrUv. b'rtg $19i hdles. 1232 W.
7 CARETAKER ii apt. house yrs. loc. exp. Box B-202.
Times CHAUFFEUR-housetnan. cook. exp. Lo cajrefs. FI-1408.
S. Thomas COL. full chg. A-l cook Ac butler, exp wcstsioe uomesiic, yA-viim. COL.
cpl. or single. Gd. cook-chauf. butler, courteous.
Ref. AD-6840 COLORED epic. butler, A- cook Ref Perm. AD-7S47. COLORED refs.
cook 4: Duller. AH-e'JJO. Can morns. co*ck, butler, valet, drives. Exp.
Ger, Amer Box C-I52, Times. COOK, A-l, Bell i duties. Drive refs. Box D-124. Times Danish, mdl.
ase. cook. ear. oner, ha dyman, driver. UN-1208 CPLS.
Finnish Ac Danish available Eastern trai ed. Aay.Phone HO-293 FINNISH XCEL. cook Si butler chaun. Best loc. rets.
OL-no7 HUNGARIAN-American couple. 3TTI cook, butler. Refs. Ph. Van Nuys 9084 NURSE, exp.
mental cases cook, carelui driver, butler, house man. Sober. Anywhere. Local ref 15 yrs. exp RI-8354.
Rockwell SCANDINAVIAN reliable. A-l took, butler. Anywhere R-f. AD-79' A-l cook, exo. butler, chauf gard.
White. Ref FE-23K0 SITUATIONS WANTED 102 Fimale ADV. writer, oen. oft. 7 yrs inteil.
Box E-92. Times APT. or houses to clean. White, laun dress. 35c fare.
Alice. WY-R554 BOOKKEEPER, full charge, office man aser, stenographer. Excellent references. Salary commensurate with opportunity offered. Can make small investment, un-4306.
full chg. tax reports, nn. statements. TH-404U A-l steno. Full or part time inoro.
exp Apt. 204. uit-9751 typist, P.B.X.. compt. opr.
emc. cnarieston H-387B. col full charge. Exp. research work.
Univ. grad. YO-479B. CATERING, holiday dinners, exper South, cook. Colored.
CE-29275. CLEANING, ldry. Exc. work satislac torilv done. 35c fare.
FI-4813 CLEANING, laundress. 35c. fare. Good conscientious worker. AD-12B28, CLEANING, ant.
hse or home, exo fast worker, ref. MA-47R8. Rm. 79 CLEANING, wash, iron, A-l work White. 35c tare.
Ref. Rl-7o2H. CLEANING or laundry by young white woman, exc. worker. 30c hr.MU-007n CLEANING, cook, serve.
Anv work by day. Excel worker. AD-4874 lndry. Day wk. Cook, serve inanksEivmg dinner.
Ref. CE-2964B CLEANING expertly done strong white girl. 35c hr. FE-0507. Perry CLEAN house thoroV-maid.
35c fare 1st class col AD-12979. CLtAMNU. laundry, exp. col. woman Good worker.
By day. AD-12219 CLEANING, laundry 35c. fare Cook ing, serve, wr. Ret. FE-5455.
CLEANING, ellicient worker, rel white. 30c hr- carfare. RI-8701, COL. maid. exp.
cook Sc hskpr. Ap pearance neat. Stay or home nights or part, time, not less than 40c hr Dependable CE-2H635 COL. A-l cook. 2 adults.
Dinner by morn. 5 afternoons, S8 fare. Ref. MI-0444 8 p.m COLORED girl, excellent, cook, laun- aress. wants 4 days week.
Call WH-B765 or CE-207M COL. GEN. (45 TO S5n COtlPI.ER tnoroiy palm springs. Royalty 1714 w. jerrerson.
RE-4529, COL. A-l conk; can serve. Uni forms. Prt. time.
Exc. refs. AN-18734 COL. woman wants housework. Mid- die aged.
Stay. Good rets. Kl-saw COL. cateress. laundress, nousework, day.
hour. RO-3579. HE-3405. COL. cook, serve, housemaid.
Full or pt. time, exp, nenaoic. All-wan. COL. girl, plain cook, stay or home nltes.
neat. refs. CE-'2'4. COL. cook hswk Go to nite school Wed.
