YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 4, 2024 (2024)


“Wondering what you think about Nattokinase for micro-clotting. [0:03:04]


I think fantastic things about it. Systemic enzymes are absorbed if you take it on an empty stomach and these will be absorbed into your bloodstream, and it will reduce the inflammation. Inflammation is what is really associated with disease, and by taking the Nattokinase, it works like little Pac-Man to chew up the micro-clots. We feel that this is, and I recommended using this for the past 40 years. I’ve been doing this for 43 years practicing medicine. So, we certainly recommend systemic enzymes.

The older we get, the less enzymes we make. So when we’re young, one of the reasons why girls who menstruate don’t tend to have blood clots is because they’re rich in producing normally plenty of systemic enzymes to keep the inflammation of their body down. But as we age and we start maybe using natural hormone replacement therapy like I do, I also stress to those women who I prescribe natural hormones to that I expect them to take systemic enzymes at least once a day on an empty stomach to increase the level of enzymes, not only because they're on hormones because historically allopathic standard medical doctors are always worried about blood clotting on hormone replacement therapy. The original hormones that were given back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s were a horse hormone, Premarin, equine-derived, horse-derived, very, very powerful estrogens, and there was some noted of clotting, and that with what we might call foreign or synthetic estrogens. But as a result of using natural female estradiol, and that's the only thing I do use, I have never seen it. I have never seen it, and I've been prescribing for decades and decades natural hormone. Of course, I'm on it myself. And with that, we just find a wonderful value to the replacement of hormones, the reduction in pains and joints. I'm so blessed and thankful to God for being in my 70s now and not having the joint pain and limitations that normally people have at my age and older. So, yes, I think wonderful things about Nattokinase.

We use a product here. What I use personally is Vitalzym. Vitalzym is a prescription in Japan. We get this from Japan. It is a very high-powered compilation of serrapeptase, which is very much identical to nattokinase. There are various kinds of systemic enzymes, nattokinase one of them, serrapeptase, and there are many others. So, yes, we use Vitalzym here. We use what we call Vascuzyme, which is an Ortho Molecular product. We have Systemic Enzymes, which is our private-label form of Vascuzyme, and I helped develop that a little bit with Ortho Molecular, making sure it had the serrapeptase in it. And so, yes, it's a very good thing.


“Hi, Dr. E. I fasted 20 hours and have Phospholipids from your store and also SBI Protect powder and my question is I do not want to break my fast. And so, when is the best time to take these two products? [0:07:06]


So the phospholipids are what make up our cell membranes. So, these cell membranes here, this double layer up and down. The top layer here and the bottom layer. So, these are identical sizes of phospholipids, and this is what would make the cell up. And at nighttime, you should repair this throughout your body, because every cell is made of this stuff and all disease, all injury, no matter where it is in your body, this is cell membrane damage. That's how we get sick no matter where the spot is on your body. So, you have to have those phospholipids in our diet. This is in eggs and meat and fish and chicken and pork and eggs and shellfish and shrimp and lobster and crab, things like that. It's very, very rich. Those are the best sources for it. The demonization of meat and things like this is just astounding to me, and they are trying to move us away from these wonderful sources of healing our bodies. So that's what phospholipids are. And we have it in the bottle here as this right here, Phospholipids. And then the SBI Protect is the serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins, so to improve your body's immunoglobulins, which are an immune defense as it goes down your stomach. The first thing God puts in the saliva is IgA. IgA is an immunoglobulin and serum bovine immunoglobulin, SBI Protect is what we mix with the Phospholipids and it's absolutely healing for ulcers and heartburn and all kinds of stomach issues. So, she says she's taking that.

And her question is, I do not want to break my fast. And so when is the best time to take these two products. Well, I would take it right before you eat then. And so, in that 4-hour window. Because this is truly a food item, these are natural substances. But I would say, this is not going to calorically really impact you. Even if you take it in the morning, it is really a non-issue. I've been using this for years and years. So, I would not worry about when I use it. But I'm very proud of you for your fasting 20 hours a day. You are very significantly helping your body to have repair, long life, avoid disease by doing that, and resisting the side effects of insulin resistance from a high carbohydrate diet that they pimp on us through all the foods and all the high fructose corn syrup that's put into the food system, about close to 80 percent of everything in the p*rnography store, which is my word for the grocery store. So, when I go to get food, I have to go to the p*rnography store for the mouth. And I use these idioms to help mindset, get me ready, I'm going to be tempted, I'm going to be suckered into, I'm going to be subliminally challenged to buy, buy, buy things, and these are from great psychological marketing food industry places that try and get me to eat their foods that are addictive and repetitive buying. It's all designed into them, and they do get largely through the addiction to carbohydrates and high fructose corn syrup. These are addicting items. So, good for you on your 20-hour fast. I'm very proud of you.


