College and Career-Readiness Electives - Lawrence High School (2024)

Scheduling Policy: In offering electives, the high school administration will establish a certain number of sections for each elective. Once these sections have been filled during the scheduling process, no more enrollments will be accepted. When this occurs, students will be enrolled in available alternate choice electives. Upperclassmen, in descending order, will be given first preference in the selection of electives. Priority will be given to students who have declared their intent to complete the pathway.

Biomedical Science

Technical Courses: Student seeking Pathway Credential must take BOTH technical courses for full year:

Technical Course #1

Principles of Biomedical Science (PLTW) 1 and 2 (2 Semesters or Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in Biomedical Pathway

In the introductory course of the PLTW Biomedical Science program, students explore the human body by stepping into scientists’ shoes to: Conduct experiments to isolate the cause of a person’s death, Examine chronic health conditions, explore the role of genetics in disease, develop a diagnosis, and ultimately create a treatment plan for a patient, Act as a member of a disease defense team, investigating a mysterious community infection, Work on a medical emergency response team where quick assessment and decisions are essential. Students then apply these learnings to compete for open lab space in an innovation incubator by proposing the design of a new medical innovation.

Technical Course #2:

Health Science Productivity (Medical Terminology) 1 and 2 (2 Semesters or Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in the Health Care & Social Assistance Pathway

Students will become familiar with operating standard biological laboratory equipment and instruments, as well as maintaining a lab notebook, analyzing and interpreting data, and writing technical reports. Students will gain experience taking patient histories, assessing vital signs, performing components of a physical exam, and writing medical/nursing notes. Students will work with the MS Office Suite as is standard practice in the HealthCare industry.

Other Health Care and Social Assistance Upper-Level Courses:

Student seeking Pathway Credential must take a total of an additional 10 credits of Upper-Level Courses

Human Body Systems (PLTW) 1 and 2 (2 Semesters or Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 11-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: Principles of Biomedical Science

Fulfills 1 “Advanced Course” in Biomedical Pathway

In Human Body Systems, students explore the neurology and physiology of humans, including identity, personality, movement, power, immunity, and homeostasis. Students then apply what they learn to create solutions to real world problems. For example, after understanding the similarities and differences across an individual’s bones, muscles, and cells, leading to unique identifiers such as fingerprints, students apply this knowledge to create a biometrics-based security plan for a real-world client. After exploring how the body uses food, oxygen, and water to power itself and how it moves through joints, muscles, and blood flow, they take on the role of a sports medicine expert to develop a training plan for a professional athlete.

Medical Intervention (PLTW) (1 Semester; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 11-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: Human Body Systems

Fulfills 1 “Advanced Course” in Biomedical Pathway

Students will investigate medical interventions that prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. The first semester of the MI course will explore how to prevent and fight infection, and how to screen and evaluate the code in human DNA.

In the second semester of Medical Interventions, students will continue to investigate medical interventions by exploring how to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer; and how to prevail when organs of the body begin to fail.

Health and Social Assistance Pathway Capstone (Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: Human Body Systems

Fulfills Capstone Requirement of Biomedical Pathway

This course is a culmination of each students’ journey through the pathway. It is designed and implemented in partnership with the pathway industry partners.

Students complete the capstone by completing

●One mini-internship or summer employment opportunity aligned to the pathway industry

●Field-based research including

○Employer interviews

○ Job shadowing experiences

○Career field research with local, state, and national labor market information

○College major research including interviews with admissions counselors and financial aid advisors at Northern Essex Community College

●A post-secondary planning process that requires both a reflection on the pathway experiences (areas of growth, areas to continue growing, influential experiences) and a specific plan for continuing after graduation – which college or employer the student will be joining upon graduation, a living budget, a financial aid plan, and a network of support map.

Early College Elective – Select Courses to be determined Grade Level: 11-12

Business and Finance

Technical Courses: Student seeking Pathway Credential must take BOTH technical courses for full year:

Technical Course #1

Business Applications 1 and 2 (2 Semesters/Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Full year fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in Business/Finance Pathway

Students will study computer terminology software related to the pathway environment. The focus of this course is on productivity software applications and professional behavior in computing, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, and business-oriented utilization of the Internet. This year-long technical course will also include a focus on personal finance and the essential personal finance topics necessary to become financially responsible. Topics include banking, credit, budgeting, investing, career, and more. By the end of this course, students will have a sound working knowledge of industry standard productivity software and a thorough understanding of personal finance topics and be prepared to engage in upper-level business courses.