$10 wk. Ref. CE-22492 excel, cook, serve, gen. Home nite. sm rare Ret, hi-9554 COL.
exp. apt. maid. 9 yrs 1 pi. or gen cooking, m-vi'jz.
exp. maid, some co*cking. morns, a week. Ref. CE-20348.
COL. A-l cook, housemaid, 'i or all day Home nite. Best ref. CE-2fil45 COLORED Workers' Assoc. Exp.
help Mamie white, mgr. VA-1497. COL. A-l domestics, male, female Rff spiritual Alliance Club AD-11674 neat, must have work. Ref.
$2 day, fare AP-13125 COL. cook, pt. time. $8. fare.
Full t4o Ker. Kcv. Sweeney, ad-iuhd. COLORED, best general heip. Quick service.
Kev. Mitchell. CE-Z6Q57. COLORED. A REAL home maker Good cook.
Fine refs. RI-0932. COL. prac. nurse, sen.
hswk. Efficient caname woman Het. AlJ-lZhUl COL. A-l cook, hskpr. 1st, class lam iiy Kel.
Good waae. CK-Z3D71. COL. maid, chaulfcurette. gd.
cook Excel server Refs OL-1768 COLORED A-l cook, capable full chs Ref. (Round-Robin.) AD-3231. COMPANION, prac. nurse hskpr. Kenned, cheerful.
Excel, driver. Gentiles. Best ref. YO-0555. COMPANION-fierretRrv vnune Frene.h wide traveled, desires congenial pot.
Unincumbered. Apt, 2 COMPANION, secretary, exp driver: own car Ref. exch. FE-795'2 COOK. Danish.
45; economical, con Retentions, ctieenui. couple or laoy. Refs. $55-ffiO. MU-9735.
COOK, excellent, European. American tun charge. Anywnere. loo up. nets exr.hanced.
MA-651S. COOK. 30. general. $10 wk home nttes.
on sun. MA-6374, Rm. 0 COOK, gen. daywork. Drive, sew.
ex. rename, stay AD-5B94 COOK-Housekeeper. young, good local re erences. Agy COOK A- experienced.
Good references. $H0 MU-9735. COOK. A-l housekeeper, neat, colored. Best ref.
CREDIT steno. Attractive, exp Box C-102, Times DANISH. Hswk. Cook. Prac.
nurse. Mrs. Nielsen. 1534 So. Ingraham St.
DAY work. cook. laundry, exp. Refs. 35c fare.
RO-8871. DAY work, dependable. Good loc. refs. 35c fare RO-1918.
DESIGNER, original, distinctive Ideas, street, afternoon, sportswear. Recently with leading local house. N.Y. exp. Sketch, excellent factory pat-terns.
PL-14977. DIETITIAN, des. pos. eafe-terta. 1732''; Oarflcld PI.
GL-5f81. FINNISH Kill. gen. or second maid work. Loc.
refs. MTJ-0fl3ti. Apt. 5. GENT, hsework.
At cooking. Exn. C.S pref! TR-5781, Rm. 904. after Sun.
GENERAL housework by exp. Swedish girt. Home r'K-i)iti4. GOVERNESS Col.
girl. 3' i yr. exp. nursery exc. refs.
AD-4821 HSKPR. Pi a. nurse. Neat, competent, Amer. mid.
-age. DR-1957. motherless home. Nurse com-panion. Refined.
TR-3551. Rm. 218. mid, age. refined, exp.
Lt Duties. 25 mo. box limes. HSKPPR 5 yrs. local refs, cxcel- lent cook, competent, TK-SB31.
ttm. HOUSEKEEPER. German. 46. good cook, $40 EX-6627.
except 10-11. 3-5 HSKPR. and kind. Refs. Si ex- perience: for Invalid.
PA-4544 comp. for eld. or empl. cpl Excel, refs Box D-137 Times. HOUSEWORK, laundry, hard worker.
whit: 2 day, fare. TU-S41H. INFANT or child's nurse, graduate. Efficient. Excellent refs.
MI-2TO3 JAPANESE maid, exp, morning wArk pref. Sun, off. Loc. refs. RE-6641.