“How to reduce thyroid nodules?[0:13:09]


The thyroid gland has a need for iodine. America is totally deficient in iodine like we once had when we were a younger nation. So, iodine was much richer in the food supply. Every salt was iodinated. There were iodinated breads, and many products had iodine in them. Therefore, iodine is taken up by the thyroid to produce our thyroid hormone for a multiplicity of all of our cell’s metabolism and we must have it. But with the removal of iodine, we find the thyroid will start to grow like goiters. The middle of the United States and near the Lake Michigan and those areas there, it was called the goiter belt because the iodine was especially diminished in that area. And then when they found iodine, and its function in thyroid metabolism for our thyroid hormone, they solved the problem by making sure all these products were staple foods and had iodine in them.

But why did they take it out and replace it with bromine? Now, it's the bromine in Mountain Dew and bromine bread. Bromine is a much more bold, big, bad salt, you might say. So, on the table of elements chart, you'll see bromine, fluorine, chlorine, and then iodine, and iodine is one of the most delicate of the salts. So, you have to understand that your thyroid, if it needs it, it's going to try and become bigger to try and capture more iodine in the system in your eating, and these nodules tend to be a result. Thyroid goiters tend to be a result, reflecting a lack of iodine in the diet.

So, how do you reduce it? Take iodine. And we have Iodoral here. Dr. David Brownstein from Michigan is a family practice doctor who wrote the bookIodine’. And you could go on to YouTube and type in David Brownstein, and you would see all his lectures on it. It's fabulous and it’s really well diagnosed to prevent these nodules and to be associated with helping to prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer and to help prevent being mentally dull. It will improve your mental acuity. So, the benefits of iodine, you can't live without it, and you're not going to live well if you're low on it. So, I would work on looking at thyroid nodules by taking iodine. Another thing you can do is of course be low carb, drink water, and take Systemic Enzymes like that first question we had with nattokinase, and Systemic Enzymes help to disinflame the glass. That would be another suggestion there.


“My sister-in-law has shown me that she has something strange on her abdomen like a gel sack, and it floats or drifts from one side to another. Any idea what it is? She takes arthritis medications. [0:16:45]


Now, that's odd. Well, I would go to a doctor and have them look at that. I have no idea what she's talking about. Does she have an umbilical hernia right at the umbilicus, the little belly button scar there with some opening or tear, and maybe some of the Omentum from inside the stomach is starting to protrude through? No, I would have that checked out.


“Furthermore, my sister-in-law has had five blood transfusions due to extreme anemia in the past two years when she is unable to move. She did have all the vaccines and boosters. She's afraid. [0:17:43]


Well, I would try and find a good functional medicine, integrative medicine doctor. You could go to Why? The American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine. The Academy for the Advancement of Medicine is the teaching group, and one of the very, if not the very, first integrative functional doctor meeting conference in the United States started in 1972, and they are doctors who do chelation therapy, EDTA chelation therapy to improve microcirculation. Maybe if you found a doctor who could look at that, they tend to be doctors who are more independent thinking. Usually, they are in private practice, and they are usually very excellent physicians. So, I would see your doctor about those questions regarding the vaccine. EDTA chelation is known to help prevent micro-clotting. It’s well-established. Another thing EDTA does that’s associated with, its polarity is negative and the spike protein from the reproducing of the mRNA spikes protein from the random cells, and we don't know how long that'll last after a vaccine, that is a negative coded for molecules. Spike protein is negative. So, the two can meet and EDTA helps take it out. Systemic enzymes help reduce that. There are other things that you can do. So, I would see a good functional doctor,, and have her checked out and whatever that is on her stomach.