Technical Course #2

Intro to Entrepreneurship 1 and 2 (1 Semester/Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Full year Fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in Business/Finance Pathway

Students will identify the fundamentals of business creation, the personal attributes needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and will research various business opportunities. Topics covered include the characteristics of an entrepreneur, discovering entrepreneurial opportunities, and researching and analyzing domestic, global and market trends. The course culminates with the student developing a hypothetical business plan to implement their unique venture that conforms to all applicable governmental laws and regulations. Students will also be introduced to the role of “Marketing” in business, fashion, culture and spending habits.

Other Bus/Fin Upper-Level Courses:

Student seeking Pathway Credential must take a total of additional 10 credits of Upper-Level Courses

AP Psychology (Full Year 5 credits) Grade Level: 11-12

Level: Advanced Placement

Prerequisite: None

Accounting I Honors 1 and 2 (Full Year 5 credits) Grade Level: 11-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: C or better in Business Application A/B, C or better in Alg. 1

This course introduces financial accounting as the “language of business.” It emphasizes the impact of business transactions on the information presented to stakeholders of a business. This course will provide students with fundamental accounting concepts and principles

AP Statistics (Full Year 5 credits) Grade Level: 11-12

Level: Advanced Placement

Prerequisite: Completes Alg 2 with a C or Better – Not in place of 4th year of Math

Fulfills 1 “Advanced Course” in Business/Finance Pathway

Business Pathways (Capstone) (Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: Two “Technical Courses” in Business Pathway

Fulfills Capstone Requirement of Business and Finance Pathway

This course is a culmination of each students’ journey through the pathway. It is designed and implemented in partnership with the pathway industry partners.

Students complete the capstone by completing

●One mini-internship or summer employment opportunity aligned to the pathway industry

●Field-based research including

○Employer interviews

○ Job shadowing experiences

○Career field research with local, state, and national labor market information

○College major research including interviews with admissions counselors and financial aid advisors at Northern Essex Community College

●A post-secondary planning process that requires both a reflection on the pathway experiences (areas of growth, areas to continue growing, influential experiences) and a specific plan for continuing after graduation – which college or employer the student will be joining upon graduation, a living budget, a financial aid plan, and a network of support map

Early College Elective – Select Courses to be determined Grade Level: 11-12

Computer Science

Technical Courses: Student seeking Pathway Credential must take BOTH technical courses for full year:

Technical Course #1

Computer Science Essentials (PLTW) 1 and 2 (2 Semesters/Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in Computer Science Pathway

CS Essentials (CSE) introduces students to coding fundamentals through an approachable, block-based programming language where they will have early success in creating usable apps. As students sharpen their computational thinking skills, they will transition to programming environments that reinforce coding fundamentals by displaying block programming and text based programming side-by-side. Students will experience the major topics, big ideas, and computational thinking practices used by computing professionals to solve problems and create value for others. This course prepares students to advance to Computer Science Principles or Computer Science A.

Technical Course #2

Cybersecurity (PLTW) 1 and 2 (2 Semesters/Full Year; 5 credits)

Grade Level: 10-12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Fulfills 1 “Technical Course” in Computer Science Pathway

Cybersecurity introduces the tools and concepts of cybersecurity and encourages students to create solutions that allow people to share computing resources while protecting privacy. In cybersecurity, students solve problems by understanding and closing vulnerabilities. This course raises students’ knowledge of and commitment to ethical computing behavior. It also aims to develop students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens, and employees who can effectively contribute to communities with a dependable cyber-infrastructure that moves and processes information safely.

Other Computer Science Upper-Level Courses:

Student seeking Pathway Credential must take a total of an additional 10 credits of Upper-Level Courses

AP Computer Science Principles (Full Year)Grade Level: 12

Level: Advanced Placement

Prerequisite: Complete the two “Technical Course” requirements

Fulfills 1 “Advanced Course” in Computer Science Pathway

Computer Science Principles (CSP) is a PLTW course to implement the College Board’s new AP CS Principles framework. Students work in teams to develop computational thinking and solve problems. The course does not aim to teach mastery of a single programming language but aims instead to develop computational thinking, to generate excitement about the field of computing, and to introduce computational tools that foster creativity. The course also aims to build students’ awareness of the tremendous demand for computer specialists and for professionals in all fields who have computational skills. Each unit focuses on one or more computationally intensive career paths. The course also aims to engage students to consider issues raised by the present and future societal impact of computing.