JAPANESE, yug. woman. Hswk. morns or day work. Good laundress, n-vann JAPANESE schoolgirl, hswk.
lor rm. ooaro. sm. sal. AN-ibbiiv JAPANESE girl for hswrk.
Reliable, capable. Refs. AN-4343. LADY will leave L.A. Drive.
Motlieriess home. Companion. References. Small salary. Box P-53.
Timrs. MOTHER helper or day work. Southern cook. Colored. Refs.
RE-6661. SCHL. girl, drive, hsewk. Rm. sm.
sal. Downey 4ji'a. eve. SECRETARY Companion Governess. Educated, refined.
trustworthy. Splendid health. Excellent driver Unencumbered. W'H-0922, SEC. -Steno.
PBX. Local gen. office exp. Lecal. Oil.
C. grad. Attrac tive, DR-7704 RO-752I. SFC -Bkkor. Excel, educ A- bus.
exo If needim alert, responsible wom an ran Hansen. PB X. 5 yrs. college education. Loe, rrf WH-1560.
SECY. 9 YRS. EXP. 1 FIRM BOX D-254. Times.
Credit or legal. Attrac- tive. Ex. Box C-102. Times.
SEC. Sleno. Assist. Dr. or demist Consider part time wk.
EX-proi. STENO. Young, attractive, efficient. Need experience Small salary to start. Call for MISS LEE.
TR-56P1 asst. bkpr. Younu. attrac. 3 yrs loc.
exp. VA-6524, Apt 303 TYPIST, capable. Wants 'i day work. Student rates. TR-8491.
YOUNG woman 33. position as saleslady, have years' exp. in salesman-shio. Tn arnva ability will work low as $10 wk. Bev.
Hilli pref. No house to house canvassing. EDUCATED, traveled woman successful secy, domestic act. training, seeks position sec and or exec, hskpr where organisation Si Indus try are valued. Excl ioc.
Refs. Borp-125. Times I'M a professional blues singer. Attractive, young, experienced need the chance to prove my aoiliiy here. MU-OR13.
Apt. 210. GOOD cook, mid love children. $40 up. 125 S.
Olive. Rm REFINED, cheerful lady, free to tray. el. own car. Refs.
exch. GL-6241, HELP WANTED, Male 116 MEN Stability Permanence Both of these are youra If you can Qualify for the position that will lead you to them. The employment Is dignified. With an attractive in come and a service that your cus tomers appreciate and will thank you for many times alter the pur chase has been made. We will train you for the position In Usmnri.l tion.
If you have a car. can finance yoiirsen lor me snort training pe-rio. are between 30 and 60 years Ol age. can Cleveland, njui lor ill tervlew with our Mr, Worsley. FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL-PARK ASSOCIATION, IN MEN A Rare Opportunity Our 38 increase Over 1938 in the sale of life insurance and annuities renders it necessary to add two men to our Sales Service Dept.
It qualified after completion of our train ing course commencing Nuv. 2itn these men will be sent to our Home Office in Springfield. lor Spe cial Training. Men between the ages of 25 and 45 of unquestioned character and industry, and capable of earning $5000 or more annually, are invited to aooiy immediately to JOHN VV. YA'IES AND ASSOCIATES Calilornia General Agents MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.
530 W. 6th Suite 1210. TR-0811 MEN Are vou employed but in blind alley job? Are you between 25 40? Do your ambit iona exceed your possibilities? It so, one of the oldest Life insurance companies offers you a real opportunity with out expense or obligation to fit yourself for a life's work while you are now employed. Training requires about 10 weeks of night work, lt covers Life Insurance Ac Its allied subjects. Very thorough course.
For interview phone VA-7117, L. 8 Roberts. Gen. Aat. ROY RAY ROBERTS AGENCY 355 Roosevelt Los Angeles.
MEN For GLENDALE, ALHAMBRA. HTG Pk. We want men who live in these tnwna to work from our offices in your respective cities DIRECT LEADS Ac NO CASH DOWN DEAL. Must be reliable, neat At producers. Splendid future.
Apply ONLY 8-11. Rm. 501. Bx. America Glendale Rm.
301, Bk. America Htg. Pk. 317 W. Main.
Rm. 402. Alhambra MEN. draftsmen trained quickly, inex pensively for mfg. cos.