“What is your opinion on full body scans? [0:19:59]


I don't like them, and I'll tell you why. These are marketing ploys. There is nobody that you're not going to scan, that you don't find something as the radiologist sitting on the other side seeing a blimp or a dot or a spot that you don't know. And so, you're going to say, well, you better go to a doctor. Well, you better get another scan. And so, you have to have, what is your philosophy of life? Are you going to live in fear and take exposure to radiation and scans and these mobile units that go around under the auspices of many other things? There are blood pressure, mobile units, and ultrasound units for blood flow. They're all saying we want to do something good for you, we want to scan for you. But the hook is they are going to get enough people to do follow-up studies that the marketing system of the business of medicine is going to be expanded. And so, this approach, I just don't like, and it creates unnecessary fear, it makes it look like we, the doctors, are like gods that have this domain, you have to come to us and you have to bow down to us and we will touch, look and seek things on you. No. What the real thing should be is you should take care of yourself. You should eat less, exercise more, get a better night's sleep, and drink more water. Don't eat late at night. Make sure what you eat is not processed food. Eat real food only and to drink plenty of water, do some fastings. And if you are overweight, you need to work on that. I'm in my workout clothes right now because right after I'm done here, my husband and I will be going over to the weightlifting gym and we'll be working out for an hour. We do this together three times a week and besides other things that we should do.

So, this whole mindset of screening, screening, screening. Even mammography, even colonoscopies bone densities, they have their place, but they should be under the care of a stable family general practice doctor who is going to try and do the least so that there is no harm done. So, that's what I think of scans.


“Do you have a referral for a functional doctor who is a urologist? [0:22:45]


I don't, but I have a Dr. Gonzalez here. P. A. Gonzalez is a urology specialist and a wonderful God-fearing healthcare provider. So, I have one here. I don't have any other idea where to go, but you could call around to practices that advertise functional medicine, integrative medicine, or complementary alternative medicine. And then just call the office and say, do you have a urology specialist there? I wish every doctor was God-fearing. I honestly don't see how you can practice medicine without loving God, and because people are made in His image, so what a privilege it is to try and help the creation of God.


“I told my sister-in-law she needs to find a better physician who is more skilled and functional in medicine. Somehow, she's not taking this seriously. She's a busy wife and mother, so I care about them. [0:23:53]


Of course, we all care about them, yes. So, just keep on loving her, and you look it up for yourself. Maybe do some pre-screening for or wherever she lives. Look within a 50-mile radius of where she's at, and see if you can call some functional doctors and help her out that way. You're a good sister. God bless you for that.


“Hi, Dr. Rita, my daughter works at Kaiser and was told she had to take the jab and she did. She has horrible sciatic pain. MRI indicated a bulging disc. I was wondering, could this be the results of the jab? [0:24:53]


Well, I think if we did an MRI on the lumbar spine of every adult American, we're going to see all kinds of herniated discs, whether small, 2-3 mm to 6, 7, or 8 mm. This is not necessarily defining that that's a cause of pain. What normally is the problem is we don't exercise and do muscle training. See, I used to have bad back pain, and I found that when I finally bowed my knee and obeyed my Lord and went out to do heavy lifting. I built up my back muscles, I built up my stomach/abdominal muscles, and my shoulder muscles to hold up my structure better, and suddenly all my pain went away.

So, most chronic lower back pain, and it's one of the number one or some of the highest reasons for doctors to see a patient is for low back pain, this usually is not because of a herniated disc, but of course, doctors always order it because it makes the system money, and of course, it will protect them from any diagnostic missing of anything more serious, and so, I think we over X-ray and we over inject the dye for it, and then now you've got the problem of that gadolinium dye in you. Chelation will take that out, however.

Do I think the vaccine did it? Well, the vaccine is inflammatory, especially to the endothelial lining. With the length of time that you're going to have the cells in your body possibly produce the activity of that mRNA being produced, I think the longest I've ever seen in a study was out about 16 months, but this is something new, and I can't really with a surety speak to. Could it be related? Well, the inflammation side of it could, but more I think lifestyle, exercise, and you know, I initially had to wrap my stomach. I didn't go to a doctor. I didn't get X-rays or any of that. I put one of those. You know, you go to the pharmacy and you get a wrap for around your tummy with Velcro to tighten up and try and help you hold in your sagging tummy muscles, and then I just worked through it, started exercising, and eventually that solved it. That's the direction I would begin, you know, continue to see your doctor, but I don't think it's necessarily related to the vaccine, or even that herniated bulge that you're talking about. It could be, but very often it's not.