AP Statistics (Full Year 5 credits) Grade Level: 12

Level: Advanced Placement

Prerequisite: Completes Alg 2 with a C or Better – Not in place of 4th year of Math

Fulfills 1 “Advanced Course” in Computer Science Pathway

Computer Science Pathways Capstone (Full Year; 5 credits) Grade Level: 12

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: Complete the two “Technical Course” requirements

Fulfills Capstone Requirement of Computer Science Pathway

This course is a culmination of each students’ journey through the pathway. It is designed and implemented in partnership with the pathway industry partners.

Students complete the capstone by completing

●One mini-internship or summer employment opportunity aligned to the pathway industry

●Field-based research including

○Employer interviews

○ Job shadowing experiences

○Career field research with local, state, and national labor market information

○College major research including interviews with admissions counselors and financial aid advisors at Northern Essex Community College

●A post-secondary planning process that requires both a reflection on the pathway experiences (areas of growth, areas to continue growing, influential experiences) and a specific plan for continuing after graduation – which college or employer the student will be joining upon graduation, a living budget, a financial aid plan, and a network of support map

Early College Elective – Select Courses to be determined Grade Level: 11-12


Introduction to Engineering Design (Full Year)Grade Level: 10

Level: Honors

Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school engineering course in the PLTW Engineering Program. In IED, students explore engineering tools and apply a common approach to the solution of engineering problems, an engineering design process. Utilizing the activity-project-problem-based (APB) teaching and learning pedagogy, students progress from completing structured activities to solving open-ended projects and problems that require them to plan, document, communicate, and develop other professional skills.

Early College Elective – Select Courses to be determined Grade Level: 11-12

Civics, Law, and Criminal Justice

Citizenship/Civics (1 Semester; 2.5 credits)Grade Level: 9

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: None

In this course, students will learn the foundations of different types of government, the structure and functions of the United States government structure, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, the rights of the accused and the American justice system, political parties and the election process, and make connections to current events. Students will explore the complex aspects of identity and how it impacts our perspectives and biases, and the way the media presents the news. This course emphasizes the importance of civic participation and culminates in a project-based learning experience, in which students will independently research the significance of a major Supreme Court case.

Introduction to Law (1 Semester; 2.5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: None

This course helps students understand why we live under the rule of law, and how laws are created, enforced, interpreted, and changed. The course enables students to examine diverse areas of law, including criminal, civil, constitutional, and international. It also explores civil rights issues and the role of advocacy, civics, and the media in our legal system.

Criminal Law (1 Semester; 2.5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: None

This course provides students with a broad overview of the criminal and juvenile justice systems. Students learn about historical developments and current practices in criminal law, corrections, and the courts. Throughout the course, they explore the meaning of crime and justice, and the relationship between criminal justice and social justice.


JROTC Year 1 (full year; 5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: None

This is a full year introductory course designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, service learning, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. Wearing of a military uniform, once a week, is a requirement of this course.

JROTC Year 2 (full year; 5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: JROTC Year 1

This is a full year course. The main purpose of this course is to understand the importance of physical readiness, endurance, and physical training (cardiovascular and muscular development). Wearing of a military uniform, once a week, is a requirement of this course. Successful completion of JROTC 1 is required for this course. The credits for this course will meet the Physical Education requirement.

JROTC Year 3 (full year; 5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: JROTC Year 2

This course is a practicum of oral communications, written communication in the Army format, leadership, physical fitness, first aid, health concepts and skills, military history and American citizenship and development of presentation techniques for small group instruction. Wearing of a military uniform, once a week, is a requirement of this course. Successful completion of JROTC 2 is required for this course.

JROTC Year 4 (full year; 5 credits)Grade Level: 10-12

Level: College Prep

Prerequisite: JROTC Year 3

The main principle of this course is to fine-tune advanced techniques of communication to include classroom presentations, leadership, and physical training techniques with emphasis on physical readiness and fitness, first aid, military history and American citizenship. Wearing of a military uniform, once a week, is a requirement of this course. Successful completion of JROTC 3 is required for this course.

College and Career-Readiness Electives - Lawrence High School (2024)


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