Day or night Placement service. 807 S. Flower See School adv. Class 75. MEN (2i young, neat appearing, will be trained and placed tn steady )o0S.
Km, 205 HILL ST. BLDG. MEN will be interviewed between 8 Si 9 a.m. nnnicutt, 714 standi-rd oil Bldg MfcN train spare time lor drafting. See adv.
Class. 75. Box v-iii. rimes MEN Sell men's shirts to private trade: good comm. 421 E.
6. Rm. 503 MEN. Neat, with car. Grocery or gas sta.
exp. pref. 112 W. 9, Rm. 700.
MEN, Inexp. do auto work day. Steady. $15 ret. 2616 S.
Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Positions open for Operators. Apply at once. Austin Studio.
911 Loew State Bing PLUMBER. A-l. WANTED WITH LOS ANUtLCS 1 1 I 1.11. r-nc arrbi PLUMBING supply salesmen, must be experienced. Temporary work.
Salary $4 day. Shlnn Bros. 7673 Melrose PLUMBER. Lie. Good repair mall.
Ap. ply 1278 W. 39th St. PRESSMAN (vertical! color work. 60c hr.
Details. Box E-54. Times. PROMOTER. I have the deal of a life-time.
Mr. Smith. 112 W. 9 Rm 923 RADSO ANNOUNCING Persons with good speaking voices apply for auditions to radio personnel director. 8800 Wllshire, 2d fl.
See College Adv. Class. 75. REAL estate salesmen with cars cn secure permanent position to sell completed homes, bldg. lots As bldg contracts.
Plenty of prospects. Full executive co-operation given at all times. Mr. Hannon. 9-11 a m.
5360 Angelus vista Bivd RF.AL ESTATE SALESMAN Active small office. Bev. Hills. OX-4438 R. E.
Salesman, wi'h car. 2425 W. Sania Barbara. VE-20B8. R.E.
At BUS. opp. salesmen, 2. Licensed, with car. 318 W.
9 St. Rm 301 SALESMEN 60-year-old weekly national magazine, leader in its fieid. requires exper. salesmen; circulation department. One man for Los Angelea territory, one or two men for San Francisco.
Timely opportunity, high commissions Apply before 10 a Suite 332. Van Nuys Bldg. SALESMEN make real money on a legitimate deal! Too commission. Active campaign. Liquidation sale Malibu motion picture colony, ocean front homes.
Excel, agency. Apply Mr. Lyon, 23829 Roosevelt Hiway. Malibu. SALESMEN CO ALING 4 LAND IN FEE NEW HOT "QUALIFIED I.FAD3 JACK BACH or Tom STONE 416 West 8th SALESMAN.
We have an opening for a man who is familiar with Venetian Blind supplies and the Venetian Blind Industry. Only replies giving full particulars can be considered. Bnx E-196, Times; SALESMEN SELL ORIGINAL ROGFRS SILVERWARE Sold on easy terms Now is the. time to make BIO COMMISSIONS P1R FLOWER. 9-12.
SALESMEN 2 with direct sales experience to represent old established firm. Mr. Zar 206 Spring. Rm. 426.
between Si 11. SALESMEN, solicitors Earn money Si get pay every day. Expenses Ac commission. A business men needed service 758 So. Brdwy.
Rm. 1218. SALESMEN i2.i for estab. corp. Eain $100 up wk.
Car nec. Call for appt 9-12 a m. Mr. Horace. TR-9933 SALESMEN Revolutionary automotive product trade buys on sight.
Camwav Mfg. Co. 214 w. inympir SALESMEN, telephone own Phonesi exp, for radio advertising on major Station. Room 325.
416 W. 8th SALESMEN with cars. No canvass Direct leads. Draw. acct.
if qualified 60 Grand. Rm. 602. Apply 9-1 1 SALESMEN now calling on groc. trade nmrt tr ltn Pnmm 8 3Q-10.
after 4 pm 3011 9. Main SALESMEN, exp. maintenance, chems. cleaning compound Ar janitor aup-Pli, Straight comm. VA-4604.
SALKSMAN oil fee lands Oir own kads Car rrr. 706 S. Hill. Rm. 400 SALESMEN, new prop leads irn.i bus men.