“Hi, Dr. Rita. My 4-year-old has a stye. What can I do at home? [0:27:58]


I use the Argentyn silver. That's the natural silver. It’s antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral silvers, and natural antiviral, bacterial, and fungal agents. And if you put drops in the eye or rub it around the eye, it'll get absorbed into the eyelid and around the eyelashes. And then you've got to get your kids off all this junk food, nibble food, snack food. It's all damning food. It's all high fructose corn syrup hidden laden into it, and that suppresses the immune system. You can use moist, warm compresses, and that's the direction I would first start. Of course, if it isn't improved within a quick day or two with that, then I would see your pediatrician.


“Could this be the results of the jab, my son took the jab and he had Bell's palsy. I appreciate all your time and knowledge. Thank you. [0:28:59]


I don't know if you can see, but the right side of my face is also somewhat drooped. Okay. And I had the Bell's palsy after a forced vaccination while I was on active duty. And I'm vaccine injured from my years on active duty, I was on active duty for about 10 years roughly, and unfortunately, it happened. But I did have a healthy lifestyle. I was able to work through most of it, but I do even have times where I get tongue twisted because I'm aware of my musculature not working correctly or this eyelid working correctly and drooping and it just is an irritant to me. So, I work very hard to try and keep my health going.


“What do you recommend for knee arthritis? [0:30:18]


Weight loss, if you're overweight. Exercise, and weight training to total body because all the body needs to support itself in a balance with the muscles and the tendons. And as we age, we tend to gain belly fat, and we start leaning forward and our stomach muscles hang out and our gait/our walk starts to get wider as our balance goes off. We are eating foods that are primarily the cause of inflammation in the foods through lectin irritation along the gut and that inflames our body and any of the trauma sites in our body. So, the bone on bone where the needs are being hit all the time is a trauma site, your hips, and these areas will have micro trauma from usage. And then if your body is inflamed, that tends to amplify the micro trauma. Now, at nighttime, you're supposed to fix and heal, but you've got to eat the stuff to go from that part to this part. So, you've got to be eating enough eggs, meat, fish, chicken, turkey, and beef, and you have to have enough good capillaries so that it can get to the knee because the knee joint is avascular, meaning the cartilage between the femur and the tibia is a sponge of cartilage that has no blood supply. So, the tiny synovial artery is all you've got left to bring nutrients and repair there. So, if you don't drink enough water if you clog everything up with a high carb starchy sugar, if you're eating inflammatory foods, nightshades, potatoes, and eggplants, and tomatoes, green peppers, I think these are the nightshades, tend to be inflammatory for knee pain, but the wheat, and the lectin in the wheat, and the high carb of it all. So, these are things I would avoid. Get into a healthy weight.

I would fast for two days. I would not eat a thing, and I would just drink water and I would take those Systemic Enzymes, that anti-inflammatory, and I would take like five of them twice a day on an empty stomach, and your knee pain should immediately improve, not eating anything and by taking the enzymes and you know it's in your diet, and you know it's losing your enzymes with aging. That's the first direction I would go.


“I have a breast thermogram in the morning. I started my period two days ago. Will my results be clear if I am having a period? This is the first one I have had - trying to cut out some radiation. Thanks. [0:33:02]


Thermography, I have to say, I'm growing less and less in favor of it due to many minor things. Essentially, thermography should be used more often. But currently, the technique of heat pictures on your body throwing off heat, and where there's more heat, there is more potential inflammation. So, a thermogram, if you have a hot spot on your breast on the far side or anywhere around your breast, and there's a hot spot, that would suggest that there's some activity of some sort, maybe trauma, maybe an infection, mastitis, if you're breastfeeding, or a tumor and a tumor will have an increased blood supply to grow faster. So, that's the logic of wanting to do a thermogram.

But the standardization and the medical endorsem*nt of it is very, very questionable. And I have to say in 30 years of watching women do thermograms, they're all showing some heat pattern. And I don't know if they're telling you it's probably best not to be on your period, it's best probably to be day seven – well, it's really difficult because when you ovulate, your body heat can go up. When you're menstruating, your body heat can go up. So, for a woman, it's difficult to plan that if you're in a menstruating cycle. It's just got its problems. So, I have stopped recommending them for that reason. And every time I see a report, it says, due to the variable heat patterns, although they don't look necessarily serious, we recommend you see your medical doctor. So, what was the point of doing a thermogram if every time you've got to bring it to me and I still have to do a breast exam and decide whether or not we should send you for a mammogram and breast ultrasound or things like that?