9-5. 807 San SALESMEN 00 leases, good lead big comm. UM N. Wfern. RM-2Q7 Employment Preparation 115 Through Instruction for Men SHOW CARD WRITING SIGNS, ADV.
ing. 636 S. ART. learn- Broadway. Room 503.
HELP WANTED, Male 116 ACCOUNTANT. least 3 years of public accounting experience to qualify. Slate age exp. Si education. Box B-180.
Times ADVERTISING salesmen, sensation: specially. Can't miss, daily Write or call. Sample kit free. GARTNER. 417 WALL LA.
AERONAUTICAL draftsmen trained by class or correspondence. 1145 Glendon. W.L.A. See ad Class. 7o AIRCRAFT men.
Investigate Fletcher Aircraft School MOST SUCCESS FUL LEAST EXPENSIVE. We have placed over 1100 FLETCHER-trained men this year 11939 1 3 schools for your convenience. 625 W. San Fernando Burbank 1744 Cloverfleld, Santa Monica. 8680 Ottis South Gale.
See adv. Class. 75 AIRCRAFT WORKERS Men to train for positions in airplane lactones Must have $166 to cover tools At preliminary school training. Secure the best training available to assure advancement. Invesiigate Immediate ly.
8:30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. 1100 So Flower. ANDERSON Airplane Con-strurtion School. See adv Class, 75 AIRCRAFT factory men.
anort train ing. Qualification test as required by major aircraft factory before en tering school. Interview 8:30 a.m.-8:30 m. at 2438 S. Grand.
Aero institute Teen, see adv. class. a AIRCRAFT tr. placement service. 1236 S.
Grand, see scnool ad. iiass. is AUDIOMETRY Man 25-35 with sales ability for this new profession. When qualified win be placed in charge district in L.A. with estab.
clientele Car necessary For appt. phone Mr. Greene, TR- 1071. Sonotone 520 W. 7 St AUTO salesman, used cars.
Mr. Chal- fin at Schonlaw, Chev. ,7601 sunset BARTENDERS trained In real bars. Pay only half tuition while learning. Balance after employed.
Free placement service. See adv. Class. 75. WEBSTER COLLFGE.
405 S. Hill SI BARTENDERS trained in real bars by Union Experts. Free placement service. Modern School. 257 So Spring.
Rm. 423 See adv. Class. 75. BOOKMEN Have 2 openings in Art r.ona sa es lorce Men witn cars pre ferred.
New popular live offer. See Mr. Ktncrose tor attractive proposi-tlon. 426 Wilcox 2nd Si Spring CANVASSERS, new Invention. Dim Brite haht bulbs.
Save on 1 ght bill Experienced in colored Mexican dist. pret. 204 s. San Pedro st. CONTACT man to call on prospective students for NEW LOW PRICED short intensive course tn uiesei Training.
Hemphill Diesel School. San Fernando A. DETAIL man, young pharmacist, loc territory. Bnx D-120, Times. DEMONSTRATORS, exp cooking equip.
Write R. E. Dalby. 2404 W. 7 st.
EDUCAT salesman, with Patterson, Comstock. Frjnklm. Refs. Su. 24897, ENGINEERS.
mechanical. being trained for aircraft Ind. 1145 W.L.A. See ad Class. 75, FOUNTAIN service course, $10.
FREE Placement service. See adv. Class. 75. WEBSTER COLLEGE, 405 S.
Hill St FURNITURE men i3 New Sz used. Unusual proposition. BobO Pico GENERAL mechanics, auto mechan les, also machinists welders. Low cost aircraft factory training. Placement service.
ATS. Div. General Aircraft Corp 1236 S. Grand. See school Adv.
Class. 7j HSEBOY. pari time. Good cook 1 pers. Km.
Prd 115 mo. GL-6S21 INS. men. A. At H.
All front money. Fust seller. Klomp. 318 W.9. Rm.
527 JEWELRY SALESMEN. 15-17 ON WATCH FS. RM. 315. 448 S.
HILL JIG saw operator, experienced fine leatnering work. Box c-188. Times MACHINERY salesman, exner. In this terr. Attract, proposition.
Mach'y Sales 3K38 Santa re. MALE nurse. Mild menial young man your nome or mine Keas. ex-1439 MAN WITH CAR. excellent opp.
available for reliable man to take charge of weli estab. food products territory. Earnings weekly. Apply 9-12 a.m. 5714 Sunset.
MAN. 21 to 35 years of age for estab lished bakery rouie. $25 week guaranteed salary and commission. Cash bond required. APPLY 9 TO 11 A 5800 S.
Hoover. 120 N. Beaudry, MAN Will interview lor perm, posi tion with sales org. or repute. Must he topnotcher.
have car At responsibility Gentile. Ph. VA-4408. Ask for Sales Mur MAN with car. Watkina route $30 week up.
Pay starts at once. We finance. 3800 Avalon Blvd. 9-12 a MAN for estab. grocery route.
Start immed. up to $32.50 wk. deposit. 1547 Western. 9-12 only.
MAN. Can use neal, aggressive, young man for full time employment. Ap ply Mr. Bow-era. b'up.
Hill. MAN with 14 or 2 ton truck. Steady worg. Uiome expense money needed. ALL R.
WALKER. PA-4133 MAN i2.i Inexo. for sign work da. $15 for material. 6216 8.
Ver mont. MAN. prefer over 40. Collections. Vic Belvedere.
10-12. Anderson. 411 W. 7 MAN with car. Iyads.
Michele Candy 2703 S. Hill St. MEN WANTED Come tn and see me. I think I can Help you. We teach you how.
Los Angeks Furniture Store Danny O'Heron. 726 So. Broadway MEN, aircraft lactorv. Placement serv-ire. SHORT INTENSIVE COURSE Small wkly.
payments. Balance after employment. Aviation Training. Service General Aircraft Corp. Open eves.
Grand. See adv. Class. 75 Men Ssnsstional New "Never Lift" Eke. Iron Make biggest commissions In town.
818 FLOWER MEN EARN WHAT YOU'RE new no-rash-down DIRECT LEADS aoce nee Mr Brandon. 717 MEN RVD-HOT XMAS deal. Stores ref. any time. See Mr Miller.
TO-DAY or eve, 244 So. Olive. MEN. Inexp Spray s-sns. Loc -trav.
Pay trt. req crment MEN. Sell new Xmas calendars, suns, 3c each. 253 8. Broadway.
Rm. gir HELP WANTED, Female 110 WOMAN with car. Educated, alert. 28 to 40 with food social Background. Permanent position.
$145 mo. if yon qualify. Must be able to meet public easily, and assume responsibility. Mr. McGowen.
1709 W. 8. Rm. 422. WOMEN make $40 to $60 wkly.
selling SENSATIONAL NEW NEVEKLlf FLECTRIC IRON. 818 So. Flower WOMEN trained to teach. Experience unnecessary. See adv.
Class. 75 Superior schools. 403 W. 8th. VA-6210 4 YOUNG ladles, aggressive, H.8, ed ucation.
ih-21 yrs. perm, position Salary $18 wk. to start. For appointment phone DR-7194, Extension 503 between 9-12 a.m. REAL opportunity open to neat ap pearing tomcn.
Good Income, pleas ant work, short hours Apply 9 30 12. Room 345. 411 So. Main NTL. Inst, train for Physiotherapy Swed.
Treat, for So. Amer. See adv. Class. 75 542 a.
Bdwy. H. 3QH. WE train you for R.E. salesman lie free Si ftirn.
you best selling propo siti 4 WEEKS Gregg-Stenotype. X. Comot. $20. Mackay Co 612 S.
Fig ueroa. TR-0416 See Adv. Class. 75. SMART, attractive girl Leads.
Michele Candy 2708 S. Hill St IF the kind of work you are seeking is not advertised in this column try a Situation Wanted ed. The Times FMPLOYMENT SERVICE DEPART MENT has specially trained ad writers to assist in writing of well Worded Situation Wanted Ads, HOUSEHOLD AND DOMESTIC 111 BABY nurse, practical exp. Light hswk. Ref.
req. 540. WY-0I14. DOWNSTAIRS airl Si waitress, white not over 35. Local refs.
1433 Ban Vicente Santa Monica. GEN. 25-35, care 3 children. $25. bd.
rm. 520 N. Detroit st GEN hsewk. Baby. $25 rm.