So, I think it's better to have a good doctor who knows you, who knows your breasts, your age, your family, good old-fashioned doctors who stay put, stay in one office for decade after decade after decade, who knows you, and can give you good guidance. So, I'm not going to endorse thermography.


“After wearing the LifeWave X39 phototherapy, all-natural patches, my sciatic pain went away. [0:35:57]


That's using LifeWave, that is the patch that has the crystals and the heat of your body makes the energy of the crystal work, and everything is based on energy and wavelength communications anyway. And so, there's a value to that. But again, I am not going to say that that's the solution. You’ve got to do your exercise.


“I have a trigger finger and am seeing my hand doctor soon. This same finger triggered last July when I received a cortisone shot, which worked then. I'm 60, female, type 1 diabetic. Should I get another shot? [0:36:38]


Well, it's inflammation. And very often, in the palm of our hands, we're picking things up, we're hitting the inside of our palms over and over. And so, we get micro-trauma here. And these tendons are sliding back and forth all the time, you know, back and forth all the time, and we're hitting with micro trauma. So these tiny spots of damage, plus diabetes, are associated with higher average blood sugars. Higher average blood sugars are associated with inflammation and endothelial lining damage, the lining inside the blood vessel. And so, we'll say even a more minor consistent trauma can trigger this. So, I would drink plenty of water. Do your best to control your blood sugar. See a good functional doctor. Get on some Systemic Enzymes, which will work as an anti-inflammatory that won't harm you. See, steroids can harm you and have a backdoor side effect of breaking down tissue and actually aggravating the problem. It’s the short-term fix. It's like symptom cover-up. So, you have to drink enough water, take your enzymes, have good control of your blood sugar, diet, and exercise.

And then, you know how you can find gloves where the fingers are cut off so you have a pad here, your fingers are free, but you wear a glove with the fingers, so you can put your hand in it to create a padding, that's something very helpful with that, and you should see an improvement from that.


“Do you support traditional Chinese medicine? There's so much out here on the positive effects of Chinese herbs, etc. What's the best protein and essential amino acids? Thank you. [0:38:40]


I did my second doctorate in integrative medicine at Capital University in Washington, D. C., from 1999 to 2001, and we studied Chinese medicine, and all practitioners of health have something to offer. And so, I was impressed with our Eastern medicine teachers and herbs and pulse diagnosis. Just a sense of well-being, mindfulness, and Chinese medicine were also associated with a very humble, disciplined dietary lifestyle. I don't know if that's from the poverty and the many centuries of limited productivity of that region, but there was always a lower weight, and lower blood sugar back then. But they had the herbs and they studied their stool and they studied the breath and the heat of the body. And with these, dietary herbal teas, meditation, posturing/stretching-type things, and pulse diagnosis, they did very, very well. So, the amino acid, there are eight essential amino acids. There are three branched-chain amino acids. They're all valuable. So, I would say you have to eat wild-raised/caught prairie-raised poultry, beef, and fish. And you have to just trust that you're going to be receiving from them all the amino acids.

We do carry a product called Perfect Aminos by Dr. Minkoff, and that's very helpful.

But what's the best protein? Well, I'm going to probably say liver. I like liver. I try and have it not infrequently. And liver from a free-range wild-caught or prairie-range animal is probably the most nutrient-dense protein you can eat.


“What can cause nerve tingling? It started on my calf muscle, right leg, and then now the top of the right foot. I have been over-stressed lately. I eat healthy, drink water, and sleep well. [0:41:26]


Well, how old are you, what kind of trauma have you had in your life, are you overweight, what is your blood sugar level, what are your triglycerides, what is your insulin level, what is your hemoglobin A1c and are you on enzymes, are you old enough to be on Systemic Enzymes, do you drink enough water? EDTA chelation will improve microcirculation. Are you taking multiple minerals? Because the nerve has a fatty lining of the sheath over it so that the pulse can go through without being irritated. And if we have inflammation damaging that sheath, again all diseases, this picture of damage right here, and you're not eating enough phospholipids, you might have too little to help repair that sheath that goes over the nerves, so the pulses are right. So very often it's a breakdown of the nerve, maybe an old stress injury from the past. aging, lack of enzymes, lack of water, all these things would come into play. Work with your good functional doctor to think about that.