Si bd. White. OX-8669. GEN. cook.
20-35. white, 2 children. $35. BR-21024. GIRL, 20-35, white, sen.
eook- mu. good home. $25 mo. GIRL. Young, while, 25 to 30.
gen. hs-wk. hath $25 month. WY-2953 GIRL. White.
20-35. Gen. hswk. 1 child, pn. nth.
$25. WA-6K01 G1HL, white, sal. Go anywhere. Good home, care 1 child WH-6923 GIRL. wh.
or Jap. $25. child 2 yr Sta. Anita uaxs. sierra iviaore aovi.
HOUSEKEEPER, room board only lo middle aged woman in exchange for part time work on ranch near Van Nuys. Nice room, good home. Must be permanent. Box D-267. Times 22-35.
White, unincumbered. Plain cooking, assist 2 children. Priv. rm. hath.
$30. WA-5813. HSKPR. -cook emp. motneri daughter 11.
Own sal. Box E-81. Times HSKPR. A cook, adults, age 30-35 Good salary. Phone West L.A.
38785 white, laundry. $20. bus. cpl. child school ace.
JE-1731. MIDDLE-Aged woman for housework Si care ot Dafly in small Bev, runs home. C.S. preferred. Home nites.
$25-1135 mo. Box B-206, Times. MOTHER'S helper, some knowledge of cooking. Room, board. $25 mo.
Kei-erences. CR-12825. MOTHER'S helper, child 6. Stay. $25.
1341 N. Benton Way FI-0935 NURSE maid care for 2 children, assist upstairs work. Own room. $65 mo. First iclass refer-ences necessary.
Box D-133. Times. SCHOOLGIRL, white. $12 rm. bd.
2 adults, 1 child, umiii. WANTED middle age woman, good cook, to prepare dainty meals for elder, lady give general care, lives alone tn beautiful large apartment, no housework, afternoons off 1-5. Give detailed qualifications Si rehcion. $60. Box E-28.
Times. 2 GIRLS, white or Japanese. 25-35. gen. hswk $25 mo each.
SU-28R4ri EMPLOYMENT Agencies 114 For Men LEADING EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES offer today's best employment opportunities in this classification. READ THEM EVERY DAY SEE MR. BEATY for following; Bookkeeper null cnargei Jr. 22-25. Univ.
grad $37 Bookkeeper-Credit Man. exp. in installment store $125 Public all grades if exp. In Nat CPA firms Open Jr. 23-27.
Travel Open 27-32. Oil Co. produc tion and or property $150 BKPR. Local E. Co.
exp. $100 Jr. 20-22 Open Messenger, 18-20. Ride bike $71 Boy. 19-21.
Learn Window Trimming. Live at home Window Card Writer. 19-21 $7R 20-30 start Mta. Loan Co. Clerk.
24-28 $125 See JIB WFST for these Jig Si Fixture Designers Tool Die Designers Best Mecn. Draltsman, 23-27 exp. on small mech. parts Grad. Engineers.
24-30 lndust I 35-45. Mfe. exp. Cham Variety Store Merchan dise Men. "X-a Open Dept.
8'ore Operations Man $150 UP City Dept. Store Mdse. At Operations Man. 30-40 UP Furniture Ac Elec. Appliance Dept.
Man. 30-40 $125 4t Purchasing Am. CBndy. mfi! Co. exp 30-40 $175 up ORGANIZATION BUILDERS lAGY.i ll'-l St) A I l-' lH SALES -Wholesale Grnc.
ED. Salary Credit Interviewer-local exp. $100 Pacific Audit System Co. (Agy.i Km. 711 story ftw a bqwt INDUSTRIAL office help.
United Serv-ice Bureau. 630B Pacific Blvd MURRAY Si READ'Y AGENCY. 506 Towne ave. TR-3475. Employment Preparation 115 Through Instruction tnr Men FLOR 1 WToursef25Tf IfpTaTrmerTI WEBSTER COLLEGE.
405 H'll St SWEDISH TKEATMI-NT COURSE 2S WLHSTER COII EC'S. 4i-5 H'll BE an Accountant. Low tuition. La Salle. 640 So, Fittierot.