“Do you know any good functional doctor in Charlotte? [0:43:03]


Charlotte, North Carolina. Gee, I do not know one. I'm sorry. I'm sure they're there. I'm sure there are more and more doctors. I'm having young medical students coming here. I just had this beautiful South Korean man come. He's from UCI pre-med. He was shadowing me and Carl was his name. And what a blessing that young man was. He's learning about God and Christianity, and he is just blown away with shadowing us doctors here and how much fun we have, how much fun a family practice/general practice is because you get to see all kinds of things and your mind is stimulated with all kinds of how can I help my patient, and he is just so thrilled with that. So, we need to know that more and more doctors are opening up. The silver living with this horrific COVID hoax upon us was the fact that I think a lot of doctors, and of course, the population were shocked into realizing you’ve got to take care of yourself, and you have to find a good doctor who knows how to do more than one little spot of your body because it's just sad to be called a doctor when you only take care of one little tiny unit. Now, yes, you have to have specialists, yes, you have to have technique and things, and I am not able to do brain/eyeball surgery, ENT surgery, heart surgery, and so forth. So, we have to have them. But it's lopsided.

There's like 80 percent out of the million doctors pretty much that we have in the United States licensed to practice, about 800 plus 1000 of them are specialists. Why? Because they push them that way right in medical school, like, Oh, you can't know everything, you can't take anything that walks through the door and have some good solid ability to help that person. It's too hard. They’ll never do it. And they push people away from becoming good old family practice doctors besides he’ll make so much more money and you'll be a specialist and fancy big system organization on boards and stuff with your narrow little area of expertise. And they always look down on the primary doctor, family, general practitioner, some lowly doctor who's just a glorified triage nurse. Well, hopefully, you can realize that what I do here is much more wide and vast than being a triage person.

And by the way, I wouldn't put down the nurse. I tell you, the nurses are far better on many levels with their general knowledge base than most doctors now. So, we have really created a problem. So, I'm encouraging more and more doctors to not look to medicine to be some big money ticket in the world and fun and pride but to see it as an opportunity of service to humanity and their Lord. And these kids that are coming here are just falling in love with medicine. So, pray that they keep on coming and we're able to excite them about this. So, I wish I knew someone in Charlotte, but I don't.


“I just ordered the X39 for my daughter. How long did it take? [0:46:35]


Well, I hope it works, but don't forsake doing the exercise and the water and the enzymes.


“Please share more on the basics of enzymes. [0:46:49]


I have a YouTube video on that. Just go on YouTube and put Tustin Longevity Center. And then when you see our website come up, then go hit the question magnifying glass and put in enzymes, and you'll see my whole lecture on enzymes.


“What do you think of the GRAIL blood tests for cancer? Also, I worry about biopsy for prostate issues. [0:47:19]


That is looking at, I think, fragments of DNA from cells that are being injured/broken down that may be associated with malignant changes, and they do (PCR) Polymerase Chain Reaction studies. And by statistical sampling and so forth, they find a prevalence of certain fragments associated with about maybe 50 different known cancers, I believe. So, again, this is the mindset of living in fear rather than saying, oh, boy, I know a blood test, so that I can get early detection. In the meantime, eating our ice cream and French fries and our soda pops and our orange juice, and our Cheetos, and our brownies, and our chocolates and, and eating all this growth-promoting, high-fructose corn syrup stuff, but I have a blood test that I can check with my doctor once or twice a year, I can get my breast x-rayed with a mammogram, or I can get the colonoscopy, or I can get, you know, whatever tests they're peddling.

And although I'm not anti-GRAIL, I am not for a world of people calling themselves doctors without having a bunch of us saying, you're responsible for eating less carbs, exercising, drinking your water, taking your enzymes, getting vitamin D in you. That's an anti-cancer level. Check it once or twice a year. Check your sticky sugar and your insulin level. See if you're insulin-resistant. Ask your doctor to do a HOMA-IR insulin resistance test. That's far, far more meaningful than a GRAIL test. So, that's what I think about GRAIL.


“My daughter-in-law, age 36, a very active mom of a toddler, is having migraines and wondering if taking birth control medication might be causing it. What are your thoughts on this? [0:49:22]


The answer is, yes, that's one of the side effects. Well, I wouldn't use birth control. I never prescribe it. I use natural progesterone from day 7 of a woman's cycle to day 28, and that will inhibit ovulation naturally. And so, she needs to find a good functional doctor who will do natural progesterone. Besides, natural progesterone is associated with helping to prevent migraines. So, that's one thing. Enzymes help it. Water helps it. Regular exercise helps prevent migraines. Going on a carnivore diet, a food elimination diet helps it that kind of thing. That's what I would do.


“I had a blood draw today, the blood was taken from my hand. The girl said, "Wow, your blood is bright red!" She said it looks like when they take blood and oxygenate it. I asked if it was a bad thing, and she said she didn't think so, but it got me worried! What are your thoughts? [0:50:31]


I think that is just talk and living in fear. In general, the healthier/brighter your blood looks in general, the better oxygen is being taken in by your red blood cells. I would just ignore that.


“Dr. Rita, I've been taking NP Thyroid 90 mg for about 5 years now. Do I have to take it for life? Thank you. [0:51:08]


In general, people who are hypothyroid have had damaged thyroid glands that cannot produce it anymore. I have seen, over the decades, some people get off with just using iodine. Find a good doctor who'll help look at your situation and see if you're on iodine, test your iodine levels, and look at food allergies and see if that might be. If you avoid food allergies, then your thyroid can function better.


“Hello again Dr E. You are as constant as the North Star! What are your thoughts on fecal matter transplants, probiotic enemas, and colon cleanses as ways to cure disease and improve health? Since delivery of oral probiotics seems problematic, put them in through the backdoor instead. A combination of oral and rectal delivery is the key. Your thoughts? [0:51:51]


I'm very promoting it. I'm very impressed with the research. It seems to have quite a benefit, of course, for Clostridium difficile infections that are very, very life-threatening. But now they're finding even obesity management clinics with people who may have bad gut flora, and if they get a fecal transplant, it helps them with their healthy microbiome in their stomach. There are many, many values.

Well, yeah, we do know that oral high-quality probiotics do work, and they do improve the gut. We also know that fecal implants are beneficial. I don't know that colon hydrotherapy is worth the money. I don't want to take away anyone's job. I've had them in the past myself. I just don't see enough literature. I mean, we studied this when I did my doctorate in integrative medicine, and it was the fecal implants that were the most beneficial. There is not enough study on implantation plans for probiotics transrectally. It's really all orally that any quality studies that I've seen so far except for the fecal implants that have been done. So, I don't know what to say about colon hydrotherapy. I'm neither prone nor against it. I just haven't seen any long-term benefits.


“My sister just told me her doctor inserted pellets for her hormone balance. She is amazed at the results. She was surprised I had never heard of pellets. Can you please explain them? [0:54:12]


I'm against pellets, because once you implant them under the skin, they're there, and the carrier that holds it and is slowly releasing this over the three months of the dispensation of it into the body, you might react to it, and then you're stuck with this thing and then you can inflame up and scar up. I've seen too many bad side effects, that I will not use pellets, and it isn't acutely manageable. What if she felt worse about them? Then she’s stuck with this pellet under her skin for months and months and months. So, no, I'm not in favor of them, and that's why I don't offer them.


“There have been claims that sugar replacer mannitol has been effective for Parkinson's disease. Do you have any information and/or opinion regarding the effectiveness of mannitol for Parkinson's, the safety/side effects/risks, and safe dosage amount? [0:55:04]


Well, I'm not up on the dosage right off the bat on this. I do know it has been associated. In some studies with the microtubules, some of the substantia nigra that is in the center of the brainstem there, that dark spot in the brainstem, where dopamine is generated, mannitol seems to have some ability to help prevent the degradation of those cell dopamine-producing areas in the brain, and it has to do with tubule/microtubule formation.

Now, mannitol is an engineered product from fructose, I believe, and it's about maybe 60 percent as sweet as fructose, and it is not absorbed well in the gut. So, if you take it orally, often it stays in the gut, you can get GI problems and I just don't see this as any real long-term thing. What's interesting is the new research that's coming out just recently on nicotine, getting nicotine gum at the drugstore, a 2 mg stick of gum, or a 4 mg stick of gum. They also have little patches, 7, 14, and 21-mg patches of nicotine, and they are clearly finding out that smokers didn't have trouble with COVID-19, smokers have a 50-60 percent less risk of developing Parkinson's, dementia, and Alzheimer's. And that if you give nicotine to people with these Parkinson's, neurodegenerative dementia, and Alzheimer's, they are actually seeing, study after study showing improved cognitive and motor function. So nicotine is the area to start looking into now. At a very low dose, just pure nicotine.


“Regarding mRNA vaccines - How long does it stay in the body and can be transferred to another through intimacy? I took no jabs. Against my wishes, my husband did 2/Pfizer spring of '21, a shingles7/21, and a Pfizer booster 12/23. I can only find reference to 90-120 days later via autopsy. Husband says body eliminates it. Do you know of any other research?[0:57:33]


We don't have that answer. As I said before, earlier in tonight's thing, we know that this injection is associated with it penetrating into the cells and tissues of the body largely. I can't remember that study, which part of the lymph system cell lines, but the reproduction and reading to produce a spike protein over and over went on and on, I think up to 18 months. Now, are there even longer studies at this time? Probably I haven't kept up with that. So, I don't think the answer is known and I don't know if there's any good study on the transfer and shedding, although it is an established fact that there is shedding.

So, I would, if you want to use condoms, and in your marital relationship, that would be helpful. But I certainly don't think kissing or hugging is going to be any huge thing. I think the anger and bitterness, or fear would be far more detrimental to your health than building it on any uncertain fact here. And yes, I don't know why your husband took the vaccines, but he's human, and God created him and died for him too. So, please don't work up in anger toward him. We all need love. We've all taken things into our bodies, and done things that have had an impact on others that wasn't good. So, try and walk in faith and love, and hope. Have him take enzymes, have him get chelation therapy, and take vitamin D and quercetin, if he takes quercetin regularly, too. We have seasonal D-Hist, Seasonal Shield, and quercetin-rich natural antihistamines that help prevent viruses and are associated with diminishing, like with enzymes and chelation therapy, the impact of spike protein in some studies.


“Dr. Rita, I just heard a podcast talking about Lithium Orotate and how good it is for mood, brain, and so many things. I see your store sells it. They said you need very little of it to see improvement. My husband and I, 67 & 64, would like to start it for brain health. How much do you think we should take? One capsule per day? [1:00:08]


I have it in my TLC Energy Core. We have lithium orotate in our multivitamin 5 mg for that very reason. Even in the studies on the veterans that had a high potential for suicide after the war, it was clearly established that lithium orotate worked to help mental acuity, focus, and focus, worked as a mood elevator, and was significantly statistically associated with reducing suicide. So, I'm all in favor of it, so much so that we have 5 milligrams in our TLC Energy Core.


“My 20-year-old daughter has mild acne on the face, back and buttocks. She is on the waitlist to be seen at your office. Can you recommend any over-the-counter herbs to help with her hormonal acne? I know you have recommended progesterone. What would be the dosing and what days of her cycle? Thank you. [1:01:12]


Yeah, I would use the Argentyn silvers. I would put that Argentine on her face, I would cut down the carbs, and I would do that twice a day. After she brushes her teeth, spray the Argentyn on the face or on a little tissue and rub it on the back and so forth. We have it as a spray bottle. That's what I would do.


“Dr. Rita, thank you for all you do. You are a blessing. Please share your thoughts on prescribing Alendronate 70 mg 1x week for a 66-year-old healthy yoga-active female with a bone density score of lowest T -3.4 and lowest Z -1.9. She is concerned about side effects and would like to address issues with diet and exercise, if possible. Thank you. [1:01:48]


I don't like Alendronate. You can get these cavities. They don't really tell you enough. They don't do dental work. The older you get, the more dental work you need, and there are so many of us getting bone density problems. And you need to get your vitamin D checked and have it above the 80 to 120 range. Get a good functional doctor who's not afraid of using vitamin D high quality therapeutically to help your bone density, teach you how to stomp, do sudden deceleration actions, do weightlifting, and get on natural hormone replacement therapy to stimulate bone development. I have so many 80-year-old women who have normal bone density. So, I am not for Fosamax Alendronate for that and its many side effects.

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 4, 2024 (2024)


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